Active Income Is Much More Enjoyable Than Passive Income

Sleeping Baby Tiger - Active Income Is Much More Enjoyable Than Passive Income

There's active income and then there's passive income. If you want to achieve financial independence, you've got to build as much passive income as possible to covered your desired living expenses. However, I believe active income is much more enjoyable than passive income.

Making money while not doing anything is the ideal scenario, or so I thought until recently. For years I've been diligently saving and investing so I could never be told what to do for money again.

5am conference call with the East Coast? No thanks! Fly to Chicago in the middle of winter to see clients? Have fun! Come in before sunrise and leave after sunset? Yeah, you do that.

Building Active And Passive Income

One of the most important tips I've shared about building sustainable passive income is treating the whole process like a game with multiple levels. Because interest rates have been coming down for the past 30+ years, generating low risk passive income is becoming that much harder every year.

Earning $20,000 a year in dividends on a $1 million dollar portfolio is not exactly living it up! “Thankfully,” interest rates have increased and one can now earn over 4% in risk-free income buying U.S. Treasury bonds. In general, the investing world is counting much more on capital appreciation instead.

The problem with building passive income my way is that you start becoming completely oblivious to the income production because you aren't utilizing the money. Most of the time, your passive income is just getting reinvested to generate more passive income.

I haven't touched any principal or interest/dividend income since I started the passive income journey in 1999. I've become an over saver during retirement, which is not bringing me joy any longer.

The problem with over savers is there's this irrational fear that Doom is right around the corner. I mean, who would have expected a global pandemic screwing up our lives in 2020 and 2021? Not me! And then, of course, it was back to bear markets in 2022 thanks to aggressive Fed hikes crushing the global economy.

As someone who no longer has a day job, staying paranoid is important to plan for bad things. For example, what if Google's latest search algorithm changes cuts this site's traffic in half? Less traffic means less income. What if the bull market finally stops in 2021+? Ah hah, it finally did.

Why Active Income Feels So Much Better Than Passive Income

I'd like to give you a specific example of how active income feels better than passive income.

Just the other day I scored a small ad deal for $400. After about eight back and forth e-mail negotiations over a couple days I locked it down and was thrilled. I decided to take a friend out for a steak dinner to celebrate to the tune of $140, or 35% of what I made from the deal.

During this time period I got a monthly electronic rental payment of $4,200 from a tenant like clockwork. You'd think that receiving a sum 10X the amount of the ad deal while doing nothing would provide a little more happiness. But I didn't feel a single thing. Nada. Zip. Zero. Mei you.

I used the $4,200 to pay my rental mortgage and HOA and still had $2,300 left over to spend on whatever. I saved and invested it of course.

Another thing happened during the time I negotiated an ad deal. One of my long time holdings in my IRA portfolio reported decent results and the stock went up $6,000 the next day. I was excited for about an hour and then nothing afterwards. Of course the stock should trade higher because it was undervalued, I thought to myself. Who was the dummy actually selling?!

It's strange to feel so much more joy over the $400 ad deal than the $10,000 in passive income. Let's discuss why.

Why Active Income Is More Rewarding Than Passive Income

1) We want to know our actions make a difference.

After earning a certain amount of sustainable income to survive, making more doesn't feel that good if you haven't done anything to deserve it.

I've spoken to a number of people who've married into very wealthy families or have trust funds. There's always this very evident insecurity about them that they need to prove themselves worthy. It's much better to build something from the ground up and make your own fortune than inherit one.

For my stock that went up $6,000, all I did was make a decision six months ago to buy. Everything else was left up to the management and the markets. I'm a minority investor with no sway over the future of the company.

Minority Investor Is No Fun

On the other hand, I'm also a minority investor in Bulldog Gin, a private company headquartered in NYC which recently signed a huge distribution and partnership deal with Campari. If Bulldog Gin gets sold to a spirits giant like Diageo for mega bucks, I feel I've made a difference because I not only consumed lots of Bulldog Gin and tonic on my business trip to Mallorca, I also did an interview with the CEO here which helps with publicity through search traffic.

Cementing $400 in an ad deal is a small portion of my online income, but it gives me the most amount of pride because if I didn't do anything, nothing would have happened. Creating something that didn't exist before is one of the greatest feelings ever. Here's an article to learn how to be a better creator.

Even though the Yakezie Network is not a big money maker, I'm happy to run it forever. Just several years ago no such network in the personal finance blogosphere existed. The worst case is that I've got to spend some money and time maintaining the site from crashing, getting to know new bloggers every day, and helping others achieve their online goals. Not bad.

Knowing our actions make a difference is the number one reason why active income feels so much better than passive income. Although it takes active energy to first create passive income, you no longer feel you deserve receiving the money after a period of time.

2) We want to test our limits.

Money really doesn't matter after a certain amount. Some researchers say making anything more than $75,000 doesn't make you much happier. I say making anything more than $200,000 doesn't make you much happier.

I think I have way more credibility than the $75,000 a year earning researcher who has never made much more than $75,000. I've made crap working at McDonald's and large sums working on Wall St.

Instead of making more money, it's all about the challenge as many entrepreneurs and investors will attest. This is why you see a lot of high powered jobs with healthy compensation packages look for ex-athletes and ex-military. They've got the combination of collaboration and drive.

Making Six Figures By 25

I had a goal to make six figures from an occupation while I was in high school after one too many crap jobs making $4 an hour. Never again did I want to flip burgers or break my back moving boxes for a living again. Once I achieved the six figure income mark, I wanted to see if I could make six figures passively through investments. And once I achieved the six figure passive income mark I decided to see if I could earn six figures through entrepreneurship.

I didn't want to think that the only reason why I was able to make six figures is because I got a lucky break by joining a bulge bracket firm out of college. I had to test my limits to see what I could do on my own.

3) We want to feel like we're maximizing our potential.

Nothing is sadder than seeing someone with so much potential achieve nothing due to a lack of effort. If you're 8 feet tall you better try out for the NBA and make your millions! If you can play Mozart conciertos by the age of 3, then hopefully your parents push you to be a world class musician without pushing you into madness. I think the majority of us wished our parents pushed us harder growing up. This is even though during the time we hated every minute of their discipline.

Thankfully, I'm neither tall, handsome, gifted, patient or very smart despite what my mother says. As a result, I don't think my parents expected anything great from me except to be happy.

The only thing I have inside that might be higher than average is focused intensity. Due to my very average expectations ever since senior year in college, I'm easily satisfied with what I have. But I'm always wondering whether I've pushed myself hard enough to maximize my potential.

I decided to see if I could get a multiple six-figure book deal after I wrote my Wall Street Journal bestseller, Buy This, Not That. I also have a challenge of trying to make my next books even better. Maximizing potential as an author is fun!

Passive Income Is Great, But Don't Get Lazy

Generating enough passive income to live a good life is wonderful. But take it from someone who has seen both sides of the active and passive income spectrum. You'll get bored of your passive income streams eventually. You'll long to start generating active income again because it feels so much more rewarding.

Wanting to see if your actions still matter is the main reason why folks who've retired often don't stay retired for very long. Earning social security, pension money, and dividends is not fulfilling even if it's a result of a lifetime of hard work. Sometimes you just want to know whether you've still got it.

As a result, I took on the endeavor to write a bestselling book called, Buy This, Not That. Even though writing doesn't pay well, it was a challenge during the pandemic. The active income generated from the book in the form of a book advance was nice. But I see it as a side product of a rewarding professional goal.

Once you generate enough passive income, you can take on more active income without trying to optimize your income. Instead, you optimize doing the things you love to do that ends up generating active income. That, to me is the best way to earn.

Passive Income X Factor – Online Media Company

I started Financial Samurai in 2009 and I'm now earning a good amount of semi-passive income stream online. The top 1% of all posts on Financial Samurai generates 31% of all traffic. The average age of the top 1% posts is 2.3 years old. That's passive income.

Although active income is more rewarding, I've got to say that making money passively with posts I wrote years ago feels fantastic. If you enjoy writing, connecting with people online, and enjoying more freedom, see how you can set up a WordPress blog in under 30 minutes. Who knows where your new adventure will take you?

Blogging For A Living Income Example: $300,000+
Here's a real example of how much you can make blogging from a blogging friend. Be your own boss!

Earn More Passive Income Through Private Real Estate

Real estate is my favorite way to achieving financial freedom because it is a tangible asset that is less volatile, provides utility, and generates income. Stocks are fine, but stock yields are low and stocks are much more volatile. 

The combination of rising rents and rising real estate prices builds tremendous wealth over the long term. Meanwhile, there are more ways to invest in areas of the country where valuations are lower and net rental yields are higher thanks to crowdfunding. 

Take a look at my two favorite real estate investment platforms.

Fundrise: A way for all investors to diversify into real estate through private funds with just $10. Fundrise has been around since 2012 and manages over $3.3 billion for 400,000+ investors. 

The real estate platform invests primarily in residential and industrial properties in the Sunbelt, where valuations are cheaper and yields are higher. The spreading out of America is a long-term demographic trend. For most people, investing in a diversified fund is the way to go. 

CrowdStreet: A way for accredited investors to invest in individual real estate opportunities mostly in 18-hour cities. 18-hour cities are secondary cities with lower valuations and higher rental yields. These cities also have higher growth potential due to job growth and demographic trends. 

If you are a real estate enthusiast with more time, you can build your own diversified real estate portfolio with CrowdStreet. However, before investing in each deal, make sure to do extensive due diligence on each sponsor. Understanding each sponsor's track record and experience is vital.

I've personally invested $810,000 in real estate crowdfunding across 18 projects to take advantage of lower valuations in the heartland of America. My real estate investments account for roughly 50% of my current passive income of ~$300,000. 

Wealth Building Recommendation

Stay on top of your money with Empower. It is a free online money management tool that allows you to track your net worth. You can manage your budget and analyze your retirement portfolios too. Empower will even e-mail you a weekly net worth snapshot. I use Empower mostly to make sure my assets are properly allocated based on my risk tolerance.

Their best feature is their Investment Checkup feature which analyzes your risk and highlights excessive portfolio fees. I found out I was paying $1,700 in fees per year I had no idea I was paying! Empower also has a sweet Retirement Planning Calculator. It uses real-time data and Monte Carlo simulations to produce some incredibly dynamic and realistic results.

Retirement Planner Empower
Is your retirement on track? Check for free after linking your accounts

For more nuanced personal finance content, join 60,000+ others and sign up for the free Financial Samurai newsletter. Financial Samurai is one of the largest independently-owned personal finance sites that started in 2009.

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4 years ago


I don’t even know if this comment will get seen as this article is a few years old. I completely get what you’re saying but I would also argue that it’s a matter of opinion and preference. I work full time in a food shop and also a cafe. The jobs are good and the pay is actually alright for a 19 year old. But I work so much to get money for university and a car, that I don’t get to spend much time with my family or girlfriend. From my point of view, if I was able to make passive income, it’s not the act of getting paid for doing nothing that would excite me, but the enabling of me to spend time with my family and girlfriend rather than working my ass off. Just a different take on it…

11 years ago

I couldn’t agree more and have experienced these feelings first hand. Although I do love “checks to the bank day” (first of each month when rents are paid) but don’t get the same joy as when I close a new deal, have a new tenant sign a lease, sell a $8 item on eBay, etc. Which is crazy when you think about it… but it’s true.

Passive income is great and I think that everyone should work on investing and creating streams of passive income to, at minimum, cover your monthly expenses but the sooner one realizes that sipping mai tai’s in a hammock in Hawaii in your underwear while the money rolls will get boring way faster than ever imagine the better.

Thanks for sharing a view on passive income that isn’t often publicly stated.

Lisa E. @ Lisa Vs. The Loans

Makes sense! There’s nothing like the satisfaction of actually getting things done.

Elliott Garber
11 years ago

I can totally appreciate this feeling. I’m making the vast majority of my income actively right now, so I long for the day when I actually have some passive income to balance it out. But I know that I will always be on the lookout for new opportunities and get that thrill from pulling in income from a new source.

P.S. That’s a lion cub, not a tiger! [from your one wildlife veterinarian reader]

11 years ago

Sam, I believe that if you look even deeper, the reality is that once you’ve achieved enough passive income, that it really only matters what you do with your remaining time in helping others or yourself.

There is a more recent song that was sang by Miley Cyrus a little while back called “The Climb”. The songwriters were quite wise in what they said, especially in this portion of the song:

“There’s always gonna be another mountain
I’m always gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be an uphill battle
Sometimes I’m gonna have to lose

Ain’t about how fast I get there
Ain’t about what’s waiting on the other side
It’s the climb”

11 years ago

Chris obviously doesn’t read the news much… haha

11 years ago
Reply to  Ricky

Well, back then I’d say she was (or at least seemed) to be a better role model.

Now, twerking and so forth, maybe not so much. Guess she took a page from Madonna’s repetoire. LOL

Even with all that, the fact is that it’s all about the climb and how one negotiates the various obstacles put into their way (intentional or not). :-)

11 years ago
Reply to  Ricky

As a comparison I’d offer Richard Pryor. Great comedian in my book, but not so much of a role model. Granted, he wasn’t as good as George Carlin. :-)

11 years ago

Well….. You hit the nail on the head!

Watching the numbers grow in your brokage account isn’t very interesting (although a very good thing). Once you have a certain amount of wealth & stability, happiness comes from interacting with the world and doing something meaningful.

BTW: For most Americans, a $75,000/year income is really good; so, I can kind of see what the academics are thinking. If you live in a Dallas or a St. Louis, $75,000 goes very far.

11 years ago

I meant, not everyone is motivated by active income! I should really proofread more.

11 years ago

Active income is necessary to achieve passive income, whether you did the work or not. I wouldn’t, myself, say that active is more enjoyable. What you do day to day is what determines whether you’re happy or not. If you love doing business related transactions and working like that, then yes active income is what makes you happy. But the same could be said for someone who has all the money they need and make enough per year passively to do what they really want to be doing, whether it be artistic, scientific, philanthropic, or just enjoying life’s little nuances.

It’s all about your state of mind. Sam, you obviously enjoy working and making money regardless of your net worth and income, but not everyone gets the same high or is motivated by passive income. I admit I am a lot like you and would rather be making money than most other things, I’m just saying one day I hope I’ll be able to focus on other things than money itself, because ultimately, active income translates into $. Sure there are challenges which are part of the journey that make the dollar worthwhile. But ultimately, if you didn’t receive compensation for those challenges you wouldn’t look at it the same way. See what I mean? All I’m saying is I hope there is a day I can do something just for the thrill and challenge of it rather than the monetary exchange.

11 years ago

I like both active and passive income. Active income definitely makes you feel more useful though. I’m way too young to just sit around and have fun. It’s much more fun to work a little bit and make some money.
Once I’m really comfortable, then I might think about volunteering or doing something else useful. I don’t think anyone should ever stop actively working. Life will be too boring.

11 years ago

I had a couple of comments on this thread but they have disappeared. I just want to summarize that I enjoyed all the perspectives given here. As someone who is looking to cut the cord in 3 or 4 years, this type of interaction is invaluable to me. So, thanks everyone!

11 years ago

I can see where you are coming from. You want to feel like you are utilizing your time for something constructive and with passive income, you really don’t have to do much with it. That said, I really don’t have much in the way of passive income…YET. It will be interesting to see where I want to go once I have enough to sustain my activities.

Dee @ Color Me Frugal
Dee @ Color Me Frugal
11 years ago

I am inspired by this post, and I cannot wait for the day that I totally understand and agree! Right now the majority of our income is from our jobs and we are busting our butts to reach the day when we don’t need the jobs anymore because we have so much passive income! So at this point I would be more thrilled about an increase in passive income, but I am very much looking forward to the day when I feel like you!!!!

Matthew Allen
11 years ago

As a fella who owns a domain with the term “passive income” in it – I tend to agree with you on this topic Sam. I work very hard to try to create online passive income streams. The key part of that phrase – “I work very hard.” This is where the two types of incomes overlap a little. Yes, passive income is my ultimate goal – but I very much enjoy the active process that it takes to create it. For example, I could work as an employee for somebody else and create websites for a wage. Or – I could do the same thing for myself and maybe not get paid as much up front, but have longer and greater potential for passive income. You see what I mean?

Side note: I’ve often thought about my last days – when I’m sitting in a nursing home on the brink of dementia and alzheimers. How will I be spending my time? It would drive me crazy to NOT be doing something to try to create income. Whether it be hustling the other residents at poker, online sports betting, blogging or whatever. Even though I’ll work and save for a lifetime in order to not have to work during my golden years – I know I’ll always be looking for some way to actively create income.

11 years ago

I hear your points. As much as I wish I didn’t have to work anymore, there will always be a part of me that wants to stay active and still be able to produce income based on my own efforts and labor. It feels really good working on something regularly and being rewarded for it. So I think I will always work in some capacity, but a more balanced workload than what I have now with a mix of passive and active income.

11 years ago

I find that it is much easier to spend frivolously when I am FI than ever before. I am putting in a pool, and I think I’m happier doing that than retiring early. Maybe this is ‘one more year syndrome’ but I love my job, I love my income, and I love my spending! If I had retired, I’d be less likely to spend, although the Market has been great. But the market being great makes me feel like like a king! I’m actually double my FI number and climbing!

11 years ago

As a chemical engineer, I have done everything from making facilities to produce consumer products to designing topsides for offshore oil production. There is so much variety and challenge in each project, as long as you seek it (some older folks stick to more copy paste so they don’t have to learn new software). As an added bonus, work can take you all around the world. I got to FI because I struggled in my first job, but I have switched companies and gained self confidence. Many experienced engineers are retiring, so there is definitely a supply / demand imbalance. On one hand, if you need your job you may feel squeezed to put in extra hours but if you are in the FI phase, you feel quite empowered. In addition to good pay, it is also a satisfying job and generally well respected, designing something so that Plant Operators will be able to do their work more easily and safely. And people are generally interested to learn more about how things are made. It makes me a little sad to see folks talk about FI meaning RE, as if they will run screaming from their job the first chance they get. Hopefully more folks will find, with FI, RE isn’t always the optimal move, with an added downside that it also impoverishes society. You probably see it with blogging, but what better combination is there than helping others and getting paid for it…

11 years ago

I totally agree! The best times in my business life was when I was building something whether it was in rental properties, restaurant, catering or consulting. It was real and more enjoyable. As far as my investments, it was good too, but different! I think it was because I viewed investments as building for the future and the payoff was also in the future. It gets down to a different mindset.

11 years ago

That is an interesting psychology of finance observation. You would think the big rental income would feel better, but I could see how the thrill wears off over time. I always say it is important to be more intelligent than your emotions. The active win might feel better, but it is smarter to appreciate the $2,100 that showed up in your account.

11 years ago

Hi Sam – another great article. I really enjoy hearing a perspective from the other side of the fence.

Passive income, at least for me, is definitely the bigger thrill, especially when I see my monthlies growing every year. There’s also the novelty of flexing the power of it. I’m maxed out on mortgages, so all PI is going to debt paydown and it’s amazing (at least for me) to see what kind of damage this passive income can do.

OTOH, my paycheck is on complete autopilot. Without a doubt, there’s a complete disconnect in my mind between what I do at my job and my payday amounts.

But, ultimately, I think it’s the *variety* that drives people. If you have active income, it’s boring and you want to build your passive stream. Once you have that, you want to jump to something more active again.

Except for me. I’ll never go back to active income. Not ever. :)

11 years ago

Well, in my case, the debt is mortgage debt, so once it’s paid off it’ll increase cashflow, drop risk, and clear out a slot for (you guessed it) more properties. Can I get a hallelujah?

Yes, I know, “never say never”. At this point, I’m just trying to take it one day at a time and not look too far ahead.

11 years ago

Very interesting point of view. After reading this I imagine the wealthy man sitting in his recliner, looking at his growing accounts on his tablet, looking around at his beautiful house and thinking “now what?” Ultimately it comes down to what fulfills you most in life. We all have a finite time on this earth, and spending it trying to see how big our accounts can get when we could be doing something more fulfilling can be seen as a waste of time.

Then again, building up a nice passive income stream opens up the opportunities to do something fulfilling. I guess it’s all about balance in the end.

Pura Vida Nick
Pura Vida Nick
11 years ago

Sam, you’ve hit onto something big here. Another way of talking about this is to understand fundamental human needs – needs that EVERY human being has. Two of these needs that we all have are 1. growth, & 2. contribution. This is why passive income doesn’t feel as good and definitely isn’t as rewarding – you aren’t growing as a person when your passive income comes in, and you aren’t contributing anything to society.

But there may be another way, besides good ole fashioned active income, to meet these needs. Use your creativity and imagination to think of things you can do to grow and contribute, and they can be where you make money or it could be something where you make no money – but you’ll still meet your needs either way. Volunteering…Giving your time…mentoring…being a friend. If you find a cause (or start one) you are passionate about that helps people, you could spend your life giving your time. You don’t have the pressure to create active income because you’re living off your passive, but at the same time you are still growing, moving forward, and giving something to society.

11 years ago

Thanks for your thoughts on blogging and encouragement. I’m curious, what is it about sticking with it for 3 years (as opposed to 2, for example) that you chose 3?

The First Million is the Hardest
The First Million is the Hardest
11 years ago

I obviously can’t speak for everyone, but I think the most common allure to generating that kind of passive income is that it can give you the freedom to pursue those other challenges in life. I think if you have the kind of drive it takes to start bringing in a significant stream of passive income, you’re probably not the personality type that’s ever going to be content to lay back in a recliner and just cash the checks once you’ve reached your $ goal.

FI Fighter
11 years ago

Interesting post Sam. I can hear where you are coming from about income becoming “boring”. I’m not sure if it’s really active vs. passive, but more about what’s new and exciting vs the mundane. For Type A’s especially, you kind of always need to be working on building something. You like to see progress and aren’t the type to just kick back on the beach and collect checks for doing nothing.

For someone who’s just starting out and has only earned income, that first passive income check will be the best feeling in the world. I still fondly remember the day I received my first rent paycheck. These days, that luster has faded, but it’s still damn cool collecting checks every month. For me, that feeling will never get old… but I can see how it could for others since it’s kind of on auto-pilot now and you are no longer putting in any effort. Just reaping the fruits of your previous labor.

Going back to the point of excitement, it’s like how I feel when I earn $1.00 passively for an ad. I’m trying to build something (my blog), so any progress made feels good. If I go to work, I will easily outearn that, making 50x that in just one hour. But the earned income doesn’t generate any emotion.. I’m used to it and the thrill is gone.

11 years ago

Yesterday I was in meetings with a bunch of people who hop from one PE backed venture to the next. They talk about “Oh, Joe, yeah he was involved in NewCo II but left before III to start NewNewCo”.

On my way back to town I was thinking: Why don’t these guys just walk away into the sunset after they’ve flipped these entities? Why do they keep going back for more, when is it enough? What if their next gig is an epic fail and their PE throws them out of the office… which has literally happened.

I guess it’s the challenge.

11 years ago
Reply to  Austin

Austin, I ask myself this all the time too and I’ll never understand it.

Sports stars, actors, you-name-it, after awhile, why do they bother with any of that business BS, right? Just go on a vacation already! It would also create a space so someone else can wet their beak a little!

11 years ago
Reply to  Austin

Perhaps the most real answer to that scenario is “OPM”. When you’ve got PE and a hurdle rate for management back-in there’s little downside risk except for your front end equity.

I’ve scratched that itch in the past with a little bit of success and have always maintained my day job. It turns into an internal struggle for me quite frequently. I’ve always got things going on on the side but sometimes I am ready to walk away from the desk job and give it a full time go. Just can’t bring myself to deal with the exposure.

11 years ago
Reply to  Austin

Another thing to note. The guys I am talking about aren’t working half days and sitting on the beach. They’re busting their butts.

11 years ago
Reply to  Austin

Well, if they won’t be able to pay their bills unless the company is successful, then yes, I can see them working super-hard.

But, from what you’ve told me, they’re fully covered, financially. So, to me, the entire thing seems both completely pointless AND a horrible experience as well. Complete insanity.

11 years ago

I can understand this, and totally see where you are coming from. Maybe it’s time to consider another challenge? Maybe start a non-profit?