Every week, we will highlight the best posts on the web. They can either be thought provoking or simply have made us laugh. This week's The Katana 9/26 highlights include:
1) Five Pence Piece: 10 Economic Predictions for 2010. Lee provides his dire predictions for the UK, and I just love his conviction!
2) Wisebread's Paul Michael: 51 Unusual Money-Saving Tips From Readers. Paul puts together a hilarious list of shady tips the best cheapskates can appreciate!
3) Get Rich Slowly's April Dykman: Renters Insurance: Peace of Mind For 10 Bucks A Month. We're all either renters, landlords, or live in mom's basement. Make sure you're covered or at least know about the costs just in case disaster strikes.
The Katana 9/26
Financial Samurai Post Highlights
1) Obama's Health Care Proposal. A quick intro about the proposal and unique individual viewpoints which should make people think. Things aren't so clear cut.
2) Be Your Own Venture Capitalist & Build A Broad Portfolio. The are opportunities everywhere to build relationships. Change your mindset.
3) To MBA Or Not To MBA. November usually signals the first round of application deadlines and applications are up 30% year over year. Read this article before you decide to spend all that money and time. Competition is fierce!
Financial Samurai – “Slicing Through Money's Mysteries”
haha, I love #2. People sure can be creative in finding ways to save money. More people should learn that “Spend more Save more” isn’t a good mantra.