The Best Super Bowl Commercials for 2010

Here are the best super bowl commercials for 2010. First of all, congratulations to the Saints for winning the Super Bowl!  The odds makers were so off favoring the Colts by 6, and setting a ridiculous 57 over/under total point line.  Someone out there made a nice chunk of change.  Was it you?

For some reason, there is a thumbs down movement regarding this year's commercials.  I don't think people were paying close enough attention.  If they were, they'd be raving!  The underlying theme of my top five picks revolves around love, be it loving something, or falling in love.  You'll see what I mean.  Enjoy!


#5: “Hands Off My Momma!”

Starting off at #5, Doritos presents a hilariously cute outtake of one kid's love for his momma and his Doritos! I hope my son protects his momma as nobly when I'm dead and gone.

#4: “Snack Attack Samurai”

As a Financial Samurai, how can I not include this commercial in my top 5? Another humorous rendition of how far some people go to protect the things they love.  This commercial is just plain silly, which is why it's so much fun.

#3: “A Jumbo Casket Full Of Doritos”

What's great about this commercial is that his friends are all in on the prank. Sorry ladies, sometimes a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do for the thing he desires most, even if it means faking his own death! As one of the biggest pranksters myself, this ranks right up there as an instant classic.

#2: “Parisian Love”

Probably the most spine-tingling commercial of the series. Google tries to humanize their brand and make the consumer realize they aren't all a bunch of really rich, market dominating giants who raise the cost of living for all of us in the Bay Area! The story is touching, reminding us that life's journey is precious.  In terms of effectiveness, I don't know.  Who doesn't already use Google?  Perhaps it's all about changing perception, which is what the commercial succeeds in doing for at least 30 seconds.

The Google commercial is the best super bowl commercial for sure.

#1: “Violin Playing Beaver” (A TSF Holding)

Dum, dum, dum, duuuum! The violin playing beaver from is my #1 Super Bowl commercial for 2010! With its combination of humor, aspiration, and love, this commercial deftly captures the essence of the human spirit through of all things, a beaver. How can you not laugh when Mr. Beaver thumps his tail in rhythm during his audition? Beaver society tells him to go build dams, but Mr. Beaver pursues his own damn dreams instead!

Readers, what were your favorite Super Bowl commercials?  How would you rank the above five?  Please feel free to link below your favorite commercials and debate!

Related: Inside The Mind Of A Gambling Addict

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In 2020, I personally like the Google Commercial “How Not To Forget.” Powerful!


Sam @ Financial Samurai – “Slicing Through Money's Mysteries”

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15 years ago

The google ad was great but there was something about the one where the kid laid down the law that I found hysterical!
.-= Brad´s last blog ..Book Review: Living Well With Bad Credit =-.

Len Penzo
Len Penzo
15 years ago

I with Boomer. Snickers Betty White/Abe Vigoda one was LOL funny. My #1. Beaver was #2.

In my book, that’s one of the few times the beaver came in second to anything.


Len Penzo dot Com
.-= Len Penzo´s last blog ..Valentine’s Day Quiz: How to Tell If You’re Dating A Deadbeat (Yes, Really.) =-.

15 years ago

The guys who made the dog park commercial for Doritos spent $200 bucks, and made $600,000. Nice :)

Charles Georgian
Charles Georgian
15 years ago

Would you believe this is the first time I’ve seen these ads. Yeah I wanted to watch the Superbowl this year (though I missed it) but like most, I suspect, I wanted to watch for the halftime ads! Those Doritos ads were good. Did they air all three during the Superbowl?
.-= Charles Georgian´s last blog ..10 Best Financial Companies in 2010 =-.

The Rat
The Rat
15 years ago

Nice thread; It’s great to see the commercials again! One thing’s for sure – a boatload of cash went in to paying for some of these commercials and having to pay for the air time. I think its good to see the Saints win it all, especially with everything the people of New Orleans have been through over the years. Its nice to see the team bring it home for the fans.

David @ MBA briefs
David @ MBA briefs
15 years ago

I guess I’m grading the commercials like a marketing professor would, and the Doritos ads score points for being funny but don’t necessarily make me want to run out and buy a bag of chips. The beaver commercial scored points with me because it was funny and got the message across that can help anyone find a great job, even a furry woodland creature. I expect the Super Bowl commercials to be a showcase of the best commercials of the year so my expectations are a little bit higher than they normally would be.
.-= David @ MBA briefs´s last blog ..The 5 worst Super Bowl ads of 2010 =-.

Ryan @ Planting Dollars

So I’m noticing a pattern of hot guy images on your homepage… If you need an image for your next post I can shoot you my profile! haha
.-= Ryan @ Planting Dollars´s last blog ..Hiking Diamond Head and Snorkeling In Waikiki =-.

Kosmo @ The Casual Observer
Kosmo @ The Casual Observer
15 years ago

One thing to note is that the intent of the point spread is not necessarily to be accurate, but to encourage a roughly even split in the betting, to protect the sports book from taking a bath. The bookie makes money from the vig.
.-= Kosmo @ The Casual Observer´s last blog ..The Best Comics Ever =-.

Credit Card Chaser
Credit Card Chaser
15 years ago

Great picks – I thought the Doritos “Momma” commercial was hilarious and I was pleasantly surprised at how “feel good/non tech” the Google commercial was – very nice job on their part.
.-= Credit Card Chaser´s last blog ..Credit Cards, Overeating, & the Credit Card “Blame Game” =-.

David @ MBA briefs
David @ MBA briefs
15 years ago

Hands Off My Mama and the Google commercial were my two favorites. Hope you don’t mind but I piggybacked off your article and did a worst of post – I got up early Sunday morning and watched all the commercials on Hulu with every intention of doing a best of/worst of post but never got to it. I just hope all the traffic I send your way doesn’t overload your servers.

The beaver commercial was funny and got its message across, but I didn’t like the Dorito’s commercials too much. Or any of the Budweiser commercials for that matter.
.-= David @ MBA briefs´s last blog ..The 5 worst Superbowl ads of 2010 =-.

15 years ago

I loved all the Doritos commercials and I got a lot of laughs with that beaver commercial too. The bud light house made of beer cans, and the orca in the truck were 2 more of my favorites.

15 years ago

Oh – and the “Green Police” just kinda freaked me out. A bit too eerily possible in a near future kind-of-way for my liking. I’m to the point where if a company espouses itself as “green” to try to win my business, my business goes elsewhere. The whole green movement is making me think Mr. Yuck!

15 years ago

Brett Favre winning the 2020 NFL MVP at the age of 50…with the holographic trophy, commenting on being older than most of the fans, most of the coaches, all of the players…should probably retire…well…maybe…

I like that he could joke about his yo-yo “I’m retired – now I’m not retired” act over the past few years. And who knows…?

Mike Piper
Mike Piper
15 years ago

Gosh I just loved that Google ad.

…and the Doritos ad with the kid cracked me up. :)
.-= Mike Piper´s last blog ..Index Funds vs. Active Mutual Funds =-.

15 years ago

The google one was tied for first in my book aloing with the Betty White/Abe Vigoda Snickers commerical. The absurdity of it was wicked funny!
.-= Bucksome´s last blog ..Shopping on Craiglist =-.

15 years ago

One of the issues I have with Super Bowl commercials, or any commercials for that matter, is that if they’re really REALLY good, I’ll remember the commercial itself, but not necessarily the product it was hawking.

From an artistic standpoint, that’s a good commercial, but of course that isn’t at all what the sponsors are going for.

Let’s face it, we don’t watch TV to be sold something, we watch to be entertained, and some commercials are maybe a bit too good at that.
.-= Kevin@OutOfYourRut´s last blog ..Blue Collar Jobs Can’t be Moved Offshore =-.

15 years ago

Great choices! I thought this year’s crop was better than previous past couple years

I didn’t get the problem with the Tim Tebow commercial. Didn’t seem to be a bit deal at all.
.-= Evan´s last blog ..The Definition of Liberal & Conservative =-.

Little House
15 years ago

This year, I didn’t pay much attention to the Super Bowl. The two teams just didn’t spark my interest. I’m glad that the Saint’s won, since it was their first Super Bowl. And a note to your commentor, Matt, who loves the Steelers; I have two full-sized signed helmets from James Harrison from last year’s Super Bowl Game (and they’re for sale!). Now that game was amazing!
.-= Little House´s last blog ..What Makes a City Great? =-.

15 years ago

Call me a hopeless romantic, but the google ad gave me goose bumps :)

15 years ago

Those were good!
.-= 20smoney´s last blog ..A Beginner’s Guide to Buying Gold Coins As An Investment =-.