The Minimalist Lifestyle Is Not For You

My name is Florentine and I am what the world describes as a “minimalist.”  I can pack all my belongings into two suitcases and go travel the world if I want. I aim to make $30,000 a year from various online projects and consulting gigs, which makes me feel slightly guilty since there's a hint of hypocrisy. 

With an efficiency studio and a bicycle, I don't need much money to lead a happy life. I want to tell you a secret, which is a secret that many minimalists have, but don't want anybody to know.

Minimalist Lifestyle

The reason why I deem myself a minimalist is because I have difficulty achieving more. For three years after college, I tried my hardest to work myself up an advertisement company. I was passed up for promotion, and then the recession came. 

Instead of telling people I lost my job, I told people “I quit” so I could lead the life of freedom I've always wanted. “Screw the world and conformity!”, I told everyone. 

I was too ashamed to tell my parents and friends that after four years in college, all I could do was stay a gopher, photocopying papers and answering phones all day.  I didn't even succeed at that.

Minimalist For A Reason

Getting up and going to work is hard, I realize this. Earning just $30,000 a year in a job that you don't particularly like is particularly dissatisfying. But, I know that doing the dirty work for years is just the process in order for me to get to where I want to be. 

I want to create those beautiful images, and put together those unique sounds and call them my own creations for all to experience. Yet, thanks to the recession, my opportunity was curtailed and I can't get back in.  Let me back in!  Please?  It's been almost a year now.

I renounce material goods, nice homes, and great careers because I can't have any of those things.  Don't even talk to me about retirement savings or starting a family.  I'll get to those things when I can.  I tell people that they are leading lies and are on illusory treadmills. 

It makes me feel better.  I know I shouldn't try and make others feel worse. Minimalism is a way of being.  I tell people I can live anywhere in the world, yet here I reside in a crappy city nicknamed HOE, or Hell On Earth.  It's freaking freezing right now.

The easiest way to tell whether a lifestyler is successful is finding out where we live. If we are really living the dream, we'd reside in Rio de Janeiro, Malibu, Paris, Rome, Hawaii, Bora Bora, and other fantastic places for goodness sake!  We wouldn't live in HOE now, would we?  But, we do.  Damn you HOE.  Your streets are so dirty.

Embracing Minimalism

I embrace minimalism now, because I've come to accept the difficulty of becoming great.  I'm great to the outside world, because I say so damnit.  In reality, I want more, but society just doesn't let me get there. 

There is no coincidence that our movement has taken off during one of the greatest economic downturns of our times (so my parents tell me). Although our employers let us go, at least they gave us the dignity to say we left on our own volition.

Let's face it. Nobody leaves a job they love.  If they did, they are either batshit crazy or lying to themselves.  I'm thrust into my minimalist position not out of choice.  But, everyday I embrace my situation and even convert some to do the same. 

At least I'm not siting around feeling sorry for myself. I'm actually practicing what I preach. Just be careful OK?  Not everything is what it seems, especially if you have a choice.

Dream on,


Related post: Achieving Financial Independence On A Modest Income

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12 years ago

I just found your article, and I can relate to a good bit of it. I live on about 12k a year so minimalism has pretty much been foisted on me. So relating to what you’ve written here, perhaps there’s a bit of rejection on my part of our materialist society because most of it I can’t have. But then I’ve also always been this way simply because I love the aesthetic of it. So I guess you could say that I was a minimalist before being minimalist was cool; in my case it’s just a part of who I am I suppose. Sometimes I guess I do hold it over other’s heads simply because it’s the only thing I have that they don’t, material wise anyway. Not usually, though.

J. Gullemann
J. Gullemann
4 years ago
Reply to  CTH

I enjoyed your article. I agree fully with it. I have just been watching ‘Minimalist’ on TV. Those guys were high up the corporate ladder already with 6 figure salaries. They never HAVE to work again and can live off their savings. Normal humans need to work and have stuff to have a life.

13 years ago

Some of these comments seem rather hateful and reek of classism.

It’s OK to be a minimalist if you have good career prospects, but it’s not OK if you are only qualified to work jobs that pay less than 20k a year? That must be circumstantial, right? Lower classes don’t have enough money and possessions to be a college grad minimalist, right?

I’ve met people who earn less than 20k who have a home full of possessions. They shouldn’t be allowed to become a minimalist because they aren’t earning more money? You can still be a minimalist if you earn a low wage. Someone earning 20k can buy a cell phone, computer, internet, television, cable box, and many other things for the home that aren’t always necessary. Many have just as much need to reduce their belongings and expenses as someone who works in IT.

I’m starting to think that people feel minimalism is only reserved for the middle and upper classes. Only in America would people criticize others for trying to simplify their lives just because they don’t fall under the “I gave up my corporate job to live in the woods” category. What a bunch of snobs.

14 years ago

Over the past few months I’ve entered into a minimalistic state of mind by choice. I think it’s dangerous to to be too connected to society, whether it’s through food, obligations, whatever. People need to be independent and self-sufficient in the majority of what they do. When one becomes too dependent on the system, and the system fails, such as during hurricane Katrina, then you will have a hard time.

Randy Addison
14 years ago

The discussion is really great. This is what I love in this website. The discussion goes longer and longer creating a mix of different opinions making the website more exciting. Thanks for posting this kind of writing. Really interesting.

14 years ago

I am by no means a minimalist, but I do try to be self-sufficeint, to live off one of our paychecks rather than two, and to not fill our house with junk we do not need, waste food, etc. The real eye opener for me was when we went to Paris and saw how people lived in smaller apartments, with less, but had much more vibrant lives because of it. I believe people are much too complex to ever put easy identifier-titles on anybody. Somedays I am feeling minimalist, other days I come home purchasing $15.00 dog treats for our dog and I feel like it was great buy. Who knows?

Sunil from The Extra Money Blog
Sunil from The Extra Money Blog
14 years ago

it’s all a matter of perspective, and perspective changes with time as over time we are exposed to various experiences, events, situations and circumstances, both internal and external, that shape up our perspective. we all make our coffee in a very different and specific way. we are all entitled to drink our own cup of coffee :)

14 years ago

I spent about a year after I sold out of a business trying to persuade myself and others that I didn’t care for achievement anymore. Basically I was miserable for a year and got nothing much done. It was a giant waste of time.

I aspire to some tenants of minimalism, but not giving up. It’s a difficult balancing act.

14 years ago

I have to admit that would be a tough way to live. $30,000 as the maximum goal for salary. I would love the freedom aspect however!

14 years ago

This is a really interesting concept, and I’m not sure if I’ve seen the idea presented in this way.

I know I personally left my job last year, moved to Thailand to start a business and a lot of people said that it was because I couldn’t do anything else. Further, people said when I moved back to Portland in July it was because I failed.

The reality is that neither are true. Moving back to Portland, if anything was a sign of success in that I can afford to live in a more expensive place. There really is a huge allure to the lifestyle, and if you have the motivation to do it well, the rewards are big.

While I dont consider myself a minimalist, I think the ideas are similar for people who try to go location independent (many of which are minimalists).

I think everyone adopts the lifestyle for different reasons, but I wouldn’t jump to the conclusion that the majority do it because they can’t do anything else. Although I really do appreciate Florentines honest story and reflections.

Great post.

Roshawn @ Watson Inc
Roshawn @ Watson Inc
14 years ago

Minimalist hypocrites? I guess I am not familiar with anyone who lives the minimalist lifestyle personally, so I don’t know whether I find their behavior hypocritical. With respect to your comment that no one leaves a job that they love, I respond with I don’t know. If someone is financially-secure but feels a calling to another area, I don’t find this so outrageous of an idea for them to leave something they love to pursue something they love more (even if it is traveling)

Early Retirement Extreme

There seems to be several breeds of minimalists. The “travel-minimalist” has all their stuff (typically brand name computers, five finger running shoes, and print shirts) in a carry-on. When I was young(er), that is, in my twenties, these guys were called backpackers, not lifestyle designers. Filling up a suitcase with trendy clothes and gadgets is a different kind of minimalist from the simplicity, environmental, or simply “mental” minimalist, who simply prefer either to have a low impact on the environment or simply not having to deal with clutter. It becomes a lot easier to organize things if there aren’t that many of them.

In the larger scheme of things, I think there is some connection to the economy. In the 70s many hippies were moving “back to the land” to do subsistence farming much like “lifestyle designers” are moving to beaches in poor countries. This is possible because the generation that preceded them generated a rich life where things in general were/are considered abundant. Consequently many of them have no idea of the economics involved and no plans for the future. How many of the approximately one dozen lifestyle bloggers who make a living selling ebooks about how to make a living selling ebooks to the hopeful masses are still going to be in the top of their field even ten years from now? Furthermore, is there still going to be a market of “disgruntled yet hopeful” close-to-dropouts in that time.

I think the “lifestyle design” business is quite cyclical. It’s also impossible to make a living doing it except for a very limited number of people at the top.

14 years ago

@The Everyday Minimalist

Although I am by no means a minimalist, I really look up to the ones like The Everyday Minimalist, where they embrace that lifestyle by choice, and at the same time make a shit ton of money. That really says something, more than those who are resigning to a life of minimalism out of necessity and thinking, “aww snap, good thing this shit is trending right now” … because that seems to be an excuse for not hustling and being the best at whatever you do.

Not saying that the original author (Flo) thinks this way exactly, but some things she said in passing reminds me of some people like those I’ve mentioned.

Anyway, great contribution nonetheless, because it seems to have initiated good discussion in the comments.

14 years ago

Good point, Andrew.

I agree that minimalism is by choice- to me, minimalism is living on a small portion of your income. Or it could mean living on a small amount of income by choice (e.g. Early Retirement Extreme)

I knew that Sam didn’t write this post- it wasn’t his style, though I was confused because there wasn’t any commentary to it.

Andrew Hallam
14 years ago

@Invest It Wisely

Your words here are very wise: “Minimalism out of necessity isn’t fun, but minimalism out of choice is good.”

On a personal note:
I’m not sure whether I’m a minimalist or not. I suppose, defining that can get pretty blurry. Some would say I am, while others would suggest that I live lavishly. Should minimalism then, be defined compared to the socio-economic wage bracket we’re in? I mean, I might spend lavishly compared to some people in my wage bracket, while being deemed a minimalist by others. Thoughts?

The Write Shadow
14 years ago

@Florentine: Good for you for embracing your reality. Sarcasm can be a bit tricky when you put it in writing, but I think I understand what you were getting at. ;) Sometimes life forces a new reality on you, and you can either accept it and adapt, or you can live in misery constantly wishing for what is not. I admire your ability to just suck it up and claim it as your own.

@Financial Samurai: Thanks for publishing this post. Once again, I was more than pleased with your selection. :)

Money Reasons
Money Reasons
14 years ago

I think the reader might be a minimalist, but I don’t think her reasons for being a minimalist isn’t shared by the average minimalist!

It sounds like she is more of a poser than the real deal. I always thought that the minimalist were more of a environmentally conscious sort, not quite a freegan, but a close cousin to them.

It looks like I’m going to have to read up on this topic…

Invest It Wisely
14 years ago

Minimalism out of necessity isn’t fun, but minimalism out of choice is good. I think the recent economic crisis has shown people that they cannot continue going further and further into debt, and this will encourage “real” spending further down the road that will be backed by real savings instead of false credit. Then we can have sustainable consumption. :)

14 years ago

This is a great post, if only for the fact that it generated a lot of mixed reaction and comments from people.

There are some interesting themes here. What is minimalism? Can one be a minimalist without ever having earned a good income? Can minimalism be an excuse? I don’t have the answer, but I do surely sympathize with the guest poster.

More and more, my generation (I’m guessing the poster is young) is paying for the sins of the past generation. Can you imagine that people used to raise a family, own a house and two cars on a high school education? That’s impossible now. College tuition is up, health care expenses are up, home prices are high, jobs are down, manufacturing is gone and the US dollar is a joke.

This will be a new theme for my day, and I’m sure at some point there will be many more minimalists who were forced into it.

14 years ago


I have a certain amount of sympathy for this poster.

About twelve years ago I was asked to write an article for a local paper describing how I had “simplified” my life (this was back when “simplicity” was the buzzword for what is now called minimalism) — the editor wanted to know how I what stuff I had sold or how I had down-sized my living arrangements, etc. All I could do was laugh and tell her I’d never had the money to buy a lot of stuff or “up-size” to begin with and that “simplicity” sounded like the kind fad pursued by people who either didn’t remember or never knew how complicated life can be for the poorly compensated.

None of which is to say that I advocate collecting a lot of junk. If I wanted to do that I would have tried for a job that would have allowed me to do so. But that doesn’t mean living in a small house, using public transportation and cooking my meals at home equals a lack of stress. In some ways it creates more, since it means I am out of sync with the values of most of the people in my life. It’s gotten easier as I’ve gotten older & more comfortable with myself, but in the beginning the social pressure was very difficult to negotiate. What I would say to the poster is that, with the exception of a very few exceptional souls, choosing a life (or having unemployment force you into a life) that is outside the mainstream path of success almost inevitably takes many other choices off the table, and if he/she isn’t prepared to accept that then it may be better to be honest about what one’s priorities are.

Jacq @ Single Mom Rich Mom
Jacq @ Single Mom Rich Mom
14 years ago

The world of minimalism is a bit confusing to me. I don’t like buying shit (the process of buying shit or the process of getting rid of shit) – does that make me a minimalist? I don’t know. Years ago when I could move everything I owned in a pickup truck, I suppose I was minimalist, I thought I was a broke student. But I loved being that overhead-less.

This is sort of the same argument that came up on the early retirement discussion you had many moons ago. Are you retiring because you suck and you can’t find a job that you love? Well, some like me can find and have jobs they love (that pay well) but want to do lots of other things too and the normal career path doesn’t allow for that.

One of the main differences to me between Flo (not most other minimalists) vs. early retirees is deferred gratification and being able to push through the unpleasantness and know that the reward will eventually be there vs. the instant gratification of wanting it right now.

Some minimalists, like Everett Bogue, seem to make it with quitting their jobs with $3,000 of savings in the bank and an idea for a minimalist site/book (that’s what I got from his story on Lifehacker anyway). Adam Baker too quit on a wing and a prayer (IMO not enough security, but then I’m risk averse), but those guys both had determination and a pretty good work ethic for their personal projects as their “capital”. What scares me is that most other people who want to follow them just don’t have that.

I have friends that follow the lifestyle design movement (which has many similarities to the minimalism + travel movement). They’re in debt (will be paid off through selling one’s house and severance for the other) and planning on traveling around working where they can because of the “life is too short and I hate my job” argument. I don’t know if they’re taking the right path for them or not. I fear that both of them actually got INTO debt because of this need for instant gratification. And choices made from that mindset are usually not good. Of course I prefer my path of not HAVING to work at all. But a main driver for that to me was encountering a couple of jobs that I hated too. Paradoxically since I hit financial independence, I haven’t had a contract job that I hated. Weird how that is.

I keep going round and round with one friend about the desirability of saving just a bit – I mean unless it’s one’s occupational dream to be a Wal-mart greeter at 65. Because if you take yourself out of your profession for long enough with the way that technology moves today, you’re hooped. But some people value freedom far far more than they value security and that’s their life and their choices. It just seems to me that there’s a disconnect with reality there and some kind of dream that a) they will not age and b) things will be somehow different in the future. Is that similar to how people in debt think? That “someday” things will get better (but they don’t have to do anything different to get there like (gasp!) deprive themselves or something) they will be able to pay off that couch they bought on the CC?

I would be very, very hesitant to follow the advice of anyone who has debt or has had debt in the recent past and has never made a good income that does this minimalist travel shtick – because I don’t trust their way of thinking (even if I like them and they seem like really good people). Of course, that could be because I’m an old bag that got sucked into the “do what you LOOOOVE and the money won’t matter” shit that came out in the ’90’s and I’m still bitter that it didn’t work out for me and I got in a ton of debt from it. :-)

First Gen American
14 years ago

Is it possible to be a recyclist? I think it’s more difficult to lead this type of lifestyle with children in tow. I love buying things used and then reselling them when my kids outgrow that particular size or phase. It’s easy for me not to buy a lot of stuff for myself, but it’s harder when kids are always outgrowing things and toys.

With regards to the article, yes the minimalism term can be bastardized to be the catch all phrase for a wealthy kid who isn’t following in the footsteps of their parents and “chooses” to live a simpler/poorer lifestyle. Career choices do dictate lifestyles in many cases. I don’t know many executives who lead minimalist lifestyles, but I know plenty of writers and social workers who do.

There comes a time in people’s careers when they need to ask themselves..what do you value more, time or money. Often the answer to that question dictates the path people take with regards to financial and lifestyle choices.

14 years ago

Minimalism is a great concept if done with the right frame of mind. We really don’t need a lot of things to live a happy life. I think that along with everything else in life should be done with a positive mind set. We can choose to be frugal or extravagant or somewhere in between and no matter what we choose we shouldnt bash on someone else for living differently. A minimalist may feel good for having a low carbon footprint whereas an extravagant person may feel good for spending and stimulating the economy.

14 years ago

I don’t know what fascinated me me more – a post by Flo or all the comments after. I think it all comes down to perception. We all perceive things differently and some of us assign different meaning to the same concept. What I consider being a minimalist can be very different what my friends thinks about it. I don’t like to define things, I guess.

Barb Friedberg
14 years ago

Hi Sam, Fascinating article and comments. I’m still confused whether you wrote this to create a message or it is an actual guest post. Either way, (and it really doesn’t matter) I appreciate the perspective. It’s kind of a back door commentary on the current economy and personal challenges. On another hand, it could be another way for a job searcher to describe his/her situation. Regardless, this is one of the most unique posts I’ve read! Kudos (plus, the conflict highlights that you have really made it in the blogging world :) )