How Investing In A Hedge Fund Saved My Retirement Portfolio

Retirement is lounging in an infinity pool by Jalon Burton
Reducing volatility from investing with hedge funds in order to relax

Hedge funds get a bad wrap. due to relative underperformance, high fees, and huge paydays for hedge fund managers. However, investing in a hedge fund helped save my retirement portfolio during the 2000 dotcom collapse.

One of the benefits of working at an investment bank is gaining access to a variety of investment opportunities that retail investors normally wouldn't have access to.

For example, if Goldman Sachs decided to create a special opportunity fund for institutions because they saw opportunity in the Argentinian debt market, employees would have the opportunity to invest alongside some of the world's largest money managers like Fidelity, Capital, and Franklin Templeton. Random investment opportunities came up all the time.

After two years as a financial analyst at GS in NYC, I knew my days were numbered as the NASDAQ dotcom bubble burst in March 2000. I remember optimistically telling my VP in May 2000 how I was still bullish on the markets and he sternly told me, “We're in a bear market. Stop kidding yourself.” Three years later, more than half of my analyst class was let go.

Investing In A Hedge Fund Saved Me

By June 2000, it was clear the NASDAQ was not getting better. I can't remember exactly how things played out, but I think management sent out an internal e-mail to all employees about how we should keep focusing on our clients – that now was the best time to give them a call or take them out because nobody else was.

In the employee memo, management also indicated they had added some new options to our 401k retirement plan, namely several hedge funds that looked to profit from the downturn.

Given some of our smartest and most profitable clients were hedge funds, I decided to do some research and invest half of my 401k into a technology hedge fund, Andor Capital Management, founded by Daniel Benton.

Andor was one of Goldman's largest clients, and they formed some type of partnership where they would let employees invest without needing the $1 million+ minimums. The flagship Andor technology fund ended up returning 35 percent in 2000, net of fees, and my 401k actually inched up in 2000 and 2001 as a result of the hedge fund investment instead of getting slaughtered.

I kept my Goldman Sachs 401k until 2003. This was despite moving to a new firm in June 2001, due to the investment selection. But after it felt like the markets were out of the woods, I consolidated my 401k balance at my new firm to keep things streamlined. Besides, I could no longer contribute to my GS 401k hedge fund as an ex-employee.

The Allure Of Investing In Hedge Funds

After my positive experience with Andor Capital Management, I never had the opportunity to invest in another hedge fund for years.

I wasn't an accredited investor, which mean I didn't have at least a one million dollar net worth or earned at least $250,000 a year. Nor did I have close friends who ran their own successful hedge funds who could invite me in at a lower minimum.

My lack of funds and connections were unfortunate because I could have preserved a lot of capital during the 2008-2010 downturn, just like I did in 2000-2003. Instead, I lost about 35% of my net worth within a year in 2009, which led me to start this site as a way to deal with the pain.

When the housing market crashed in 2008-2010, John Paulson made his hedge fund $3-4 billion. He was long CDS (Credit Default Swaps) insurance that rose in value as CDO (Collateralized Debt Obligations) mortgages fell with the housing market.

John became a billionaire overnight, and is known for making one of the best trades in one of the most difficult environments ever. He then proceeded to lose lots of money going long gold, but he's still a billionaire. There are opportunities to make money in any environment, especially if you run a hedge fund that can go long or short securities.

My Desire To Hedge Downside Risk

As someone who has spent 16 years after college building my net worth to the point of achieving financial freedom, the last thing I want to do is lose any significant amount of money.

If I lose 50% of my money, it takes a 100% return just to get back to even. As a result, I've been consistently investing in structured notes since I left Corporate America in 2012.

They provide downside protection in return for giving up some of the upside, e.g. no yield, or a 95% upside participation rate instead of 100% for 20% downside protection over five years.

If a hedge fund properly hedges, investors should outperform during a downturn.

Why Invest In A Hedge Fund

Here are some of the main reasons why you may want to invest in a hedge fund. Yes, the fees are high. However, a hedge fund could save you money during the downturn and make you money during an upturn. Further, you aren't allocating the majority of your capital to a hedge fund either.

1) Capital preservation during volatile or bear markets.

Money is meant to serve its owner, not the other way around. I never want to lose sleep again when the markets are taking a dive. I want my fund manager to lose sleep because he is up every night thinking about the best ways to manage risk.

After you build a large enough nut, the goal is to grow it in a prudent way where it can last for as long as possible. I understand the importance of beating inflation. I personally shoot for a 3X rate of return on the 10-year yield in a risk-adjusted manner.

2) The ability to still make a positive return during bad times.

So many people think they are investment geniuses in a bull market. I've invested through three downturns, and I can promise you that difficult times will come again. Sure, you can buy and hold forever, and probably turn out OK. But there will be a point where you'll want to utilize your capital for life.

Hedge fund managers are paid based on the expectation of making money during good or bad times. Losing money, but outperforming an index is not good enough over the long term.

3) Diversification.

Hedge funds and other alternative investments aren't a 100% replacement for your plain vanilla index and ETF funds. I am a strong believer in asset allocation and having a core of 60-90% of your investments in index funds. They are low cost and are the easiest way to provide the exposure you want to equities, which have traditionally increased by 6-10% a year.

For the remaining 10-40%, I'm seeking alpha through growth stocks. Or I'm looking to hedge based on the two points above. The issue was never having access at levels I could afford, until now.

Take a look at the chart below of how hedge funds have performed during historical downturns.

Hedge Fund Performance During Downturns - How Investing In A Hedge Fund Saved My Retirement Portfolio
TR = Total Return, HFRI FOF = Hedge Fund Research Institute Fund Of Funds

Investing In A Hedge Fund Is Becoming Mainstream

Very few accredited investors – individuals who make $200,000 a year or more, or have a net worth excluding their primary residence of $1 million or more – have between $500,000 and $1,000,000 to invest in alternative investments such as hedge funds and private equity funds. Investment amounts of $10,000 – $100,000 are much more common.

The only reason why I was able to invest in a venture debt fund last year for $150,000 is because my good business school friend of nine years is one of the managing partners. Otherwise, I would need at least $300,000 – $500,000.

There are new fintech companies using the crowdsourcing model to help democratize access into alternative investments nowadays. With the passage of Title III of the JOBS Act, all Americans will be able to invest in private companies starting in January 2016, not just accredited investors. The limit is $5,000 for income up to $100K and $10,000 for income between $100K – $200K.

Just know that hedge fund managers make a lot of money. Here's how hedge funds make so much money and what the hedge fund pay is. The more hedge fund managers get paid, the less investors in the fund gets paid.

Hedge Fund vs. S&P 500 historical performance since 1999
Hedge funds have significantly outperformed the S&P 500 since 1990, but have underperformed since the start of the recovery

The Natural Of Hedge Funds

Alternative Asset Investing
FS Alternative Assets

Hedge funds tend to underperform during a bull market because hedge funds hedge – they protect their downside by shorting a percentage of their portfolio.

Sure, some hedge funds are closet index funds that may take on massive leverage to try and outperform the market.

But if a hedge fund is run properly, they will have strict risk-metrics in place to ensure that capital is protected during down markets. The hedge funds that gain a bad reputation are those who take on too much leverage and blow themselves up like Long Term Capital Management did in 2000.

Anybody who has been around long enough knows that the good times don't last forever. We're in the fifth year of a recovery and the easy money has already been made in equities and real estate. I seriously recommended diversifying your net worth if it consists of mostly equities and real estate.

From 1990-2014, hedge funds (as measured by the HFRI Composite Index) have returned ~10.19% net of fees annualized returns compared to ~9.19% for the S&P 500 with half the volatility of 6.81%. $1 invested in the S&P 500 in 1990 would be $8 today. Meanwhile, $1 invested in hedge funds in 1990 would be $12 today. You can see the power of just 1% over the course of 24 years.

The most promising portion of my net worth is my Alternative Investment category filled with private equity and a venture debt fund. My goal is to build a principal protection allocation into hedge funds once more in order to smooth out my investment returns.

Hedge Fund Performance Versus The S&P 500 In 2021

Below is a chart highlight how some of the top hedge funds performed in 2021 versus the S&P 500, which was up 28%. Only three of these hedge funds outperformed the S&P 500. But I can assure you that ALL the hedge fund managers made a lot of my for themselves.

The founder of Melvin Capital, -41.5%, bought himself a $50 million fat pad in Miami in 2021. It's great to be a hedge fund manager!

Hedge Fund Performance 2021

Top Hedge Funds In 2024

Top Hedge Funds In 2024

Achieve Financial Freedom Through Real Estate

A great way to hedge is through real estate. It is a tangible asset that is less volatile, provides utility, and generates income. By the time I was 30, I had bought two properties in San Francisco and one property in Lake Tahoe. These properties now generate a significant amount of mostly passive income.

In 2016, I started diversifying into heartland real estate to take advantage of lower valuations and higher cap rates. I did so by investing $810,000 with real estate crowdfunding platforms. With interest rates down, the value of cash flow is up. Further, the pandemic has made working from home more common.

Take a look at my two favorite real estate crowdfunding platforms. Both are free to sign up and explore.

Fundrise: A way for accredited and non-accredited investors to diversify into real estate through private funds. Fundrise has been around since 2012 and now manage over $3.5 billion for over 500,000 investors. For most people, investing in a diversified fund is the way to go. 

CrowdStreet: A way for accredited investors to invest in individual real estate opportunities mostly in 18-hour cities. 18-hour cities are secondary cities with lower valuations, higher rental yields, and potentially higher growth due to job growth and demographic trends. If you have a lot more capital, you can build you own diversified real estate portfolio.

Both platforms are long time, Financial samurai sponsors, and Financial samurai is a six-figure investor in Fundrise.

Invest In Private Growth Companies

In addition to investing in a hedge fund, consider investing in private growth companies through a venture capital fund. Companies are staying private for longer, as a result, more gains are accruing to private company investors. Finding the next Google or Apple before going public can be a life-changing investment. 

One of the most interesting funds I'm allocating new capital toward is the Fundrise venture product. Fundrise invests in:

  • Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
  • Modern Data Infrastructure
  • Development Operations (DevOps)
  • Financial Technology (FinTech)
  • Real Estate & Property Technology (PropTech)

Roughly 65% of the Innovation Fund is invested in artificial intelligence, which I'm extremely bullish about. In 20 years, I don't want my kids wondering why I didn't invest in AI or work in AI!

The investment minimum is also only $10. Most venture capital funds have a $250,000+ minimum. In addition, you can see what Fundrise is holding before deciding to invest and how much. Traditional venture capital funds require capital commitment first and then hope the general partners will find great investments.

About the Author:

Sam began investing his own money ever since he opened an online brokerage account online in 1995. Sam loved investing so much that he decided to make a career out of investing by spending the next 13 years after college working at Goldman Sachs and Credit Suisse Group. During this time, Sam received his MBA from UC Berkeley with a focus on finance and real estate.

In 2012, Sam was able to retire at the age of 34 largely due to his investments that now generate roughly $250,000 a year in passive income. He is aggressively investing in real estate crowdfunding to arbitrage low valuations and take advantage of positive demographic trends away from expensive coastal cities. Investing in a hedge fund can help you outperform in a down market. But we're in a bull market for the foreseeable future.

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9 years ago

hey there,
excellent article on hedge funds. Three questions:
1. your opinion on insider monkey and their premium services including small cap growth strategy fund?
2. is there a good hedge fund that will accept one million dollars of accredited investor money that you recommend. also if you could be specific about which fund to invest in
3. what are the tax consequences of the sliced investing. I mean if i give them non-retirement money and they do all these trades, who is responsible for the short term capital gains?


[…] majority of Americans. But with firms like Sliced Investing drastically lowering the minimums to invest in hedge funds, I see alternative investing increasing as a percentage of total […]

10 years ago

I heard somewhere that a top economist studied the hedge funds papers that you need to sign, in many cases I think over 50 pages in a language that even economist have trouble with.. That there are at least a total of 17 fees not just 1% . He came to the conclusion that the average fee is more than 3% for most hedge funds. So, if the hedge fund has a run of 9% return then with 3 plus on fees and 3% on inflation you really are making less than 3% total return.. Which would take over 2 decades to double your money.
That is why buffet even say start investing early and you will see a difference. And no hedge fund can promise anything, so why not invest yourself… And get that 3 to 4% that they make in profit in your pockets…

10 years ago

Like the other person mentioned i am not an investor yet. I am growing my business so return are much bigger than the stock market, still young so i wont invest yet but love to read and learn here and there, its why we are here!
I think what i mention above. Is from tony robbin s book money masters..
I say it as something to think about not As a fact.

10 years ago

I just want to say that I really appreciate posts like this, Sam! I probably wouldn’t find out about this kind of thing without your blog, which is why I am such an avid reader! It’s funny that you say that you become more risk averse the more money you have. Now that I feel comfortable with our net worth, I am eager to try more risky investments. I’m sick of just indexing. My husband and I are both under 35 so I feel like we have a lot of years to recover and earn more money.

10 years ago

Hi Sam:

I am a fan of passive investing. Low fees. Global diversification. And Keeping a fair amount in directly held bonds for the fixed income allocation (matched to known liabilities if possible too).
Hedge funds? I don’t know– they have a 2& 20 fee structure right? The manager takes 2% (whether he is successful or not) and 20% of any profits. That is STEEP.

I think I will stick with ETF’s and Index funds with barely there fees. I just don’t have the stomach, patience or faith in active management.

Your thoughts?

10 years ago

Hi Sam

To build on Maverick’s comment – I there may be a survivor bias in the HFRI data.

Do you know when they started recording? If they took all of the funds that were alive in, say 2000, and then used those firms’ data back to 1990, they would have winnowed out all of the funds that imploded in the 1990’s. Or perhaps it’s worse than that – perhaps they only keep in survivors across the entire time measured (it’s hard to tell from a quick scan of their described methodology).

Also, HFRI is an equal weighted index. That is neither good nor bad, but it is important to know when comparing to the market-cap weighted S&P 500.

Finally, the low (relative) amount of money that was in hedge funds in 1990 also presents an important bit of history. It would have been easier to make money as a hedge fund in the 1990’s than it is today because there is so much capital and competition now.

And I guess the final thing to note is that, unlike the S&P 500 index funds, you can’t actually invest in HFRI :-) It’d be small solace to see HFRI continue to do well if your particular fund(s) got crushed…

Thanks for another great article – informative and conversation-starting!

10 years ago

This is a great article that nailed all of the “but” and “what about” questions firing off in my my mind. When it comes to a fund of funds, it’s all about picking the funds. It’s neat to see that their cost basis is so low given you’re already out 2/20. Also, you’re right that this company is well positioned to take off in VC/PE and possibly secondary markets. This is definitely something I want to look into and it will be interesting to see how the crowdfunding rule changes affect it’s business model (likely widening it).

One concern, liquidity. But, I guess that’s why lower buy-ins make this a palatable portfolio options.

10 years ago

Understand the lockup.. Sometimes it’s most prudent to do nothing. And, that’s often hardest thing to do. Believe me, and I hate to expse my bozoness here. However, my brothers GF works for GS and, as I understand it, while they have some great investment options they also do not have the availability of investing anywhere else.

10 years ago

Is there a “Sliced” for Venture Capital? I.e., for those who are accredited investors and to invest in early stage nonpublic companies but don’t have $500,000+ in liquidity.

10 years ago

Since you are looking at ways to invest in hedge funds, I have a suggestion for you. There are several ETFs that seek to match the returns of the Hedge Fund Long/Short Index. One that I have been looking at has the ticker ALFA and is an ETF with a 0.95% expense ratio. The benefit is that there is no minimum to invest and it is very simple to buy/sell. The downside is that it should be the average of returns and doesn’t let you pick just a high performing hedge fund (although it shouldn’t matter much given your chart of total hedge fund performance). I am still doing research though because it was founded after the market crash and seems to be fairly highly correlated with the S&P 500 since. Let me know what you think.

Mike Furlong
Mike Furlong
10 years ago

Hi dchedge, I’m one of the founder’s of Sliced. Thanks for your response! One other thing to consider is that liquid alternatives (also referred to as ’40 Act Mutual Funds) are not able to take advantage of many investment opportunities because of their structure and because of regulatory limits on shorting and the use of derivatives. Since they need to maintain daily liquidity, their investment universe is inherently limited.

10 years ago

Great post Sam! Not many people fully understand the hedge fund industry simply because they haven’t had any exposure to it. That’s partially due to the qualifications and also due to the limited media exposure. People have a tendency to bash or doubt things they don’t know or understand. So I think it’s good you are spreading awareness.

Are there risks? Of course there are risks, just like any other investment decision. I do like funds of funds vs investing into one specific fund. Slice has an attractive fee structure too.

10 years ago

Among hedge funds that have been started in the past 15 years, only about 5% have survived. That means that the performance of “the average hedge fund” looks much better than most hedge fund investors experienced.

10 years ago

Dan McCrum over at the Financial Times’ Alphaville blog uses the HFRI figures to estimate half of all individual hedge funds perished in the last five years, from which he reasons the problem of fund selection for pension managers becomes “insurmountable”. Check out his blog.

Nishanth Muralidhar
Nishanth Muralidhar
10 years ago


Read the article and the website for Sliced Investing. Been investing for the past 10 years ( in the Indian markets) and have a diversified portfolio ( 40% – RE , 40% – Equities , 20% – Bonds and Cash).I meet the upper networth range for someone in your early thirties age chart range. I have faced 5 major crashes of 30% plus , have dependants and a salaried job , never stopped investing during market crashes , made umpteen mistakes , keep continually learning and I must say I disagree with the premise put forward by Sliced Investing.

In their example , they take the case of a mid-50s couple who were saving and investing diligently all throughout , yet saw their retirement portfolio hit by 40% and recover only now in 2015 , where we are 6 years into one of the strongest bull markets in 2015.This raises several questions

1) I didn’t see Joe or his wife lose their jobs in the example. That means , they still would have been investing $20,000-25,000 even in 2008 and 2009 , which should have helped their portfolios bounce back strongly

2)If he knew he was going to retire in 5 years , why would their portfolio be heavy in stocks and mutual funds ? Why wasn’t it dialed back to more conservative investments?

3)Why did they sell near the market crash bottom ? If he has been investing for 30 plus years , surely he is experienced/knowledgeable to know not to sell in a market crash and hold tight

You called out a commenter above by saying this was not market timing. I do not know the case for investing in hedge funds ( and I’m not interested either ) , but the premise on which Sliced Investing is basing their case for hedge fund investing is essentially flawed. If you consult with them , please tell them to give better examples if they want to attract informed investors.

I am not convinced for the case of investing in hedge funds for several different reasons , but essentially , you wouldn’t be able to dollar cost average in a hedge fund unlike a simple index fund , and hedge funds have had a far bigger history of making losing investments than winning.

You mention John Paulson’s investing bet shorting CDOs.Please track John Paulson’s later investing calls , especially the one where he made huge losses investing in gold.

I really look forward to your reply on this one.

Nishanth Muralidhar
Nishanth Muralidhar
10 years ago

Sam ,

This statement was unwarranted and a needless assumption : ” You may be an astute investor after 10 years who only buys bottoms and sells tops” . I have never been able to buy at bottoms because I thought it was the bottom , but was only able to do so as part of a regular, systematic investing plan. As I have never sold any of my investments , I do not know whether I would have managed to get the top also.

I agree with your statement that many people need professional money management including yourself. All I took issue with , was the wrong example set forth in Sliced Investing’s story. If “Joe” had been investing for 30 plus years , either he would have gained enough knowledge to invest on his own or he would have realised from experience that he needed professional money management , in which the outlined scenario would never have happened , unless the advisor was incompetent or Bernie Madoff.

As you said , there are several alternate opportunities for the $5 million plus crowd. But thats not the crowd (mostly) that you write for , is it ? I appreciate you sharing the information about democratization of hedge fund investing. However unlike your networth posts or increasing income posts or working your ass off posts , this one would possibly lead at least some of your readers to think about investing in alternatives that might be unsuitable for them. You are an influencer ( in a positive way) and people like me take what you write very seriously and try to copy some aspects in their own lives.

Nishanth Muralidhar
Nishanth Muralidhar
10 years ago


Fair enough. Although it was all my entire life savings in the market at that time , I didnt hestitate in the face of severe losses because of 1) my age 2) my learnings about investing till that time 3) I was single and no one was dependent on me.

When I am Joe’s age , with more dependants and a much more larger portfolio (hopefully) , I do not know whether I would do exactly the same thing as Joe has done. I would hope not.

Wall Street Playboys
Wall Street Playboys
10 years ago

Interesting not sure how plugged in with the street you are these days but you probably are. That said on the topic of hedge funds…

The largest growing firms these days are ***beta neutral funds***, ie: bench marked to *not* beat the market becuase investors are still spooked. Interesting huh? They want a portfolio that is net neutral to the market.

Not 100% sure if this means the market is topped or that people are still risk averse. IE: is the money flowing in this direction because they want to protect or because they think the run up is done up.

In terms of using a hedge fund to your advantage perhaps you can come up with your own basket of etfs to make the same predictions.

In your example, instead of just investing with Andor you could have bought up high beta tech stocks. since your opinion was more sector related.

All that aside the fund that I am referring to was up 20% last year so you already know which one that is. And they are now aggressivley building out the market neutral side after outsized performance last year.

10 years ago

Interesting. Thanks for the tip on Sliced.

I’m not quite accredited, but as you pointed out, once I hit that hurdle, I won’t have enough liquid cash to make that large of a single investment.

You like hedge funds. What do you think about Second Market?

10 years ago

Very interesting. I wish I could invest in Sliced itself as much as the hedge fund product it offers. Which strategy do you see as ideal for the current environment? (Long / Short Equity, Global Macro, Event Driven, Quantitative, Distressed Credit)

Even Steven
Even Steven
10 years ago

My initial thought is it’s a great idea for the middle class to have access to investment options that are not available in other circumstances, until I read a little more.

One of my questions that seems very vague from the website and from your write-up is what Hedge Funds and/or Investments are available?

Also similar to Ben’s question, it seems you need to be an accredited investor to be a part of Sliced, why wouldn’t this investor participate in other investments on his own, I’m guessing that someone with a net worth of 1mm/200K in income has numerous investment options available and isn’t fighting over themselves to have hedge fund access , why use Sliced?

10 years ago

Sam, just wanted to zero in on your comment here about it being two completely different things 1) having money to invest and being accredited like yourself and 2) having access to these deals. I will officially hit that Accredited Investor title after I do my 2014 taxes and have always wondered myself where to actually find these deals now that I will become an AI. I know you mentioned in a previous post a week or so ago that it is about being smart enough to spot opportunities, be connected and deploy your capital but the ACCESS to these deals still boggles me a bit, where do I find them now???

10 years ago

Very interesting. This is the first I have heard of hedge funds on the blogs I read.

Now, I want to know much more. Too, I want to understand how YOU know that these
founders are honorable men? Since this is all so new to me, all that comes to mind is shady
investment representatives.

10 years ago

Yes. We had a restaurant years past. Our accountant was responsible for payroll and, quarterly taxes. We trusted that she was actually paying our taxes, she was not.

Fortunately, God revealed the truth to me. She had assets that she sold in order to pay those back taxes. It all worked out for our good in the end. But, it was a painful experience. I loved and, trusted this woman.

10 years ago
Reply to  Joy

Accredited investors, whether individuals or institutions, spend a lot of time doing due diligence on hedge fund managers prior to investing. This continues even after investing on an annual or even quarterly basis. The ddqs (due diligence questionnaires) can get very detailed. There’s a lot more transparency in the hedge fund industry now which benefits investors and hedge fund administrators as well.

Mike Furlong
Mike Furlong
10 years ago
Reply to  Joy

Hey Joy — co-founder of Sliced here. Understand your concerns and they are valid indeed! One of the reasons my co-founder Akhil and I started Sliced was because we were dissatisfied with the way the current investment industry works — one aspect being the ‘used car salesman’ feel of some investment reps. We wanted to structurally change the way that sophisticated financial products are accessed by using technology to lower fees, reduce minimums and add transparency. I’d love to personally answer any questions you may have, feel free to email me at

Fervent Finance
10 years ago

I can’t say I agree with this strategy for everyone. This is timing the market, and you just so happened to guess correctly with 50% of your 401k. Jack Bogle, founder of Vanguard, has a famous saying that in his 60+ year investing career not only has he never met anyone who can time the market, he’s never met anyone who has met anyone who can time the market.

Also, Warren Buffett has a publicized bet going on right now with Ted Seides of Protege Partners where Buffett’s pick the S&P 500 is trouncing Seides hedge fund picks.

Once you factor in management fees and tax implications of investing in hedge funds, a return that appears to outpace the broader market during a point in time will actually be a laggard (I understand that taxes would not effect an investment held in a pre-tax 401k).

I also understand that there are some investors who have consistently proven they can beat the market (Ray Dalio comes to mind), but these people are far and few in between. And these funds are almost impossible to gain access to.

I’ll stick to passive index investing for my 401k, and not try to time the market. But since timing the market has been fruitful for you in the past, I can understand why you would advocate it.

Fervent Finance
10 years ago

I apologize as I was not specific in that I was referring to your personal experience in which you invested half of your 401k (not 10-13% although I do understand at the time you had other assets, so maybe this was 10-13% of your total assets overall) in a specific fund. I just didn’t want others thinking it would be a great idea to throw half of their 401k into a hedge fund investment option. I called it timing because you invested in 2000 when it was clear to you “the NASDAQ was not getting better.”

Now for your comment about allocating 10-13% in alternatives, I think this can be a great addition to someone’s portfolio. But I just wanted to make it aware that management fees and tax implications can cut into “on paper” returns of hedge fund investments. Was the chart above from 1990-2014 net of fees?

With regards to your questions I never said I was invested in Berkshire Hathaway, as I am not. Also I am 26 years old. And for your comment on my blog post, I appreciate the concern that you are worried that 2015 will be my first year maxing out my 401k, but I do not understand how this post led you to believe I had been investing for decades. I was just sharing my thoughts, not condemning your investment strategy. Thanks for the comment.

10 years ago

Berkshire doesn’t give out dividend, A is expensive ( one share is the price of a house) very unpopular among us dividend investors even the B shares.

Mike Furlong
Mike Furlong
10 years ago

Hi Fervent, co-founder of Sliced here. Love reading the dialogue here! Just as clarification, HFRI indices are all reported net of hedge fund fees.

10 years ago

I’m 30… based on your recommended net worth allocation by age… I should have 75% of my assets in equities and real estate.

You suggest I diversify… but at the same time you recommend I have 75% exposure to these asset classes?

FYI… that’s about what I have. Weighted strongly toward equities. I’m neutral real estate (to use your terminology).

10 years ago

Got it. Any guidance on what % of your overall equities portfolio should be hedge funds?

10 years ago

Thoughts on using VIX to hedge?

10 years ago


I tried to register at sliced investing and it seems it’s for accredited investor only.

Above Average Black
Above Average Black
10 years ago

Thanks for this post. Looking forward to your post on self accrediting.