The Comfortable Lifestyle Business Or The Big Payout?

Contemplating the Lifestyle Business In Hawaii - The Comfortable Lifestyle Business Or The Big Payout?

Back in late 2010, I had a dilemma. I was wondering whether to have a comfortable lifestyle business or the big payout with venture capital financing. I'm pleased to say that 14 years later, I'm still happily running Financial Samurai as a comfortable lifestyle business.

Sure, I'm not crazy rich. But I feel rich. We bought a forever home in San Francisco with cash, are both stay-at-home parents to two young children, and we have the freedom to do what we want.

My small lifestyle business generates enough cash flow to provide for a family of four in expensive San Francisco. We also send our children to Mandarin immersion private school.

One Night At The Poker Table

Over poker one night, we got to talking about what we always talk about: entrepreneurship.  

Out of a table of 10, four work at start-ups, three are at Google, one is a high-tech lawyer, one works as a medical correspondent for CNN, and then there's me, a hybrid. I had just got done working on for three hours after working an 11 hour day. Needless to say, I was a little bit tired.

I love going to Friday night poker mainly because I get to bounce ideas off of really smart and incredibly hard working people. 

When I hear stories of one start-up player working from 7am to 3am every night for two weeks straight to launch a product offering, I get pumped. When the Venture Capitalist player recounts his firm rejecting a pitch by Tim Westergren, Pandora's founder in 2008, I wince, but daydream in amazement.

The Comfortable Lifestyle Business Or The Big Payout

Down about $185 for the evening, I started lamenting what the money will cost in side hustling. A couple hours of work at least, I thought. How depressing, thanks to my opponent's King on the river against my pocket Queens! 

I quickly shifted to more pleasant thoughts about the future of start-ups. Then I posed this question in between hands to my fellow sharks:

Would you rather make $15-000-$30,000 a month and “work” only 2-4 hours a day?  Or, would you rather make minimum wage working 12-18 hours a day for two years with a 25% chance of selling your business for $100 million dollars and netting yourself a cool $25 million?  If you don't, all you are left with are your experiences.

I purposefully left the question open-ended to see what the various responses would be. Already, one was doing math equations of what the capitalized value of $15,000-$30,000 a month would be based on an expected life expectancy compared to the expected value of the big payout. 

After all, we calculate expected value all the time in poker. Instead, I encouraged my fellow players to stop calculating and go with their gut.

What Did They Choose?

Surprisingly, or perhaps not to be unexpected, every single one of them chose option 2: the big potential payout. 

A couple of the entrepreneurs have a $100 million dollar buyout goal in mind, which I find somewhat delusional, but maybe not with Zynga, Youtube, and a host of other companies getting valued in the billions!

As the night wore on, I finally heard someone take the other side after losing $690 in a $2,600 4-way pot when his straight got flushed out.

“Well, $30,000 a month for working only a couple hours a day isn't so bad.  I think I'll go with that.”

Being An Entrepreneur Is Hard But Rewarding

A day job is much easier than being an entrepreneur. But the pride you feel about creating something from nothing is incredible. I highly recommend taking a leap of faith with some proper planning.

Even if you take a leap of faith and your business doesn't work, you can always go back to getting a regular job. If you return to your previous job within three years, you'll likely be able to earn a similar salary.

As you get older, you will regret more of the things you don't try than the things you do try. That feeling of regret will eat you up inside if you don't go for what excites you. The fear in your head is almost greater than reality.

Here is a great conversation I had with Roger Lee, founder of Human Interest, a SMB 401(k) provider valued at $1 billion. Roger clearly went the big business route and became a great success.

Invest In Leading Entrepreneurs Through An Open Venture Fund

If you want to invest in entrepreneurs, check out the Fundrise Innovation Fund. The fund invests in private growth companies in AI, property tech, data infrastructure, and fintech.

What's great about the fund is that the investment minimum is only $10 and you get to see the portfolio composition before making an investment! In 20 years I don't want my kids asking me why I didn't invest in AI today.

You can also listen to my hour-long conversation with Ben Miller, CEO of Fundrise, about venture capital and why he's so bullish on artificial intelligence and more.

Start Your Own Comfortable Lifestyle Business Today

If you feel you're not getting paid what you're worth and want to boost your income, start your own business online on the side! It used to cost a fortune and a lot of employees to start your business.

Now you can start it for next to nothing with a hosting company like Bluehost for under $4/month. They'll give you a free domain for a year to boot. You can learn how to set up your site with my step-by-step tutorial.

Brand yourself online, connect with like-minded people, find new consulting gigs, and potentially make a good amount of income online one day by selling your product or recommending other great products.

The easiest way to make money from home is with a blog. Not a day goes by where I'm not thankful for starting Financial Samurai in 2009.

Blogging For A Living Income Example: $300,000+
CLICK the graph to learn how to start your own site in under 15 minutes today.

Lifestyle Business Updates

Update 2016: I penned a new post called, Blogging For A Living: How Much Can You Really Make? This is a 3,000 word post that goes into detail on who is suitable to build an online business, and how much you can actually make after so many years. I've included four detailed charts from bloggers with different traffic levels and experience years. You will be surprised at how much one can make online if one sticks to things long enough. This post is a culmination of seven years working online!

Update 2024 and beyond: I'm now on my 15th year blogging on Financial Samurai and couldn't be more pleased with the decision. FS attracts over 1 million visitors a month and generates a very healthy revenue stream. I feel like I have the best of both worlds.

But most of all, I still enjoying what I'm doing! I get to spend time raising my two kids under three and do what I love. In addition, Financial Samurai gave me the opportunity to land a book deal, something I've had on my bucket list since 2011. Buy This, Not That ended up becoming an instant Wall Street Journal bestseller.

That said, the global pandemic has also worn me out. I'm back to retire mode again. It's nice to relax more and spend more time with family. Even a lifestyle business entrepreneur needs a break.

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9 years ago

first off when you say make 180k-360k a year is that total annual revenue for the business, or net income? Also, if it is net income, is that actually what you pay yourself or is that just the net income for the business, im assuming if it is just a one man operation the profit will all go to you. Also if it is indeed the profit your talking about, im assuming its before taxes?

why dont you say that its gunna most likely take years of work and long days to build this lifestyle business until u get to maybe the point where u can work 4 hours a day because of all the years of work u put in, in the past. There is no such thing as passive income, yes you can eventually have passive income, but thats only after putting tons of hours trying to build a client base which obviously is totally non passive, thats completely hands on. Im sorry its just you make like its so easy to build a lifestyle business and just make 200k a year for yourself. its hard to build and business and make any money at all, obviously as u know most of em fail, to me its already gunna be hard to just build any business, small, medium or big and since im really only interested in making an absolute minimum of 5-10 mil in a lump sum after tax, i want to go for the homerun, id rather fail then settle for less, and building a lifestyle business for me personally is settling for less, not just settling for less money, but settling for less mentally, not dreaming big, not doing everything i can to get ahead and outwork the competition and take the road less traveled.

this was not meant to hate on you, if you think im wrong on anything please respond i would appreciate ur opinion, this was not meant to talk down upon lifestyle business, its great alternative for many but not for me personally, it was just a critique thats its just not as easy as you put it and also please give your comments on anything you would like feel free to be brutally honest no hard feelings thank you.


[…] years (plus another two years at a previous firm in the same position in NYC). I penned the post, The Comfortable Lifestyle Business Or The Big Payout?, as a way to gut-check my feelings about taking work down a notch with the community. I asked […]

Curt Worrell
Curt Worrell
10 years ago

It’s all about lifestyle for me, Sam! I would definitely choose option #1, but not for the security of knowing that the money would be there as opposed to hitting the jackpot later on, but for the lifestyle aspect. I’d much rather work only a few hours and enjoy this life, my family and friends than work my butt off and miss out on life, just for additional money.
Great post by the way.

Briana Ford
Briana Ford
14 years ago

I would choose the first option. I would love to spend time with my family and enjoy that money as opposed to slaving for a POSSIBILITY of hitting it big.

The Passive Income Earner

Option 1 for me as well. I went in early in a startup once 10 years ago but not early enough to cash in big. I than said no to 3 startups since then (none of them have cashed in yet). The economics have a very thin line of working out and require constant soul pouring into the business. It also take on average 4 years to build up the business and than you are on the hook for 3 or 4 years to really cash in.

I have to admit that I am always thinking of a business plan to start my own in the background. If someone comes along and it clicks … I may take the leap of faith :) So far, the offers I get for startup are from very good pitches and you have to look through that to see what’s really behind and how much it’s really worth.

Khaleef @ KNS Financial
Khaleef @ KNS Financial
14 years ago

I definitely would take the $3,000/hour job! There are so man other things that I can do with the other 20-22 hours each day.

Sunil from The Extra Money Blog
Sunil from The Extra Money Blog
14 years ago

without even reading the comments i guessed most readers of this blog would opt for #1, as would i. such is the group that gravitates to blogging type activities (and the internet).

CNN published a recent study where the BE number to happiness was not 200k, it was actually 75k believe it or not. this number varies for every individual IMO.

for me, using money to live the life i want is the name of the game. there is no value i can place to my time spent on activities i enjoy with the people that are near and dear to me the most. building several streams of passive income over the years has helped me live the life i want, and i wouldn’t trade it for anything…

101 Centavos
14 years ago

Option 1 without even thinking about it, even at the lower range ($15k/month, 4 hrs/day). I could use the rest of the time towards other productive ends.

Len Penzo
Len Penzo
14 years ago

I would definitely go with option 1. $250k – $360k per year or $100 million over my lifetime, both will give me everything I need in life, Sam.

All the best,

Len Penzo dot Com

Mike Hunt
Mike Hunt
14 years ago

I find it interesting that you mentioned the range to be $15-30K a month working for 2-4 hours. Most responders took the high end of both ranges (working 2 hours and making $30k a month). Says something about people selectively hearing what they would like…

With regard to option 2, what is the certainty that the start up will better humanity? There are plenty of businesses that make big bucks (high frequency trading bots) that don’t necessarily do much to help people. I would consider putting Farmville into that category as well.


Mike Hunt
Mike Hunt
14 years ago

One more thing…

In the big hand you mentioned there were four players. The flush took it down, the straight was in second… what were the other two players holding as they went into showdown? My guess would be pocket aces and someone else made a set with a pocket pair…?


14 years ago

My first inclination was to go for the “security” of Option 1. It seemed comfortable, easy, and a nice way to make a living while having time for so many other family-related things I would want to do.

Then, my brain took over. Looking at a 25% chance of $25 million profit with the other 75% chance being I would have toilled at minimum wage for 2 years – that’s a pretty good expected value.

I just might take Option 2, with that much on the line. Work like heck for 2 years, and if it fails, you capture all the learnings you can from the experience. If it succeeds, it’s a game changer for your life and your family’s security, and some real aspirational lifestyle dreams.

All hypothetical, and I would have to have the guts to pull the trigger on doing it, but I like the EV and upside of Option 2.

14 years ago

I would’ve picked option #1 because that’s most likely the happiest choice, but only if it’s 100% guaranteed, which in reality is impossible.

However, when you are making $10,000, you will want $15,000 and when you hit $20,000, you will want $30,000. When you get there, then either out of fear of losing $30,000 in the long run or the greed of more, you work more hours. Pretty soon, you are working towards a $100 million goal anyway.

So really, option one has money in the meantime while you work towards the 25% $100 million goal, while option number two means bleeding money all the way and have the same chances. Which one would you pick then?

But btw Sam, in reality, do the owners typically still have 25% of the company by the time they sell it for $100+ million? I’d think that unless it’s those instant successes like admob, if the start up is not making money (as most big ideas seem to be for a while), it’s hard to not sell shares to investors continuously to keep the thing afloat for the years that it’s propping up the economy.

14 years ago

Thanks for the insight on the start ups. I always wonder about this when I heard of those $200 million paydays! :)

You say you are happy with $15k – 30k a month, but you opted for #2. It sounds like that when you are actually only working 2 hours a day, you’ll want more, because by then, you already have option #1 and it would tilt your desires towards option #2 even more.

When your online ventures hit its stride, don’t say I didn’t tell you so :) We can talk more about this then!

14 years ago

Man, that’s a tough one. I lean towards option 1 just because it leaves so much free time to work on other projects, possibly start other entrepreneurial ventures, and volunteering my time for causes I find worthwhile. Who says you can’t do both! earn 30k/month on the one venture and then work the other hours on your possible jackpot job!

Roshawn @ Watson Inc
Roshawn @ Watson Inc
14 years ago

Option Number 1 but would reconsider after 10 years.

14 years ago

Option 1 anytime over option 2. Simply because you have “something to do” with all that free time everyday and it really takes up a small portion of your day.

Money Reasons
Money Reasons
14 years ago

With a family to support, I’d have to go with option 1.

But if I were 18 or 21 again (or younger), I’d go with option 2. In fact, once my son is that age, I would recommend him going that route too if the opportunity were available to him…

Sounds like a great game of poker, I haven’t played in years now! :(

Car Negotiation Coach
14 years ago

Sam, I’m for a combo of both. Bust your but out of college and then hopefully get to a point where you can make a decent chunk of change working a moderate amount (but not killing yourself) WHILE shooting for the big 100 mil payout. I totally think this is achievable with the right combintation of hustles and side-hustles…but only if you do what you love.

14 years ago

Gut – the first! Sweet hours and awesome money.

FB @
FB @
14 years ago

I already do the former, so I’ll stick with that thanks!

I am not into big payouts, and I don’t mind working for a steady income knowing I can save so much more on the type of lifestyle I live.

I don’t exactly work only 2-4 hours a day, but if you average out the hours into a year, that sounds about right, although the money average per month goes down.

This year I worked about 9 months, making $20k/month, working 6 hours a day.

I got 3 months off to chill out.

Investor Junkie
Investor Junkie
14 years ago

I shoot for $30k I’m not looking at $15k :-) Still for 2-4 hours daily that’s not bad.

That’s at minimum $125/hour.

That’s much higher than the approx $20/hour the average person white collar
worker makes (I always use that
number as a method to determine if a project is worth taking on)