Gas Prices Are Out Of Control And People Love It!

Gas prices are crazy in 2024. We're talking $6/gallon here in San Francisco as inflation continues to stay elevated. This is a post I wrote a while ago about the positives of high gas prices.

I've been neglecting Moose for a couple weeks since I've been traveling so much. But, I took him out for a spin the other day and was absolutely shocked to see that gas prices have ROCKETED to $4.11, $4.29, and $4.39 for regular, plus, and supreme at my neighborhood Chevron station! I know WTI oil prices have risen to $112, but it really didn't hit me until I saw and paid for the latest gas prices.

As a city dweller, I take the bus to and from work, and try and ride the bus as much as possible on the weekends. The only times I really drive is to and from the tennis club, and up to Tahoe which is about 180 miles away. 

Overall, I drive about 6,500 miles a year which is not that much compared to the national average of 15,500 miles a year. With Moose getting roughly 17 mpg, I spend around $2,145 a year in gasoline, up from just $1,750 this time last year.

If I'm Shocked At Gas Prices, Why Aren't You Shocked Too?

When gas prices were only $3.50/gallon, my yearly gas bill would be roughly $1,750 for 6,500 miles. $395 more in gas costs isn't exactly going to break the budget for me, or for most people ($33 more a month). Yet I'm pretty shocked nonetheless. 

I'm so shocked at gas prices that I've decided to asset allocate out of equities and back into cash and selective bonds in my 401K because I'm worried high energy prices, along with problematic state government deficits will ignite another sell-off. I'm happy to lock in 6.8% performance YTD in my mothership fund and play it safe.

In addition, I'm looking to cut an additional $100-$200/month out of my expenses to counteract $4+ gas prices, which only costs $33 more a month.  Skip a lunch here, cut down on gym usage there, drink more water are all things I plan on doing. In other words, thanks to oil, I'm looking to slash spending by 3-6X more!

In my world, everything is rational. The reason why gasoline prices are as high as they are is because people are willing to pay for it. If people weren't willing to pay for it, prices would be lower. 

Rising Gas Prices Help Me Stay Frugal

I, therefore must be an anomaly to believe that $4.11-$4.39/gallon is a painful level. I'm consciously reducing my gas consumption, even it it only costs me $395-500 a year because I'm mentally revolting at paying so much.

But now, as I think rationally still…. if someone like me, who drives half as much as the average American and has a steady flow of income is clamping down consumption, then it's logical to assume that other people will also start tightening as well. 

It's not like I can't afford an extra $33/month, it just annoys me that gas prices have gone up so quickly. I'm mentally going on strike and just going to take the bus everywhere now, even if it does take longer. I figure, why not use this time to reduce my global footprint, reduce traffic, and save some money in the process?

Maybe There's Another Reason People Don't Care About Gas Prices

There's one important variable that we should recognize.  The job market has come back in force as predicted! People are getting raises and getting jobs again. 

Why else would traffic be as horrendous as it has been in SF in a long while? There are plenty of positive anecdotes that suggest things are drastically improving in addition to the government labor statistics. 

Fellow blogger's online incomes have skyrocketed in March. Flight loads are soaring, the markets are at 3-year highs, and head hunters are calling out the wazoo.

Despite it all, I'm still cutting down on energy consumption and re-balancing my portfolio. I'm happy to see the economy and the markets continue to improve, even if I'm not fully invested anymore. Call me conservative, or too easily satisfied. The older I get, the less I really need.

Be More Financially Responsible With Car Spending

Cars are expensive. Gas prices are out of control. Keep your car spending to a minimum!

You want to follow my House-To-Car Ratio guide for fiscal responsibility. If you want to eventually reach financial freedom, you should have a house-to-car ratio of at least 50. Cars are guaranteed to depreciate in value, houses tend to appreciate in value. 

House-To-Car Guide for financial freedom

Buy Real Estate Instead Of An Expensive Car

Keep your car expenses to a minimum. Instead of buying a fancy new car, use the money to invest in real estate instead. This way, you can build more wealth and achieve financial freedom, which provides way more value than driving a nice car.

To invest in real estate without all the hassle and unexpected costs, check out Fundrise. Fundrise offers funds that mainly invest in residential and industrial properties in the Sunbelt, where valuations are lower and yields are higher. The firm manages over $3.5 billion in assets for over 500,000 investors looking to diversify and earn more passive income. The minimum investment amount is only $10.

Another great private real estate investing platform is Crowdstreet. Crowdstreet offers accredited investors individual deals run by sponsors that have been pre-vetted for strong track records. Many of their deals are in 18-hour cities where there is potentially greater upside due to higher growth rates. You can build your own select real estate portfolio with Fundrise. 

I've personally invested $954,000 in private real estate since 2016 to diversify my holdings, take advantage of demographic shifts toward lower-cost areas of the country, and earn more passive income. We're in a multi-decade trend of relocating to the Sunbelt region thanks to technology. 

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13 years ago

I’ve incorporated no drive days into my schedule. It’s a benefit of working from home, but still annoying. It’s helped counteract the rising gas prices. Our next car, I’ll also be looking into getting even better gas mileage.

Invest It Wisely
13 years ago

@Car Negotiation Coach

I doubt it; gas prices are close to $6/gal in Canada and we probably drive as much as our friends south of the border.

Invest It Wisely
13 years ago

Even if the US stumbles the emerging markets will be there to pick up the slack, so whatever the reason behind high gas prices they’re probably here to stay for a while. Up to nearly $6 over here!

Greg McFarlane
Greg McFarlane
13 years ago

I’m convinced that the major reason gas prices are so newsworthy are because they’re so big. I mean, the signs are big. If every business advertised its prices in 3-foot-high numerals, and changed them daily, we’d pay a lot more attention.

I wonder how many people whining about gas prices spend more on beer and liquor than they do on fuel.

13 years ago

I haven’t quite felt it yet, but I’m sure it’s only a matter of time! I drive to school 37 miles roundtrip, which I know isn’t a lot for some people, but it’s a lot for a student. I was spending $200 or more per month when I had class 5 days a week. This quarter my schedule is only 3 days, but the increase in price will probably even it out.

Driving a midsize SUV has benefits, but my next vehicle will probably be a hybrid or smaller sedan. Maybe a Ford Escape hybrid or Honda Civic.

The way I look at it, driving to school is still wayyy cheaper than living on campus, so I’m technically coming out ahead.

Kay Lynn @ Bucksome Boomer
Kay Lynn @ Bucksome Boomer
13 years ago

I think the prices have just crossed the point where people are going to be making changes. My neighborhood Arco was over $4 per gallon for the first time this past week.

I drive 10,000 miles a year and get about 17 mpg so it will make a difference to me, but not too bad.

Edwin @ Stack The Chips

I bought a fuel efficient car recently and have calculated that my gas expenses will go down from $3,000/yr. to $2,000/yr.

Money Reasons
Money Reasons
13 years ago

Do you feel the pain at the pump? If not, how come?
I feel it only because I realize it. I’m afraid a lot of people don’t realize how much they are wasting on gas. If I weren’t in tune with traveling cost, I might not pay attention to the expense either, but since I’m a financial blogger… Ouch, it hurts!

If so, are you cutting down your consumption?
I’m thinking about car pooling to work with a buddy, and stop driving to the drive thru for food (that $1.00 McDouble is really costing me 4 or 5 dollars when you throw in the price of gas)!

How many miles a year do you drive on average?
I’m pretty average 15,000!

Here’s food for thought! I takes me an hour to drive to my parent’s house, and then another hour to drive back. Once I calculate the cost for gas only, it comes to an expense of over $22 per trip! Big OUCH!

Money Reasons
Money Reasons
13 years ago

Yeah, I’m living large with those McDoubles. I buy 2 McDoubles at a time, so really they only cost me $3 when the price of gas is included…

I try and visit my parents once a month. I can’t afford to do any more than that though!

Car Negotiation Coach
13 years ago

I think $5/gal will be the oh sh$t moment when driving behavior drastically changes.

As for me, I work from home and have my vehicle classified for insurance purposes as “for leisure”. Last year at my inspection my mechanic laughed at me because i had put less than $3k miles on it. Of course my wife is a driving fiend so I still end up footing a decent gas bill.

I’ve seriously considered buying a moped to get around town. It’d be a ton of fun and dirt cheap…..but my wife would freak….and of course there’s the embarrassment factor….but who cares what other people think!

13 years ago

I am stuck. I live in a far suburb of a large city in Ohio. Years ago Detroit did a great job of making us car-based societies and inhibiting public transportation. Thus, I live 20 miles form my employer and woudl ahve to take 2 buses and 3 extra hours to get too and from work. There is no public transportation from our house to Hubby’s job in another suburb. Our public school system has elimiated busses for high schooler, so my high schooler needs a ride to school. We cut back in other areas to afford gas. In Jan I took advantage of Toyota’s celarance sales and got myself a 2010 Prius for my commute, keeping my 2002 Ford Escape for the high schooler to drive when he obtains his driver’s license later this month. But Guess who will supply that gas. There are a lot of logistical reasons that getting the teenager to school without a third car involves way too many hoops to jump. Possible, yes? Sustainable over the long term? no.

13 years ago

The problem is that pay rates are also lower in less urban areas. A job in San Francisco usually pays more than the exact same job in Iowa. If you’re lucky, the comparison is a wash.

Darwin's Money
Darwin's Money
13 years ago

I don’t pay much attention; my commute to work is 4 miles and my wife doesn’t work now so we don’t use a ton of gas. Aside from the Middle East where the government heavily subsidize gasoline, we pay the least in the world at the pump, so when Americans complain about gas prices it just illustrates how wasteful we are.

Surprised you sold all your equities – I thought you’re eternally optimistic! I’m staying long; I figure with another election coming up, the administration will do everything possible to continue artificially prop up asset prices, even at the detriment to future generations. Might as well ride the tide. Bailouts, tax breaks, you name it; they’ll do it if it continues to prop up prices.

101 Centavos
13 years ago

I wrote a post about this very topic a couple days ago. We’ve likewise changed our spending habits to make up for the increase in gas prices. We started eating out less, and cut back a little on other discretionary.

First Gen American
13 years ago

I have a company car which comes with a gas card, so we use it as much as possible for road trips and such. BUT, when I didn’t have one, I really did start reducing the # of roadtrips I took on the weekends and focused more on local excursions instead.

First Gen American
13 years ago

It’s a good deal but I have to pay $175/month “personal use fee”. Free company cars are a thing of the past for most of us salespeople. Usually we have to kick in something somewhere.

First Gen American
13 years ago

Oh, and I average about 45-50,000 miles/year. I drive a lot.

Mike Hunt
Mike Hunt
13 years ago


Move abroad- most companies for people in a middle or senior mgmt level provide a car. I have a car, driver, all maintenance, tolls, insurance and repairs are covered. We also have a gas card that has a value of $675 a month- only last month I hit the limit for the first time and had to wait till the 1st of the month to get the tank topped up!


13 years ago

That’s a hilarious and seriously true pic. I’m a big bus person myself and unfortunately I’m sure the cities will start raising transit pass prices again soon if gas prices don’t go down soon. Flights are a lot more expensive now too it seems which is putting a damper on my travel plans.

13 years ago

Maybe people keep paying these prices not because they aren’t shocked, but because they don’t think they can do anything about it.

13 years ago
Reply to  Joe

It’s also not shocking because we’ve already been here. The national average for gas was higher a few years ago. I think our attitudes now are more like – great…here we go again!

The Dividend Pig
13 years ago

I remember a few years ago, when gas prices really hit the ceiling, a report on some financial channel (msn? fox?) Anyway, some gas expert was on, and they asked him what the cure for high gas prices was. He responded, very simply, high gas prices. Sometimes we forget, oil, like everything else, is supply and demand.

13 years ago

Since I am mostly a public transportation guy, I don’t really feel a lot of pain from gas since my car usage is limited.

In my opinion, there are no supply problems out there for oil, there’s plenty of oil and a normal price should be between 85 and 95 a barrel. The rest is pure speculation….

Sunil from The Extra Money Blog
Sunil from The Extra Money Blog
13 years ago

sure it is painful to see those numbers on the board, but for as high as it is here, many have it much higher in most other nations

13 years ago

Its amazing how we get acclimated to a certain price for gas. Many years ago, I remember when gas prices got so high it hit ONE DOLLAR a gallon. I actually traded in my gas guzzler for a car that got better gas mileage because I was so shocked at paying a dollar a gallon.

Justin @ MoneyIsTheRoot

Is it really a sign the economy is rebounding…or just a reflection of what is taking place in oil producing countries?

I mean GM’s stock price isnt declining because the company is doing poorly, but rather based on public perception of unrest in oil producing countries.

13 years ago

The economy is definitely recovering. I see the traffic getting worse and worse in my area as well and the gas price will keep going up. I drive about 5-6,000 per years and I get 24-28 mpg so it’s not hitting us quite as hard as others.

As long as Americans continue to buy huge gas guzzlers, we are not feeling the pain that much.

13 years ago

I’m up in Portlandia. haha :)

The Passive Income Earner

It’s definitely affecting the budget for us. Less eating out at lunch for me covers it though. An electric car has been on my mind lately … I am struggling with promising myself not to change car until the mortgage is paid or trying to reduce gas cost …

Consequently, is it temporary due to Libya or is it permanent now ?

The Passive Income Earner

It’s a 2003 and it works really well. I really don’t have a problem with it but from a financial perspective, is a hybrid (or electric) paying off …

13 years ago

Uncertainty drives up gas prices whether there is a genuine shortage or not. Goldman Sachs must be laughing their way to the bank! Wait, they are the… oh never mind!

Justin @ MoneyIsTheRoot
Reply to  MoneyCone

I agree with MoneyCone… the stock market, oil prices, etc… most of it is driven on perception, speculation, and uncertainty…tangible factors rarely play a part anymore.

Kathryn C
Kathryn C
13 years ago

Hi, I’m new here.
I’m with you and MoneyCone too. Gas started to spike on speculation with Libya and Libya only produces 2% of oil, there’s oil avail in other regions. But, regardless of why oil is so expensive, it’s still expensive, which is our reality..ugh!

david M
david M
13 years ago

I do NOT feel the pain as I only drive about 3,000 miles a year!

I take public transportation to work and I walk to do almost all of my shopping.

david M
david M
13 years ago
Reply to  david M

Above was not in “Reply” to the above post – its here by mistake,
