It's crazy how fast time flies. I originally wrote this post in October 2009. It features an intriguing Did You Know video down below about predictions for the future. Fast forward to today and it's funny how we're already in the future that the video talks about. And a lot of the predictions came true.
This fascinating Did You Know video is about the progress of technology and social media. It's definitely something that everybody should know about. This is my first attempt at posting up a video, so I hope it doesn't blow up my site. Thanks Gen Y Investor for the tips!
For all those who don't know how to put up a video from YouTube on your site, simply go to YouTube video, copy the HTML code on the right, past it into your HTML tab in your WordPress, click back to Visual, and edit accordingly!
Tomorrow we will reveal our $1,000 giveaway for those aspiring to get their MBA. Even if you don't want to get your MBA, you might know someone who does so stay tuned!
Did You Know Video, Version 4.0, Fall 2009
Learn More, Make More Money
Here are some additional resources I’ve put together that will help you on your financial journey to earn more, save more, and hopefully double or triple your income!
- Take advantage of free online financial tools: Free Wealth Management
- Explore my top financial products recommendations
- Learn how much you should aim to have saved in your 401(k) by different ages. The numbers could surprise you.
- Look beyond your salary and start earning passive income. Here are the best passive income streams I recommend.
Further Reading
- Confessions Of A Protester Trying To Make Things Right
- “We Are Wall Street” E-mail Fights Back Against Main Street
- What Percentage of My Income Tax Is Spent On National Defense?
- First Republican Debate Makes President Obama A Winner in 2012
- Debt Ceiling Debacle’s Bright Side: Standing Up For What You Believe In
Readers, are you ready for the next 5 years?! What did you find the most interesting in the Did You Know video?
Financial Samurai – “Slicing Through Money's Mysteries”
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@Greg. Yeah I can see your points yet so many families can barely get by now raising a family even with 2 incomes and in some cases with one of the 2 parents working more than 1 job. A lot of people live 40 miles away from the office because that’s all they can afford. Anyway, we all have our problems and at the end of the day technology will continue to become a greater part of our lives.
@Charlie – It wasn’t that long ago that pre-teens were working 12 – 15 hour days in sweat shops in the U.S. and Europe. We all think we work hard today… just watch one episode of the reality shows that depict life at the turn of the 20th century! I saw a statistic recently that indicated the average U.S. employee is only really working less than 6 hours a day when you figure breaks, internet surfing, etc… We don’t have more time because simply because we waste so much of it. It’s our choice to buy a house 40 miles away from the office and it’s our choice to blow 30 hours a week in front of the tube. If we all make better choices we would all have better lives.
Samurai-san – great pick on the video it really puts things in perspective. With the speed of technological change we’ve experienced, I honestly don’t think we can even dream of what new inventions and tools will be available in 20 years. We’ll probably look back and laugh at how narrow minded we were!
Thnx Greg. I’m just happy i figured out how to put up a video. :)
Very interesting stats on that video, thanks for sharing it. Things are going to continue to get more and more digital, which is fantastic for areas like health care and education. I just don’t like that despite the advances in technology making our jobs more efficient, we work more hours now in the US than people did before computers and emails were the norm. That’s messed up. We need to adopt a more European lifestyle of getting companies to give more paid time off, working less overtime without worrying about getting fired or not getting paid, and taking more time to have long relaxing meals and vacations with family. People would be less stressed and would be so much healthier and happier! Technology is great at saving us time but we can’t forget to step back, put down the phone, turn off the computer and tv, and relax.
Charlie – I agree that with all our technology, it’s ironic we seem to be working more than ever. There’s never an off switch since we are always connected. I’m actually happy I don’t have an iPhone and all that, or else I’d be wasting time twittering and doing unproductive things at work and such. Maybe after I retire!
@Gen Y Investor
Cool man. Thanks for the help again. I think I might put up a sound/podcast? widget next to the Tweet button where I will just read out posts in 2 minutes or less for those who can’t see or want to hear editorial comment. May be a nice personalized touch.
I just can’t believe so much has progressed over the past 5 years. We could literally have all been multi-millionaires if we perfectly took advantage of the system. Hence, I am motivated to not let the next 5 years pass me by!
Glad to see you got the video working! It looks good and was really interesting. I can’t believe the average teen sends that many text messages! I’ll have to remind myself to get the unlimited text plan when I have kids.
Thanks for the video posting info!
You always help us and we appreciate it.
John DeFlumeri Jr