What Should I Do Before Quitting My Job? 15 Things To Consider

Green Onion Farmer In Hawaii, Waianae - What Should I Do Before Quitting My Job? 15 Things To Consider

Are you wondering: What should I do before quitting my job? You're in the right place because I “quit” my job in 2012 and have never been back!

Whether you are a millennial with ADD or a parent going through a mid-life crisis, it's natural to want to do something new after a while. I began to itch after 10 years with one company myself.

Thanks to a change in loyalty attitudes, it's become common to chase a new job. No longer do we stay at one firm for decades and retire at the age of 65 with a pension.

Only around 10% of private companies offer pensions, leaving us to fend for our own retirement with woefully inadequate 401Ks and IRAs. With a smaller pot at the end of the rainbow, we're more inclined to search for better opportunities.

Thanks to the internet, we can easily see what else is out there. The internet has also allowed us to work remotely for someone or for ourselves if we have our own website.

If everybody had the skills to harness the internet to make a sustainable living, I'm pretty sure there would be a mass exodus from the traditional workplace!

It's easy to get starry eyed and think the grass is always greener on the other side. My intent for this article is to help you make sure you don't take the leap of faith and land on a bunch of jagged rocks. I've seen way too many people online and offline detonate their lives because they did not look down below.

15 Things You Should Do Before Quitting Your Job

1) What are you really unhappy about? You might be complaining about your work hours, or your mindless work, but perhaps those are only excuses to what's really bothering you. Lack of recognition or no correlation with reward and effort are the most common reasons people want to leave their jobs.

If you do not feel you are being treated fairly, you should have a heart-to-heart with your manager to discuss your concerns. Your manager can't read your mind. Maybe you're feeling a little envious of your friend for being financially free so early and you want to make the move as well. Envy doesn't lead to any good.

2) How large is your safety net? The higher the cliff you jump off, the greater the chance you will die upon landing. If you have a high paying job with kids and a mortgage, you better have a massive nut to take care of you just in case your new occupation fails.

I recommend everybody have at least 12 months worth of living expenses before quitting. That one year of savings should be in a liquid account such as savings, CDs, or your brokerage account. Consider an umbrella policy and life insurance to protect your family. Insurance becomes that much more valuable once you decide to make a change.

3) Calculate your monthly cash burn rate. You can't figure out how big of a safety net to accumulate if you don't have a reasonable assessment of your monthly cash burn rate. Calculate the average over the past 12-24 months to get a good idea of the swings. Use the average of your three highest monthly burns and multiply by 12-24X to get what you really need. It's much better to be safe than sorry.

4) Calculate your passive income streams. You might be surprised at home much side income you are actually generating in addition to your day job income. All those dividend and interest payments add up, for example. It's hard to know how much you actually earn from dividends and interest because most people elect to have the proceeds reinvested in their portfolios or CDs.

There is no penalty for electing to have such payments transferred to another account for use. Obviously, if your passive income streams can fully fund your highest monthly burns forever, you are set for life. Just make sure you don't start having a lot more wants.

5) List out all the things you plan to do. There might be only one thing you want to do as soon as you quit your job, but it's best to list out all the things you can and may need to do. Nothing seldom goes according to plan. You need a backup for your backup.

When I quit my job, I wanted to focus my attention full-time on my online endeavors. In the meantime, I also wrote about my desires to do a PhD, work for a competitor, or join a startup. There are exogenous variables out of your control which can quickly change your plans.

6) Think about others. It's easier to quit your job if you are single. At some point, it stops becoming about you, but more about your children or spouse. Once you start considering the lives of others into your job quitting equation, you become more vigilant in making sure all your files are in order.

7) Calculate your net worth. Sign up with Personal Capital, a free financial tool that automatically tracks your net worth, analyzes your investment portfolios for excessive fees, and helps you plan for your retirement. Once you link up all your accounts, the online software easily allows you to get a holistic view of your finances so you can better optimize.

Take advantage of free financial tools regardless of your job situation! I've been using Personal Capital since 2012 and have seen my net worth sky rocket since.

8) Check out the charts. The following chart is my recommended savings rate and amount one should have at various stages of their working lives. Of course, the amounts depend on the lifestyle you want to live. Use my chart and other charts as guidelines on where you want to be. In the end, the choice is yours.

9) Will a sabbatical do the trick? If you are suffering from burnout, consider taking a one to three month long sabbatical to recharge. There should be a sabbatical policy for those who've spent at least three to five years at their jobs. The sabbatical will provide you a good idea of what you can do with your free-time, while practicing to live on less.

10) How open is the Bank of Mom and Dad? You may be lucky to have parents who welcome you with open arms as a 35 year old male, or you might have a dad who will call you a deadbeat loser for quitting a job and failing.

Whatever the case, you must carefully assess the worst case scenario of living off your parents in their golden years. If they have multiple properties and are financially secure, excellent. If not, perhaps you should consider trying to help out your parents more instead of being more of a burden.

11) Are you willing to work at McDonald's? There are over three million jobs vacant in America despite a 7.8% unemployment rate because of a skill mismatch and too much pride. If everything goes to hell, are you willing to take a job that you think is beneath you to survive? Are you ready to be discovered by old co-workers you once hated who now see you working a minimum wage job?

12) What time of year is it? If it's October, November, or December, you are taking a bigger risk by quitting than during the other months of the year. The first reason is you've given the company the majority of your time with the minimum possible compensation since you are walking away from a potential bonus or promotion.

The second reason why it's risky to quit in the 4th quarter without another offer is because very few companies hire in the 4th quarter! Budgets are spent and hiring freezes are on. What manager wants to blow their full year budget and hurt their bonuses with a new hire who will provide the least return during the year?

13) Do you have something else lined up? The best scenario is having something lined up as soon as you quit. I call this double or triple dipping. Hopefully, you've signed an iron clad contract for your new employer to hire you once you do quit, otherwise, you could be screwed. Have an attorney look over your contract and try and see if you can receive a signing bonus for your commitment. If you don't have something lined up, start cracking.

14) Take your time to quit. Some of the worst decisions happen because they were not well thought out. I cannot tell you how many times people have kept their job frustrations bottle up inside only to announce one day they quit. They burn bridges, get no severance, get no health insurance, and don't even get the opportunity to collect $1,800-$2,000 a month in unemployment insurance paid for by the state and company for at least 26 weeks.

My newly revised book provides a game plan for people who are willing to spend three to six months learning their rights, building the right relationships, and ultimately negotiating a life saving severance package.

15) Talk to as many people who've quit as possible. The only way to know something without having experienced it yourself is by asking someone else who has experienced what you plan on going through. The goal is to get a good idea of what you're getting yourself into.

Don't quit your job, get laid off instead. Things to do before quitting your day job

Negotiate A Severance Instead Of Quit

Although quitting your job can be terrifying, quitting is actually quit easy compared to finding something awesome new to do that can also provide a sustainable income. Many of my friends with Masters degrees have spent over six months looking for better opportunities with none to be found. Don't be overconfident in your future.

If you can just take the time to plan your departure through the above steps, I promise you will be much richer, much happier, and way less stressed.

If you negotiate a severance like I did back in 2012, you not only get a severance check, but potentially subsidized healthcare, deferred compensation, and worker training.

When you get laid off, you're also eligible for up to roughly 27 weeks of unemployment benefits. Having a financial runway is huge during your transition period.

Conversely, if you quit your job you get nothing. Check out How To Engineer Your Layoff: Make A Small Fortune By Saying Goodbye.

It's the only book that teaches you how to negotiate a severance. In addition, it was recently updated and expanded thanks to tremendous reader feedback and successful case studies.

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Start An Online Business

Consider being your own boss. It’s been over seven years since I started Financial Samurai and I’m actually earning more online than I did at my day job as an Executive Director for a major financial firm. It feels amazing not having to report to anyone, set an alarm clock, or inch my way through maddening traffic.

I never thought I’d be able to quit my job in 2012 just three years after starting Financial Samurai. But by starting one financial crisis day in 2009, Financial Samurai has allowed me to permanently break free from Corporate America. 

If you enjoy writing, creating, connecting with people online, and enjoying more freedom, see how you can set up a WordPress blog like mine in 15 minutes.

It's imperative everybody at least owns their brand online. Why should Facebook or LinkedIn get rich off you? At the very least, you can find a lot more work and consulting opportunities once you've launched your site. Who knows, you might make a lot of money online where you never have to work again!

Blogging For A Living Income Example: $300,000+
A real income statement example from a blogger. Look at all the income possibilities!

You never know where the journey will take you. The things you do now may change your life for the better.

Oh, there is one more thing you should do before you quit your day job: refinance all debts. Refinance your mortgage in particular. Once you no longer have W2 income, you become DEAD to banks and lenders. Please refinance your mortgage before quitting your job.

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8 years ago

Hi, Nice article.. I am Ambu, 28 years old and working in sales job in medical and lab equipment nearly for five years. Meantime i changed nearly 2 companies and this is my 3 rd company. The first 2 i changed because of very very less pay. And the 3 rd company; the pay is ok but more pressure job even i am not getting time to spend with my wife and kid. i am getting too much tensed most of the days. i am trying my best to get rid of all those kind of negative thinking and all, but i can’t. Day by day it is getting more worse. Most of the time i am now thinking for a new job. whenever i am come to know for any vacancies in our field, i will apply for that. But i have big debt. also i need to purchase a new house. Already i am having too much personal issues and in between this office pressure as too much dirty politics in my office. Really i am confused about my future plans. Kindly suggest what to do whether should i change my job or continue with the hell. Some times i will feel like to work in less pressure companies in our same filed with normal pay, so that atleast i will have mental peace.
Kindly advise. God will bless u as i am in a very bad situation. Looking forward for your kind reply.

8 years ago

Sam – does How To Engineer Your Layoff also work for federal government jobs?

9 years ago

I’ve been working less then 8 dollars per hour for the past 2 years even though I like my simple job. I’ve been working like some dumb monkey that doesn’t know how too speak up for a raise or even ask my employees how the heck they got a better wage then me. I think my boss have been paying me less all because he knows I’ve been living with my parents for the past 3 years having a easy life etc. Working at some crummy matress factory ain’t easy but I somehow got used to it. More then 4 people told me to quit this job because of the payment I received each week. (I wanted to saved up money to go too college but I don’t even know what I want to be. I think I need some financial guidance because all this time I’ve been e spent thing half my money in electronic not being a responsible aldult. Still don’t know how too drive a car i literally stop paying my phone bills more then a year etc. I think growing up is frustrating I’m 22 years old and I’m either afraid of losing my current job or I probably don’t like change maybe working over there is my confort zone. IDK maybe I belong at McDonald I heard working at a fast food restaurant is easy. My bad conscious keep telling me too quit my job but quiting this month sounds bad it’s freaking September I’m not sure I’ll get a better job in 15 days. Took me a while to convince myself that I should leave this job I’m not sure if education will improve my life every thing sounds so complicated so dayshavoo only time will tell my future. Oh I forgot to read the rest of the article. Yeah I like this free time idea only problem is that I’m still young I have like work hard just too payed up my parents rent and to persuade myself that I have cash to be a full time student.


[…] the fulfillment you’re seeking. It’s hard to have an exciting life if you don’t take any leaps of faith. The fear in our mind is often much worse than reality. Remember, we come from a default setting of […]

10 years ago

Actually, my problem is I DO work at McDonald’s LOL. I’m a senior in high school and my job is getting in the way of life and it’s completely unnecessary for me to have… I don’t know why I’m so afraid of quitting… Money, I suppose? And the independence of it. I’ve never been one to lean on my parents for money as they are poor and my limbs work just fine (AKA Workin’ time). But my plan is to quit this stupid job that I ABSOLUTELY hate more than A LOT of things (Honestly, I got written up today for calling in for throwing up and being sick). Maybe if it were a better managed McDonald’s it wouldn’t be a problem but the management is actually ATROCIOUS at our store and we have failed heath inspection MULTIPLE times. The people running our store have their heads so far shoved up their asses they can’t see the corruption going on in that filthy building 99.9% of the time and when they do catch a glimpse they simply do not care. I’m quitting, getting my license, a car, and then getting a better job during the summertime. In the meantime I’m going to devote my time to actually enjoying life, volunteering, and living life to the fullest, as everyone should. As for my employers?

“Corruption is a true enemy to development.”
– Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj

“The accomplice to the crime of corruption is frequently our own indifference.”
– Bess Myerson

Au revoir, McAssholes.

10 years ago

That post made me LOL. People can be really ignorant and egotistical at times; just because someone is speaking in a different language doesn’t automatically mean they’re even slightly concerned with your presence. I will continue to work hard but definitely in ANOTHER industry. I get paid an average of $180 on my two weeks paychecks but I do WAAAAAAY more work than that. Getting fries stuck in my shoes isn’t exactly my ideal dream boat… But as Colin Powell said, “A dream doesn’t become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work.”

I will be taking my sweat to an establishment that can actually help me grow as a human being, though. My ultimate goal is to change lives through my acting career and help others through my success and I know that through my determination, it will happen. :)


[…] 15 Things To Think About Before Quitting Your Job […]

10 years ago

I work for my dad. I have been there almost 5 years. This is not what I saw myself doing. We buy and sell gold and silver coins and jewelry. I love my dad we have an amazing relationship. We live one house apart, which is great for my 2 &4 year old boys.
It seems like I am just burnt out but there are a few things I dislike… 10 hr days, every saturday, extended regular customer visits 3-5 hrs, tiny space heavily overcrowded with inventory. I could go on but you get the idea. If it wasn’t My DAD I would have lasted only 3-5 mths. There us no one to replace me as there is a lot of $ in this business. Please advise.

Sales Rep
Sales Rep
10 years ago

Great website, SD. I just stumbled across it this evening and look forward to discovering all that you have generously posted here.

I have a question for you regarding unemployment – I’m 43 years and have never been unemployed, currently working in medical sales. Income is highly variable depending on production, but I’ve never known a sales rep to be laid off – they’re typically fired if they fail to achieve quota. Is it possible to draw unemployment if you’ve been at a company 3-5 years in sales and get let go?

Thank you.

Sales Rep

Sales Rep
Sales Rep
10 years ago

Thank you for the info and also for such a quick reply. I’m doing well as of now but I’ve always been curious as to whether I would be eligible if I got fired.

I look forward to learning more from your site.

Best Regards,
Sales Rep

10 years ago

Hi there. I’m not too happy about my current job (I work in fast food at minimum wage). Will your book be applicable for me?

10 years ago

Thanks for this. I’ve been going through the dilemma of whether I should quit my job since December. I never wanted this job but had to take it. I have been trying to make myself like it (i.e. #1 – trying to solve what am I really unhappy about) but really have only been sticking with it ’til I had something else lined up. Problem is, that I get so low because of this job that the energy isn’t there to work on something else. I know I can survive financially unemployment, but it is just surviving.

11 years ago

A great article. The most important thing is that you find a job that you want, rather than simply finding a new job because it isn’t the job you currently dislike. Check out this article

Aloysa @ My Broken Coin

The cash burn rate point got me thinking. The cash burn rate can at one range while you are working and have the stability of your paycheck vs when you are not working anymore. A lot of things lose their meaning when you are faced with a limited budget. The question that I have is this: how to quit your job but still be able to maintain your current lifestyle? I cannot come up with a good answer only with something silly like “become rich and famous.” This option is not feasible for most of us. :)

American Debt Project
12 years ago

I was ready for a new job back in August, but I knew it was going to be tough to make a move before Christmas. I ended up running into someone at a conference at the end of September and they asked me to send over my resume for a position I knew about but wasn’t sure I wanted. They told me they were willing to “elevate it” for the right person. 3 interviews later, I ended up getting hired over someone who has a master’s and making more than someone who works there now with a master’s! It felt good to leave a job I had outgrown to go right into a new job I’m pumped about!

American Debt Project
12 years ago

I have to say, I’ve never really planned to get one, but the new company is pushing for me to do something as they have a very generous tuition reimbursement plan. We’ll see!

Dominique Brown
Dominique Brown
12 years ago

Quitting your job is easy. The hard part is finding a new job that would cater to all your demands. I have quite a few friends who quit their job to seek “greener pastures”, but end up regretting their actions. I definitely suggest that you should take your time to quit and put it all on a spreadsheet to know your current financial status. You should also take your family into consideration when quitting your job as they would definitely be affected should you not find a new job in the following weeks after resigning. Last but not least… Have a plan!

average guy
average guy
12 years ago

>>Photo: On the farm in Hawaii, SD.

Are you pulling one over on us here, Sam? There is no place in South Dakota named Hawaii, well at least there is no town listed with that name that has a zip code.

Set the record straight and tell us what the place is and where it is!

12 years ago

good list. thanks!

Rich In The Heart
12 years ago

Wow, 3 year sabbatical. Wouldn’t one call that early retirement testing instead?
Too late for me relative to the mid-life suggestion. I hit that this year (well, as long as I live about as old as one of my grandmothers did before passing).

Eliza from Happy Simple Living

This is such a good, practical article. Who among us hasn’t daydreamed of simply up and quitting when we get burnt out or frustrated? Thanks for your advice to consider this option thoughtfully and plan carefully. Also, your suggestion to explore a sabbatical is brilliant!

One thing I’ll add is that starting your “freedom account” now so you can quit someday is SO worth it. I left my stable job ten years ago this month, and although not everything always went as smoothly as I’d planned, I’ve never regretted the decision. Before I took the leap, I followed much of the advice in your article: I put money aside, lined up contract work, reduced expenses and paid off my car. That made a big difference!

12 years ago

I’ve been a my own boss by owning my practice for over 10 years, and I’m selling it all in a few weeks. I couldn’t be happier, but it toook about a year of planning and another year of negotiation. I have three contract jobs lined up, but, like you said, anything can happen, so before it all went into motion, my husband and I talked about worst case scenerio and what we would be willing to do. We’ve set up some passive income and paid off debt, but if that isn’t enough, we are willing to sell our house and move if we had to. I would also not feel shameful about taking any sort of job if I couldn’t work in my current occupation. Here’s to hoping it all goes smoothly!

12 years ago

Willing buyers, the right price, unsure future of private practice with online competetion and new, expensive health care requirements for providers, my need to not be married to work, and the fact that I don’t want to become a cynical burnout. We’ll see if I regret it.

12 years ago

I like the idea of a sabbatical, seeing your condition from the outside can bring you a new vision. And you can also check what you would do with all that free time, many retirees get depressed having nothing to do all day.

12 years ago

The real message is that one should do some planning before they quit! #5 is the most important because it makes you plan what you are going to do. Writing it out should make you realize if the ideas are sound or not. The more you can find out about what you want to do, the better off you will be.

12 years ago

I think a lot of people still have the misconception that it’s easy to quit your job and find a new and better job quickly. I would never quit without a offer letter in hand for my next move unless I was ready to retire. There are so many things that we often take for granted from our current employers, esp. insurance benefits. Very thorough list and great advice Sam!