You can get rich by working hard and investing wisely for a long time. Or you can get rich by finding yourself a wealthy spouse. This post will share how to get a rich man to be your boyfriend or husband.
Over the past 20 years, a number of my female friends have been able to marry rich. As a result, their socioeconomic status took a big leap up. Some continue to be happily married with wonderful families. While others have broken up and moved on to new partners.
Out of the 140 million tax returns filed in the United States every year, about 1.4 million make an adjusted gross income of over $500,000 a year. We're talking about a top on percent income, which is clearly considered rich.
Now imagine if there were 1.4 million undead zombies roaming the country. They'd be everywhere!
The Definition Of A Rich Man
Most would agree that a top 1% income is rich wherever you live. However, some will say you're just middle class if you've got to pay for private school tuition in cities such as San Francisco, New York, Paris, and London!
Given it is one of our mantras to always describe ourselves as middle class, being called financially average is a blessing.
Regardless of what your true financial definition of rich is, your mission if you choose to accept, is to lock down one of the 1.4 million+ rich people the IRS knows about to marry you. Seriously, why bother trying to slave away for decades to become a millionaire when you can just marry one?
The one tautology about money is that once you have money, you don't worry as much about not having money. And when you worry less about money, you get to fight more about all the other joys in a relationship.
This article will provide some insights into how single men who make over $500,000 a year in income or who have net worths of over $3 million dollars think about women and marriage. $3 million is the new $1 million thanks to inflation.
Once you understand such a man's fears and hopes, you are well on your way to living the good life!
How To Get A Rich Man To Be Your Husband Or Boyfriend
The most important way to get a rich man to be your boyfriend or husband is by understanding how they think.
How A Rich Man Thinks #1: I must be dreaming.
Most wealthy men are self-made. They may have studied hard in school, took some calculated risks, worked even harder on their ventures, and struck lucky gold. They know what it's like to be middle class or lower because that's exactly where they toiled for most of their lives.
They've made far more than they've ever imagined possible and can't believe their luck. There is a constant awareness that the good times can't last forever.
In fact, there is a paranoia that one day they'll wake up to see everything they've worked for disappear. As a result, they keep on working to make their dreams happen, never taking for granted what they have.
How A Rich Man Thinks #2: Nobody is going to give me anything.
Given most rich men are self-made, they strongly do not believe in entitlement. Nothing is deserved which is not earned. Given this type of stance, sometimes they can be very harsh on those who are receiving some type of assistance from the government, friends, or family members.
It takes time to assuage such a man to see another's point of view as a result. Men want to see that a woman is independent or on her way to being financially independent through self-struggle.
How A Rich Man Thinks #3: Women who know what they want are most attractive.
Nothing turns a rich man on like a strong woman who is successful in her career or business. The woman who goes for glory piques the most interest.
Rich men constantly search for those who they can find their equal or superior. She doesn't have to be rich. Instead, she can be superbly talented in something that he is not e.g. musical instrument, language, singing, dance, art, etc. A woman who has a passion in some hobby is extremely attractive to rich men.
How Rich Men Think #4: Why should I ever settle down?
Rich men have a larger selection of women thanks to women being more accepting of rich men. You will see 4s go out with 8s all the time and nobody ever bats an eye because it's so common in places such as New York City and San Francisco.
Given a rich man's mental conditioning, he will logically assume he is more handsome, more charismatic, and funnier than he really is. It really doesn't matter if he's not because he continues to get outsized attention from the ladies.
A rich man finally tends to slow down once he realizes he wants kids. He understands his mortality and wants to live long enough to see his future kids grow up.
More Ways To Get A Rich Man To Be Your Husband Or Boyfriend
Here is more psychology from rich men. I share these because I've also gotten rich after more than 20 years of saving and investing post college. We're talking generational wealth.
Please don't waste my time.
Although everybody's time is finite, time is much more precious to a rich person because the dichotomy between time and money is wider. Rich men have less patience for relationship games and long term courtships. He needs to know whether she wants him or not. None of this “I'm in a weird place right now” while she goes off and dates multiple men.
A rich man has no problem being a friendly suitor who meets up on random occasions. But there is no way a confused woman will ever snag herself a stable rich man.
If only I had someone to share my money with.
There will come a time in every rich man's life when he'll realize the pointlessness of making more money if there's nobody to spend it on or with. He may accumulate so much that he won't mind being a sugar daddy to someone who doesn't fit any of his criteria for the ideal woman so long as she enjoys his company. He would rather be with someone than be alone.
When am I going to lose it all?
Rich men pay attention to fortunes lost all the time. An example is Eike Batista who is estimated to have lost $33 billion dollars in 16 months as his conglomerate, OGX Petroleo & Gas Participacoes SA lost 90% of its value. Batista is still worth $200 million dollars, but still, that is a frightening fall.
Given the paranoia of losing it all, rich men are very methodical in their money management ways. They will allocate at least 20% of their net worth to risk free investments so that if things go to hell, they'll still live a comfortable life. Rich men realize their wealth is an important reason why they have more selection.
I hope she still loves me if I had no money.
Rich men understand they are attracting more women than normal for their wealth. But every rich man hopes his woman loves him for who he is as a person.
Rich men don't want to feel like chumps who have to pay for companionship. As soon as a rich man feels the only reason why a woman is asking a man out so he can pay for dinner and a show, it's game over.
Advice On How To Lock Down A Rich Man
Now that you know how rich men think, it's important to adjust your actions accordingly if you want to be with someone with means. Here is some advice on how to get a rich man to be permanently yours forever.
How To Get A Rich Man #1: Be your own person.
Thoroughly pursue your dreams and do not give up until you get there. It's important not to compromise your standards for a rich man. If you've always wanted to make it on Broadway, don't you dare leave New York City to be closer to a man who lives in Chicago. If your dream job demands that you travel for three months a year, go for it and don't look back.
The more you focus on what you want, the more the rich man will want you. He has the financial resources to move, travel, or buy a piede de terre where you live if he wants to be with you so don't worry about not pursuing your goals.
How To Get A Rich Man #2: Develop a strong network of friends.
You don't have to have a ton of friends. Just enough where you can spend all your time with them as if you didn't have a man in your life. A rich man worries his woman will smother him if they get too close.
Once you have a couple friends to go out with for dinner or shows, you provide a man some relief that he doesn't have to always entertain you. Develop your own world and invite him in.
How To Be A Rich Man #3: Be an expert at something he is not.
Singing, dancing, writing or playing a musical instrument are tops on the list of things most men don't do well. If you can master just one art you will gain a tremendous amount of admiration.
Tanya Streeter is a world record holder freediver who went down 525 feet and can hold her breath for 4 minutes. Now that is one sexy woman!
How To Get A Rich Man #4: Take care of yourself.
Because rich men have more selection, they tend to gravitate towards better looking, fitter women. The one thing every person can do is work on their fitness – facial features not so much. There's a big fear from men that once he marries his woman that she will chop off all her hair and let herself go.
Don't let your man fear such a thing by eating healthy and maintaining a workout regime that's beyond his own. When a woman asks a rich man to see whether he'd like to join her at the gym, deep down the rich man is beaming with joy.
More Suggestions On How To Snag A Rich Man
Be a lower high maintenance woman.
High maintenance women generally have a bad wrap. They take two hours to get ready, love to take pictures of themselves, aren't grateful and have never met a mirror they don't like. The flip side is that they generally look good. A rich man loves to have a beautiful woman on his arm. He feels proud to call her his girl as onlookers check them out.
The “level of maintenance” is highly subjective. If a beautiful woman can turn it down a notch based on his perception, she'll be much more attractive. Simple things like saying “thank you,” leaving the house in comfortably simple clothes, and offering to pay once in a while go a long way.
Show interest in his business.
A man wants to marry a woman who cares about where their money is coming and going. After all, the man has spend all of his post secondary education life working on a career or business that made him rich.
It's vital to understand what he does for a living and check in every so often to ask how things are going. There is always some new deal or initiative on his plate that he'll love to share.
Rich men always think they'll bore their women to death with business talk so they don't mention anything related. Take interest in the source of his wealth and you will go farther than any other woman.
Spend more time listening.
Listening is a skill that is more difficult than talking. The ideal conversation is balanced 50/50 where both participants actively listen to each other's dreams. If you dominate the conversation by more than a 70/30 ratio, men tune out quickly unless you are stunningly beautiful.
A great way to find balance is to simply ask the question you were asked and go from there. It's often times what you don't say that speaks volumes.
Be where rich men are.
We tend to end up with people who roam our environment. Pilots date stewardesses, cooks date waitresses, bartenders date everything that moves, doctors date nurses, and Facebook employees date Twitter nerds.
The majority of men over 30 who work in banking, management consulting, high tech, big law, and venture capital are on the path to top tier wealth if they keep on saving and working for just one more decade.
Attend charity events, volunteer programs, or opening night galas. Rich men love to network while supporting a cause. Lay on a beach at a five-star Hawaiian resort. All Hawaiian beaches are public.
Take up traditionally expensive sports like golf and less so tennis which have private clubs. Go to alumni mixers with a friend who went to a prestigious university. There are at least 700,000 men in America (out of 1.4 million $470,000+ tax returns) out there after all.
Show a tremendous interest in your personal finances.
Nothing is more attractive than a woman who has a strong command of her finances. The more a woman cares about her own financial well-being, the less the man has to worry. This is even though he easily could provide for everything.
I recommend signing up for Empower, a free financial software online. It lets you track your cash flow and analyzes your investments for excessive fees. It also has an excellent retirement calculator as well. I'm positive a rich guy will be super impressed with your financial savviness if you show him the app on your phone next time you meet up. Being financially wise is sexy!
Gain as much personal finance knowledge as possible. One way you can do so is by picking up my instant Wall Street Journal bestseller, Buy This, Not That. It is full of financial wisdom, logic, and rational decision-making. One you read the book you will be financially wiser than 99.9% of the population!

FinancialSamurai.com is an Amazon Associate. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn a commission at no additional cost to you. Thanks for your readership and support.
Life Is Still Good If You Can't Get A Rich Man
It takes time to lock down a handsome multi-millionaire fella. You've got to take my advice to heart and proactively be in environments that accommodate such potential interactions.
Perhaps one of the best ways to get a rich man is to get rich yourself. Wealth attracts more wealth. it's the way it always is.
If you haven't found someone wealthy, don't worry. Millions of couples are perfectly happy without being wealthy. Life with someone you care about is infinitely better than coming home to an empty bed. May all of you find someone!
Related posts:
The Average Net Worth For The Above Average Couple
Your Chances Of Becoming A Millionaire By Age, Sex, And Race
Advice For My Daughter: Pay Attention To A Man's House, Not His Car
Who Are The Top Income Earners?
Diversify Into High-Quality Private Real Estate
Stocks and bonds are classic staples for retirement investing. However, I also suggest diversifying into real estate—an investment that combines the income stability of bonds with greater upside potential.
Consider Fundrise, a platform that allows you to 100% passively invest in residential and industrial real estate. With over $3 billion in private real estate assets under management, Fundrise focuses on properties in the Sunbelt region, where valuations are lower, and yields tend to be higher.
As the Federal Reserve embarks on a multi-year interest rate cut cycle, real estate demand is poised to grow in the coming years.I’ve personally invested over $270,000 with Fundrise, and they’ve been a trusted partner and long-time sponsor of Financial Samurai. With a $10 investment minimum, diversifying your portfolio has never been easier.
Photo: Paper suit, courtesy of RMA art collection.
For more nuanced personal finance content, join 65,000+ others and sign up for the free Financial Samurai newsletter. Financial Samurai is one of the largest independently-owned personal finance sites that started in 2009. I help people get rich and live the lifestyles they want.
I need a husband am divorced, I need happiness
I need a boyfriend
As a self-made rich man myself, I can say that is amusingly accurate.
However, the article does not answer the question. “Be where the rich men are” really doesn’t work. Most of the time, we are not anywhere suitable for meeting lots of random people. Sure, you might get lucky and sit next to him on an airline flight. But don’t count on it.
The number one way to get a rich husband is to marry him before he becomes rich. The biggest opportunity for this is to go to the same college as he does. Then choose carefully. He probably isn’t the guy throwing up at the party.
If you missed your chance on that, or don’t go to a top university, then online is the only practical way. Unfortunately, in practice, only sugar dating sites attract sufficient percent of rich men, and they are already married.
Therefore, the real answer to the question is, unless you go to a top university with lots of guys who will become rich, just forget about it. You might get lucky, but probably not.
Hi, you are so right. Many of my friends want to find a rich husband by chance, but as you said, it’s very difficult and doesn’t make any sense. I agree that your circle of friends matters a lot. I am majoring in economics at university, and I’ve noticed that most of my classmates are dating girls from similar backgrounds and other scientific majors.
Exactly said. I found a rich (in ethics) man who is also super successful and financially wealthy, very serendipitously through YouTube comment section, I’m following him since last 8 years, have seen him grow multifolds and am his biggest fan and cheerleader. He also loves my admiration for him. Though he has many suitors.
I didn’t fall for his financial success. In fact that thing used to scare me off.
But upon reading my horoscope in the last few years, I have realised that he is indeed my life partner. Sooner or later, he will become my one and only husband.
I love to serve him in our common career field by offering some content. He loves it.
I feel he loves me very dearly. He is already married. I wish him and his beautiful wife and children the best.
God bless him always. True love doesn’t need gratification in 3D.
If we are meant to be together, God will bring us together.
But I wish that God blesses him and his beautiful family always.
I have always lived the life of a fierce monkess. It’s easier for me to love him from the distance, that too at the soul level.
All girls like rich man and want to be a cinderrella. That all
I feel am not alone…but I need a Good man thanks
But there are so many gold digging women everywhere nowadays that use men for money to begin with. And they’re nothing but users and losers as well.
Loved reading all ur comments…I feel am not alone in this..all I want is get a wealthy Godly man..thank you
I’m sorry???
You know what you want
and you are submissive?
Those 2 do not gel.
You have a lot of learning to do.
I found this to be an interesting post. I am a 27 years old Africa single christian male searching for a life partner. Of course I am not rich as I am from a third-world country and from a poor background. But I’ve got dreams to own businesses and grow in life. Who knows? My future wife could be reading this. She could be in Africa or anywhere. Please reach me if you want to.
Maybe. Or maybe my future husband .
David I am a 51 year old woman who has 2 teenage kids. I am divorced. I have been in business for myself for the past 25 years. I basically have worked myself to a place of I have lost myself! Everyone thinks i’m 30 which i love. But realistically I am 51. I am a country girl/city girl I play both worlds. I am from Kentucky I have a Harley that I love to ride I love adventure, I love to travel. I pretty much love to have fun amd enjoy myself. I am currently in a rut. I need out. I would love to spend time with someone where I work because I want to not because I have to! Now that I have vented I feel much better!! Trying to find Mr. Right!
Wow, interesting. “Please reach me if you want to”
That’s good to be honest
Goodness me! I love most of your articles but this one has me prickling. It reminds me of the old Good House Keeping magazines – how to find yourself a husband – learn to cook his favourite meal, dress to please him, change yourself to suit his every whim! No thanks!
Ladies – make your own fortune you are more than capable! And make sure you don’t get stuck with a lazy, bludging husband! Choose your mate (if you can be bothered) carefully!
There are plenty of women whom are twice as good, strive as hard, only make 1x as much (let’s face it, the world ain’t fair), and are looking for their equals.
And Sam, most wealth is not self made. There are a plenty of disoriented trust fund kids still finding themselves.
The best ones are self made, sure.
Most wealthy people are self made? Sorry, but that´s a wrong turn right at the start of your assumption chain, killing your argument on the spot. It´s simply not true, or should we say: a lie? Most of inflation is hiding in asset prices at this time. There may be an overall rise in consumption standards, but wealth has gotten much harder to acquire. Tons of people are even cut off of home ownership. Those who rise to the top are more often than not born half way up the ladder. All of which is not despicable, but “most wealthy men are self made”??? Ridiculous!
~80% of self-made millionaires didn’t inherit anything.
But I think you will enjoy these two posts:
Your Wealth Is Mostly Due To Luck: Be Grateful!
The Secret To Your Success: 10 Years Of Unwavering Commitment
a good person and very inspiring respectful person love and caring
You are incorrect. 80% of millionaires are self made.
I am one of them. I went to a top university, majored in engineering, then went into business. Of my college classmate friends, ALL of them are now millionaires, and none of us came from wealthy families. What we all have in common is that we are all very smart, went to a top university, majored in STEM, and work very hard.
From my own experience, I can’t even support that 20% inherited their money. I personally know over a hundred millionaires and two billionaires. The only ones in that group that are not self made are foreigners, and they aren’t the billionaires.
Has the author heard of MGTOW? Because if you are known to be a wealthy single man, the best way to go is your own way. With the divorce rate 50/50 and 2 out of 3 initiated by women, marriage is a raw deal for men. Take into account that a man can lose a good amount of his fortune at the family court (prenups mean nothing!), a rich man should twice, no 3 times before getting married. Besides, in the US, the quality of women is deplorable. They either are overweight or tend to become overweight, have tattoos, are on anxiety meds, smoke or have had multiple sex partners that for health reasons you don’t want to share a bed with her. Or she exhibits feminist trades. Traditionally women have been the gatekeepers of sex but they have opened the doors en masse.
I’m none of those things; that being said, I would never even date a man who was as negative and opinionated as you. Chances are that you probably have no money to speak of- and, you haven’t had much luck with the “right” woman- that’s why the sour grapes. Only an educated, self-sufficient, beautiful and fun-loving woman like me would realize this.
Robin just too many low life loser very entitled gold digging women everywhere today unfortunately.
I am hungry
I am spending a rainy morning with coffee, revisiting a few FS classics. Have to say, I think Sam’s “how to” advice for women is quite idealized, if not the opposite of reality.
I check every single box that Sam recommends, and I have learned/accepted that men simply do not find my type (independent, intelligent, financially responsible) attractive. My male peers, business partners, and superiors have long since married women who seem perfectly nice but fall well short of these qualities. Case in point: one of my best work friends, when I asked him early in our friendship about his wife’s hobbies, replied that “she watches lots of reality TV and buys a lot of purses.” But he loves her madly (and she IS great, very entertaining company). From what I can observe, powerful men love the idea of keeping a woman whose existence is dependent upon them.
I’m lucky to have built a 7-figure net worth on my own, including supporting my lower-income parents. I’d love to find a man who simply didn’t make my own financial situation much worse by introducing a ton of debt and expensive hobbies to my balance sheet. That has proven impossible. I am very active and reasonably attractive. If I go out in summer wearing a tank top or nice sundress, younger women sometimes stop me on the street to ask about my workout regiment. Yet since the age of 27 or so I have been romantically invisible to men. Maybe my stability makes me boring.
Thanks for revisiting this classic.
It does seem like at the end of the day, a man really does put an emphasis on appearance first. It’s why you see so many rich guys dating much younger and attractive women.
But you can’t blame them as it seems these women love older rich guys! Two-way street.
But congrats for building a 7-figure net worth on your own! Financial freedom is wonderful.
Related: https://www.financialsamurai.com/you-will-regret-sacrificing-love-for-money-almost-all-of-the-time/
I need a rich guy, who can take care of me and love me……
I need rich man and serious, can take care of my life.
I need a rich man who will love me and take care of me
Rich guys want very young, very attractive women, but you say ‘you can’t blame them’ yet when a woman works very hard, accumulates wealth, trains her brain with degrees and reads a lot so she can have an interesting conversation, wears beautiful clothes and goes to the gym – none of this matters once you are over 45 years old. It’s not a ‘two-way street’, because beauty is shallow and fades, yet it is what men prize. Do you have any idea what it is like to be a woman? To be over 40 and know that it doesn’t matter that you are rich, kind, witty, slim, responsible, creative, and resourceful, but men will always desire a pretty, shallow, silly, self-centered 22-year-old over you? And that young guys with no money will have sex with older women, but are not interested in a relationship with a rich, intelligent older woman, even when they don’t want children. How is this a ‘two-way street’?
Am single
Your point is mostly true. But I can tell you that there are plenty of men 45 and over who would much rather meet an average looking women his own age or a couple years younger, if she has empathy, a good sense or humor and some brains, than a shallow, hot-looking 25 year-old.
This is my impression as well. I’m female and also over 40. Understand where the OP is coming from. of course there are a lot of men who lust after/hit on young women. Not that I could forget any of it… but in my experience with men and also with my male friends fortunately it’s also common to have the experience where they want to be with someone close to their age.
For all you women that are gold diggers today, i really hope that you grow very old all alone by yourselves with a bunch of cats.
I don’t disagree. But l wish the same to men who only wan to date pretty young and skinny women. That’s just as shallow.
All things said are very interesting indeed but all I need to know is…..if…..”IS HE KIND?” LMAO!
HAHAHA. I totally got that. That’s an excellent question, and as if it really mattered, I think we all know how that one turned out.
Well I am an older, disabled woman who was married to the most wonderful, remarkable man who came from money. I didn’t care about the money and it was lost when his parents passed and his sibling cheated him out of what should have rightfully been his.
I DID NOT care that he had nothing, he was the most awesome man I ever knew and I still love him dearly even though he has been gone for almost 6 years now. My husband didn’t care about money, loved the fact I don’t wear makeup and have the natural look and the fact that I had unconditional love for him always.
If your true to yourself and to a chosen spouse the money doesn’t matter (yes, it does help to not worry or stress about things) But there are ways to take care of things even if you have an average or less than average income.
Sure we all would love to find someone rich who could take care of us, but, for me anyways its not about being taken care of as much as loving and taking care of that some special who not only is a mate but a best friend.
Aw this is so sweet
This article is pretty accurate somehow (25y old with income above 400k). Honestly a woman that can hold her own finances is damn sexy but… I only have five requirements for being wife material.
1. Sign a prenup. 2. Be nice and supportive. 3. Don’t ever ask me for money or things. 4. Have your own goals.
5. Sex life has to be good
Basically the relationship can’t be materialistic. Even so there’s many benefits of dating people like me, in terms of experience for someone less wealthy. Not that it matters.
Everyone is turned on by different things why can’t it be money? Should we all keep to ourselves and not give what we prize, ok I can do that too and just stay lonely lol don’t ask and you shall not receive
Because a woman turned on by money is the biggest red flag in existence. How am I gonna trust someone who only cares about money?
I am not rich
I am a woman that wants a wealthy international advanced man like 40s down to 50 of age .That will love and take very good care of me and I will take good care of him also. I will support his bussiness, career and everything he is doing. I will be faithful , royal , love him and be a good wife to him. But I am not rich .And I am not lazy. I am ambitious and hard working woman . I am 39years old and divioced
Money is not everything in life is not all women love money the only thing some women need is someone who will love dem with everything. so don’t say u are not rich if u have love is OK for some women
Thats why there are some process call DATING. To know each other. You gotta ask.
I agree with your statement
The same way men are visual creatures, so are women. For me to be turned on by you, you need to be well dressed and smell nice and also show you have money.
When I was 20 I did not care much about what a man has to bring to the table, I believed in going Dutch with my partner. Now that am 30, divorced and financially stable I will not date a man who does not have money ❌
I am woman and I have three houses , degree and career…I HAVE to watch numbers in account because anyone makes less gets insecure or wants sugar mama…from experience… but then the men with money figure you are good and skip straight from dinner to ask for sex? no courting, why have men began to be so cheap?
not every woman who ask for money a gold digger…i mean everybody loves money…….i love money but not a gold digger….you give me fyn u did not fyn as well…. but i love money.
I’m am not rich, I am not poor, I am not young, and I am not old. I’ve had, and have had it taken.
I am kind, I am gentle,
I can be stubborn. And yet can be persuaded.
I am strong. I am humble.
I like to be wild, and I just like to be.
I want to miss you,
to ignite the fire.
I like to take care of myself, I like to shop in the junior section, I am petite.
A nice chest is a turn on.
As is a truly good heart.
I have lived, lost and loved.
I want to be with someone who helps me be,
a better me.
With a kind and generous heart.
I am looking for the same.
( except for the shopping in the junior section) haha
Is there anybody out there?
Who’s just real ?
And yes, Financially stable gentleman With class.
No more takers.
Gold digger in disguise! You are not fooling me. This post is so an attempt to not sound like a typical gold digger, but you know deep down inside you are. By “financially stable” you mean rich.
Ooooweer, some reply there you gave.
Are you scared?
You sound exactly like my type. Keep up the good work. I have to work on myself though too.
Hey honey
I’m a 30yr old women that knows what she wants and knows who she is
I’m submissive to men I trust but very strong willed
I’m easy going and experimental.. life is for living and loving it..
I’m very open so if you have any questions please ask
Take care
Hope to hear from you soon
God this is so sad. I met someone while back and did not know he was wealthy. Never asked for anything. Always paid my own way and been supportive, good listener, giving responsible advice, falling for this guy, eventually letting him know that I love him. And all I ever got back was sarcastic laugh as if my heart did not matter. So I would rather meet someone who is homeless or have nothing. Then a stuck up guy that thinks he is better than anyone living on this planet. Even if he was unable to walk or anything as long as he would have loving beating heart.
You properly where been annoying and not actually fun and really bringing anything to the table.
@Kristen – honey, how can you be with someone and be supportive but not knowing anything about him? What were you supporting? Business that you don’t know nothing about, his family situation that you can’t see if that family is well off or not, or what? Your story doesn’t make any sence to me. Above all, you were always paying for yourself and letting him putting you down all the time, so eventually you said that you loved him based on what? This is pure SF to me my dear. Like you made up the story to attract some rich guy, as you “don’t care about the money”… oh, please… and made sure to put some cute pict. of you so that someone poor with big heart will fall for you? (or is it google default picture, not sure/sorry if I’m wrong on that one). Oh dear, all that you wrote, esp mentioning disabled man is really pathetic and sad! All your fictional story is SO SAD! Good luck to you girl with your future disabled homless penniless guy with big heart (p.s. please, don’t get me wrong – I’m not trying to offend anyone, I’m only sickend with her farfetched BS story … and sometimes when I see some crap like this one I can’t stfu, sorry/not sorry)
I am not rich i am uzbekistan i am 23 yers ol
i am a poor man but know how to love from the heart of a demon
I will like to be your partner
That sounds like a Narcissist. Be very careful with people that show those kind of personality traits. Unfortunately many intelligent, powerful, successful people….both men and women…are narcissistic. I was engaged with this man for over 2 years and in relationship over 3 years. All the money in the world is not worth the pain these people can bring others. He always thought his money could mend every painful situation he put me through emotionally. I stopped going on trips, I stopped going to 5 star restaurants, I kept telling him how the money didn’t matter. He never believed me, when I broke off the engagement he went as low as to send me his one bank account statement with over 5 M–I went no contact and blocked him. He should have listened to me when I told him the things that mattered to me could never bought. I love older, intelligent, powerful, successful men, but I am fearful of many. After this relationship another gentleman I knew and had dated before, contacted me to visit him in Georgia for Memirial weekend. I had so much respect for him.and kept in touch with him for 6 years after things didnt work out before due to him living in a different state hours away. I met him in NJ where I live but he was working on a project. He is retired military, has been working for the government since his retirement and is now in a superior position having 800 or more people he oversees for F-15 Saudi Advanced. I respected him like I respect my father who is retired CMSgt and still works for the government at 81 years old. I am glad I found out what this man really was in my visit to Georgia before I opened my heart up to him again. I am an attractive, fun, easy going empathetic woman who just wants a loving relationship and to take care of the man I love the old fashioned domesticated way. Now I am fearful and alone, afraid to put myself into the dating world again. Hence reading this article. I know not all people have ill intent, but is hard to trust when trying to date. There are many wolves in sheep’s clothing. I wish everyone many blessings and best wishes to finding true and happy love!
Alex you are so right I would not have married my only husband without prenup! Only thing I wanted was him! Money is nice but not what I really want if it was , I, d work more.I was faithful for a long time 17 years no sex but looking forward to having fun with the right one if he has passion!!! I need a strong man to handle me!mm
Are you single ?
I have my own money as well. I would never marry a man who said to me, “Don’t ever ask me for money or things.” You sound very selfish and shouldn’t get married for in a marriage everything is “ours.” You want good sex, her to be nice and supportive, but you don’t say you’re willing to do anything for her. I’d never date you. Too self involved.
Its better that both of you understand and open to each other. My dear, your marriage wont last if it all based on material things. Its better that both of you looking forward to the future were you guys taking that path.
I am just a simple 21 year old girl who has never been in circles of affluent people.
But I do want to say from experience is that you, my wonderful ladies, don’t need a rich man or a man in general to make you happy. Yes I don’t deny that money could get you anything materialistic in this world, but it can never get you love and character. It cannot give you emotional stability. Foremost build your lives where you won’t need a man, because nowadays you have no reason to depend on them. You should be able to walk along side of a man and not be dragged by him. I mean this in terms of stability, independence and financial freedom.
I am just a girl who works for a minimum wage at a hotel front desk. But I used the money I made to buy my own car, pay for my college, help my parents with their bills as well as my travels. No I don’t have a boyfriend mostly because I haven’t met anyone who has the same values as myself as well as someone who would just respect me as a person without using me for their pleasure. This is why I learned not to depend on anyone, but instead work on my own dreams and achieve my own happiness.
Just a farmer’s daughter
Oh.,if only I’m a man….love to meet you
Okay am here
I’m also 21 years as you are and your reply really inspired me.
Thank you
Great, this is me in a nutshell. I don’t have much but I’m hard working and know I would be great. Just be independent and enjoy your life.
I grew up without a father. I grew up poor. I grew up having a lot of fantasies that led to insecurities. In fact, my family was well-off at first, but my dad, before he passed away, met another woman who only took all of his assets. Later on, my mom married a man who also took all of our assets.
The reason why I want to marry a rich man is because I want my children in the future to live the life I didnt get to live — send them to great schools, have them meet friends (unlike me who has none), buy them books and hone their literacy skills, etc.
Actually, I’m Asian and in the least, it’s alright for me to marry a white guy, even though he isn’t rich. I grew up bullied, and avoided — which led me to become depressed and suicidal lol. I’m smart among my peers but I dont look attractive (I have curly hair, I’m dark, I’m fat, I wear glasses).
I am improving myself now like going on a daily workout, setting a goal of reading books, eating healthy, and getting A’s+.
I am a freshman now, taking Business and Accountancy. In 5 years, when I graduate, I’ll work at my country first for 3-5 years, and immigrate to United States — preferably in the areas where intelligent people are (MA, NY, AZ, VA, PA, CA). I will send my children to magnet schools and Ivy Leagues, and have them live the life I want.
I am 54, never have been married, Christian, disabled woman with a spinal cord injury, and poor. But I am an intelligent, humorous, and pretty woman, with a lot of love to give. I would love to meet a “rich man” because I would love to travel the world, and have somebody to share the things I love such as art, history, and great conversations. I may have the spinal injury, but I can still walk, I just need a walker for long distances. I have not dated for way over a decade because I feel so bad about my disability. But still, I am a very pretty woman, with a great heart, and deserve to have a partner, and not be alone. I may be “poor” but I have managed my money that I do have very well. I have plenty of beautiful clothes, bought my own car, live in a nice home, and pay my own bills like clockwork. I am NOT a gold digger! I only say I want a wealthy man because of the things I would like to do, such as travel the world, which is something a poor man could not do. And it would also be nice to have security, especially in this economy, because it is very frightening being on disability. I have been a beautician since I was 18, then became a barber, then became disabled when I got MRSA from a surgical procedure that traveled into my spinal cord. So I have been a very hard worker all of my life, independent, and am a very social person. I am just so tired of being trapped and all alone. I do have a 28 year old daughter that I have raised alone that is happily married, and she has been my greatest joy. She and her husband just bought their new home, and I couldn’t be more proud of them! I love the ocean, sunsets, and rock music. When I was young I met many famous bands. Motorhead even drove me home on their bus lol. I could have slept with many of them but didn’t. I just enjoyed meeting them, and talking. Which planted the seed of wanting to travel the world, to see all of the beautiful places I have dreamed of, and meeting the people that live there. I just adore culture, history, and learning. Life is so short, and just would love to make the most of what time I have left, with somebody who will appreciate me for me, and my dreams. I want a partner to be my best friend, and soulmate. I have never married because I take the vows very seriously, and am not the type of woman that sleeps around, and never have been. I also don’t want to join any dating sites, so I am challenged on where to go to find that special somebody.
No offence but why would a rich man be interested in a middle-aged, disabled woman? I’m pretty sure they are after thin, beautiful girls between 18 to 25. Not trying to be rude, just stating facts. It’s not healthy to live in a fantasy world.
There are plenty of older men who are not after “arm candy” and who truly want a woman of quality, not quantity of her breasts. Plus I am also a very beautiful woman that looks more like 45, and feel it too. Although I also have days where I feel 100 because I have lived through many hard difficulties, and have pride that I have faced them, and endured them alone, and have become a stronger, and better woman for them. I also consider myself, and so do others, to be a very intelligent woman. So I have many attributes a “rich” man would admire, and his life would indeed be made richer by having me in it. You apparently are a younger man looking for vain traits which means nothing to men of quality, that are looking for a long lasting relationship, and LOVE. Those are the types of women that are “gold diggers” that wants a rich man to buy everything for them, and I have bought myself what I need, and only want a rich man so we can travel the world, and enjoy the beautiful places that I cannot afford, which also IMO are better to enjoy with somebody you love. To share moments, and beauty, and not so much a lonely trip to paradise.
A rich man looking for perfect young girls just wants an excuse to raise his ego and satisfy his sexual needs. An intelligent rich man would see beyond.
I think that in the case of this lady (Heart of Gold), the richest will be the one who knows her in person. You can even read this lady’s soul with each of her words.
Beauty is just the wrapping of a candy that could even be empty inside, but a candy that is filled with exquisite wisdom, is enjoyed even more and for much longer.
So my congratulations to you, Heart of Gold, for being so beautiful inside and I wish you much happiness next to a man worthy of you.
Awww, God bless you Anton for your precious compliment! I appreciate so much that you understand exactly what the true definition of “rich” is, and I am just gobsmacked that somebody would say such wonderful things about me! I am actually very shy about compliments, and have never been one to flaunt myself, or my attributes. I agree, true beauty comes from within. Like my precious grandmother used to say “Pretty is, as pretty does.” And she was so right. And actually, although I may be “poor” I have royal blood, and have a fascinating family history. My family goes back to the Mayflower, and beyond to Scottish, Irish, and British nobility. Which is another reason I want to travel the world. To see the places where my family lived, and to share what time there is left of life with somebody that cares about my same interests, and would love to share them with me. So I am NOT a gold digger, and could care less about “things.” I don’t want to be a Hollywood wife. I could have been many times when I was younger to a number of many famous musicians that I could have slept with, and had romances with, and didn’t. I have never wanted that kind of life. I just wanted to be a mother, and not have to worry about my husband having numerous affairs with other women, and living a life of plastic surgery, followed by going in, and out of rehab. So although I have never married because I have not found Mr Right, I have had my greatest gift granted of being a mother to the best child anyone could ever hope for, Jesus more than blessed me with her. And now that she is grown and married to a wonderful man, I am all alone, and don’t want to die a spinster cat lady. I just want to live, and not simply exist. And to find a man that will love me for me, who wants to share my dreams, and make HIS life all the richer, just by having me in it.
Okay am here
lol 54 wants a rich man… Wow the delusion
FYI I have been hit on by much younger, and very handsome men, even though I am disabled. But they were not for me for various reasons. And when I was young, I was very beautiful, and now I can still say I am quite pretty, and do not look my age at all. I would never marry a man JUST because he was wealthy, that isn’t at all what I want. But it would be nice to marry somebody wealthy enough to travel, and go places, and do things I have always wanted to do. I have worked hard all of my life, raised my daughter all alone, have paid my own way, and don’t owe anyone, or anything one red cent. I am rich with intelligence, interests, and morals. ANY man would be rich just to have me in his life. And I have never been married, because I put my child first, and myself last. But now that she is grown and married, I can now focus on me. I am proud of myself, and my accomplishments, and even if I never do meet “Mr Right” I will never settle for Mr Wrong. I have made it this far without anyone’s help, and have lived through a lot in my life. I am a Christian, and have had Jesus by my side every step of the way. And if I am meant to be married, the man will find me, because I certainly don’t chase after men. And if not, I will still be fine, because I have am amazing daughter that I am so very proud of, and am loved by my family, and friends.
Oooops typo, edit to my last statement:
And if not, I will still be fine, because I have an amazing daughter that I am so very proud of, and am loved by my family, and friends.
Gold Diggers are everywhere nowadays and are brainless, clueless, and useless altogether now. And total losers too, and i can certainly add a lot more to that list which i will stop right there.
It sounds like you’ve met and endured many of the ones you call losers. I am really sorry about that. As a woman, it makes me sad that so many women are out to “land” a guy just because he has money. If your with someone, there has to be substance because once the fire at the beginning cools down it will take fanning those embers to keep the relationship going. I’ve been in the position where my ex accused me of being with him just for money. Seriously, no. I work for my own, he worked a very limited job, we were not well off. I was with him because I loved him, but that love died eventually because of being mistreated by him. I do hope you find the one person who ignites your passion and wants to be with you.
I need a good man who can take care of me am loving and caring.
From my experience women who want a rich man. Want his house, firstborn child and half his money. They don’t want a rich man it’s just a means to get rich.
I’ve met a pretty wealthy man and we’ve been conversing and sexually active for a month now. He is 14 years older and very well off. His money doesn’t excite me but the way he treats me does, ” like a woman”, I don’t ask for much and when he offer, half the time I turn it down I don’t worry about what he can do for me or if he can/will take care of me. He is so sweet to me and most of the time I’m trying to figure out what I can give him besides love, affection, undivided attention, compassion,etc…. Even though he doesn’t want for a thing I still like for him to look and smell good on my behalf. He is 48 and I’m 34
Hi Chris it’s not every woman who feels like that
put down in the marriage agreement both have to consent
Chris not everyone is like dat …. i mean there is always a o e bad apple
I’m quite picky when it comes to how a woman looks. I have been lucky enough to date women that literally turn every head in a room (men and women) when they walk in. And let me tell you fellas it is an amazing feeling. However, its like a drug and its not something that helps you long term.
My wife although great looking cannot compare to some of the most beautiful women I have dated. However, she posses a quality that is priceless. I didn’t even realize how priceless this quality was and that I desired it until I met her. She is one of the most compassionate, kind and good human beings I have ever met. She literally has a heart of gold. Let me tell you a quick story about the exact moment I knew she was going to be my “till death do us part” woman. We had been dating for about 1.5 years and I had been quite cautious with how much I spent on her. She knew I had money but never pushed me for anything. At this point she needed a car for work.
I said I would buy her one. Now I had the ability to buy her a brand new BMW/Mercedes or any luxury car in cash and she knew it. But I didn’t show up with any of those cars. I didn’t even show up with a brand new car. I bought her an 18 year old car worth $3,200 that didn’t even have power windows! Her reaction was the following: She came up to me with a big smile, gave me a big hug and said “thank you for taking care of me and buying me a car.” I was utterly stunned and that’s when I knew she was the one!
That event proved to me what a rare woman I had ran into so these days I pretty much give her anything she wants (we have been together for 11 years). However, since she is a good woman she has never taken advantage of it. The most demanding thing she has ever asked me is to let her have her own 2 private bathrooms and 2 additional bedrooms solely for her use in the house besides our master suite. Considering how amazing she is I was happy to give it to her!
This story is a lie . First of all she’s your wife isn’t every room in your house yours and hers and buying her a car that was so used is insulting as it’s obvious you are testing her. And I don’t believe beautiful women threw themselves at you. I don’t even believe from your writing you are that rich. You found mediocre.
You have a point
Maybe you should learn to read before you call someone a liar.
1. I never said “beautiful women threw themselves at me.” I said I have been lucky enough to date women that turn every head in a room. Those are two completely different scenarios. Now whether you believe me or not really doesn’t make a difference to me. All I can say is that this is an anonymous comment board so I really have no reason to lie. Its not like I’m getting “social status” or “respect” by lying about these things on this board.
2. You sound like a 13 year old teenager who has never been married with your “room comment.” My statement about the room situation was pretty straightforward. But let me try again: There are two bedrooms that I never sleep in and there are two bathrooms I never use. Those rooms are for her use.
3. And you must be pretty dense. I was testing her! That was the whole point of me buying her a cheap car!!! I figured I made that pretty obvious in my post but I guess some people can’t understand obvious things……..
4.Again whether you believe I’m rich or not won’t change anything about my life. I will still continue to have what I have.
If my daughter was dating a guy like you and you bought her a junker I would have told her to run. Clearly her not asking for anything should have gave you the answer you were seeking. I understand not buying a luxury car but to buy (and be smug) a 18 year old car makes you look like an a**. Also come on the day you got married the money is both parties. You sound like her dad. Disgusting.
Be disgusted all you want but based on your attitude its clear you have no real understanding of real morals. Fact is, people (men and women) who have good values, morals and honor understand exactly why I did what I did. Obviously my wife does which is why we are still married. The only people who are disgusted fall into one of the following categories: immoral people, those who lack the cognitive ability to understand values on an advanced level (as in stupid people) or gullible fools who always see the best in people and are taken advantage of all throughout their life. For your sake I hope you are the last one because then I can at least have some respect for you. If you are one of the first two then you are part of the reason why collectively humanity is so devoid of morals.
On a side note if you had told your daughter to “run” from a guy like me then clearly you are the type of father daughters will wish they were not born to because you give extremely terrible advice. Let me get this straight you would want your daughter to run from a guy who is financially independent, self made, who knows the value of hard work, is responsible, moral, treats women chivalrously, respects women as his equal, has dedicated his life to philanthropy, believes in monogamy and has established a life where your daughter will never have to worry about money? I guess all that cancels out me buying a “junker” as you call it right? If your daughter was dating me and could see the future she would curse for giving her the worst advice of her life and breaking up with me.
Anyway since for some reason you are so obsessed with the “junker” I bought my wife the me give you an update. The last car she got was brand new and she handpicked what she wanted (no budget involved). Oh and in case your wondering I was driving a 10 year old car when she got her brand new car. In fact, the next car we buy will also be for her and it will be brand new. I will just drive her old car at that point. What I’m trying to say is people like me respect a simple but hard to find thing called “morality.” Since my wife has that, she gets whatever she wants from me.
You must really love your wife then. I hope you’re still together. I would love to marry a woman just like your wife, if what you said about her is true.
I have been living alone and taking care of a kid on my own honestly to have a man with me at night would be wonderful. Your lady is very lucky to have you.
Thank you! And I’m very lucky to have her. Its very rare to run into a woman who cares so little about materialistic things. I’m sure you will find someone perfect for you in due time. It just doesn’t happen right when we need it to so please don’t lose hope! I can tell you that both me and my wife were not expecting to find “the one” when we met, it just happened unexpectedly.
Well I don’t even have a boyfriend lol and about rich men well I don’t know its all just some random disney shit here lol why don’t people just make their own money instead? And if they can’t just don’t whore on people’s money lol i mean what even people my college research is so darn shit that they ask for such bs reports on such bs topics like “date a rich man”
My advice to all the ladies and the gents “make ya own money spend it on yourself only or give them to your parents that have always given their everything to make y’all so happy and worth it!”
With all that money, why don’t you learn to write?
Jaja.nice say…well …being rich has its perks but lol…happiness is priceless
I know this is an old post, but I wanted to share what my mother said to me when I was very young, even before old enough to date:
“It’s just as easy to fall in love with a rich person as it is to fall in love with a poor person.”