The Financial Samurai Podcast Episode 1: Genesis

Financial Samurai Podcast

Dear Readers,

Welcome to The Financial Samurai Podcast! It is the best personal finance podcast today.

I decided to start a podcast to try and connect with readers in a new way. I've been writing online since 2009 and I feel very comfortable whipping out any sort of writing fairly easily.

I thought it would be fun to mix things up and good practice since I hardly ever speak in a public setting. Things will probably be a little rough at first, but I'm sure the podcasts will get better through practice over time.

The initial goals of the Financial Samurai podcast are to:

1) Provide a new medium of communication for those who prefer listening, rather than reading.

2) Provide a new way to convey ideas that aren't as easily captured in my writing.

3) Improve as a speaker.

4) Be a friendly voice when you're feeling confused, lost or down.

5) To go on a new adventure. It feels great to do new things.

Podcast EPISODE 1 Outline

The first episode is 36 minutes long and will include the following notes below.

1) The Financial Samurai value proposition e.g. why bother listening and reading. 

* Readership. There are over 500,000 visitors a month who visit Financial Samurai from all over the world.

* Experience. I worked in the financial services industry for 13 years and have an MBA.

* Focus on building wealth not just saving money.

* Joy of writing. By the time I started my site at age 32 I had already built a reasonable net worth by 30. I write because I love to write and connect with others. Making money online is tertiary. I will give you my unabashed opinion of why I think the way I do.

2) A brief background on my career and why I started Financial Samurai. 

* I grew up in developing countries like Philippines, Malaysia, Taiwan and Zambia in the 70s and 80s. I also lived in Osaka, Kobe as well and went to China and India for school and business since 1997. I really got to witness the dichotomy between the rich and poor. My parents were middle class foreign service officers who were always frugal.

* Wall St. was an ass-kicking. I got in at 5:30am and worked until at least 7:30pm every evening. I gained weight, got sick, and was stressed out. No weekends off. Life was terrible, but it was a great boot camp that prepared me for the future.

* I knew after the first year I couldn't last for the long term, so I started saving like crazy.

* Moving to SF allowed me to survive for much longer than I had expected… 10 years longer in fact.

* Financial armageddon really beat me down. Financial Samurai was born from pain. I lost 35%-40% of my net worth in 6 months that took 10 years to accumulate.

* You the readers, and now listeners are my biggest motivation.

3) A discussion on the transition from working a day job to doing something new and more risky. 

  • There was a moment in Santorini, Greece that made me realize there was potentially life after Wall St.
  • I had to figure out how to negotiate a severance package and amicably walk away.
  •  Never quit, get laid… get laid off. If you quit.. you don't get severance, a reference, unemployment, Cobra and job assistance training.

Subscribe To Financial Samurai On Apple

I've created a Financial Samurai Apple channel to subscribe to. This way, if you prefer listening, you can always get the latest audio version delivered directly to your iPhone. As of now, the channel can only carry the latest five podcasts.

Further, I've created a Financial Samurai Podcast Page that has every single podcast I've published, including the links to the respective posts. Bookmark it or search for it in my search box. I'll be updating this page once a week.

For more nuanced personal finance content, join 60,000+ others and sign up for the free Financial Samurai newsletter and posts via e-mail. Financial Samurai is one of the largest independently-owned personal finance sites that started in 2009. 

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Ms. Frugal Asian Finance

I didn’t know you also had a podcast. I was so excited to see it. I can’t find the episodes though. Are they still available?

Kimberly George
Kimberly George
10 years ago

This rocks! New to your blog…LOVIN it. Can’t wait to hear more from you.

Kimberly George
Kimberly George
10 years ago

Hello there Sam. I discovered your blog via Google on the post that you created about the importance of maximizing your 401k contributions.

I have been putting 11% of my earnings into my 401k, but after reading your post, I think I am going to start maxing it out. Anywho, please keep up the great work.

P.S. Wishing I had found your site sooner…

Ray @ Squirrelers
10 years ago

Great job on the podcast. This is an “exceeds expectations” podcast for a 1st one, and my expectations would be high in the first place for FS :)

Your voice lends itself to podcasting, which is fortunate. Beyond that though, delivery and pitch were excellent. You shared good stories and transitioned smoothly from topic to topic. Looking forward to your next one.

10 years ago

Great podcast. I never listen to these things, but was curious about yours. You hit it out of the park. Great content and great voice!

Your voice certainly lends itself to something like this. I agree with you on trying to develop an NPR-style as they are the creme de la creme of radio personalities.

Anton Ivanov
Anton Ivanov
10 years ago

Congrats on starting your podcast Sam! Looking forward to listening in :)

10 years ago

I think I just found another podcast to listen to on my way to school.

Great work Sam.


10 years ago


I don’t listen to many podcasts, but I thought this was fantastic. Was awesome to hear your voice – it really adds another dimension to your ‘online’ personality, and feels like I know you much better now (and similar to a couple of other readers, I was suprised by your voice! It’s perfect for podcasting and I really enjoyed listening, but for some reason I think I imagined it being less deep, and a little more fast-paced and enthusiastic? It’s a bit like when I speak with people on the phone and picture what they look like – whenever I meet them in person I’m always a million miles off what they actually look like!).

The stories were a great part of this too, especially when you sounded like you were starting to relax and tell them as if sitting in a bar with a buddy over a drink.

I personally thought the length was perfect, literally to the second – I pressed play after hopping on the train last night to head home from work, and I pulled my keys out to open my front door just as you were saying ‘thanks for listening!’. :)

Great stuff Sam, good to see you trying something new and different with your site! Best of luck with this!



10 years ago

Wow, you sound different than I imagined. Love the podcast. I listen to 3-4 pod casts a day when I run. I look forward to adding this to my queue. Only 1 a month? Content is one of the greatest assets of your site, Sam. Any chance to get to 1 a week? You have a lot to teach/contribute to society. I think this forum would give you a chance to dig deeper into some of your more involved topics.

10 years ago

The first few seconds I heard your voice, I thought you hired someone to introduce you. And you said not to worry so….It reminded me of the time I was at the Worlds fair and I went to the exhibit for Japan. There was a Japanese guy with a microphone so I keyed my attention on him. I was expecting a Japanese accent at the very least. Then he spoke. I was amused as his voice did not match his look…at all. He had the deepest, richest, polished ‘white’ voice I have ever heard. It was awesome. I always get a kick when my pre judged expectations are proven to be out of whack. You have a great voice for podcasts.

10 years ago

Can you please provide a transcript for your podcast since I am deaf. I do want to stay current with your postings.

10 years ago

Dude I am SO stoked that you finally have a podcast!!!

10 years ago

Good luck with the Podcast! Keep at it. I don’t think Podcast is the right platform for me, but I would like to improve as a speaker.

Mark S
Mark S
10 years ago

Loved the podcast, and it was interesting to finally hear your voice as you picture something different in your head when reading your articles. The only issue I had is that sometimes the microphone seemed a little scratchy, so maybe it’s worth investing in something a little better.

Looking forward to more podcasts in the future!

10 years ago

Great effort Sam!

You have the right speed, clear voice, although at times i find it was a bit slow for me – maybe because the way i want to process information : just want to hear some facts and you went a bit long for me about the hair cut :) I like the quote !

I really like the part you talked about staying in a job for 10 years and losing the confidence if you have the transferrable skills.

I think having a postcard is a very creative way for your blog. Personally i like to listen rather than read, feel more connected to the blogger i guess.

What i like to hear more is on asset allocation.

Pls keep up the good work!

Thank you Sam!


Robert Main
10 years ago

Really inspiring story and thoughts. I think is really an excellent start for a podcast!
– keep each episode below 30 minutes.
– Address 1 topic for episode (eventually add more life anedocts, more storytelling and a conclusion/wrap up at the end).
– Release 1-2 podcasts a week or, anyway, not less than 1 a week.

I wish you a big success!

Robert Main
10 years ago


I said 2 times a week because I’d like to listen more often :)

Apart of that, you want to rank in the top of your industry in iTunes. Once you are there you get a lot of exposure and new listeners from their platform.
As far as I know, iTunes algorithm deal with variables such as: plays (download), plays in the last 24 hours, ratings, subscribers, subscribers in the last 24 hours, reviews, reviews in the last 24 hours, consistency in the release.

Getting momentum is key to boost your new subscribers in the last 24 hours, your review in the last 24 hours and your ratings in the last 24 hours (these three are the things that, based on the information I have, matter the most for ranking).

Maybe you can start with 2 podcasts a week for the first weeks and then scale down to one a week later when you have good subscribers base.



Steve (NWOutlier)
Steve (NWOutlier)
10 years ago

Hi Sam!

Thanks for putting a voice to the site! Love it! stick with it! Relax, please don’t try to make it a professional production, enjoy it, put your personality into it like you do in your writing, we already love you and your content, just give us more of that.

Best Regards,

Lookin forward to more!


Steve (NWOutlier)
Steve (NWOutlier)
10 years ago

Hi Sam,

Glad you asked about length, I was going to give my 2cents, but felt people spoke of this in previous comments.

I like pod casts that are longer, 45-60… even 2h (ouch! that’s a lot of content!).

I listen to them on the way to work, during workouts, on the drive home and even on the weekends from like 7:30AM till 10ish when the family gets up. I find myself listening on my PC, then as good points are brought up, I tend to stand up, pace and think the points through but applying them to my situation.

Lastly, I like your forward thinking comment on “luck is when preperations meets opportunity” love that.. I’ll implement that in my day to day and let luck come to me. :)


10 years ago

Length. I listen to TONs of these things. 15-20 minutes is too short to get a decent idea fully developed. Going over an hour puts you in an area where there is a greater chance the listener does not finish the entire podcast in one sitting and then starts a new one during the next session. 40 minutes seems like a sweet spot for me. Of course this is all personal preference.

Ben E.
Ben E.
10 years ago

Great podcast, absolutely great. I listened to it on my way to and from work. It reminded me of NPR or something like that. You didn’t speak fast either. It made me really focus and mull over what you were saying. I like it and I hope you do more (at least more than once a month).

Finally, I like the longer format – 30-45 minute length. I think it gives more time to discuss issues in depth rather than a cursory subject. I’m sure a 20 minute podcast would be great, but I also think longer would be helpful too.

I also like the idea of guest interviews.

10 years ago

Congrats on starting your podcast! Very cool. I enjoyed listening to your stories and the speed was natural and easy to listen to. Looking forward to more great things to come.

Stefanie @ The Broke and Beautiful Life
Stefanie @ The Broke and Beautiful Life
10 years ago

Great work Sam. I love your stories and the lessons that came out of them. I also thought speed, pitch, and tone were right on. Looking forward to more!

10 years ago

Good stuff! I’ll be interested to see where you take it and who you have on.

10 years ago

Nice job Sam. I look forward to your next Podcast.

You have a great radio voice-good tone, annunciation and genuine. My only constructive negative feedback is the Podcast was a little slow. I recommend speeding up just a bit.


10 years ago

Great start, Sam! Sounded professional to me. Great tone and pacing too, I think you may be a natural at this. Seems like everyone and their brother is getting into podcasting now. Bubble market indications? Thanks for sharing a few stories. Looking forward to more technical topics like structured notes.

10 years ago

Hmmm that could be true, the more technical topics might not be as popular as story time with Sam.

10 years ago

Congrats on your first podcast. Next I imagine you’ll be adding some lead-in fusion music ending with the metallic sounds of two samurai swords sliding against each other (with the podcast ending the same way). :)

Romeo Jeremiah
Romeo Jeremiah
10 years ago

Check out I’m sure you can find a sword swoosh podcast intro for only $5. haha

10 years ago

you sound a lot different than I imagined.

Romeo Jeremiah
Romeo Jeremiah
10 years ago

I imagined that you’d sound like a samurai warrior!

10 years ago

I dont know, maybe a bit more “energetic”. From reading your blog I know you are a go-getter but your voice sounds a bit more subdued. Maybe that was a deliberate effort on your part, maybe not, but its all good. I’ll take it…advice that is… anyhow you decide to dish it out.

10 years ago

Hey Sam,

I’ve been reading your blog for the past 6 months and this is my first comment. I loved the podcast! Great new way to consume Financial Samurai, I’ll be tuning in!
