Are Credit Cards Weapons Of Mass Financial Destruction?

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Are credit cards weapons of mass financial destruction? The answer depends on if your name is Saddam Hussein. Although proponents would say no proof was ever found! 

You hear so many stories of consumers up to their eyeballs in credit card debt, and I'm just wondering WHYCredit card debt is the most expensive debt out there, second only to usurious rates of loan sharks.

Perhaps the reason why is because credit cards are ubiquitous.  According to the US Census Bureau, there were 173 million credit cardholders in the US in 2006, using 1.5 billion credit cards? 

That's right, the ratio is almost 10 credit cards to every one user, with transaction volumes of over $2 trillion a year!  No wonder the US consumer gets in trouble, and why credit cards are such big business!

Credit Cards For Good

My view on credit cards is quite simple: Use credit cards only to your advantage, and never let them take advantage of you!  Whenever you see your credit card misbehaving, you should think to yourself “Bad boy!  Bad, BAD!”  I think my wife tells me this sometimes, but I try and tune it out.

Joel is hosting a $500 American Express giveaway, and gosh darnit, I'm entering to give myself a chance to win.  In “You're Rejected!  How I Use Rejection To Motivate Me Every Single Day,” we discuss how success is a numbers game

The more you put yourself out there, the higher the chance you have to succeed.  Here's my attempt to win and use the proceeds to buy toys and clothing for underprivileged children this winter in San Francisco.  The program is called “Toys 4 Tots.”

Two Credit Card Missiles In My Wallet

Here are the best rewards credit cards today.

My first card is the American Express Corporate Card necessary for business bookkeeping purposes.  You see, all client expenses must be paid for by my Corporate AMEX card so the company can match costs with profits. Makes, sense. 

Too bad I have to pay the bill every month, and then get reimbursed, thereby creating unnecessary delays, negative working capital, and occasional late fees.  There was a time when having an AMEX Corporate Card was very cool (your early 20's), but it soon gets old.  At least their service is solid.

The second card is my personal Citibank Home Rebate card which gives me a 1% rebate on all purchases to pay off the principal of my primary residence.  I've had the card for six years, and the card has paid off more than $1,700 worth of principal already. 

What's more interesting to note is that based off a 5-6% mortgage interest rate, the real savings is thousands and thousands more because of interest saved over time.

Of course, nothing is perfect.  I woke up one day to find my 6.99% Citibank Home Rebate Credit Card rate jump to 14.99% duringthe height of the recession last year. 

Funny, because the 10-yr yield was still in the low 3%-range, and the Fed Funds rate was below 1%.  This pissed me off, and I immediately called them to lower the rate.  Again, don't let credit card companies and banks take advantage of you.

Packing A Credit Card A-Bomb

If someone were to kidnap my pet rabbit and force me to sign-up for another credit card to save his life, I would have to pick the Visa Black Card.

The selection of credit cards Joel provides is impressive, but only the Visa Black Card is well, black.  In addition, the description says “Membership limited to only 1% of US residents!” Don't you want to feel special if you pack a new financial weapon of mass……… joy?

Weapons For Peace

A credit card is a wonderful financial tool if used properly.  I put everything on my personal credit card because 1) It helps record all my transactions which are divided into different categories I can review every month, 2) The 1% home rebate saves me money, but is not the primary reason for use, 3) I don't like carrying over $100 in cash, and 4) A credit card provides consumer protection against fraud and defects.

But I must ask again, why on earth would you EVER not pay off your bill in full every month? Not doing so is akin to pulling the grenade pin and not letting go!  Did you know that if you paid off $999 of your $1,000 balance, most credit cards will charge you interest on the full $1,000 balance?  Credit Card companies are marketing geniuses.  Make sure you're Albert Einstein.

The credit card companies already make a small commission off the vendor every time you use the card, don't let them charge you interest as well! 

Credit cards are not weapons of mass financial distraction if used properly.  Instead, they are a necessary part of day-to-day transactions, and there seems to be no turning back.

Other Great Uses For Credit Cards

1) Spatula when there's a hole in the wall to fill with caulk.

2) Ninja star when I'm in a dark alley and someone is coming after me.

3) Babe magnets at a bar when I tell the bartender to “leave it open.”

4) Lock pick when I leave my keys in the house.

5) Tooth pick after a good ‘ol San Francisco crab feast.

Looking for an awesome travel rewards credit card? 

Check out the Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card and others. I use my Chase credit card for all my business and travel spending to get points for more free travel, insurance in case my bags are lost or my flight is stuck, and more insurance for defective products I buy and want to return.

Everybody should have a credit card for the free 30 day credit. Just make sure to pay off your credit card every month in full! Check out some of the benefits:

  • Earn 50,000 bonus points when you spend $4,000 on purchases in the first 3 months from account opening. That's a ~$650 value right there.
  • Named a ‘Best Credit Card' for Travel Rewards by MONEY Magazine.
  • You get 2X points on travel and dining at restaurants & 1 point per dollar spent on all other purchases.

Related: The Best Rewards Credit Cards

Wealth Building Recommendation

Manage Your Finances In One Place. One of the best way to become financially independent is to get a handle on your finances by signing up with Personal Capital. They are a free online platform which aggregates all your financial accounts in one place so you can see where you can optimize your money.

Before Personal Capital, I had to log into eight different systems to track 25+ difference accounts to manage my finances on an Excel spreadsheet. Now, I can just log into Personal Capital to see how all my accounts are doing, including my net worth. I can also see how much I’m spending and saving every month through their cash flow tool.

Finally, they recently launched their amazing Retirement Planning Calculator that pulls in your real data and runs a Monte Carlo simulation to give you deep insights into your financial future. Personal Capital is free, and less than one minute to sign up. 

Ever since I started using the tools in 2012, I've been able to maximize my own net worth and see it grow tremendously.

Personal Capital Retirement Planner Tool

Is your retirement on track? Check with PC’s Retirement Planner

Updated for 2021 and beyond. Now is more important than ever to track your net worth because the easy money has already been made. Refinance your mortgage, increase your savings, and watch your money like a hawk!

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Andrea M
Andrea M
14 years ago

I am new to this site and I wanted to post a comment about my experience with a debt settlement company. I just completed a program with Elite Financial and they saved me over 70% of my debts. Although I have seen my credit score suffer because of the program but that is nothing compared to the amount of stress that has been eased. I saved almost $37,000 over the last 2 years. I’d definitely recommend them to anyone that needs help.

15 years ago

Ah, another interesting post that asks lots of interesting questions. I think that if someone recognizes that using credit cards causes them to overspend, and does what they can to avoid the temptation, they aren’t weak, they’re simply cautious, like alcoholics who avoid bars. That said, the idea that nobody should ever, ever use credit seems downright misguided; there are people who can and do use credit without running into huge problems, just as there are people who drink in moderation without having a problem.

As for why people don’t want to own a card that offers them a 30 day interest-free loan, I think it goes back to the potential for overspending. I know that I spend significantly more using a credit card than I would if I were forced to rely entirely on cash. Now, much of that is spending I can’t really avoid (gasoline, food, Christmas presents for family members), but still, because I have a credit card, I don’t spend as much time trying to find a bargain or otherwise conserving my money.

I think there are many reasons people let credit card companies take advantage of them. Some have poor credit, low-paying jobs, and believe that credit cards are the only way to sustain their (possibly unsustainable) lifestyles. Others don’t realize that only paying the minimum will lead to interest charges eating them alive (and sucking the marrow out of their bones). And still others have come to that realization, but had so much in debt that the interest and other fees make it hard for them to get ahead.

Yes, this post definitely deserved to win; how did it do, since I seem to have missed the entire contest?
.-= Roger´s last blog ..Small Business 101: Are YOU Suited to be an Entrepreneur? =-.

15 years ago

Thanks :) – my dad told me that one long ago. I’m offline a lot for the holidays! Enjoy some Nog of Egg!

Money Funk
Money Funk
15 years ago

I didn’t win the Amex contest??? :( LOL. Congrats. And I love your cause to spend it on :)

I am weeeaaaaakkkk! Yes, credit cards are evil to me. I’ve never PIF’d them each month. I am killing them all, but one emergency card. Death to the CC. And because I realize my weekness with credit cards, I need to do this.

It is not worth it to me to Try and be good with them so that I can benefit from the cash backs, etc…

It’s just gonna be me and my happy ole debit card. Its working In my favor so far. Think I will keep it going this way for me.

15 years ago

I hope you win the contest! Good post. Even though you might cast me as “weak” because I got into financial trouble with credit, it had as much to do with trying to tread water as the recession hit, the tenants in my rentals stopped paying due to layoffs, my property values took a dump and my husband lost his job. I was a terrible accountant in a crisis and made some bad choices, for sure. The problem was less about the amount I owed as the interest and fees I ended up paying to recover and how long it took me to realize I could not sustain, much less gain ground in my life until I stopped using other peoples money for my convenience. I am not against credit cards per say, I am against borrowing to finance your lifestyle because the lender is always going to find a way to make you pay for the privilege which, in most cases, means you will pay more for that item than if you paid cash. And for what? To buy something you probably didn’t need and pay for it with money you don’t have and if you do have it, why borrow money to pay for it? I still have a credit card for major emergencies, but once I build a good emergency fund it will no longer be necessary. My debit/visa is connected to an account that has only the funds it needs for that month’s budget. I check on my accounts daily so I will catch a suspicious charge and my credit union will refund money taken from my account fraudulently. I also use PayPal. Rewards cards can come in handy, but those programs are quickly fading from the landscape, as are the no annual fee cards, and I want to keep life simple. Check your statements to make sure you are not being charged some small fee like the Shell card that charges a minimum finance fee of $2. And be aware that some companies are canceling accounts without warning for being unprofitable (Citibank was one of them.)For me, a sustainable lifestyle is simple, ethical and cash only.

Investor Junkie
15 years ago

Just saw this article in USAToday. Sign me up for one of these cards:

As the one who gets the interest!
.-= Investor Junkie´s last blog ..Review of “The Investor’s Manifesto” by William Bernstein =-.

15 years ago

Congrats on winning the $500 Amex gift card! Glad you’re using it for Toys for Tots, that’s a great organization!
.-= Peter´s last blog ..Credit Cards: Why I Love Them And Why I Hate Them =-.

15 years ago

You make so many great points! I’m such a fan of your site. Best of luck with the challenge, you get my vote!

Bytta @151 Days Off
Bytta @151 Days Off
15 years ago


I read that the most extravagant purchase done on an Amex Black is a private jet. A myth?

About the questions:

1. I would say 50% because they realise that they’re weak, the other 50% are Dave Ramsey’s followers :) I don’t know. Who knows?
2. Past trauma or maybe because some financial gurus out there are calling credit card ” the work of the devil” and people who refuse to think for themselves just follow suit, like a herd.
3. From my past experience, it’s my weakness for pretty things that took advantage of my credit cards.
4. Indeed, I don’t think you’ll need to bribe him.

Good luck, mate!
.-= Bytta @151 Days Off´s last blog ..Is Frugality the New Superiority? =-.

15 years ago


I spent two days between planes, trains and rentals drafting a post for the same competition. A delayed flight, sitting on the runway for over an hour and then a wait for a gate caused me to miss the deadline. In the end, it would have been pointless; you and the tots deserve th $500!

If it was a vote the FS would have mine! Nice job.
.-= LeanLifeCoach´s last blog ..What’s the ROI on an iPhone? =-.

JOhn DeFlumeri Jr
JOhn DeFlumeri Jr
15 years ago

The Citibank Home Rebate Card, that’s awesome!

John DeFlumeri Jr
.-= JOhn DeFlumeri Jr´s last blog ..New Year New Expectations? =-.

15 years ago

I love having a credit card. I always pay the full balance and if stuck will borrow from a low interest line of credit. Using your credit card responsibly is key. I get dividend dollars so at the end of a year I am better off using my credit card than using cash. Boom.
.-= Smac20´s last blog ..Telus PR Push – Should you Buy It? =-.

15 years ago

LOL, sounds like a plan (I haven’t went to Vegas yet, seems like everybody else has though!) Joel is really giving a great giveway, I’m impress with the amount he’s offering!
.-= Moneyreasons´s last blog ..Are You Thinking About Refinancing Your Mortgage? You Should Be… =-.

15 years ago

I’m all about using credit cards, but only because I pay them in full each month. I currently have a cash back card that gives me a minimum of 1% on everything, with other categories giving me 3%. It’s nice and I end up receiving a couple hundred dollars back each year.

Just a note for Gordie (first comment) – check out You can shop online and check out with them, and then pay from your bank account (they send you a bill via e-mail and you use an electronic check to make the payment). It’s secure and no one ever gets any of your financial information. They have quite a few retailers, and you can earn rewards credits, so it may be a good option for you or anyone else that doesn’t have a credit card.
.-= Patrick´s last blog ..Best Credit Cards: Cash Back and Rewards Points =-.

The Genius
The Genius
15 years ago

Hey FS! Thanks for the post. I do’t get why anybody would carry a double digit interest credit card balance too. There are some weak, not very disciplined people out there no doubt!

Geeks’ point is great and very true. Prices bake in costs, always.

Regarding your and @Credit Card Chaser
‘s question and on whether you will be able to win or not? Seems to me you have a very good chance. Here’s why:

1) I don’t see any other sites in the Top 100 personal finance sites on Wise Bread who have highlighted this competition, let alone dedicated a full post to it. In fact, I’ve only seen one other dedicated post to this competition, but I may have missed some.

2) The other posts I have seen enter the competition aren’t as witty and orignal. Looking at the comments of one post, there’s only 3, one of which is the author’s own.

3) Joel is an entrepreneur and a businessman. If that’s the case, he should try and build a relatonship with a site that can help promote his product the best. His selection isn’t random, so he should weight the future benefits. I’m assuming if you win, you’ll provide a shout out, and the good will to you would be immense. That’s probably worth more than anything.

4) You’ve followed all his instructions, which is frankly half the battle. The other posts I’ve seen don’t link back to a credit card on his site for example.

5) His competition is AMEX sponsored, and you highlight in your post one of your two cards is an AMEX. That’s got to count for something.


6) You’ll use the proceeds to help the kids!

I donno about you, but I’d feel pretty confident. It’s obvious you didn’t just slap the post together, but put a lot of thought into it. If there was a vote, I’d vote for you. :)

The Genius
.-= The Genius´s last blog ..Accounting programs ranked nation’s best among small schools =-.

15 years ago

Investor Junkie

Aha! so that’s the story behind that one! Once upon a time I saw someone pull one out at a swanky restaurant so knew that it existed … you should have seen the change in body language when the waiter picked it up (and my host grew in esteem in my eyes !!!! – of course I didn’t want to seem like a klutz and make any comment)… but the Centurion is the
Amex trademark, it is on all their cards, so are they just calling this one “The Centurion”?

.-= Valentina´s last blog ..Reflections On 2009 and On Things Yet To Come =-.

Investor Junkie
15 years ago

@Credit Card Chaser

Let me also give it to you from a business owner’s perspective. I look at it this way. I would much rather deal with a 3% credit card transaction, then waiting for a dumb check to come in the mail, and having my billing people try to collect for the late payers. That 3% fee is MUCH cheaper in my case, than to hunt down the slackers.
.-= Investor Junkie´s last blog ..Should I Buy Gold? =-.

Investor Junkie
15 years ago


Being a biz owner who has over 70% of my transactions are credit cards, I’m amazed how many of my customers (mostly small businesses themselves) use their debit card with us.

This is an easy blog post I should do… NEVER use a debit card as a credit card EVER! Use PayPal over a debit card if you don’t have a credit card. There I feel better now :-)
.-= Investor Junkie´s last blog ..Should I Buy Gold? =-.

Credit Card Chaser
Credit Card Chaser
15 years ago


Geek :
People not using credit cards are at a big disadvantage – the credit card company charges a percent of each purchase to any retailer who supports that card. For Visa, maybe 3%, for Amex, a bit more (that’s why not everywhere supports Amex). The cash payers are often subsidizing the credit card people, because prices are adjusted upwards to make room for money lost (by retailers) to credit card companies.
So I say if you can possibly use a card responsibly, and get rewards, do so. Otherwise you’re paying a secret tax-like fee.

This is a great point that many people do not even think about. Well done in pointing this out.
.-= Credit Card Chaser´s last blog Wants You to Show the World Your Credit Card Transactions =-.

Credit Card Chaser
Credit Card Chaser
15 years ago

Awesome job with this post! I love the questions that you ended the post on too. Thanks for your entry! – Joel
.-= Credit Card Chaser´s last blog Wants You to Show the World Your Credit Card Transactions =-.