Is Paying Taxes A Form of Charity?

Sleepy Old ManI just got done with two things: 1) Writing a check for another $1,000 more in taxes to the Federal Government for 2011, and 2) Re-reading the article, “The Average Percent Of Income Donated To Charity Can Improve“.  Hopefully all of you are on pace to finish doing your taxes before the April 17th deadline.

Forget about filing an extension and putting off paying your taxes.  Do it now!

Several things I've learned from doing my taxes:

* I paid almost as much in taxes as I've saved.  In fact, most of my friends, and probably most of you have paid MORE in taxes than what you've saved, since most people don't save more than 20% of their gross income, let alone 55% of their after-tax income.  Go ahead, make the calculation and start vomiting.

* The amount of total taxes I paid in 2011 could buy a nice 4 bedroom McMansion in the MidWest or a Lamborghini Gallardo.  With the money left over from the Lambo, I could pay for five friends to go to Vegas for a week.  We'd stay in suites at the Aria Hotel and reserve a private booth each night at Tao with an endless flow of Crystal, Ron Zacapa, and Goose.  And here I am, a total fool trying to keep my credit card spending below $1,500 a month so I can save more for retirement and build more financial security.  I might as well live it up since the government is living it up with my money!

* I seriously do not feel I have derived even 1/5th the return from the government for what I've paid in taxes.  There are potholes and broken signs everywhere in San Francisco.  Meanwhile, when I call the city to fix anything, they don't, or take months to get around to it.  I recently spent $50 on green paint so I can paint over the occasional graffiti on the government owned mailboxes myself!  If I did receive just 20% of value for my taxes in return, I think I would feel better about paying taxes, but I don't.

* Despite paying so much in taxes, the Federal Government wants to raise my taxes even more even though apparently half the nation pays no net federal income taxes.  Furthermore, why are there still homeless and jobless veterans in America?  These are the very men and women who risk their lives to serve our country, and the Government can't even ensure they have food, comfortable living standards, and a job when they are waiting back home?  Are you shitting me?  This is an absolute FAILURE by our leaders in Washington not to take care of our troops.

* On the State level, California is close to bankrupt given politicians have spent way more of our funds than the State has taken in.  The State is now firing some of our most important people: teachers, police officers, and firemen!  So let me get this straight, the State is going to fire people who make $50,000 a year who add tremendous value to our society because politicians in Sacramento were extremely careless with their spending all these years?  This is total bullshit!  If I am to pay this much in taxes, I want more public service people, and I no longer want to hear rhetoric about how people making more than X are bad!

* Taxes are painful and really do make me want to stop working.  In fact, there's a part of me that wants to give everything up and go on unemployment for a year or two so I can recharge my batteries and finally get something back from the government.  Perhaps I'm just burning out.  Regardless, this is how I feel and I'm not denying it.

* I truly am thankful for the money I make.  It's just that the thankfulness is diluted due to how broken and inefficient our political system is.  If I knew all my taxes went to help a family of 5 who lost their home to a flood and set them up for the entire year, I would be ALL FOR IT!  But, I know that only a small fraction of my taxes will go to directly helping others.


Given I don't feel I derive even a 5th of the benefits from the taxes that I pay, I'm wondering who gets my other 80%+?

If the government uses our tax dollars to fund public services to those who need it most, isn't paying taxes a form of charity?  From the “Average Income Donated To Charity” article, we discover that there is a percentage drop off in donations once one's income hits $75,000-$100,000.  After $100,000, the percentage of income donated to charity climbs back up again presumably due to more disposable income.

The theory for the drop off in donations is that as one starts to make more money, one sees a ballooning tax bill that increases faster than the rate of their income increase.  Once people realize they are paying more in taxes than they are saving, they get upset and start cutting back on charitable donations.  Since the government is taxing their incomes at a higher percentage, the logical conclusion is that their tax proceeds should be used to assist the poor and most needy.  Otherwise, what on earth is the government doing with our money?


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Planning for retirement when paying for private grade school
Link up your accounts and see whether you're on track to retirement in great shape or in poverty

Tax Savings Recommendation

Start A Business: A business is one of the best ways to shield your income from more taxes. You can either incorporate as an LLC, S-Corp, or simply be a Sole Proprietor (no incorporating necessary, just be a consultant and file a schedule C). Every business person can start a Self-Employed 401k where you can contribute up to $54,000 ($18,000 from you and ~20% of operating profits). All your business-related expenses are tax deductible as well. Simply launch your own website like this one in under 30 minutes to legitimize your business. Here's my step-by-step guide to starting your own website.

Start a simple business to pay less taxes and contribute more to pre-tax retirement accounts
Start a simple business to pay less taxes and contribute more to pre-tax retirement accounts. Instead of paying taxes on $100,000 in income, you're only paying taxes on $12,000 for maybe a $2,000 tax bill, or 2% effective tax rate.

Updated for 2020 and beyond. 

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[…] only difference here, is discrimination against the rich by class. Considering that taxes are heavily funded by the rich, why is there so much animosity? Are we losing focus as to why we chose […]

12 years ago

The elephant in the room that is being ignored in California state government (and many other states) is that the pension benefits are not affordable. By the way, I’m pretty sure the California Highway Patrol and the Prison Guards make a whole lot more than 50K…and a fair amount of the teachers do, too, if they live in the Bay Area. I knew one teacher in San Jose who make 68K a year, plus pension, zero health care premiums & other nice benefits, and he was not at the top of the pay scale and this was not in a wealthy district. (Yes, I know 68K in the Bay Area isn’t luxury living…just sayin’ that 50K number is a little low for a lot of government workers).

Paul B
Paul B
12 years ago

My wife and I just had this same discussion. It can lead to dangerous things, because I told her about a car I was behind with the bumper stickers “Got Medicaid? Thank Democrats” and “Got Social Security? Thank Democrats”. It got heated when I suggested sticking a post-it in-between them that said “And of course thank me, because I pay for that.”

Darwin's Money
Darwin's Money
12 years ago

I don’t mind the concept of paying taxes; I’ve even grown used to the level at which I pay taxes. What annoys me most is the trajectory, the misuse of funds and the disproportionate collection of taxes in this country. Charity or not, our system has created a generation of freeloaders and entitled whiners trying to raise taxes on others but not themselves.

Darwin's Money
Darwin's Money
12 years ago

First off, I don’t recall touting an effective rate of 3% – or ever having a 3% effective tax rate for that matter. If you’re going to quote me, please provide the source.

Next, whatever my effective rate, is there only a certain threshold where your opinions on taxes are valid? I’d love to hear what your proposal is there.

Finally, my comment was from April 4th. What’s up with a reply in Aug? Why bother?

12 years ago

All this revenue and yet the U.S. is predicted to have the highest deficit to GDP ratio in the world. It sickens me.

Robert @ The College Investor

Yes, it is a form of charity because the bulk of taxes paid go to social programs like Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. It’s charity because the money is being used to help others and not myself (via the government).

I feel I pay too much for the services I receive from the federal government, but I am pretty satisfied with what I get from my local government.

San Diego
San Diego
12 years ago

Mr. Samurai I am curious how you have a $250k+ (lambo) tax bill for 2011 but yet only spend $1500 a month on your credit card. Do you own a lot of property or some other big ticket taxable item? Do you only use your credit card for small purchases or do you pay most of your monthly expenses with your credit card? Please explain this discrepancy between what you spend and your rather large tax bill.

Little House
12 years ago

I don’t have a problem paying taxes when I see them used for the good of mankind. However, that being said, our streets are also riddled with pot holes, public services are being cut, and the state and federal government are broke. So where the heck did our tax money go?! Like any large bureaucracy, the government can’t tell you because they really don’t know! And that’s what I don’t like.

20's Finances
12 years ago

What’s interesting to me is that I didn’t realize how much I am paying in taxes until I started making some money from my side business. That self-income tax really kills. I am fine with taxes when they used appropriately, but the entire issue is that it isn’t happening.

I wonder how things would change if we looked at taxes as a repayment for debt – meaning paying back the society that gave us the opportunity to have financial security. Those of us living in the U.S. are rich in comparison to most of the rest of the world. While it’s not perfect, it’s a better system than others.

12 years ago

Make sure you send an invoice to the government for painting over the graffiti yourself! How much do you charge per hour of labor?

In my hometown, the local government spent millions of dollars for a state of the art township building, most of which isn’t really used. They then go out and buy new trucks for the workers. The kicker is that there are 5 workers (it’s a small rural town) and 10 trucks. Why do they need 10 trucks? It would be nice for the township to keep taxes flat or lower them, but that will never happen.

Jai Catalano
12 years ago

It’s a monopoly that we are forced to join. Things get done but at a snails pace. Yesterday they cutdown some cherry trees to make way for construction and said they cut them down solely because they were diseased. I had a tree branch that was as big as a tree in front of my house. 6 months later it’s still there and I have called several times. Not much I or you can do in the monopoly.

12 years ago

Taxes go to a number of things – some of which are undoubtedly a form of compulsory charity (like overpaid civil servants and their bloated pensions). Others are for social goods or services (roads, military etc). Some goes to pay interest on overspending in the past.

I have no problem paying taxes for a reasonable range of social goods and services and providing a safety net for those who cannot provide the basics for themselves. Unfortuantely, far too many people are feeding from the public finances – the safety net has become an enabler for those who choose to abdicate responsibility for their own lives and live of the efforts of others.

12 years ago

I’ve never felt a strong desire to stop working just so I wouldn’t have to pay taxes. I like having the stability of steady income coming in and paying taxes is unfortunately part of the cost of having that benefit. Taxes suck though. Even being an entrepreneur and having the perks of being your own boss comes at the price of having to pay plenty of taxes (esp. in California!). I try not to think about it too much because I don’t like feeling angry. I already pay plenty in taxes and I’m sure if my income was bigger than it is now I’d easily be foaming at the mouth in anger with how much the government is scraping off my paychecks each month.

12 years ago

Every year I see the option to prepay my taxes for the next year and wonder, who’s actually doing that???

Financial Advice for Young Professionals

I definitely agree with you on this one. When 50% of Americans don’t pay taxes, there’s no other logical conclusion. I wouldn’t mind paying taxes as much if the government didn’t waste money like it was their job. I have worked for the government in several capacities and I’ll be the first one to say they overpaid me!

Economically Humble
Economically Humble
12 years ago

Are taxes charity, lol, no. They provide a foundation for us to have a society… but it was a great title and thought experiment!

Scott W
Scott W
9 months ago

It’s not charity when the government has a gun to your head, taking you to jail for not paying it.

12 years ago

In NJ we have a situation where income taxes are dedicated to property rax relief. But only poor cities get most of the money. Where does the money go? It pays for jobs for middle class people, some of whom wouldn’t make it in the private sector. The bottom 25% of the graduating class if they have a degree at all.

So the taxes go to make people who might otherwise be poor, to make them middle class.

12 years ago

Who is John Galt?

12 years ago

Wow, you are paying a lot of tax. I think everyone should pay some tax and the 50% freeloaders should be taxed too. I don’t think tax is the same as charity. Like you say, the bulk of tax goes to the politicians.

12 years ago

Interesting that there is a limit on charitable donations, but there is virtually no limit on taxes. I would like to think I have some control over how much tax I pay. I can choose to invest in a business or invest in something that defers taxes or is exempt form taxes. Would I lower my income to avoid taxes? No way, but I would look for legitimate deductions to reduce my taxes. I used my rental property to shelter my income to reduce my taxes years ago.

12 years ago

Remember, I sold my properties 20+ years ago. There was no income limit then. I used the depreciation to shelter the income and it sheltered my ordinary income as well. I was building up assets, so as I increased cash flow, I either refinanced to shift funds to a new property or reinvested into the properties. My goal was to have more properties versus cash flow. I was more interested in the future versus using the funds as income.

Dollar Disciple
Dollar Disciple
12 years ago

The problem, of course, is that the government is a huge machine and is *extremely* inefficient at spending our money. I think a lot of congressmen and women forget whose money it is when they want to throw a billion or two at a problem.

12 years ago

because saving $5K in a roth is more than $5K in a traditional IRA.

6 years ago

I make 70k. I can’t take the full deduction for a tIRA, so I am still paying taxes on that 5.5k. Roth IRA is better for anyone who makes more than 70k (or whatever the income cut off is for Roth IRA, then use tIRA and convert to rIRA).

Shaun @ Money Cactus
12 years ago

If paying tax is a form of charity, you are certainly one charitable guy Sam! I’m not a huge fan of taxes, it does seem like you pay a lot for very little most of the time and that you are just subsidising costs for people that often don’t deserve it.

I have been fortunate enough to visit a number of third world counties and comparing the lack of infrastructure and amenities that I often take for granted tends to help me feel at least a little better.