If there's one thing we can appreciate from the Occupy Movement, it's a fantastic slogan that emerged saying, “Shit Is Fucked Up And Bullshit!“
There's something about this slogan that resonates with me, and perhaps with many of you. I've found myself saying this in my head a lot recently.
I'm not sure if I've ever ranted on my site. Rather, I've tried to channel my frustration into posts which tell stories that prove points.
In this post, updated for 2020, I thought it would be helpful to highlight some fucked up bullshit things that are still going on which need to be addressed and fixed.
A List Of Shit That Is Fucked Up And Bullshit
Government Power Abuse
* How can a man, sitting in Congress, pass a law that restricts women from doing what they want with their bodies?
* Why can't gay couples have the same rights as heterosexual couples?
* How could we let Congress profit from insider trading for so long, yet lock common citizens up for doing the same thing?
* Why does the USA police the world? America doesn't let other countries dictate how we govern.
* Who gave us the right to impose our will on others and kill innocent people during war?
* If government wants to raise our taxes, why don't they also show their support by freezing or cutting their wages and pensions?
* Why is there an income threshold that dictates who can contribute to an IRA or Roth IRA? Don't we all deserve to save for retirement?
* Why is the maximum 401K contribution capped at $19,500 for 2020, when pensions are no more, and all people need to save more for their financial future?
* Why is insider trading allowed by Congress?
* Why are politicians, while in office, still able to use their power to enrich themselves and their family members in the private sector?
* How can governors and mayors, our wealthy and upper class folk, force us to lock down for months? The cure is becoming worse than the disease. This situation is the perfect of survival of the richest without enough care that tens of millions of people's livelihoods are getting destroyed and never coming back.
Taxation Discrimination
* Between 2008 – 2016, why did the government want to raise taxes on couples making over $250,000, but when they are apart, they can make $200,000 each for a total of $400,000 and not have to pay more taxes? Thankfully, the marriage penalty tax has finally been abolished!
* How can people vote on a candidate to raise another person's taxes without that person having to pay more taxes themselves?
* Why can't all working individuals who earn income pay something in federal income taxes so that we all help our country prosper?
* Why is there class warfare on people who pay the most in taxes and donate the most to charity?
* Why do people think they are entitled to other people's money? It's not yours if you haven't earned it!
* How can the poor speak for the rich, when they are poor and have never been rich?
* How can the rich speak for the poor, if they have always been rich?
* Why is there an income threshold for people to receive a child tax credit? Shouldn't we either have zero tax credit, or tax credit for all families?
* How come if you die after 30 years of contributing to Social Security and are single, your next of kin get nothing?
Human Rights Violations
* Why must we impose our religion on others and tell them they will die or go to hell if they do not follow?
* Why do we not protect our children and let grown men in leadership positions abuse them?
* Why is there not basic universal healthcare to save those with hardly any money who will lose everything?
* Why are there homeless veterans in America? Haven't they earned your support dear government?
* How is it OK for a family to have 20 kids when there are 144+ million orphans in the world?
* Why is there still racism in America? Haven’t we learned to respect all backgrounds? Use racism as motivation to achieve financial independence by all minorities.
* Eric Garner getting choked to death by NYPD for selling cigarettes. Remember his final words,
“Every time you see me, you want to mess with me. I'm tired of it. It stops today… I'm minding my business, officer. I'm minding my business. Please just leave me alone. I told you the last time, please just leave me alone. Please. Please don't touch me. Do not touch me. [garbled] I can't breathe. I can't breathe. I can't breathe. I can't breathe. I can't breathe. I can't breathe. I can't breathe. I can't breathe. I can't breathe.”
* George Floyd getting murdered by a police officer who jammed his knee into his neck for over 5 minutes while he cried for his deceased mother for help. The other officers did nothing.
* A white woman by the name of Amy Cooper calling the cops on a black man who asked her to follow the rules and leash her dog. Imagine if there was no video, what Amy would have said about the black man and what the cops may have done to him.
Integrity Compromised
* Why do people always brag about their big wins, but never their losses?
* Why do people let attractive or rich people get away with murder?
* Why do people forget where they come from?
* Why do people stop giving thanks to those who gave them a chance to succeed?
* Why do people steal each other's ideas?
* Why do people support others who insult their own family?
* Why is an underwater homeowner blaming somebody else who has nothing to do with their decision to sign the documents?
* Why must one hate on another without truly getting to know them?
* Why do people join online mobs to bully others instead of focusing on their own issues?
* Why do people manifest their own personal anger and project against others?
* Why don't people do what they say they will do?
* Why are some people always late?
* Why do people think they can vandalize and graffiti other people's property and not face consequences?
* Why do dog owners let their dogs bark incessantly and not pick up after them?
Corporate Abuse
* How can a CEO get paid millions of dollars if their company underperforms its peers, kills people, shows negative performance in the stock market, and actually loses money?
* How can a CEO get a $1 billion severance package while he lays off thousands and loses his investors billions more?
* Why do insurance companies sometimes make it impossible to collect on a claim and scam their customers?
* How can a company with monopoly profits in one segment use those profits to destroy its competitors in every other segment?
* How could the CEOs of Ally, AIG, and General Motors, who got billions of dollars from taxpayers, still make $10+ million a year during the financial crisis?
Work & Career Injustices
* Why do people think they deserve to make a lot of money working 40 hours a week or less, when someone overseas is working 60 hours a week and earns a quarter of what they are making?
* Why do we work so hard to get passed over for a promotion and not given a raise because of company politics despite solid performance?
* Why do people complain why they can't get ahead if they don't come in first, leave last, and work on weekends?
* Why do “C-students” think they deserve “A-lifestyles”? There are millions of kids out there busting their asses after school, studying 5 hours after participating in extracurricular activities who are going to compete.
* Why does it cost $50,000+ a year to go to the best private universities when they have mega-billions in endowment?
* If children are precious, why aren't we paying our teachers way more?
* Why isn’t meritocracy enough to get ahead?
* Why does your website sometimes break when you upgrade it to make it better? It would be great if things just worked as they said it would!
And the list goes on, and on, and on.
Why Is Shit So Fucked Up And Bullshit?
I have a lot of questions, and a lot of opinions. I don't expect you to agree with me on all of them, or even a majority. You are free to think and say whatever you want, which is part of the core of this site.
What are some of the things you think are fucked up and bullshit? Why can't we all fight for equality if equality is what we want for our children and loved ones? Never stop fighting for what you believe in.
Fight on!
Related: Are You Smart Enough To Act Dumb Enough To Get Ahead?
Originally published on April 2012. Updated for 2020 and beyond.
It’s complicated and you would not understand because you do not want to understand. You suck up all the worthless Obamaisims and Clintonisims and spout them a gospel. Not realizing you are being duped by the most nefarious “do nothings”. “Hard Work” should be your mantra. Back away from social media and embrace heated conversation with having a meltdown. Ah, but you can’t because it is you that is …what you said.
I’ve been thinking about a lot of this stuff lately. Sadly, I think we’re past the point of positive change in a lot of these areas. What remains is how do you choose to live your life? Will you join because that’s the only way to “get ahead?” Or do you stick to your principles?
I don’t agree on every point, but I appreciate that you leveled criticism at people from across the political and economic spectra. I get really tired of one sided rants where everyone thinks “the other party” or someone from “the other socioeconomic group” is at fault for all the problems in the world.
Companies ruined or almost ruined by imported Indian labor
Adaptec – Indian CEO Subramanian Sundaresh fired.
AIG (signed outsourcing deal in 2007 in Europe with Accenture Indian frauds, collapsed in 2009)
AirBus (Qantas plane plunged 650 feet injuring passengers when its computer system written by India disengaged the auto-pilot).
Alcatel-Lucent – 9,000 laid off on 9/17/12. Started hiring large numbers of Indian workers in 2003-2004. Business “Severely drying up”
Apple – R&D CLOSED in India in 2006.
Apple – Indian national and former Goldman Sachs board member Rajat Gupta charged with leaking Intel and Apple secrets over the phone.
Australia’s National Australia Bank (Outsourced jobs to India in 2007, nationwide ATM and account failure in late 2010).
Barclays Bank – UK executive management was corrupted by Shriti Vadera, the Indian-origin economist. His advice led Barclay’s CEO and other execs to rig Libor interest rates.
Bell Labs (Arun Netravalli took over, closed, turned into a shopping mall)
Boeing Dreamliner ES software (written by HCL, banned by FAA)
Bristol-Myers-Squibb (Trade Secrets and documents stolen in U.S. by Indian national guest worker)
Caymas – Startup run by Indian CEO, French director of dev, Chinese tech lead. Closed after 5 years of sucking VC out of America.
Caterpillar misses earnings a mere 4 months after outsourcing to India, Inc.
Circuit City – Outsourced all IT to Indian-run IBM and went bankrupt shortly thereafter.
Cisco – destroyed by Indian labor, laid off 55,000 in 2012, going down the drain.
ComAir crew system run by 100% Indian IT workers caused the 12/25/05 U.S. airport shutdown when they used a short int instead of a long int
Computer Associates – Former CEO Sanjay Kumar, an Indian national, sentenced to 12 years in federal prison for accounting fraud.
Deloitte – 2010 – this Indian-packed consulting company is being sued under RICO fraud charges by Marin Country, California for a failed solution.
Dell – call center (closed in India)
Delta call centers (closed in India)
Duke University – Massive scientific fraud by Indian national Dr. Anil Potti discovered in 2012.
Enron, WorldCom, Qwest, and Tyco all hired large numbers of foreign workers from India before their scandals.
Fannie Mae – Hired large numbers of Indians, had to be bailed out. Indian logic bomb creator found guilty and sent to prison.
Goldman Sachs – Kunil Shah, VP & Managing Director – GS had to be bailed out by US taxpayers for $550 BILLION.
GM – Was booming in 2006, signed $300 million outsourcing deal with Wipro that same year, went bankrupt 3 years later
HP – Got out of the PC hardware business in 2011 and can’t compete with Apple’s tablets. HP was taken over by Indians and Chinese in 2001. So much for ‘Asian’ talent!
HSBC ATMs (software taken over by Indians, failed in 2006)
IBM bill collecting system for Austin, TX failed in 2012 written by Indians at IBM
Intel Whitefield processor project (cancelled, Indian staff canned)
Intel – Trade secret stolen by Indian national Biswamohan Pani in 2012.
JetStar Airways computer failure brings down Christchurch airport on 9/17/11. JetStar is owned by Quantas – which is know to have outsourced to India, Inc.
JP Morgan – Outsourced subsidiary & IT integration to India in 2009 for $400 million, lost $2 billion in 2012.
Kodak: Outsourced to India in 2006, filed for bankruptcy in Jan, 2012.
Lehman (Jasjit Bhattal ruined the company. Spectramind software bought by Wipro, ruined, trashed by Indian programmers)
London Olympics 2012 Security – Botched by India’s G4S
Medicare – Defrauded by Indian national doctor Arun Sharma & wife in the U.S.
Microsoft – Employs over 35,000 H-1Bs. Stock used to be $100. Today it’s lucky to be over $25. Not to mention that Vista thing.
MIPS – Taken over by Indian national Sandeep Vij in 2010, being sold off in 2012.
MIT Media Lab Asia (canceled)
MyNines – A startup founded and run by Indian national Apar Kothari went belly up after throwing millions of America’s VC $ down the drain.
Nomura Securities – (In 2011 “struggling to compete on the world stage”). No wonder because Jasjit Bhattal formerly of failed Lehman ran it. See Lehman above.
PeopleSoft (Taken over by Indians in 2000, collapsed).
PepsiCo – Slides from #1 to #3 during Indian CEO Indra Nooyi’ watch.
Polycom – Former senior executive Sunil Bhalla charged with insider trading.
Qantas – See AirBus above
Quark (Alukah Kamar CEO, fired, lost 60% of its customers to Adobe because Indian-written QuarkExpress 6 was a failure)
Reebok – Massive fraud and theft in India second in size only to Satyam fraud
Rolls Royce (Sent aircraft engine work to India in 2006, engines delayed for Boeing 787, and failed on at least 2 Quantas planes in 2010, cost Rolls $500m).
SAP – Same as Deloitte above in 2010.
Siemens – Pentagon searches U.S. offices of Siemens unit 10/2012 for illegal payments to government officials (bribes). Siemens laid off most of its American workers in 2003 and replaced them with workers from India.
Singapore airlines (IT functions taken over in 2009 by TCS, website trashed in August, 2011)
Skype (Madhu Yarlagadda fired)
State of Indiana $867 million FAILED IBM project, IBM being sued
State of New York – Hired Indian-infested CSC in 1998 to build a new system, was 33 months late and $166 million over budget, a cost overrun of 47 percent. And then the system failed. So much for “they can do it better, cheaper, faster”. CSC also holds the sole contract for NC’s Medicaid system redesign. That project is hundreds of millions over budget and years late. India, Inc. is taking its time to maximize the amount it can grift out of America.
State of Texas failed IBM project.
Sun Micro (Taken over by Indian and Chinese workers in 2001, collapsed, had to be sold off to Oracle).
Toyota – Ibrahimshah Shahulhameed, a native of India, sabotaged Toyota’s supplier website, and stole trade secrets in 2012.
UK’s NHS outsourced numerous jobs including health records to India in mid-2000 resulting in $26 billion over budget.
Union Bank of California – Cancelled Finacle project run by India’s InfoSys in 2011.
United – call center (closed in India)
US Navy F-18 jet crashes into Virginia apartment building on 4/6/12 after outsourcing F-18 work to India’s Tata.
Victorian Order of Nurses, Canada (Payroll system screwed up by SAP/IBM in mid-2011)
Virgin Atlantic (software written in India caused cloud IT failure)
World Bank (Indian fraudsters BANNED for 3 years because they stole data).
I could post the whole list here but I don’t want to crash any servers.
Ha! What strange Indian prejudice do you suffer from? As an engineer working with Indians, I’m at a pretty strong risk of watching my job migrate that direction one day. However, that doesn’t mean I’m going to post some stupid selected list of examples on an internet site (completely unrelated to the post of course) to show how bad the Indian is. I’ll just go find something else to do. There’s over a billion of these folks. Of course they’ve done some bad. They’re human I’m told.
Go sell your crazy somewhere else please.
Wow… now that is a long list! Server is crashing!
I hear you on these. The one thing that strikes me especially is the 250,000 for couples, but 400,000 if they’re technically separate. I feel like this penalizes couples from getting together and marrying – if say both of them are doctors.
Or engineers, or lawyers, or bankers, or entrepreneurs. Why is the government penalizing couples for getting married? Oh yeah, b/c they have to pay out social security benefits of one spouse if one dies, whereas if a single person dies, the gov’t gets to keep all benefits!!
Women can do what they want with their own bodies, but upon conception there is someone else’s body inside them that has the right to be protected.
Fixing all of this means fixing the system that created it, so my question on bullshit is:
Why do the people in positions of power to change things experience great benefit from keeping the status quo?
Reading this, despite it being US-based, most of them sounded precisely the same about UK issues. It seems the geography changes, but the issues do not.
I never thought about a couple making $250K getting taxed more than two individuals making $299K each. Great post.
Indeed. Human nature makes the world go around. I believe everything is rational. If something bothers you enough, you will change and vice versa.
It seems like some of your taxation discrimination points are just a republican view, agree? I mean the democratic view point is that you take some(underline) from the rich to help the poor. Personally, I like the basic principles of this but not the way in which it is currently implemented. Would you be more for this if the money you gave to the government actually went and helped homeless people eat and get off the streets? I know I would.
That being said, I agree with most of your taxation points as of now. I don’t want to raise taxes on the rich, even though I’m not rich, that’s definitely not the problem.
I would be happy to pay all the taxes I do if I knew it went to help people directly. Please read this post:
That “Buffett Rule” is another major joke. It will raise $4 billion from 400 wealthy Americans. It’s chuck change for our 15 trillion dollars national deficit. Our politicians are selling our country in the name of class warfare using tax as a tool. Read this article I wrote. You may like it.
There has always been and will always be B.S. Sam. There has always been and will always be the rich and the poor. That’s just the way it is and it even says so in the bible. That doesn’t mean it’s allright, it just means that it is. Any government attempts to correct these inequalities usually winds up creating even larger problems and injustices.
Two things I have noticed during my lifetime is that people have become more selfish and less acountable for their actions. Maybe, it’s because I was born in the 60s, but it seems like people had a much bigger sense of the greater good. And, they took more responsibility for their lives and their actions. After the 80s, not so much.
Thanks for the perspective Bret. I wouldn’t doubt we’ve become a more selfish and less accountable group of folks over the years. Our government is massive now, so how can we help ourselves?
I think there are two really simple things we could do, which could make a big positive change in America.
1. Campaign Finance Reform
2. Tort Law Reform
1. As long as companies like Goldman Sachs can own our politicians and buy outcomes in the market there will be no fairness in on Wall Street. As long as companies like GE can make billions, get a bailout and pay no income taxes, there is no fairness from our government. The people of OWS have a right to be outraged. And, so does the TEA Party.
2. As long as someone can be awarded $4 million for spilling coffee in their own lap they won’t take responsibility for their actions. They can sue the schools, sue the city, sue anyone with money, even if they are primarily at fault. Under these legal conditions, people will always be looking to win the lotto with lawsuits instead of creating and contributing.
The common thread to both of these problems (and most of the problems in our society) is that people are getting rich from this arangement, they are politically connected and they aren’t going to give up that money. These are simple problems that will be difficult to change.
Good points. I wonder if you know of any helpful posts out there that teach people how to take advantage of the law to enrich oneself? Or will those posts ironically be a field day for lawsuits as well?
The funny thing to me is that the OWS and the Tea Party will never admit that they’re both mad about the same things.
I know this is 1.5 years old, but I want to post for anyone else reading this. Let me point out that the “hot coffee” McDonalds thing is total BS while we’re at it. This case pushed through Tort reform against the American people and elevated Corps to a position of higher power over us.
Netflix has a documentary on it now. Suggest folks check it out. Synopsis: McDonalds knowingly kept the coffee far too hot to save pennies and ruined a woman’s life. This wasn’t your average 149F cup O’ Joe…
Thanks Chris. Will check it out. All posts on here are monitored and read on a daily basis!
We evolved in a harsh state of nature which gave us some adaptive traits such as jealousy, envy, and hatred of others (if these traits were not adaptive to our success, we would not have them today), but many of these same traits are detrimental to civilization. We have to figure it out, because otherwise we’re nothing more than angry apes with access to big guns and bombs, and will blow ourselves up sooner or later.
Why don’t we all let each other live the lives they want to, without having to impose our beliefs on others? There’s only one rational way to live, and that is the voluntary society. Entrepreneurial government and free choice, not top-down mandates enforced on the entire population. The freedom to choose, not the “freedom” to be exploited. The right to live your life the way you want, so long as you don’t harm others or prevent them from doing the same.
The U.S. was a good experiment in a world that was even more fucked up at the time, but it’s time for another evolution.
It’s OK if I’m poor if everybody else is poor. It’s not OK if I’m still poor and others become rich.
Everything is relative, which is why those who constantly proclaim how rich they are, are just waiting to get crushed.
These are questions asked every single day by people who are right in the head. However, the majority of the world isn’t right.
Why does sex slavery, white slavery still exist? Why do beautiful children get beaten by their hateful parents, and tons of lovely people can’t have kids?
The questions never stop, and sometimes I wonder if anything good will ever come out.
The shit I hear, I just want to take my family and run into a cave or tiny island and hide from all the bad and injustice that is out there.
Hopefully, we can affect change be creating a platform to voice our opinions about the injustices.
Can I exactly this one a million times on behalf of all the other women in the world?
“How can a man, sitting in Congress, pass a law that restricts women from doing what they want with their bodies?”
Ach, don’t get us started on the TSA…
I am glad you let it all out. Someone had to, right? :) I am sure you are feeling better already.
Indeed! Felt instantly better :) And, I’ve kept adding to the list. The post has grown by 35% since the original.
If only I had the answers to those questions… Incidentally, I work in NYC and lived in NYC for 6 years, now right outside of NYC. I say this because of a bit of irony I wanted to point out – right behind the bull is the bankruptcy court in downtown NYC. So another question for you is:
Why is one of the biggest symbols of financial success (or excess) positioned so that everyone who files bankruptcy in downtown NYC gets to walk out of court and stare at its ass?
That was HILARIOUS! Personally I prefer to just get a good rub of the testicles every now and then. It’s supposed to be for luck. Yeah, that’s it.
Now that’s funny too. The rubbing of the testicles brings good luck in more than one place and culture, it seems.
Wait, I thought only males have testicles?
Not MY testicles. Those I break out when I’m on the subway or in California. ;)
LOL, This is a good one. Never knew that.
Take a look at the photo. That’s why they’re so shiny! They’ve been rubbed so much it’s like polish.
I hear ya on a lot of these. I had to go through those x-ray machines on every trip I’ve taken this year when there were the normal machines right next to them. Ick, thinking about some of those workers targeting certain women to have to go through those makes me want to barf.
And the marriage tax is so annoying too. It isn’t the 1960’s anymore! When 2 people work and make good money they shouldn’t have to pay more in taxes just because they’re married.
Marriage tax is such archaic CRAP! It is so stupid. More women need to stand up and fight against this.
I always thought it was the other way arround — married people pay less tax. At least, that’s how it is here. Either way, the government shouldn’t be biased. I get some people like to impose their ideas on others, but if it’s wrong one way then it’s wrong the other way as well.
The answer in America is “It depends”. The breaking point for the increase in the tax rates is not double for a married couple what it is for individuals.
Thus if 2 people that make similar incomes marry – they are likely to pay more in taxes than 2 single people.
However, if 2 people with with differing incomes marry or 2 people were 1 works and the other does not work marry and they will probably will pay less than they did as individuals.
The wonders of the American tax code!!!!!!!
This is correct. Married people pay less taxes if one makes much less than the other, or perhaps nothing at all.
The assumption is SEXIST b/c it assumes one spouse gives up his or her job to just stay at home and take care of the family. That’s a job unto itself, however, who is to say both spouses can’t/don’t want to keep on fulfilling their career dreams?
Sam thanks for posting! There is not one item that you wrote about that I’m 100% against – some resonate to me more than others but I at least partially agree with everything you wrote.
Why don’t members of the US Congress think it is their duty to negotiate/compromise with the other party for the sake of the country?
Why do member of Congress think religious rights and freedoms and powers God given for Christians but not necessary for Non-Christains?
Why is it necessary for all politicians to end their speaches with God Bless America? For all that we have and for all that we do to harm other countries, why should God be blessing America?
Good points… last I checked, we are a nation of many religions, and killing others doesn’t exactly warrant a blessing. Hmmm.
Many of your questions relate to personal values. Do we do the right thing when faced with a choice? It usually takes an effort, many of us are unwilling to do . Just look at the percentage of people who vote! As a society, we say children are important, but we do everything to show they are not. We have drivers tests, but no marriage tests. Should we have a test for having children? Good ideas that conflict with freedom. There are a lot of things that are wrong, but it is up to each individual to do something about it.
As a society, we vote for big government, otherwise we wouldn’t have big government.
Alas, we must focus on what we can do ourselves.
It’s also a flaw of democracy, no? I think there’s something wrong in the idea that you don’t have the option of voting for a different government entirely. In the market place, you have a vast array of choice. Not so in the government sphere. The barriers to change are still excessively high.
“* Why do people complain why they can’t get ahead if they don’t come in first, leave last, and work on weekends?”
Got a bone with that one. Just because you have lots of “face time” doesn’t mean that you’re doing your work or are more efficient or better at it than the guy who comes in, does his job, does it well, and wants to have time to spend with his family.
I’ve seen people slide on the face time crap all the time, and it does work, but only for so long.
I’m in HR. I see the bullshit. I recognize it for what it is. Some managers just fall for it. Other, eh, not so much.
Give me someone who gets in first, leaves last, and works on weekend as my employee any day.
There’s no face time if someone is in after everybody has left or is working several hours on the weekend.
There’s an equal amount of bullshit from people who don’t put in the time.
The corollary to this one is “Why do people come in first, leave last, and work on weekends, and then discover too late that they have missed their kids’ childhood, and that there is some stuff in life that money can’t buy?”
I think most people who worked hard during their childhood had better childhoods than those kids who slacked off.
People who fail often have excuses such as yours. It’s understandable though, as it makes failures feel better about themselves.
@Linda – Who are you replying to??? Either you worded it wrong, or it doesn’t address my point. I’m not talking about kids working hard. I’m talking about parents working 80 hours a week while their kids are young. If you think that’s a good idea, that’s fine. That may make you feel better about yourself. I’m glad I didn’t, though.
I just found out the hard way about the child tax credit threshold. What the what!
I think you need another week in Hawaii to chill out my man. I bet when you were on the Island, these things didn’t bother you all that much. Am I right?
I don’t have any complaints today. It’s Friday and I’m slacking off at work. Things aren’t that bad.
Welcome to child taxation discrimination!
I’m off to the islands next month. You gotta be more convincing in getting your wife to let you out to play!
Why are stupid people allowed to vote?
I agree with this comment 100%. There should be a test for driving, voting, having children, among others. Stupid people are a burden and drain on our society.
in principle, makes sense — a genuinely *informed* democracy should be the most functional democracy. however, the world still has, and will presumably continue to have, relatively intelligent people in positions of cynical leadership — see the average U.S.-registered church for the easiest example — who will pull every rhetorical trick in the book to whip their flocks into a [still-allowed-to-vote!] frenzy over anything that threatens the anti-intellectual current (see Asimov).
a eugenics movement has already poisoned the well of reproductive freedom; careful how you promote your idea[l]s, because enough tools will already automatically assume that the mere mention of any regulation of said freedom = involuntary sterilization programs [e.g.]. sure, China pulled off the One Child Policy (with plenty of marginal human error – i.e. loophole for the rich), but that’s easily chalked up to functional dictatorship …