Making Money Is Easier Than Building Relationships

Anybody can sell their services but not everybody can build and sustain a fruitful relationship. This is why making money is easier than building relationships. How many sets of friends have you had over your lifetime? How many acquaintances have come and gone? Too many in my mind.

The other day, I became dismayed by one blogger who just focused on taking advantage of the Yakezie Network to make money. He was more active in our financial opportunities than building relationships with fellow Members. 

We're talking no retweets, no posts highlighting any Members, and very few comments anywhere on the network. I was so disappointed, but also cognizant of the fact that it's hard to resist the mesmerizing green.  We had a heart to heart and I think he's really going to make an effort over the next several months to be perhaps one of the best Members hopefully.

Don't Let The Greed Of Making Money Hurt Your Relationships

What is it about money that drives people crazy? Do I have a totally warped sense of money because I've never really had to worry about money before? Maybe, but I certainly wasn't wealthy growing up. 

One time, I snuck my parents car out during monsoon season. A couple of hubcaps fell off and my parents didn't even notice! That's how middle class I was. 

I'm one who believes that anybody who wants to make a buck can make a buck. This is my optimism speaking.

I'm afraid of what money can do to people. And, I'm afraid of what money can make people do. I see people's personalities change as soon as income is introduced in the equation. More often than not I'm dismayed by the outcome. 

Thus, I'm trying to figure out how we can make a healthy living without money getting in the way of friendships.  Is it possible? I don't know for sure, but I'll keep trying because I care about people too much to stop.

Further Reading

Maybe you can share your thoughts. Has making money ever got in the way of your relationships?



PS, If you think it's you in the post, don't worry, it's not you.

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4 years ago

Nice blog post. One of the best I read recently. I’m new into blogging and feel I would love share some contents here.
So what I would do briefly is talk about Affiliate marketing.
Affiliate marketing is promoting products and getting commission from it…
You don’t have to own a Product before you can sell. It’s simple, join an affiliate program with your desired niche and then choose an offer to promote. A lot of people are having success with this while a lot too haven’t made even a sale… As I will still tell you making money online is not easy if you are just starting… It will take some time for you to start getting persistent income… Maybe some months but depending on how serious you are… But I can still oppose that statement… You want to know why? If you want to succeed in a business, you must have money and if you don’t, you should be ready to put in time… You can’t start a free business and start making tons of money immediately. There’s no magic here If you go for courses and then learn from top affiliates, you will earn faster… That’s why I always recommend people to go for courses… The truth about it is that there’s no vital information free… So if you feel you have where to get free information to start getting successful then seriously you are only deceiving yourself… Schools are not free and even some are free, money must still be involved in something or another. That’s to show the value of knowledge. I’m promoting a course it’s very vital check this link out if you want to gain more knowledge.
Steps to take when starting affiliate marketing.

1. Finding a niche (it can be health or fitness or e-commerce etc…) but I’m into weight-loss which is under health and also run e commerce niche too… It’s cool promoting a weight-loss products there are lot of people that need it… Ecommerce too… You need it that’s why you are reading this and also lot of people too out there want to make money this.
2. Finding method to promote and scaling your traffic. The most important thing is your traffic. That’s where money is from. The customers, people who will buy the product or perform some action like leads… Some affiliate network pay per lead… Those are called cap meaning cost per action… But the one I deal on is cps which is called cost per sale… Money is much here… I always choose the one with more money.
3. finding the right audience: now after you’ve got the right product to you promote, you will need to find the right people to promote the products to. There are mainly two ways marketers do it.;
Free advertising
Paid advertising

14 years ago

I was wondering why Punch Debt in the Face was so contrite recently. (KIDDING!!!)

Bucksome Boomer
Bucksome Boomer
14 years ago

I appreciate that you cared enough to take the time and talk to the person in question. Mentoring someone is a great gift.

There are people in the group that I feel more of an affinity to because of their support. I go out of my way to try to give them as much or more. Loyalty is earned!

Steve Jobs
Steve Jobs
14 years ago

We cannot blame some people who actually adore money. They may have some bad memories growing up without money and they don’t want that to happen again. But that is not an excuse for doing something bad just for the sake of having money. All we have to do is respect them as we want to be respected in return.

14 years ago


I’ll be good…..

I promise……I’ll be good from now on!


Jason @ Redeeming Riches

I’ve seen it tear families apart as well. Relational dynamics change when money gets involved. It takes a lot of maturity to see past it.

14 years ago

“I’m afraid of what money can make people do”… Have you seen The Money Masters (film 1995)? Its insane what people can do for money.

Jason @ Redeeming Riches

Sam, it’s our nature. If we were completely honest with ourselves, we’d see our selfishness shining through like the morning sun.

Even our greatest intentions are drenched with pride, selfishness and ego. What that means, however, is that we must fight those motivations and continually do an honest evaluation of our own hearts.

Posts like this help us to take a step back and look at ourselves again, so Thank You!


14 years ago

I agree with you Jason. We as humans have a tendency to be too self centered. Even the goal of acquiring wealth is often contrived out of selfishness nature. It’s not so much to help others as to feed our own ego and selfish desires. It is much more difficult to build a true friendship than to make a few bucks.

Jason @ Redeeming Riches
Reply to  Mark

Yeah, unfortunately it’s the case, but I believe we can fight that tendency. I’ve been challenged by a definition of true love recently that I heard – true love is “self giving for the good and joy of another”. Boy, do I have a long way to go!

14 years ago

That’s very profound! We all do.

Mike - Saving Money Today
Mike - Saving Money Today
14 years ago

I think it’s hard for people to put their own self-interests aside. It’s like the old saying of not seeing the forest through the trees. I can see how some people would be tempted to go for the quick score and to hell with actually participating and helping others. But those of us who do build relationships will come out far ahead in the end as we ride the rising tide together. Those who are only interested in themselves will fall off.

14 years ago

I wonder about this one. I have a slightly different twist. (Maybe this IS about me…..)

I believe it’s fine to focus on money AS LONG AS YOU HELP OTHERS along the way.

As our blogs become more successful, it’s more difficult to LOOK for opportunities to serve…but that doesn’t relieve us from the obligation to help when asked.

Maybe this is a cope out.

I realize I’ve been less active in the group. I will make an effort to increase it. I do remain very open to being of service.


Sunil from The Extra Money Blog
Sunil from The Extra Money Blog
14 years ago

very interesting post – isn’t it amazing that we work so hard to make money for “happiness” and our loved ones, yet it is the very same reason that causes most relationships to sour and fail. what has helped me is inner peace and contentment, which has come from a combination of my upbringing, life experiences, spirituality and the people around me in my life. i continue to pray that the evil side of money doesn’t ever get near me, that is why i do not chase it. i have found that focusing on relationships and excellence instead makes money chase you automatically.

Sunil from The Extra Money Blog
Sunil from The Extra Money Blog
14 years ago

the masses chase money with little regard for all else…..i have experienced that focusing on excellent (at whatever i do) makes money chase me rather the other way around. the same goes for relationships. focusing in harnessing and serving loved ones make them come closer to you. people often get distracted with so much in the environment around them. i have found that putting your passion into your career (or whatever it is that you do), and spending time with the few friends and family is the perfect recipe to attract all things good to you

Tom Nguyen
Tom Nguyen
14 years ago

Money does play a peculiar role in the social circles you keep. If your wealth and lifestyle is not consistent with your friends’, it begins to put a strain on the relationship. What may be an “inexpensive” restaurant for one party is an extravagance for another. The more I make, the more I feel I need to be conscious of these little things to maintain sensitivity with friends.

Dividend Monk
14 years ago

Money is crazy like that. Or rather, people are crazy like that for money.

Blogging for these past 7 months has taught me a lot about building relationships online. At first I was trying to do everything that people are “supposed” to do to make a decent blog. Money was never a concern of mine, but success was.

I was commenting just for the sake of commenting, and linking just for the sake of linking. I was trying to do things the “right” way. Luckily I built a few good relationships with other bloggers, but usually because they made the first move. The only thing I really liked about blogging was the writing part rather than the promoting and commenting part, because my heart was in the content but not in the marketing. Combined with that, I went through a move to a new place, and had some difficult issues, so my traffic grew at a fairly mediocre rate as a result of a lack of passion.

But I’ve since re-visioned my promotion efforts. For these last two months I’ve really stepped up the time I spent writing content, and for this past month I’ve become a lot more intentional about building blog relationships. Instead of trying to do everything the “right” way, and wind up doing it with sheer mediocrity instead, I’m focusing on doing it MY way. Targeting blogs I really like and commenting and promoting them, rather than doing it mindlessly to everything I come across. Focusing on certain things rather than everything. Quality over quantity. So far it’s been working pretty well.

14 years ago

Money is such a touchy thing. It definitely makes some people crazy, and it can often control us more than we want it to. The older I get the more I come to understand Buddhist teachings though, which I had very limited exposure to growing up. I really think the more we have the more we have to lose and the more worries we can accumulate. Simplicity is peaceful, relaxing, and in a lot of ways happiness too. Making money can be extremely rewarding too though, esp. when given the opportunity to help someone and watching a savings account build up for the future. Even though I lost a lot of money in the downturn it really made me realize how I didn’t need lots of material things to feel good though. Cutting off my non essential shopping became more fulfilling than the thrill of getting something new.

14 years ago

@Financial Samurai Deleted my comment?! See if I ever comment here again… :-)

14 years ago

LOL “if you think this is you, it’s not you” Is it because the aforementioned blogger doesn’t visit other blogs to comment? =(

I try to be cognizant myself and not focus too much of things like that. Blogging is fun and rewarding because you meet other people who are like-minded and supportive, the extra cashola I think is just a bonus.

The few clicks I get on Google Adsense a day is enough to keep me excited. =)

14 years ago

I like finding your little “clues” in your posts =)

Cool, thanks for the heads up- just signed up!

Money Reasons
Money Reasons
14 years ago

With respect to blogging, I guess it depends on one’s current employment and why he/she became a blogger in the first place.

With me, I read personal finance blogs for years before I started doing it on my own. I love everything about the pf community. I’m constantly amazed by the intelligent thoughtful comments by our pf readers out there, and the nuggets of wisdom to be gain out there.

But I’m going okay financially, I’m not rich, but nor am I poor. Like many other bloggers out there like me, I feel like I’m a champion of the middle classes. I’m one of them and I was raised in a middle class community. I’m trying to help them get ahead above all else…

But, if I were poor and trying to get ahead, I would be focused on the “oh mighty” dollar! I would be doing anything I could to cover the Maslow’s needs heirarchy that I am deficient in.

So for me the Yakezie group is about community, education and teamwork… The charity aspect while very noble and respectable, is just icing on the cake! :)

Money Reasons
Money Reasons
14 years ago

Oh yeah, I’m not doubting that! The Scholarship will be great too… I’m just saying I enjoy everybody’s company :)

I honestly think it’s just a matter of time before a big media type comes in to do a story about Yakezie! I mean, it is such a great story!

14 years ago

I think we talked about this before off your blog before, but I don’t think you should be shocked. Most people aren’t good at creating mutually beneficial relationships, networking and business in general so why assume that someone understands how to run their business properly.

14 years ago

Being a good citizen is different then being a productive one.

14 years ago

If you look in general most of relationships get affected by money. It happens in every area of your life – work, family, marriages, dating, friends. I think money is such a huge determining factor of quality of life that it overshadows everything else. I watched my friends’ marriages collapse because of money issues. My own relationship was affected my money. I guess we have to raise a question what is more important in life – people or money. We build our lives depending on our answers to this question.

14 years ago

I do think people and building friendships is the most important, but also don’t overlook the fact that a certain amount of greed is good. A little greed motivates us to go to work everyday and things like that. Greed just shouldn’t be the ONLY reason.

14 years ago

It’s probably much harder for people who’ve had little to no money all their lives, who are now realizing the power of the Internet as a means to supplement their (small) income. It’s like a drug they can’t resist.

But like most of the rest of life, if you try too hard to make money online, you won’t make any money. Funny how that works…

Everyday Tips
14 years ago

Well, I wonder if part of it is that people are searching for money now. I think some people think that blogging is a way to make ‘quick money’. Of course, we all know that is not true, but for someone new, they may be learning the ropes. They may also be desperate, perhaps they lost a job, who knows. Or, maybe I am being too nice and they just want cash for the sake of having cash!

The best part for me about blogging has been the relationships. Thank God I am not focusing on the money or I would be sorely disappointed. Each day I wake up looking forward to see what all my pals are up to!

Money has caused friction in relationships since the beginning of time, and I don’t think it will stop. It has ruined families and come between best friends. Therefore, I am not surprised at all that it would affect people online.

14 years ago

Sam or anyone for this matter,

I’m trying to interpret this:

“One time, I snuck my parents car out during monsoon season and a couple of hubcaps fell off and my parents didn’t even notice! That’s how middle class I was.”

I keep getting my head wrapped around it. What’s the correlation. Can you expound? Otherwise, great thought-provoking article.

14 years ago

I believe it’s not necessarily about money but more about the fact that there is a reward. Money is simply one type of reward. As with any reward, people can be tempted to go the easy route if there is low-dangling fruit within reach.

In any group and community network, reciprocity is important. In any relationship as well. If one side is giving and the other side is taking it can feel unbalanced. However, if both sides give, both sides end up better off, and both sides get rewarded. The important thing for people to keep in mind is that they are most likely better off if they reciprocate instead of trying to take advantage.

Invest It Wisely
14 years ago

Well, the thing about seeing dollar signs is that it can invoke a bit of lust and greed. I agree with you there.

It’s kind of ironic that Kontera is linking “Making money online” in your comment here, given the subject. :P