How Much Should I Have Saved In My IRA At Various Ages?

The IRA is a pre-tax retirement vehicle available to most people who work for an employer and make less than $73,000 a year.

For single filers who are covered by a company retirement plan in 2018, the deduction is phased out between $63,000 and $73,000 of modified adjusted gross income (MAGI).

For married filers, if you are covered by a company retirement plan in 2018 the deduction is phased out between $101,000 and $121,000 of MAGI, a slight increase from the 2017 range of $99,000–$119,000.

For married filers where you are not covered by a company plan but your spouse is the deduction for your IRA contribution is phased out between $189,000 and $199,000 of MAGI, up from the 2016 limit of $186,000–$196,000 in 2018.

If you do not have a retirement plan offered at work (rarer case), the rules are a little different. There is no income limit for individuals, and a full deduction of up to $186,000 in joint income, partial deduction from $186,000-$196,000, and no deduction if joint income is above $196,000. The best thing you can do is ask your benefits department to see if you qualify because the laws are changing all the time.

From 1974 until 1980, the IRA contribution limit for investors was $1,500. From 1981 until 2001 the contribution limit improved to $2000. In 2002 the limit was raised to $3,000, again to $4000 in 2005, one more time to $5,000 in 2008 and finally to $5,500 in 2013 where it's stayed since. I don't know about you, but such low limits are hardly anything to get excited about.

IRA Income Limit And Contribution Limit 2017

When I graduated from college in 1999, my base income was $40,000 living in NYC. I was considering contributing to an IRA until I learned more about the contribution restrictions. Adding $2,000 to my IRA at the time felt stupid when I was busy trying to max out my 401(k) which had a more reasonable contribution limit of $10,000. Besides, I didn't want to not be able to contribute pre-tax money to an IRA the very next year just in case I made more than their arbitrarily low income limit.

You'll discover in this article that even small contributions add up over time. So don't be stupid like me and not contribute while you still have the opportunity. Make deferring taxes a key tenet in your efforts to achieve financial independence. Taxes are our biggest expense and you want to save more than the government taketh away!


Median IRA Balance By Age Chart

According to Fidelity, one of the largest administrators of retirement plans in America with ~ 7 million accounts, the average IRA balance — including both traditional IRAs and Roth IRAs — stood at $81,100 at the end of 2012, up 53% from 2008 when balances hit their lowest point since the market meltdown. With the S&P 500 up ~52% since the end up 2012, we can estimate the average IRA balance stands at roughly $100,000 – $120,000 as of beginning 2010. 

The $100,000 – $120,000 figure is somewhat meaningless if we don't take age into consideration. If you only have $120,000 in your IRA as a 60 year old, you better have a hefty 401(k) portfolio to aide in your impending retirement. If you've got $120,000 in your IRA as a 30 year old, then you're doing fine considering the contribution limits. We should understand that the average American age is in the mid-30s, which provides better context to the $81,100 figure.

This post will address what people SHOULD have in their IRA if they want to have a shot at a financially sound retirement by the traditional age of 60. Before we look at the chart, let's make some assumptions.

The assumptions for the below chart are as follows:

* You realize the only person most capable of taking care of your financial future is yourself. You do not depend on the government, a boyfriend, a girlfriend, a spouse, or parents to fund your retirement.

* You make less than $72,000 as an individual and $119,000 as a married person with an employer sponsored retirement plan or make less than $186,000 as a married couple with no employer retirement plan.

* You begin maxing out your IRA after your first full year of work. Most high school, associates degree, or college graduates find jobs during the summer. The six month window between summer and the new year is often a time of discovery and confusion. It takes a while to figure out one's steady state budget before making retirement decisions unless you've been an avid reader of personal finance publications well before work.

* You realize the IRA is a woefully light pre-tax retirement vehicle that must be accompanied by 401(k) savings or after tax savings. As a result, there are no excuses to not max out your IRA contributions by the time you've had three years of experience under your belt, or by the time you turn 25.

* Your IRA portfolio returns anywhere between 3% up to 15% depending on the year with an average of around 6%. Better to be conservative and end up with too much, than too little.

* Upward and downward adjusts are made to account for bull markets and market meltdowns.

* Contribution limits are raised by $500 every five years.

* You focus on maxing out your IRA instead of a ROTH IRA because you are against giving more money to the government given how wasteful they are, and you realize your income in retirement will be less than your income while working.

* You are not a knucklehead who consistently spends more than s/he makes. Just by searching this topic, you are taking ownership of your retirement and are thinking ahead with an action plan.


IRA Balance By Age Chart

The above chart is forward looking based on existing IRA contribution amounts. For those entering the work force today, in 38 years you will conservatively have anywhere between $350,000 to $1,062,500 depend on market conditions.


Historical IRA Balance By Age Chart

The above chart takes into consideration historical lower level IRA contribution limits starting from 1981 until the year 2019. 1981 is chosen because that was the beginning of the IRA program. The chart rewinds back in time what if you started working the day the system began up until age 60.

Readers are free to select the chart that is most appropriate for them, or even select an amount based on age from each chart and average the two to get a hybrid figure. Finally, the chart is for individuals, so feel free to double them up if you qualify and are married.


We should be pleasantly surprised to see how much contributing even $2,000 a year in savings adds up over time. Compounding is a wonderful thing and the key is to get to that magical inflection point where the returns from your portfolio start making more than your contributions.

With a current maximum IRA contribution limit of $5,500, a $100,000 IRA portfolio returning just 6% will start overtaking your contributions. Each year will be like a 2-for-1 special to get the snowball growing. Build your financial nut so your money really starts working for you!

The current average IRA balance of $100,000 – $120,000 is the anchor by which my calculations are based for both charts. The key is to keep on saving so long as your paycheck comes in instead of use every excuse under the sun to stop. You can read my recommendation for the proper asset allocation between stocks and bonds by age. It's important to be diversified and more conservative the closer you get to retirement. I've taken into consideration lower returns post 50 in the first chart due to lower risk portfolio investments.

Due to income limitations for contribution, it will be difficult to continuously max out your IRA of $5,500 along with $18,000 for a 401k based on a $62,000 single salary, or $99,000 married combined salary if you have an employer sponsored retirement plan. That said, it can be done if you really want to be disciplined. Please take a look at the average 401(k) by age chart to see what type of financial power you can really amass if you stay the course. Whatever you do, at least max out one throughout the entire course of your career.

Recommendation To Help Grow Your Net Worth

Sign up with Personal Capital. Personal Capital is a free online management management tool that helps you keep track of all your finances in one place. You can track your budget, monitor your net worth, and run your various portfolios through their Portfolio Fee Analyzer to help save you money. My 401(k), which is now a rollover IRA was costing me $1,700+ in annual portfolio fees I had no idea I was paying. Once you've laid out the roadmap to retirement, the journey becomes that much easier.

They've also come out with their incredible Retirement Planning Calculator that uses your linked accounts to run a Monte Carlo simulation to figure out your financial future. You can input various income and expense variables to see the outcomes.

Retirement Planning Calculator
Sample retirement planning calculator results

Updated for 2019 and beyond.

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7 years ago

Thank you so much for your articles and insight. I am 25 years old and have been working for 3 years. I currently save 21% (plus a 4% at 50% company match) into my 401k and put 10%(plus a 3%, 100% vested company match). Should I reallocate some of those funds into a Roth?


[…] during our golden years is dangerous. Instead, we must max out our 401ks and IRAs, while investing even more into after-tax […]


[…] you can max out your 401k or max out your IRA and then save an additional 20%+ of their after-tax, after-retirement contribution, good things […]


[…] How Much Should I Have Saved In My Traditional IRA By Age? […]

10 years ago

All your charts are not useful. What you actually need is a chart that shows how much money you should have in your IRA if you entered the workforce X years before today. X will be a number that goes from 0 to 38, regardless of your current age.

11 years ago


Quick question…. I am 24. I have been out of school for a year. I have an emergency fund. I have paid off all student loans, in the 2014 I will max out traditional 401k and roth IRA. (Maxed out ira for 2012 and 2013 & contributed until match. Now that income is going up, I will max out 401k starting in 2014.)

What is next?

Should I open up a 529 plan with myself as a beneficiary just in case I chose to go to business school? If I end up not going to business school, I can change the beneficiary to be for one of future kids. If I end up not having kids, I could always change the beneficiary to neices and nephews.

Please let me know what you think I should do next. I am a pretty passive investor, and ride index funds.

11 years ago

Thanks. Yeah I am not sure what to do.

Ideally I would put a downpayment down on an apartment or house, but I want to live in or near NYC. It is going to take me years to build up a downpayment.

As of this point, I agree with you. I think it makes sense to maybe not put money into a 529. The growth is only going to minimal over the next 3-5 years, so the tax benefit wont even benefit me that much. And if I have all my excess savings in a 529, I can’t use it on a downpaymet.

Do you think e-trade is the best? Currently, I like vangaurd funds because of the low expense ratios.

The worst part of nyc is the ~18k/year on rent a year for anything decent in a decent location. I know people who commute for an hour to save ~6k/year but they spend an extra 1-2 hours on transportation a day.

10 years ago

Can’t believe this post was from a year ago.

I have a few follow ups.

1. Is it worth funneling maxed out tax benefited accounts (401k, Ira and 539) of saving for a down payment? What do you think? Also, are there any tax benefitted accounts I left out (did I mention that I don’t like taxes, haha)

2. Have any suggestions for secondary incomes? I do side tutoring for math/finance/economics and consulting on resume’s and for interviews. Seems like most people who have funds to pay for these services don’t need them. Real estate isn’t really feasible unless I want to commute from a suburb or live far away from my friends and family in the city.

3. Next time you are in NYC, I’d love to buy you some scotch or a martini.

Tara @ Streets Ahead Living
Tara @ Streets Ahead Living
11 years ago

Hi, thanks for this information! Do you know if the rules of job provided retirements affecting your ability to deduct from a traditional IRA affect people who work in non-profit? My job technically offers a 403(b) plan but it’s not well advertised and I have to do the work to get it myself. It’s not with a great company so I would prefer to invest more in my traditional IRA and take the deductions that way.

11 years ago

Ugh…I got myself into a tough spot. My employer pays out bonuses that can fluctuate, and so I don’t actually know how much I make (on top of my base salary) until the end of the year. Based on previous yearly averages, I’m in that gray zone where I have to phase out payments into a Roth. Thing is, I’m getting the feeling I no longer qualify, though I’ve already hit the max yearly contribution. I get the feeling I’m going to get whacked. I’ve read that you can move the difference into next year’s contribution or try and withdraw it. If I withdraw it though I’m subject to early withdrawal penalties. And if I do nothing, I have to pay interest on the over contribution. Ugh…any advice Sam?

11 years ago

Cool, yes brokerage account makes sense, or p2p lending. I hadn’t heard of that until I found your site, sounds pretty solid! FYI I didn’t get an email notification about your follow up comment, and I did check the checkbox. (Not in spam either)

11 years ago

nice! I just rolled my previous employer’s 401k into a rollover IRA, now I can sell options and trade individual stocks! let the good times roll! comment notification seems to be working now, got this one.

11 years ago

I don’t know if I’m missing something or what but I don’t understand what’s a better alternative to a Roth IRA if your MAGI is above the deduction limit for traditional IRAs. Even after maxing out my 401k and making all the deductions I can my MAGI is still over $69k but I’m well under the contribution limit for a Roth account.

11 years ago

I have the same question… I am maxing my 401k and HSA and make over the deduction limit for a traditional IRA. Does this mean the next place I should plow $ into is a traditional IRA? Even though its after-tax? Even though I can’t deduct it from my taxes, is the max I can contribute 5.5k? I stopped contributing to my Roth IRA based on your post about it, genius! So ira is next best option? Cheers!

silver price
silver price
11 years ago

Depending on your plan’s rules, you may be able to withdraw your post-tax contributions at any time without incurring a penalty. However, because the gain you earn on your post-tax 401(k) investment is tax-deferred, you must pay income tax on that amount when you withdraw your money. The gain is also subject to an early withdrawal penalty if withdrawn before age 59ý. The penalty will not apply in the cases of a qualified hardship as defined by the IRS, if you take early retirement starting in the year you turn 55, or if prior to turning 55, you take withdrawals based on a series of equal periodic payments as defined by the IRS.

11 years ago

I’m right in the middle of your range for my age. I would contribute more, but we have those silly limits. I contribute $211 per paycheck so I will hit the limit this year. I adjust up each year when I am able.

11 years ago

No, not right now. Doing a lot more than the employer match, but also saving elsewhere for a second home / real estate investment and my other investment accounts. I don’t want everything locked up till I’m 60.

11 years ago
Reply to  Eric

An extra $1,458.33 per month would almost make me homeless today. I can save more and stretch more, but need to figure out how to increase my income to make that work.

11 years ago

Man, I am way behind…

11 years ago

I’m actually contributing to a Roth IRA, because my grad student stipend is painfully low, so I know I’ll make more than this in retirement. I’m starting a bit late in life, at near 30, but I’ll start maxing out my contribution in a few years once my SO graduates (or if not then, soon after when I finish and hopefully double my income by finding a postdoc position). I think I stand a good chance of catching up to the “low end” predictions, at least.

11 years ago

I wish I would of read this 20 years ago….better late than never I guess.

11 years ago

Another good post FS. I guess I contributed the max to my IRA now…I just received notice of a Reduction in Force that takes me off the corporate payroll on the 15th with severance as planned.

11 years ago

I have mixed emotions (as expected, I suppose). I’m sure I will miss my colleagues at work after the two weeks expire. It’s nice that I now have the freedom to work on finishing my “retirement” house full-time. Up to now it’s been a weekend project. My wife will stay at our employer for another year to maintain the benefits a while longer. Then, if another layoff occurs, she can volunteer for the severance package as well. At that point, we would be entirely on our own financially, until the (modest) pensions kick in, followed by SS. I was thinking of celebrating by taking the motorcycle out for a ride today to soak it all in, but the weather is not so good. Plenty of days to that now. Thanks for all the thorough, sometimes, deeply introspective posts. You (and others) gave me plenty to ponder while I planned this out. I’m hoping todays market trend is a good omen.

Cat Alford (@BudgetBlonde)

Great post, Sam. I am contributing to my IRA as much as possible but I really, really want to do more. It seems like there’s not enough money to go around just yet, but it’s a priority!

Cat Alford (@BudgetBlonde)

Thanks. I’m at $1,700 halfway through the year and hoping to throw the rest at it for sure!

11 years ago

Your point of income limits is important because you will exceed the limits before you know it. I think everyone should use as many deferred opportunities as you can. In addition, you should take advantage of investment s in a brokerage account too. The more income streams the better.

11 years ago
Reply to  krantcents

I’ve recently started a savings account (in the form of a brokerage account), because dividends pay much more than I make in interest on a savings account any month ($1.1k in stock is paying me about $200/yr)!
And after all, if the stock is sold for a large enough increase in 366 days, it’s taxable at long term capital gains (I believe, although I need to double-check that).
As you said, it’s an additional revenue stream and in this case a safety net.

My next step is to get rid of all my consumer debt (TV @ 0% for another year), dental work I had done, and a couple of other odds/ends to get rid of. Then I’ll be maxing my 401k, HSA, and putting money into the brokerage account. (*knock on proverbial wood*)

11 years ago
Reply to  Chris

18% dividend..where are you finding that w/o huge risk? MREIT?

11 years ago
Reply to  JC

AGNC. Paying $1.05/shr every quarter ($4.20/yr), current price mide $22/shr.

PS: I’ll just respond to JC, I’m sure you’ll see it Sam. LOL

Risk is there to be sure. They dropped recently from about $33/shr down to the current price. If I didn’t accidentally sell it around $32/shr and intentionally pick it up around $25/shr, I would have been wanting a lot more at the current price to make up for the loss to be sure. :-)

SE Davis
SE Davis
11 years ago

Any suggestions on where to open a low-cost IRA?

11 years ago

I contribute to my 401K (currently maxing out) and plan to max out ROTH IRA this year. My husband doesn’t have an employer sponsored plan, so he’s going to open a Traditional IRA, and contribute to it. I believe he can only contribute $5,500.

The First Million is the Hardest
The First Million is the Hardest
11 years ago

I love my IRA, since my employer doesn’t match 401k contributions I take advantage of the IRA because I can save so much on fees vs our 401k plan.

Add me to the list of those that love HSA’s. If you’re younger and don’t have a family they’re great. You basically never pay tax on money in your HSA as long as you use it for medical expenses.

Mr. Utopia
11 years ago

Or you could just do a Roth IRA! ;-)

11 years ago

I love IRAs, even if you are phased out of the Roth eligibility because they are bankruptcy and judgment proof (I think for an IRA it is up to $1m protected but for a 401k it is umlimited – I could be wrong though). It seems like a no-brainer to max it out every year if for no other reason than asset protection.

But to Allan’s point, I LOVE HSA’s even more – deductible going in and untaxed going out. I invest mine in index funds and don’t touch it. It now has more than my IRA! I’m not sure how it fairs as an asset protection tool, but you literally can’t beat the tax benefits (as far as I know). And there’s no doubt I’ll need a hip replacement (or something like that) in my old age and will be glad for the big HSA.

Mrs PoP @ Planting Our Pennies

And by that I mean 10% per year. =)