It’s Been 35 Days Since I Last Spent Any Money On Junk

Alrighty, thank goodness it's October! It's now been 35 days since I last spent any money on junk. After declaring September to be frugality month, I'm finally free to splurge on as much junk as I want! Was it painful for a recovering spendaholic to not buy anything other than food for a whole month? Damn straight it was!

Here are some things I learned along the way

1) By writing out a promise whether it is on a piece of paper stuck to your refrigerator, or on a world-famous website, your goals become REAL.  Writing out my goals really motivates me to stick to them. 

It's just like when you have your To Do List on a notepad. If there's one thing that's not crossed out, you do your darndest to execute. Focus on the mission soldier!

2) When your goal is to not spend money, you start revisiting things you already have and enjoy them again. I went through my 1950's baseball card collection that I had stashed away in the closet and had a fantastic time reading all the stats of great players such as: Mickey Mantle, Sandy Koufax rookie, Roberto Clemente, Yogie Berra, and Al Kaline. 

I picked up my dusty Martin acoustic guitar and learned how to play: “This Is The First Day of My Life,” by Bright Eyes, “Every Rose Has It's Thorn” by Poison, and “Blackbird” by Paul McCartney pretty well.  Finally, my old Klein mountain bike sure got plenty of good use as well.

3) Once I got in the habit of appreciating all that I have, I started not wanting to buy new stuff. My five year old G4 iBook is a great example of making due with less. In fact, I wanted to start selling stuff and getting rid of clutter. 

There's no sacrifice in my mind anymore about not buying new things out of desire.  The only things I need to buy now are things out of necessity, such as replacing my loafers given they have holes in them.

4) Time really goes by quickly. I still remember very clearly when I wrote my declaration, and now it's over. But, what remains is a nice chunk of change in my savings account because I didn't splurge on stuff I didn't need.

5) It's more fun doing things together! I joined a club of like-minded individuals who want to be millionaires eventually. I discovered a guy who works three jobs to make ends meet (Brian at My Next Buck). Brian then introduced me to another fella who was $101,000 into debt and decided to deliver pizza to pay it off  (follow Jeff on Twitter @DeliverAwayDebt. 

Jeff is freaking hilarious, and makes me want to go work at In N' Out Burger for kicks!).  I then was able to call into Blogtalk Radio and speak to Baker at Man vs. Debt and Jim at Bargaineering about their views on using cash and credit cards. It's FUN to speak to, and trade e-mails with random folks, all with the same purpose of becoming financially independent.

Patek 5396R Annual Calendar


Here's a list of stuff I contemplated buying in September, but held strong:

Apple Macbook Pro: $1,450 (Typing to you on a 5 year old iBook G4 13″ laptop hand-me-down with a 10 minute battery life and speed as fast as old pokey the donkey isn't the greatest.)

Patek Philippe Nautilus 5711 Watch: $23,000! (My jeweler said it's a collectors item and impossible to get.  Yes, impossible to get because it costs $23,000 bucks! WTF!)

Tod's Loafers: $400 (I have a hole in each shoe, but nobody knows because they are in the soles.  I just can't find any normal looking, super comfy loafers except for these.)

Babolat Aero Pro Drive Tennis Racquet: $180 (I accidentally smashed the racquet on the court while doing a “thunderous” overhead, and I need a backup racquet since playoffs start end of the month!  Despite a sore shoulder, and achy knees, I ended up 10-3 in my 8.5 & 9.5 combo league!  Club pro is seeing if he can hook me up with a replacement, and has given me a loaner in the meantime.)

Definitive Tech Sub-woofer: $1,000 (Started making an annoying non-stop squealing sound after 3 years of ownership.  Thank goodness Def Tech has a 5 year warranty and I'm waiting for it get repaired.  Need that thunderous base for a complete home theater movie experience!)

In a sense, maybe I actually saved $26,000, because a penny not spent is a penny saved right?  I'd love to get the opinion of readers.  It's interesting to note that I didn't write “laptop, watch, shoes, tennis racquet”, but instead detailed out exactly what I want.  I think if one can narrow down their exact desires, it then becomes easier to focus on getting the best deals.


So what now for October you ask? First of all, September held up quite well in the stock markets, which unfortunately gives me less confidence the markets will do well in October. 

Hence, I'm staying defensive and only putting extra money back in when we get at least a 5% pull back.  We're ripping again in the stock market, and I think it's wonderful for all of us.

With regards to my spending habits, I think I'll give it a go for another frugal October!  Although “Samurai October” doesn't have as nice a ring as Samurai September,” we're still far enough away from the holidays where marketers won't be in full blitz mode yet! 

I really need to get some new loafers, but after that it's just about savings.  Anybody know how to play “I'm Yours” by Jason Miraz?

When Was The Last Time You Spent Any Money On Junk?

Readers, if you have the money, but end up not spending it on stuff you've been desiring, does that count as savings in the bank? How are you doing with your financial goals? When was the last time you spent any money on junk? Did you regret it?

Can I add $23,000 to my “Freedom Fund” or does that not count?

Freedom Fund Update: Added $6,000 from salary and investments for October to now $80,000.

Related Posts:

“Controlling The Urge to Splurge”

“Mea Culpa – I Just Spent $1450 On A Macbook”

“Laptop Returned, Money Saved, Computer Optimized!”


Financial Samurai – “Slicing Through Money's Mysteries”

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Money Funk
Money Funk
14 years ago

I think you can only add the $23,000 if that is part of your normal spending habits each month {like I spend X amount on groceries, but this month I only spend X, which is less than I usually spend –> then that is savings}. You don’t spend $23,000 each month do you?
You might be able to find solice with Jacob. Even though Extreme Retirement Early, he believes in buying quality items that will last for years and has a great resale value.
You have a “jeweler” really? *envious* or *jealous* Can’t decide. ;)

Thomas Craig Consulting
Thomas Craig Consulting
14 years ago

You should have splurged on the watch, I’m sure it would have been great value for your money at only $23,000.
.-= Thomas Craig Consulting´s last blog ..10 Excellent Sites for Finding Free Fonts =-.

15 years ago

In the past one of my major errors has been that my checking and savings are one and the same – thus, it’s hard to see my savings as anything other than available money, and I’ve occasionally had to resort to literally stashing away cash to save up for stuff. So, hopefully, the second account will be a big help.

The Mongolian project will be launching at the end of January, but won’t be taking place until sometime in 2011. So, sadly, no photos until then, as I can’t have photos to show until I’ve actually gone! It’s going to be an interesting exercise at figuring out the wonderful world of fundraising and crowdsourcing.

15 years ago

Yeah, I saw that post. Once I start this second job, I’m going to be getting a second bank account that is just a savings account, that I can dump most of my money into. My boyfriend and I have a joint bank account already that we use for our mutual expenses (rent, food, etc), and my plan is to only have a couple hundred dollars in my checking account at any given time – the rest will either be in our joint account or in the savings account.

The Mongolian thing is going to launch at the end of January, and it’s going to be a very, very big project. But, it’s something I’m really passionate about and something I’m determined to see through to the end, so I’m optimistic that it will succeed. I’ll let you know about it when it launches, if you want.
.-= Kelsey´s last blog ..More Proof the TSA are Morons… =-.

15 years ago

I’ve found that the best way to not spend money is to not have any. ;)

I work a job that pays me just enough to pay my half of the rent/food/etc expenses that my boyfriend and I share. I have about $50 a month of discretionary money, and I find that I actually rarely spend it. Because I have so little to spend, it makes me think long and hard about each potential purchase, and just like that bottle of fine wine some folks never drink because they’re waiting for the right night to do so, I end up not spending the money at all because I can’t find anything “worthy” to spend it on.

Now, granted, I’m about to be starting a second job (as a waitress in the evenings – I’m currently a dog walker during the day), but all but about $200/mo of that money is going directly into a separate account that I will be using to fund a project I’m going to be doing next year in Mongolia. I’ll have the money, but not *really*, so I am assuming that my purchasing habits will likely remain largely the same.

Also – thanks for commenting on my blog the other day! I’m glad you enjoyed it.
.-= Kelsey´s last blog ..More Proof the TSA are Morons… =-.

Tyrone | Millionaire Acts
Tyrone | Millionaire Acts
15 years ago

I think that the best point you mentioned is to mingle with other like minded individuals. :)

15 years ago

Hey you budget and you deserve some fun in there somewhere. I think people believe that being frugal means you can’t have fun and once you start to save you are no longer allowed to spend.

I bought a Fossil watch because I really WANTED it. Yes I budget and use coupons…but when I wanted to splurge on the watch I went ahead and did it because the money was in my fun money account.Personal finance is about managing YOUR money…and while I would not spend $23K on a watch (at my current income) if I made more money and there was a Fossil watch that I wanted I would consider it if I had the budget. :-)

15 years ago

If you had bought the watch and planned to sell it, you could have added $2,000 to your Freedom Fund, not $23,000 because you would have only a 50-50% chance to sell it at a higher price than what you paid for ($23,000) and at a lower price than what it cost ($27,000) in the secondary market. My opinion is – you can’t add $23,000 to your FF because a $23,000 watch is not a necessity. But other things that you didn’t buy, you can add the total amount to your FF, also in my opinion.

Indeed, this is a great community! I was like many of your readers, wondering why I needed so many things, after having moved for the N’s time! I have since been frugal. I still get compliments once in a while when I wear my very very old clothes. I was able to give many household items and clothes that I don’t need to Goodwill. It feels good to live in a clean and less cluttered place. I get to use some of my retirement pension for good causes. Life becomes more meaningful when I spend more time pursuing my spiritul need!

Matt @ Self Improvement Resources
Matt @ Self Improvement Resources
15 years ago

This is a good post.

Point #3, is on point!

It’s all about mindset. Once you stop spending money on “stuff”, you stop wanting to spend it because you realize that you don’t NEED it. The rulers of the consumerism matrix want to make you feel like you NEED to have all of their things so they can drain you.

Once you get adjusted to being frugal, everything changes. And now when you wee other people spending their Hard Earned cash frivolously you start to think THEY are crazy.

15 years ago

And what a community this is! Well said, Brian.

15 years ago

It is more fun to do things together man! This community is awesome and one person can turn you on to 5 others in no time. I appreciate the mention, and its great to make more connections. BTW, the Personal Finance Hour is such an awesome show. Its great that the big guys (JD and Jim) are so accessible and approachable.

Look forward to following you more closely through October!

15 years ago

Well done!

I declared all of August one big ‘NSD’ or No Spend Day. I achieved it as well. 29 of September’s days were also NSDs. October is going the right way as well. I don’t need *stuff*. I am suffering from enoughism at the moment, and it’s GREAT. I spend less, which means earlier debt payoff. If I keep up my ‘illness’ into positive net worth, then my savings will grow quicker.

Congratulations on re-evaluating your connection to consumerism. :)

min dfin
min dfin
15 years ago

Why don’t you recite the promise every morning when you wake up instead of writing. It will help to implant it into our subconscious mind.

15 years ago

Heh, who wears watches anymore? Once I got a cellphone 10-years ago, I haven’t worn a watch since. Cellphones are much more accurate too.

Way to go on not spending in September, but are you going to negate that by spending double in October? Best bet is to create a written monthly budget, and just stick to it. It’s important to have a line-item for “blow money” to keep your sanity.

October has already gotten off to a bad start for me though: $950 in car repairs, and wife’s $750 in dental work…ugh — cashflow-wise this is not a big deal (emergency fund), but it delays other stuff when these big-ticket items show up.

15 years ago

Unless the $23,000 watch et al were meant as joking comment…most people probably could get items to do the same as you listed for about $2k total.

15 years ago

Great job making it so long with out spending. Samurai September does have a wonderful ring to it. Maybe I’ll make it Deliveraway December this year :)

I completely agree with detailing out your WANTS. The more detailed you are the better you can find the deals without settling for an item that is sub-par (wasting money).

One very strange thing I’ve noticed in my spending habits is the way I look at purchases now. I don’t just look for a deal and then buy what I need. I look at all my purchases in the form a deliveries. If I want buy a magazine that would equal one or two deliveries. If I want to take my wife out to dinner ($40) that would be 8 to 10 deliveries. Thinking like this has all but stop any impulse spending.

As long as you were really going to spend the money, I think you can count it. You are very wise for not buying that watch. Who the heck buys a $23,000 watch anyway? Ok maybe an NFL player, but I hear they go broke very quickly after retirement.

Best of luck in the “Hunt for the Samurai October”