A you considered average in the workplace? Well, there's an upside of being average at work you may not have considered.
Work reviews are a part of work life. Reviews are a great opportunity to highlight your wins and listen to constructive feedback so you can ultimately do better and earn more money.
Unfortunately, we sometimes don't like what we hear. Despite working so hard on a particular project, your boss might not even care. Despite highlighting a strength of yours, your boss highlights an even bigger strength of his to belittle you.
Not getting paid or promoted is a very discouraging fact of work life. Not all of us can be special. Not all of us can keep climbing the mountain of glory.
It's disappointing to be average, as I strongly believe most of us have an inherent desire to be the best at what we do. A normal bell curve will say that 60-70% of us are in the middle of the pack. Therefore, most of us are probably average, or will encounter mediocrity at some point in our work careers.
The following article looks at the bright side of being average and how to carry on.
The Upside Of Being Average At Work
There's less pressure to perform.
If you are deemed average by your manager, then you no longer have the stress to always be in the top percentile of performers. The 80/20 rule states that 20% of anything pays for 80% of everything.
To achieve 100% perfection would require much more intense effort for less return. As a result, people get frustrated and burn out. As an average employee, you no longer have to be the best, and are therefore maximizing your work efficiency and minimizing the level of stress.
You have the ability to surprise on the upside.
As an average employee, nobody really expects you to make waves and come up with great ideas and profitable solutions. Therefore, if you just occasionally step up and offer something great, everybody will take notice.
In fact, whatever great thing you do present, it will seem even more spectular from you, then from a consistently high performer. From the body that no longer reacts to the same exercise routine, to the wife who no longer finds her husband attractive, we get used to things very quickly and need to mix things up.
Your relationship with your family and friends improve.
Since you are average, you can be like everybody else and leave at 5pm, or whenever everybody else leaves. You don't have to bust your butt working 12 hours a day until 8pm to try and please anybody. The term, “going the extra mile” becomes foreign to you.
You get to go home to your wife and have dinner with her at a reasonable time. You get to go home and play with your kids before they go to bed. Your friends start seeing you again.
You no longer get upset when others get paid and promoted before you.
Because you've taken down your performance a notch and are now less stressed and happier, you no longer have as many setups for disappointment.
When you compete against high-performers, not all high performers will be rewarded which creates a tremendous amount of distaste if you are one of the failures. As an average performer, you no longer expect to get paid or promoted anymore, therefore expectations are aligned and you don't really care.
You are able to focus on what you really like to do.
You can't love your job all the time. With added time, you're able to focus on your hobbies that truly make you happy. Some people love playing sports. Others may love to read and write. Meanwhile, many more enjoy traveling.
Without the constant stress to perform, you suddenly feel free. Just focusing on getting paid is very soul-sucking. By getting underpaid, you no longer have to take your work seriously, and start appreciating everything else that's good.
You no longer feel guilty working 40 hours a week.
Given you are paid just like everyone else, you no longer feel guilty not working as hard as you can. You stop feeling guilty about taking all your vacation days either.
One hour lunches are the norm, and if you have to schedule your doctor or dental appointments during the day, so be it. Even sick days on a Friday or Monday become legitimate so you can take a nice long weekend.
Nobody will gun for you.
As an average performer, you will never be the target of hostility, hatred, or jealousy. You don't have to fear anybody stealing your thunder and taking your ideas because nobody cares. You'll hardly ever be under a magnifying glass.
You no longer get upset at big government taxing you to death!
This could be one of the best benefits of being average. You don't make a lot of money, therefore the government can't get their inefficient, grubby paws on your soft-earned money.
You no longer will be frustrated with the government's desire to redistribute wealth to half the population who pays no income taxes. You might start becoming a beneficiary of big brother instead! Yeah, baby! In fact, you will feel quite alright retiring under a Joe Biden presidency. That's what I plan to do.
Less optionality, less stress.
Another upside to being average at work is you will have less options. too many options is stressful. Having only one option is often the least stressful way to go.
A Key Work Strategy To Be Remember
Don't take being average too far. Make sure that you truly are average, so you aren't laid off if you don't want to be laid off. Companies RIF their bottom 10% performers frequently, but not their middle 50% performers.
So long as you take being average seriously, you'll be fine. It's all about aligning your expectations with your work habits with your pay. Once you have everything aligned, you'll be as happy as Captain Meatball looking for a donut!
I hope you're reading this post at work and leaving early today! Enjoy the upside of being average at work!
Related: The Secret To Your Success: 10 Years Of Unwavering Commitment
Recommendation For A Better Life
Negotiate A Severance Package. If you are average at work you are in the sweet spot for negotiating a severance package! Never quit your job, get laid off instead if you want to move on. Negotiating a severance package provided me with six years worth of living expenses to help me focus on my online media business.
Check out my book How To Engineer Your Layoff: Make A Small Fortune By Saying Good-bye. The book provides solid strategies for how you too, can escape a job you hate with money in your pocket.
Start your own business. If you feel you're not getting paid what you're worth, start your own business online on the side! It used to cost a fortune and a lot of employees to start your business. Now you can start it for next to nothing with a hosting company like Bluehost for under $4/month and they'll give you a free domain for a year to boot.
Brand yourself online, connect with like-minded people, find new consulting gigs, and potentially make a good amount of income online one day by selling your product or recommending other great products.
Not a day goes by where I'm not thankful for starting Financial Samurai in 2009. Here's my step-by-step guide on how to start your own site.
If you are average at whatever you are doing maybe you are doing the wrong thing and maybe its just the people who are around you that are negatively trying to bring you down including your manager and/or co-workers. I worked a large project and I felt it was the #1 project above at least 100’s of others. I still believe it today; my manager was upset but couldn’t offer any constructive feedback just negative attitude. I think it was that she was intimidated and her values don’t match mine; what she thinks is good and what I think is good is two separate things. I believe I am an advocate for my believe in what is valuable. That tells me I am in the wrong place working with and for the wrong people. I need to find others that are closer aligned with my values. Time to move on. Everyone is average and yet everyone is great at something. Find that something and don’t stop believing in yourself and your passion.
be the best you can be, but, don’t focus on the future. if you make $12 /hr right now, maybe set a goal for $15 /hr in 2 years. i make $14 /hrly w/ OT and full benefits package, believe me sometimes I wish I was making $17-25 /hr but since I am only 20 years old and new to this industry I guess I have nothing left to lose.
I think a lot of people want to look rich, to look well off. I hear a lot of these “well off” looking people are in debt. What’s a better feeling, driving a used honda civic or used car and debt free – able to go to sleep at night soundly OR drowning in debt cause you decided to buy a new camaro or mustang on a 35k salary.
You considered 10% at bottom and 50% at middle. So 40% is at the top! Do you really think that? I don’t think at my place and the two others before this considered any one but 10% as top performers.
All the points are about searching solace of being second best, excuses of failed ones. Sorry can’t agree. :)
Average workers are the backbone of every company, a team of superstars implodes more often than it lights up.
This is a great list Sam. People often don’t think of the upsides of work life balance and calm at work, they just think of driving to the next promotion or raise. I never looked at it this way, but you make a good point.
Every team needs a “plodder” or two. Someone who is there, rain or shine, dependable and predictable. Outsize job demands or special projects will stress them out and= send them into “tilt” mode, but that’s OK, because as long as they get the everyday grunt work done, everybody’s happy. Superstars, on the other hand, are highly strung and high-maintenance. Too many of them, and the team won’t perform.
I read somewhere a long time ago that that some of the most successful businesses are started by people who received an 1100 on their SATs. The premise was that they found one thing they were really good at. They worked at it and it paid off.
Perhaps these folks would be considered average in a traditional company, but they are superstars in their own businesses.
Encouraging! But, could you explain how getting an 1,100 on your SAT translates to finding one thing someone is really good at?
Are you just saying these successful folks were average test takers, so don’t count out average since it doesn’t mean they are average in everything and other things?
Being average doesn’t always have to be bad thing. Just be sure to take advantage of any opportunity to show your stuff every now and then. You wouldn’t want to fade into the background.
My thoughts:
1) If you are not happy at your job you might want to consider that you have a problem and that you might want to fix it doing the necessary to work in something that you like.
2) When you take your kid to your surgeon, you expect a professional person well prepared and confident, not an average one, so not sure if the philosophy of being average fits well for all careers and situations.
3) You could just try to find other company with different philosophy, policies or start your own, in that way to work harder is rewarded.
4) In economic crisis, average does not make it.
Conclusion: Depends if you value more your free time or your career. If you are an artist, journalist or software engineer and you love it, you will not feel miserable working extra hours, learning more about it, etc, however, if you just work for a salary to survive and you prefer to enjoy free time, I guess is fine, the only problem is that in hard economic times, I am not sure if being 50% good employee will be enough for you to maintain yourself in a company, not even having your own company.
But by definition, most employees average. There is no way around the bell curve. To strive for something beyond, when you are average doesn’t fly.
Good points though. Good thing the good times are back again!
Good post. Not everybody can be a top performer, by definition. Some people will simply be average, or maybe not even average.
The thing is, daily life at work seems to be better as a top performer. People look at you a bit differently, want to network with you more, etc. I’ve been perceived as average and as a top performer at different times and in different situations, and it’s more fun to be a top performer.
I say strive to be the best you can, but remember that life requires balance. If we can’t be a top performer, either figure out how to be one, or simply be content with being average. Either way, handling things realistically and being at peace with where you are is a good thing.
Sam, it’s these great posts that change my mindset. Just yesterday I was telling my wife that I would be okay if I was laid off. haha. I have many colleagues that settle for average. The problem that I have seen is that with accepting average behavior and/or productivity, it often moves towards less-than-average and people hate working with you (or at least I do)
That’s true. If you don’t take being average seriously, then your colleagues will start to resent you. Stay average, don’t go below average!!
There is definitely no shame in being average. However, I do not think it is something to aim for or take pride in.
Hey Sam! I think when you are average at work, you’re probably not doing the right thing. You’re playing it small, and you have to push it instead of being pulled by a dream, a vision, etc.
Deep down I am an average type of person and it’s all I want to be. However, in my current job situation, if you are just average, you are the slacker (such as if I were to leave at the regular working hour 4pm every day. Regular hours are 8-4.). On a good day I am out of the office by 5. Sometimes I am there until 6, 7 and even 8 a few times. I get a salary but no over time. I have to consciously remind myself to maintain work life balance. My boss is driving me insane right now (he is apparently the most hated boss in the work place’s history) . I am overworked and overloaded and he doesn’t even see it (sorry just need a second to vent). I need to get a new job.
Or….. don’t get a new job and leave at 4:30pm and last for a long time because you’ll be happier?
Try it before getting a new job!
Intend to :). I need to put some serious thought in this ‘new job’. I am thinking about a career change verses just a new job. I also requested a lateral transfer this summer. If it gets approved, I am hoping that I will be happier.
I’d love to be the average CEO that only makes $5 million a year with no pressure! I’m a simple guy!
The happiest people I run into in my line of work (teaching) are the ones that don’t tax themselves too much, have lots of hobbies outside of work, take nothing personally, and always put themselves first (the average). This was discouraging for me. The teachers that try to be elite are generally frustrated by all the bureaucracy and general ignorance of many parents. This presents an awkward choice for me. So far, I try to do my best, and pick certain things to focus on in order to give me job satisfaction.
Taking nothing personally is something I should continue to work on. When I feel wronged, it’s hard not to hold onto that frustration and remember it for a loooooong time. Must be one with the heavens.
If being average means failing to get promoted and/or receive merit based pay increases and being forced to work until you are 60 (+/- a few years and subject to being able to get/keep a job at that age) and then being dependant on SS and/or an underfunded pension to see me through my old age, I will pass. I’m happy to put in the extra effort so that I can quit the rat race earlier (mid 40s) and achieve better financial security along the way.
Making a conscious choice to be average (in career anyway) is (i) an excuse to be lazy which is likely to become a bad habit that will spill over into other areas of your life and (ii) only legitimately valuable if you do in fact put the energy that would have gone into your job to good use in other areas of your life.
Good on you for passing up that promotion. I’ve done the same in the past because I knew the promotion would entail sucking up another 15-20 hours of my life. Sorry company, but I have a life outside work and my main goal is NOT to help you line the pockets of the executives. The downside is that if you ever change your mind and want to pursue a promotion you are seriously out of luck because by turning down the first one you’ve blacklisted yourself.
Mediocrity and meritocracy both have their own Achilles hill — one takes you to oblivion and the other stress you to death. :)
Seems like oblivion is the better choice? At least you will still be alive!
Haha! that’s funny but true!
I don’t like to be average, because frankly I think the average person is kind of a moron. When I was in college, I would study hard for tests, but I would never kill myself doing homework or studying for a test. I had too much other fun stuff to worry about: sports, gf, etc.
I believe firmly in the law of diminishing returns. Once you get to a certain point, the amount of effort you have to exert to go a little further is extremely disproprtional to the gain you would receive. This applies to almost all aspects of life..
Not sure I get your analogy….. did you end up getting good grades or no?
Diminishing returns indeed.
I am reading this at work during my conference period. When I had people working for me, I was thrilled to have people of various abilities (average to extraordinary) because a team is diverse. I had people I could count on, but they were not promotable. When you are the boss, you do not want everyone to be promotable.
Remember the Lakers a number of years ago with all the super stars? They had all the talent and couldn’t win the big one. You have to play as a team. The business world is no different! You want a mix of people who work well together. In some ways, the right bunch of average people could beat the super stars.
BTW, I was told I was average when I was in (prep) high school. Being average in an above average environment is not bad! I was able to do a lot with myself since that time.
EXCELLENT job reading the post while at work Larry! I won’t tell anybody!
Very good perspective on being the boss and needing people from all types. So long as you treat average people with AVERAGE expectations, it’s all good. The problem lies when you ask average people to do great things and pay them like average people. Then shit hits the fan!
Word up, average brother! Love your last line.
I like being good enough at my job that other people use me for help or to train, but average enough not to have to take (too much) work home with me. Good-average. That’s where I like being.
Would it be weird to say there is always a hidden message in all of Financial Samurai’s articles? I think you never mean exactly what you are saying and at the same time are secretly telling us the message in what you don’t say. It’s an interesting approach. I think it all goes back to the Samurai code, you are following the eight virtues of the Bushido code but it’s obvious you want to say so much more, but mercy, politeness and self-control hold you back! Tell us what you’re really thinking! I’ve become a loyal reader mostly because I am interested in the next move of this chess game of yours!
Hmmmm, maybe! But, isn’t the title of this article pretty straight forward? Helping people feel better about their average selves, and not to stress too much?
I like being a top performer better. The day goes by quicker and people were nicer to me. People are much nicer to me when they want something from me.
I’ve been an average performer for a few years now and it’s ok. Being in the meaty part of the curve is a lot easier and it gives me time to work on my side ventures.
Is the reason why you’re no longer a top performer is b/c you are burnt out?