Is There Someone For Everyone? In Search For Love In Chaos

is there someone for everyone

Is there really someone for everyone? Some would say so with over seven billion people in the world roughly split 50/50 between women and men.

Maybe we get it wrong the first 10 people we date. Or maybe we think we get it right the first try only to end up divorcing several years later. Whatever the case may be, I believe there are multiple “the ones” out there for us to find. If we end up lasting with that person for the rest of our lives, then clearly there is only one.

The thought of living life alone is somewhat frightening. I wonder if this is part of the reason why we have children? We'd like to increase our chances of always having loved ones around us until we are gone. I do feel optimistic that if I were to find myself coming home to an empty bed that I would have the gumption to find someone eventually. But who really knows?

I've witnessed seemingly normal, decently attractive people miss their golden window for finding someone. We can argue how big the golden window is, but the fact remains that most people go through their first serious relationship before their mid 30s. I do hope that age is just a number.

We love to talk about how our 30s is the new 20s, yet our biological clocks don't agree. 35 is still the age where doctors warn about an exponential increase in child birth risks. If a woman doesn't want to have children, then who really cares?

But the anxiety, however small, is still there. Maybe a woman who doesn't want to have kids will find some incredible man who changes her mind and vice versa. Relationships have a funny way of softening the most adamant thoughts.

Someone For Everyone? Why Doesn't Someone Love You

The following is a list of issues that prevent connections from being made. I believe there is someone for everyone. But we throw up too many roadblocks.

* Too picky. Is it better to be alone or settle for someone who doesn't check all your boxes? Everybody would probably rather have a more attractive mate than a less attractive one. But when you're a 6 trying to chase a 10, you might feel sorely disappointed as the 10 only goes after 8s and above.

The concept is very similar in personal finance where “C” students chase after “A” lifestyles through overspending on things they cannot afford. Both paths eventually lead to misery. The key is to realize you are a 6, shoot for the stars, but find congruency if you've failed.

* Too nasty. I don't mean nasty in the ugly sense given how many of the most interesting looking folks find someone. I mean nasty in personality. There are some folks who are serious black clouds. Everything is negative in their eyes. They love to put people down. They love to pick fights and carp over the silliest of things. They love to complain about this and that. No wonder why they're constantly at risk of being fired at work and are perpetually single after work.

* Too insecure. If you don't love yourself, then it's hard for anybody else to love you. Women talk about meeting men with charisma. Men look for women who are comfortable in their own skin. Confidence and knowing what you want is very attractive. Everybody has certain levels of insecurities, but some let their insecurities control their actions to the point of debilitation.

Related: Should A Man Pick Up The Tab On A Date?

Way Too Into Yourself

* Overly confident. Being overly confident can be very dangerous. Maybe we are beautiful, rich, and successful and therefore don't feel the need to work on our social skills as much. Everybody comes to us already, so why should we ever proactively go for them.

One day our looks will fade and we'll no longer have that fancy corporate title. Then what? Will only money and our lack of personality be enough? Maybe not because you'll then be competing with someone who has the personality, looks, career, social skills, and money as well.

* Too career driven. The problem with going to a good school is that you've got to prove the money and time spent was worthwhile. The pressure to perform is always on. But what if you go to Harvard and end up a nobody? Plenty of successful men and women on Wall St. reach senior levels end up alone because of tremendous job demands. 70-100 hour weeks are the norm, leaving very little energy left for romance.

One of my doctor friends is 35 and just got done with his second medical fellowship in cardiology. He's anxious to pass his Boards and get started in a career of medicine. At the same time he's not quite sure which cities he should apply for jobs because of a woman that has caught his fancy. Although he hasn't even started his career, he's well aware that if he blindly focuses all his efforts in medicine he might end up old and alone.

Seriously folks. The desire for money and prestige may be ruining your life.

Not Trustworthy Enough

* Too misleading. Online dating is commonplace today. The absolute biggest complaint I get from all my male friends is how misleading pictures are in profiles. The biggest warning signs are women with glamour shots that have glowing lights and blurred features to smooth out any blemishes.

If you make yourself look way better in a picture than in real life, your date is going to be seriously disappointed. Some might just continue to walk on by because they feel absolutely lied to. Do yourself a favor and put up the most natural, recent picture possible. A little underpromising and overdelivering goes a loooong way!

Related: Should I Ask Someone About Their Credit Score Before Dating?

* Blind faith in destiny. If it's meant to be, it's meant to be right? Not necessarily so. When nobody came showering me with fortune while I was sitting on my bum, I decided to get to work. It takes constant effort to find love. We increase our chances by putting ourselves in the right place. If you sit alone every night watching a movie, do you think destiny will even bring you a sexy pizza delivery guy if you don't even call? Of course not. If destiny isn't happening, work to make it happen.

Love Finds You When You Least Expect It

One of my mentors is an incredibly successful woman. She was a VP at a prestigious firm who got her MBA at Wharton and made over $500,000 a year. Her only issue was that she was alone. Sure she would meet the random Tasmanian stud on ski trips, but those never panned out.

One day 10 years later at the age of 45 she gives me a ring to invite me to a house party where I meet her new boyfriend Tariq. Tariq is in late 40s and divorced, but it was clear he loved her with all his heart. A year later my mentor let us all know she and Tariq got married in a quiet ceremony in southern France.

We're never too old to find someone. Maybe we just have one too many filters set up to prevent love from happening. There are seven billion people on Earth after all.

Related posts about relationships and kids:

Solving The Happiness Conundrum In Five Moves Or Less

The New Rule For Engagement Ring Buying

A Smart Wedding Spending Rule

The Best Age To Have A Baby

Readers, do you believe there is someone for everyone?

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The Honest Truth
The Honest Truth
8 months ago

Now that so many women are gay which i certainly doubt that.

1 year ago

Back in the old days love came very easy though.

1 year ago

Not everyone finds their soulmate unfortunately since this is a very completely different world today, compared to the past when it really was so much easier at that time.

2 years ago

With today’s very very big change in the women from the past, i certainly doubt it.

2 years ago

Not in today’s world unfortunately. Feminism ruined it.

3 years ago

Women are a lot different today from the past since most women are very picky, and will only want the best of all. Very selfish, greedy, spoiled, and very picky like i just mentioned which unfortunately most women really are these days. And these women will never settle for less either. These type of women that do exist will be the real reason why there will never be someone for everyone.

2 years ago
Reply to  Tad

You very much nailed it completely.

4 years ago

Unfortunately there will never be someone for everyone, even with almost 8 billion people in this world. Many years ago with much less people in the world, it was much easier finding love. Women years ago didn’t have very high standards and unrealistic super very high expectations that they have today, which makes it very difficult for many of us single guys trying to find love these days.

Let The Real Truth Be Told
Let The Real Truth Be Told
5 years ago

Most women nowadays are nothing at all like the past when most women back then were certainly real ladies and very easy to meet. Today most women are so very horrible and stuck up altogether, especially when many of us single good men will try to start a normal conversation with a woman that we would really love to meet. And there will be times when many of these very pathetic troubled women will even Curse at us men for no reason at all, by just saying good morning or hello to them as well which doesn’t make any sense at all why so many women are really like this today unfortunately. I know friends that even had the very same thing happened to them as well since trying to meet a real good woman today has really become so very impossible for many of us single men now. A lot of very severely mentally disturbed women everywhere nowadays that has really destroyed the dating scene today for many of us men too. With most women like this these days, it is very obvious why there will never be someone for everyone since unfortunately a lot of us men were just born at such a very bad time. Most women in the old days definitely would’ve been certainly much easier to meet with no trouble at all either. And now you have these career women nowadays that are so very high maintenance, independent, selfish, spoiled, greedy, picky, narcissists, gold diggers, think they’re so very high and mighty, cheaters, and very very money hungry hungry very much adding to the problem as well. And with so many of these women that have no manners and personality at all when it comes to us men, well that just certainly makes it worse as well. But then again, most of these women will just grow very old all alone with a bunch of Cats anyway since they really would deserve that too.

3 years ago

It is because we were abused by men so much that we grew mentally ill and prefer our solitude.

3 years ago
Reply to  Me1234

Women today are just too very picky with very high outrageous unrealistic expectations that they have nowadays unfortunately. FYI, There are many of us good single men out there that really do want to meet the right good woman to settle down with. That is, if they still exist.

2 years ago
Reply to  Me1234

Me1234, That guy above your comment nailed it perfectly though.

7 years ago

Not with the kind of very horrible women that are everywhere these days.

Edwardo Francis
Edwardo Francis
11 years ago

Love is making a choice every single day, to either love or not love. That’s it. It’s that simple. Either to continue the process or not. We fall in and out of love. Even in relationships, especially in relationships. This doesn’t mean we don’t love the person. It means we are left with a choice. There is a difference between feeling love for someone (caring about a person), and loving someone (choosing to love that person). You may have love for someone forever. But that doesn’t mean you choose to love that person forever. The choice to love is not a feeling, it is an action. That is why it is so difficult. It requires you to do something and I’m not just talking about buying flowers. It might mean putting your wants aside. Also, like chemistry, the ability to love is not a constant. It is a variable. It fluctuates, depending on where you’re at in your life and what you’re struggling with. Sometimes it is easy to love. Sometimes it is extremely difficult. But at the end of the day, it’s always a choice.

11 years ago

Dear Sam,
Hope you find a girlfriend soon.
A word on this subject. I was single, swore I would never marry. When I was a child crawling on the carpet, I looked at my parents’ marriage and said to myself “I will never marry.” Stayed single. When I was 50, I met a woman the same age who had also never married. We’re married today 14-1/2 years.

3 years ago
Reply to  qwerty

How many children did you have?

Pauline @ Make Money Your Way

I don’t think we should settle but it is really important to reconsider the items on your must have list. Most marriages will work because people have similar goals, and want to walk together in one same direction. If both people want the same thing and are motivated to get there, it will work. If you are too busy thinking about how the person dresses you will rarely go past a second date.

Michael | The Student Loan Sherpa

I think there are three keys to finding love:
1) Always put your best foot forward
2) Be confident that you will find the right person for you
3) Be patient

Wilson H. Peters
Wilson H. Peters
11 years ago

youngerguy, yes yes and yes! one-time things change things. but it doesnt necessarily mean that someone loves that person. i had a guy friend and i NEVER saw him as more than a friend, but then we suddenly ended up alone for a couple hours so our bodies were reacting normally. i fought it, but it is human to be attracted to someone and to want to satisfy our physical desires. i am not saying it is right to fulfil those desires, but it is normal.

Little House
11 years ago

I’m an optimist so I don’t think it’s ever too late to find someone – as long as you’re open to it. However, at the same time, I’ve been married for almost 13 years so maybe I’m a bit removed from the “dating” scene. But that story about your former mentor supports my optimistic idea – it’s never too late for love. Oh, and my stepdad didn’t meet my mom until he was in his late 40’s (she was in hear early 30’s).

Little House
11 years ago

Just sent you an email from my BLL account. I’ll wait to hear from you.

Little House
11 years ago
Reply to  Little House

P.S. Let me know if you’re NOT getting my emails. I’m starting to think it’s a host issue.

Little House
11 years ago
Reply to  Little House

Alight, I just emailed you from my gmail account. You should get that!

3 years ago
Reply to  Little House

No it isn’t too late to find love but you run out of time to have children.

The College Investor
11 years ago

I think there is someone for everyone, but we need to be open to the possibility of the changes that come when we open ourselves to another person. Some people just find it difficult to adapt to these changes that they turn their back from any chances of being with someone and of course, there are those who were just unlucky enough to meet the wrong ones first.

11 years ago

1) Your mentor sounds awesome! I need a mentor like that!!!!!! I want to BE her one day!

2) 6’s (and below) chasing 10’s. A mid 30’s family member comes to mind. She is adamant about landing a 10, desperately NEEDS a 10 (a rich good looking nice guy–to take care of her), and has been failing miserably. And you can probably check off every item on your list of “why someone doesn’t love” her, except for not being focused on her career ENOUGH. My advice to her was to become a 10 herself first. A tough pill to swallow for someone who thinks that she’s at least an 8 already. But she could hit the gym more, control her diet better, drink a lot less, not hang out in bars or Vegas every weekend, make her OWN money, smile more, have positive things to talk about, have ambitions and dreams of her own…you know, work on yourself first and THEN find your equal? I mean, all for I’m all for finding someone who loves you for “who you are as you are”, but when you yourself are toxic and your not looking for someone else who is toxic, then you need to either fix yourself if your not willing to fix your expectations, no? And what’s wrong with a little self improvement anyhow.

As to your questions:

Do you think there’s someone for everyone? How much is serendipity involved?
Yes! Serendipity could be a huge part of it. It was for me. It was by pure chance that my husband and I had found each other. He was from SF, I was from OC, and would have NEVER crossed paths had we each not decided to join a ski trip in Tahoe last minute with people we both hardly knew, but be the only ones to not ski. We were inseparable ever since and are still madly in love!

Do you think many people settle without truly being in love?
Uh, yeah! Here in OC/LA golddiggers dig for gold like they are born and bred for it. Maybe it’s different in other cities. So many of these “arrangements” I see just don’t seem to really involve love at all, just each settling for what they want out of it. I always knew I wasn’t going to marry a guy from OC/LA.

11 years ago

I’m in a marriage that is based more on business and friendship than love (the old fashion kind, you could say). We’re two 9’s that found each other and compliment each other as financial partners, but without that special something …. I’m just saying that chemistry matters and I think the trick is to become an irresistible person so you have lots of options then be super picky and find someone with whom you have it all, including that non-quantifiable something that makes every day that much better.

11 years ago
Reply to  B

It’s not culture, it’s more analytical (which is probably not the greatest approach when choosing a partner but when you think this way, it’s hard to not think this way). Also, these things are not hard to admit anonymously! lol. Honestly, divorce would be expensive (I’d no longer be an accredited investor) and for the reasons you cited above, it’s hard to meet other 9s (as a woman, it’s hard to be a career-driven over-achiever and not turn people off with your energy and confidence, even if you’re very attractive, nice, fun and all those other things people thing they want in a partner), so you have to wonder if the grass is really greener anywhere else? I personally would not marry someone who makes less money, for example (because even though I make plenty, I still want to be in a traditional-feeling relationship where the guy is more of a provider, just psychologically), so that eliminates 98% of the population, then there are other standards, and then you have this really small pool of possibilities, and you end up in a marriage where you meet each other’s high standards, but where’s the excitement and romance in that?

11 years ago

Sam, did you meet your SO in Tahoe on a ski trip too???? Crazy! I think I’ll have to start telling people that’s where to go hunting for husbands/wives LOL!!! That’s awesome!!!

And, oh GOD no, the girl I was talking about is not an 8. She THINKS she’s an 8, but looks-wise she’s maybe a 5-6 (short, heavier in the wrong places, crooked teeth, not a classically “pretty face” but does have that sexed up look that guys find appealing I guess), personality a 3-4 (VERY negative, boring, emotional, demanding, no real interests or hobbies outside of partying, but very sexual), and financially a -5 (fresh outta BK, makes about $30K-$50K/year and spends it all like there’s no tomorrow). Part of why she THINKS she is an 8 is because she went to a decent college (but graduated with a 2.4 GPA) and had a little career as an import model in her 20’s, but those days are long gone behind her and the ‘tude/looks/intelligence declined with time.

But like B said, what I was trying to say was that I was telling this girl to improve herself so that she could become a 10 (or 8 or 9 for that matter) and become such an “irresistible person” to other 8-10’s so that she would be able to CHOOSE her EQUAL, not be a below 6 fruitlessly chasing 10’s and then settling for a below 6 (who ironically would really be her ideal match if she did nothing to improve herself). I was also kind of hoping that in the process of improving herself, she would become independent and confident enough to NOT think that she NEEDS a 10 at all, and instead focus on picking who she really wants, be it a traditional choice or not, but at least she will be the one doing the choosing, you know?

Anyway, B, I totally hear what you are saying. Might I be devils advocate in saying that you might not be missing out on too much when it comes to that “special something”? First, you are obviously not one of the golddiggers I was talking about, you are a 9 with someone who is your equal. And yeah your marriage wasn’t initiated on that “special something” but you know what? For almost all, that “spark” is fleeting. In almost all marriages, the fireworks die down at some point…it’s not all honeymoon and infatuation forever. And once the spark is gone, then the REAL work begins on how to learn how to make/keep each other happy, figuring out how to trust, understand, and grow with each other, how to weather storms with each other… and since all marriages end up at that place anyway, well let me just say I’d rather be left with a 9 and not some 5-6 that at one time swept me off my feet but is no longer “romantic and exciting” anymore! Who is to say you will not find that “special something” at some point with your 9 after years of trust, dedication, loyalty, learning, and understanding? Do you think that is possible?

Since we are doing the anonymous revealing here…once upon a time, right before I met my now husband, I was *this close* to entering an “old fashioned” (in the sense that we are using it here) marriage. But deep down inside I knew something just wasn’t right. I was very young, like two months out of college. So even though I was an 8-9 physically and personality-wise, I didn’t have a financial rating yet because well, I didn’t have money or a an established career of my own yet. I was just getting started. Then, I got it in my head that given enough time, I can achieve what he (the wealthy fiance) had achieved, for myself, by myself, and if I can do that, I should give myself the chance to choose someone I love. So, I took a break to clear my head about it, and in that time period, I met my now-husband. Not wealthy! But boy were we in love. As a last ditch effort, the ex warned me that we were headed for recession and to be smart about this. And indeed we were headed for recession…it was 2008, and we all know what happened that year. And ever since, my marriage/career hasn’t *always* been fabulous. There were times when I wondered if I made the right choice and if I had watched The Notebook to many times, and that this what happens in real life when you choose love over money!

But, alas, we made it. We became who we are today, together. Because of what we have been through together. He’s my best friend, my partner, my conscience, my balance, my protector, and I fell in love with again madly in those ways now. In my eyes he is my 10!!!! And I’d say we became each others’ equals together as we grew together, and I’d say 10’s together if my stressful job and 2 kids hadn’t ravaged my looks! LOL! I kid, I kid. In all seriousness, if things didn’t turn out this way, maybe I wouldn’t have been as driven to achieve what I’ve achieved so far and hope to achieve professionally in the future (and of course I wouldn’t have the love of my life and my amazing children). I am, so far, financially stable and making above Sam’s number for annual income that brings maximum happiness, the future brings the promise of so much more (money AND happiness, that is!).

I guess what I am trying to say is my choice was the flip side of B’s choice, sort of. But both can have happy endings. Married people fall in love with each other many times during a marriage. It can happen for you, B. At least you already found your equal, that’s more than half the battle!

11 years ago

Someone much smarter than me noted that there are probably 3.5 billion soulmates for Kate Upton; maybe 2 or 3 coming from her perspective. And after 31 years of marriage, Danny DeVito and Rhea Perlman decided to split…and then attempt to reconcile. How many soulmates are ‘out there’ for a 65 year-old Rhea Perlman?

My thought is that a successful relationship has to be a win-win, and continue to be so, to be successful. The idea of marrying for love is relatively new even in western society; it used to be more of a business relationship, and if there was true affection then it was a bonus. Many non-western cultures still arrange marriages, and when those couples try to make a go of it in the west it can really stress the bond; if the woman is hot, the freedoms of the west give her a lot of options. If the guy is financially and socially successful, he will have social options that make his mother-country bride a burden.

For myself, I have been married to a great woman for 21 years. She was the only one who didn’t try to change me. The other ones didn’t really want to be with me; they just wanted a guy they could mold into someone they really wanted, somebody who would pay the tab for making their dreams (kids, stay-at-home mom, high-end house, car, kitchen, etc.) come true. My wife is the only one who was actually interested in what my goals were, and how she could help me; I had to lock that $hit up!:-)

It is pretty tough out there and as women surpass men in education and professional achievement, there are fewer reasons (other than love) to get married for them. One last generalization; a guy wants a woman who is pretty and kind, and doesn’t treat him like a human wallet. Women want a guy who appreciates and actually likes them, and will willingly offer emotional and financial security without keeping score.

11 years ago

There is always someone for you providing you are open to welcome that person in your life and adjust accordingly. If you are not ready for it, then you will end up alone.
I was lucky but I was also ready
Good luck everyone

11 years ago

While one one level I do think there is such a thing as a soul-mate, I don’t think that should stop us from opening our hearts and allow ourselves to fall in love, how else would we find that soul mate if we don’t give anyone a chance to come close? I agree with your list :)

11 years ago

Completely unrelated to your post but I think you’d enjoy the story. We are in Santorini for our honeymoon. We get done with our excursions for the day and end up at the bottom of that huge mountainside where the donkeys are going up and down (presumably where you took that pic), but I only had 6EUR and it was 5 per person to go up. They wouldn’t haggle that much with me. So I put The Wife on a donkey and started running up the stairs! Twice I had to lean over the thin rail as not to get run over by the stampede.

As soon as I got to the top I found the nearest ATM and took out PLENTY of money lol

11 years ago
Reply to  Evan

@Evan, you are a man-and-a-half for running up those stairs amid the uniquely Greek road hazards of burning donkey by-product.:-) May you enjoy a lifetime of happiness together!

11 years ago
Reply to  Evan

Omg I remember going up those stairs in Santorini! Believe it or not the person I was with was scared to ride the donkey so we jogged up the stairs. I guess it was nice to have bragging rights when I took a picture next to the top numbered stair and having done it in flip flops, but it wasn’t because I wanted to initially LOL

11 years ago
Reply to  Evan

Holy moly you went up on foot?! Props to you. I thought going down on foot was hard lol. I was in donkey heaven on the way up. I wanted to take one home after my trip. :)

11 years ago

I agree that you’ll usually find someone when you’re least expecting it. I met my first boyfriend online. I was skeptical about the website, but a co-worker urged me to try it, so I had no expectations. I met a few guys, and clicked with one I dated for two and a half years.

After that, I met my current boyfriend through mutual friends. I wasn’t looking for anything serious at all, being that I was just with someone else for so long, but after a night of talking until 2am, I was fooling myself. Thankfully we are happily still together, but he was SO far from what I thought he would be it still amuses me – the opposite of what I would normally look for. It really surprised me after I got to know him. You really can’t judge based on looks, or even how people act around a group of friends, until you know them on a personal level. It does not pay to be overly picky as sometimes you’ll be pleasantly surprised!