The Most Important Tip For Job Hoppers: Join People, Not Firms

Now is the most exciting time for job hoppers everywhere. The economy is rebounding. The light is at the end of the tunnel for when the pandemic will end.

I'm convinced we'll see more employee turnover across all industries than over the past two years combined. There are people itching to leave their firms for better opportunities all over the country. 

Are you one of them? If so, you need to know the most important tip for job hoppers.

Join People, Not Firms

The most important tip for job hoppers is: join people, not firms. Isn't that the same you ask? No, and it is imperative you differentiate between the two. Joining great people means working with people you respect, and working for people who support you. 

Great people encourage each other to succeed.

Working with great people means not hitting the snooze button five times because you dread going to work. When you see people get promoted within the ranks, you cheer for them instead of secretly cringing with jealously. 

Use Caution When Joining A Firm For Its Prestige

Best tip for job hoppers

A great firm, on the other hand, can be entirely different. Procter & Gamble, Apple, McKinsey, Genentech, and Google are great firms in their respective industries. 

Getting a job at one of these institutions is like winning the lottery to some, and as such, they are “braggable firms” to your friends and loved ones.  Yet, I caution you to not blindly aspire to work for a place just for its prestige.

How often do we see people quit their dream jobs out of misery due to a bad boss or untenable work environment? They say that the average person changes jobs seven times in their careers. 

That can't be pleasant and good for the nerves, can it?  You can work for Google, but if you're in one department that has a lazy, demoralizing manager whose already worth millions and doesn't care one lick about you, why bother?

Best Tip For Job Hoppers

My best tip for job hoppers on joining people, not firms involves being thorough. I encourage all job hoppers to insist on interviewing their perspective new employers as much as they interview you. 

When unemployment is high, that necessitates humility in your search.  But, humility is a given no matter what the unemployment rate is.

You owe it to yourself to meet as many people you potentially will work with as possible. The prospective employer wants to make sure you are a good match as well. 

No amount of prestige is worth being in a miserable state. Join good people and you will never want to job hop again! That is of course, until a better opportunity comes a long……….

Related: How to Dramatically Increase Your Job Security For Life


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Kathryn C
Kathryn C
13 years ago

Hi! I think you can learn a lot from working for a bad boss or working with bad people. Long term, it doesn’t work, but if you’re at a good company and you’re getting what you want out of it (experience, savings etc), and can just tune them out and get your job done, it might be worth it.

Also, you learn how to “manage up” (ie manage your boss without them knowing you’re managing them) and also you learn how to deal with loserville colleagues, and they’re every where in the world, so it’s a good skill to have. Things aren’t perfect all the time so we need to know how to manage the situation so people don’t drag us down.

Granted, I’ve been told I’m good at “compartmentalizing”…. I”m not sure if that’s a good or bad thing…but it helps me get what I want to get done and not be bogged down by wackos at work.

15 years ago

I have been on the other end where the boss was definitely from another planet and made my life miserable and I couldn’t wait to move on. On the other hand, I am currently in a situation where I love my co-workers and we mentor and support each other. Another plus is that I am my own boss working a part-time business that allows me to mentor and support others. It’s the best of both worlds and once I retire, I’ll devote all of my time to my business and being the best boss ever.

15 years ago

@Sam – No, I’d happily send along someone else’s CV, that wasn’t what I meant. I do this all the time, and have helped at least half a dozen people into jobs. Probably a dozen.

I meant *I* haven’t sent a CV – I get all my work from word-of-mouth, and they never ask for a reference. Like you say, it’s all about the people.

kosmo @ The Casual Observer
kosmo @ The Casual Observer
15 years ago

That was a poor choice of words. The group is comprised of individuals from different ethnic groups. There is no clique-ish split (in fact, that was the point I was trying to make :)
.-= kosmo @ The Casual Observer´s last blog ..Pay Day =-.

15 years ago

I hear ya. Current employees have to protect themselves first, so they probably aren’t going to say “the boss is a total @**” in case you end up joining and rat them out. Try talking to people in the industry at other firms and get a sense of what your desired firm’s strengths/weaknesses are. Dig around on the internet too and prep some well thought out questions asking for specific details. And study the job description – people that walk into an interview and ask me “so what would I be doing” aren’t going to get my vote.

Credit Card Chaser
Credit Card Chaser
15 years ago

Even better – if you have ultimate confidence in yourself above working for anyone else then work for yourself :)
.-= Credit Card Chaser´s last blog Social Payment Network for Teaching Kids about Credit Use =-.

15 years ago


Open question. What do you consider “due diligence”? And how do you go beyond the superficial “first date” rhetoric?

Many companies look good on paper, but how do you dig deep? Even asking loads of questions via phone/email can only get you so far right? Or if you get the chance to speak with another employee/possible peer individually, my experience has been they’ll upsell the company until you’ve made the deal – then give you the dirt.

.-= FinEngr´s last blog ..Which Way Are You Outsourcing? =-.

kosmo @ The Casual Observer
kosmo @ The Casual Observer
15 years ago

I’m a team coordinator for a team of about a dozen folks within a massive company. I’ve been with the company for twelve years and have basically worked with this same core group for about a decade.

The group is split into two very different ethnic groups, and are also divided between employees and contract workers. Despite these differences, we are one team – everyone enjoys working together and is comfortable enough to crack an occassional joke about anyone on the team (or to be on the receiving end of a joke).

Other team coordinators envy my team because there is minimal internal strife.

I’d gladly work with these folks anywhere.
.-= kosmo @ The Casual Observer´s last blog ..Division =-.

Dollars Not Debt
15 years ago

Absolutely fantastic ideas on finding a new job. Stay up to date on the job market even if you feel secure in your current job. In my blog I discuss how I an on the debt free path. Your income is a big tool, use it wisely.
.-= Dollars Not Debt´s last blog ..Do You Want to Be Wealthy? Three Very Simple Rules to Make You Rich =-.

J. Money
J. Money
15 years ago

This is very true, especially in niche markets. I’ve followed the people I trust to all my previous jobs in the past 10 years because I knew they were onto something. And when they leave I know they know something’s up ;)

15 years ago

Man, this is smart!
Thanks for the inspiration.
.-= Matt´s last blog ..Banks Try To Win Hearts (and Wallets) with Personal Finance Tech =-.

15 years ago

I’ve interviewed about 200 candidates over the last few years and one of the first things I check for is how long the person has stayed in each of their jobs. Frequent hops raises a red flag. I think one of the main reasons people hop jobs in less than 1 year is that they didn’t do their research before they signed their offer! Signing on to a job just b/c you got an offer w/out really understanding what you’ll be doing is a big mistake. If it’s not something you’ll be happy doing, you’ll be miserable, make your coworkers frustrated, and you could even get fired if you aren’t motivated to do well, or aren’t capable (lying in an interview about your skills will come back to haunt you).

financial planner
financial planner
15 years ago

Another good point is to join a group of people (and firms) which are growing. This creates new positions, new opportunities and allows you to get promoted faster.

15 years ago

I havent worked in an industry where people changed jobs as part of a normal course of events. That would seem scary to me. I can believe it about the immediate supervisor, though, we have had people leave because of leadership issues.
.-= Tracy´s last blog ..Are You Happy? What’s Your Impact? Take The Test! =-.
15 years ago

Sounds cliche, but people are really so important. And as you said, there can be micro-cultures within the same company, depending on the department, location, group, etc. People won’t stay at a place where they are vastly under-compensated, but I don’t think money is the #1 reason (at least, not $5K or 10K) why people change jobs. If someone feels like they are valued, fairly compensated, challenged by their work (but given support to accomplish their goals) and is doing something meaningful (doesn’t have to be curing cancer – just working towards a goal that is bigger than JUST A PAYCHECK), they will be happy workers.

15 years ago

The other reason to be careful who you work for is often your future hopes will come from *people* not from firms.

I haven’t sent anyone a CV for a decade, for instance, although I’m probably a slightly odd case.

15 years ago

People job hop because they want better opportunity and more money. I agree the people are very important but if the opportunity or money is right, that may have to sacrifice.
.-= Craig´s last blog ..Interview about BudgetPulse with Mr. CC =-.

15 years ago

“What amount of money or percentage increase would it take for you to leave your job for a miserable opportunity?”

I often think about this question. I like what I do, and the peopel I work with, but I would say double my salary and I am O-U-T. 50% would get me thinking about it though.
.-= Evan´s last blog ..Switzerland Oldest Bank Says F.U. America =-.

15 years ago

Years ago at a seminar I learned 70% of people quit their job due to their immediate supervisor. My experience supports this. Money is important but I know I have given it up for an opportunity to do the work I enjoy.

Another great idea… don’t just interview them, try them on for size. Ask a prospective employer for permission to spend a couple days in the trenches working with the people that you would be assigned with. This gives you an opportunity to interview a lot more people as well.
.-= LeanLifeCoach´s last blog ..Why Can’t I Save Money? =-.

15 years ago

I’ll be teaching English at the University and living with some friends.

As far as taking weekly screenshots of the fund, I’d be happy to give it a try. Unfortunately, I have a 3 year old mac that is the smallest size they had at the time (I’m a cheapo), so I don’t know how much help it would be.
.-= Jon´s last blog ..5 Investments for Gramma =-.