Being Overly Content Can Be Detrimental To Your Career

Every year, there's inevitably a headhunter or a competitor who gives me a ring. They eagerly ask if I'm interested in leaving my current firm for a hefty salary increase. And every year I turn them down. Perhaps I'm overly content. But, I respect the people I work with, like the camaraderie, and believe in my firm's management and future.

My 10th year anniversary is coming up. And just like how I freaked out for a couple days before turning 30, I'm starting to wonder whether I've become overly content and too comfortable with what I have.

Dodging bullets is a myth. But, I can safely proclaim that I dodged at least one bullet by not taking an offer from a firm that inevitably went bankrupt. Phew, I sometimes remind myself. But, what about the other firms I wonder.

If I joined them, would I be making more money and doing more in my career than ever before? Maybe, I don't know. What I do know is that many who have job hopped have indeed made an incredible amount more. And they have rocketed their careers way more than if they had stayed.

Is It Stubborn To Be Overly Content?

It's sad that loyalty is often rewarded with below market pay. We call this the “loyalty discount”.  The late, great John Wooden of UCLA basketball fame never made more than $36,000 a year. This is despite him winning an unprecedented 10 NCAA championships in a 12-year period. He was overly content and never entertained other offers.

Nick Saban on the other hand, played LSU like a fiddle. He bolted to the Miami Dolphins after winning a championship at LSU. And then bolted again to Alabama for a mega 8-year, $32 million contract! With Nick proceeding to win another championship at Alabama, it's safe to safe he maximized his income and his career.

Work Loyalty Can Be Overrated

Gone are the days where people work for 30 or even 20 years at a single firm simply because people have more options, and the competitive environment is that much greater.

Firms have proven in this volatile environment that they will fire and layoff at will to cut costs and appease shareholders. Being a 15 year veteran used to mean something. Now it just means maybe you're too expensive.

With the track that I'm on, if I don't change soon, I'm pretty sure I'm going to end up being one of those 20 year-to-lifer type employees. I do think loyalty is admirable, but at what cost? If people are banging down your door, at the very least open it and let them in.

Wondering “What If”

One of my worst fears is wondering “what if.”  10 years from now, I don't want to obsess about wondering how my life would be different if I took this job or made this decision. 

It's too bad we can't live parallel lives. All we can do is weigh the pros and cons, ask our loved ones for their opinions, and make a decision.

We have a responsibility to be loyal to the firm that provides for us. But, we have a bigger responsibility to be loyal to ourselves and our family.

If a firm is underpaying or mistreating you, speak up. They are literally taking away opportunities. Maybe you want to send your daughter to private school. But, because your firm isn't paying you a market rate for the past 10 years, you're literally $100,000 poorer in your bank account.

The point is that loyalty goes both ways. Your firm has to be loyal to you as much as you are loyal to them. If you are too content in your career, your managers are going to sense your complacency and potentially take advantage of you. 

Don't get overly content. Make sure to have a heart-to-heart talk at least once a year or two, and preferably during your year end reviews. It really is great to be happy with what you have. Just don't let your employer take you for granted.

Further Reading

If You Want To Quit Your Job

If you want to leave a job you no longer enjoy, I recommend negotiating a severance instead of quitting. If you negotiate a severance like I did back in 2012, you not only get a severance check, but potentially subsidized healthcare, deferred compensation, and worker training.

When you get laid off, you're also eligible for up to roughly 27 weeks of unemployment benefits. Having a financial runway is huge during your transition period.

Conversely, if you quit your job you get nothing. Check out How To Engineer Your Layoff: Make A Small Fortune By Saying Goodbye.

It's the only book that teaches you how to negotiate a severance. In addition, it was recently updated and expanded thanks to tremendous reader feedback and successful case studies.

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14 years ago

I say wonderful post. And I only have a quote which I somehow find fitting to this post:
” Contentment is not always the fulfillment of what you WANT, it is the realization of how blessed you are for what you already HAVE.”

14 years ago

I am quite content with the current level of my finances however that contentment allows me to contemplate without fear about what my next step is in life.
I am not mal nor discontented, neither am I complacent. I eagerly look forward to the next thing in my life but i think being content allows me to make a better decision with regards of weighing the pros and cons of a situation. I find that these days I am less hasty and it is easier for me to recover from mistakes whereas before being discontent could have and it has caused me to compound mistakes.

14 years ago

Great advice. I think what people don’t realize is that they’ll be even more comfortable with a higher salary. Sure, it may take time to get used to, but eventually you will get back in your same rhythm.

14 years ago

I think you stress about work and money too much ;) Okay, so you are probably being provocative to get lively debate, but y’know, there’s more to life than money.

You’ve got the right to your priorities, but in some ways I wonder – after all if more money is what you’re after then heck, you sound bright, go into business yourself. You never get rich working for somebody else…

FWIW I am one of those lifers – I switched jobs early in my career, to get myself to where I wanted to be. Then it comes time to look at the other things that make life worth living. There’s more to life than work.

Now, I want out. The company has changed, globalisation is worsening conditions in professional careers, and there’s still life to live and less time to live it in. Sure, I could earn the price of a fancy house as cash in the next 10 years. So what? I already own my current house outright, and owe nobody a thing. I’ve had enough of this work/slavery lark, I have screwed my outgoings down without losing too much quality of life. You’ve only got so many years on this earth, how many more do you want to spend looking at the inside of an office wall or at the company computer.

I’m with ERE and his Mexican fisherman here. Freedom is priceless – which is why it’s worth considering paying the opportunity cost for it. Each to their own, however – if you fear contentment, run away from it :) Ask not, however, what you are running away from – ask what it is that you are running towards. What are your aims, ideals, values, and live them. If it’s Benjamins lining the walls, you know what you got to do…

14 years ago

Interesting that you need the yang of work to give meaning to the yin of chilling on the beach. I’m not convinced by – money is crystallised power, it is the value and meaning that adds to life that makes it worth working for, or not. Maybe you just have a cool work ethic, and I’m a lazy bum, that’s fine with me :) Good luck in your quest!

14 years ago

There is always something better out there. But there is also always something worse.

Job hopping might be a great way to boost you career when you are young and unattached, but I imagine that it becomes a drag as you get older.

If I ever found a decent paying job in a good place with nice weather and good friends, I doubt that I would leave until I was laid off. Losing all those intangibles just isn’t worth the salary bump.

14 years ago

I wonder if I am too content from time to time. I guess (lucky?) for me, I got a big sign when my company was sold. I will be forced out there to find something new. And as someone who did not get a big raise with my MBA, due to a company manager pay freeze in 2010, I could probably do a lot better on the money front elsewhere.

However, I did have a job I hated in the past. I worked 7am-7pm and was treated like a freshman in a fraternity. I am treated much better here, and that counts for something.

14 years ago

Being content really is the end game. It’s ok to wonder, but also to wonder how bad things will be if you did make the move!

14 years ago



1. Forest: “follow your sense and add a little heart and keep plugging forward.”

2. Dr. Dean: ” the decision to be based on how excited you would be at your new job… Make decision-then move on!”

3. Roshawn: “if a job can enrich you with awesome opportunities and more… you at least have to strongly consider it.”

YOU REPLIED: “…but I don’t know when we’ll ever know when we achieve that potential.”



4. Allan: “keep your relationships with your previous employer and colleagues intact…” “the relationships you keep will help you out no matter what” in the future.

14 years ago

I think there’s a fine line between contentment and complacency. When you’re doing all you can, you usually feel content. But when you think you have more potential, you may feel complacent.

And going off your basketball analogy, Kevin Garnett was loyal to Minnesota for a long time, but they didn’t surround him with people to help him win it all. Once he left for Boston, he immediately won a ring, and is on the verge of winning another!

Loyalty is great, but it’s not the end all be all of virtues.
.-= Darren´s last blog ..The Rule of 72 – How It Helps, And How It Doesn’t =-.

Rob Bennett
14 years ago

When you go to a new employer, you need to prove yourself all over again. That takes a lot of work. The first six months at a new place are intense.

If you have been coasting for a long time, that can be a good thing. But there are other times when not doing the extra work of proving yourself again means that you can put more effort forward in other areas of life — exercise, reading, work around the house, whatever.

.-= Rob Bennett´s last blog ..Investing: The New Rules #7 — Dollar-Cost Averaging Is a Loser Strategy =-.

Allan @ Rich Money Habits
Allan @ Rich Money Habits
14 years ago

I actually did this about 3 and a half years ago. A new opportunity to work in a foreign country came and I grabbed it. It was one of the better decisions of my life. Not only was it more rewarding financially, but it also widened my perspective in terms of other people’s culture and work ethic. It’s interesting that after 2 and half years away, I came back home, and now work as an IT consultant for my old employer. I think, through it all, what I learned is to keep your relationships with your previous employer and colleagues intact. It’s a small world and nobody knows what will happen in the future. But the relationships you keep will help you out no matter what.

Darwin's Money
Darwin's Money
14 years ago

In the past I was the “ultra-loyal” and used to actually resent people that left my company. Then I started to realize people need to take care of themselves, as I saw colleagues getting laid off. Personally, I get the headhunter calls now and then and in the past, I used to get into these salary discussions and even interviewed a couple times but in the end I’d always say, “Why the hell am I doing this? I don’t plan on leaving.”

For me, I’ve stuck around due primarily to security and lack of the “dream job” opportunities, but realistically, at some point, I’ll probably bite. Another major factor for me is I don’t want to move my family around constantly chasing a buck. It’s only money after all. But if I started to feel my job was in jeopardy, I’d definitely be more aggressive.
.-= Darwin’s Money´s last blog ..10 Ways Spend Less Time at work – Guaranteed! =-.

14 years ago

I have been wondering this quite a bit actually recently. I have honestly started to be come bored with my job I think. I need more of a challenge, or better yet, a whole career change. I like business development, managing people, money, processes, right now, I’m in IT. It’s good money, but work that I’m not really all that interested in. Once I have my MBA, I plan to make some serious changes though. Good topic.

Mike Hunt
Mike Hunt
14 years ago


I’ve had a very different experience as someone who has job hopped already. How much are you earning per year in your current role?

In my company that I am running, we have had a great year (delivered more than 350% of budgeted profits this year) however I will not get a salary increase as I ‘earn too much already’. I will be challenging this however with new investors coming on board I need to ensure I can stay in good graces with them and ask delicately.

I’ve had several recruiters contact me about jobs but all have been below or substantially below where I am today. It’s quite disheartening, really.


Mike Hunt
Mike Hunt
14 years ago


You’ve got it mate. It feels pretty bad to hear you will get paid if you meet your budget but there is no upside for delivering more- in fact it hurts you because the baseline is inflated for the next year.

That is the upside of being the majority owner- I’d be reaping the benefit of $9M instead of $300K… understand that you need to make the owners more money than you earn by a lot, but for Pete’s sake share the upside a little…


Money Reasons
Money Reasons
14 years ago

I’ve been thinking that “What If” thought quite a bit lately.

In your case, I think it okay if you’re just content at primary work though. I say this mainly, because you have so many great side things going on… I bet in a few years, you’ll even be considering a book…

Great thought provoking post as usually!

Money Reasons
Money Reasons
14 years ago

I think you are right on both accounts! Being Debt free give me more confidence, and watching my kids grow up so fast… creates a kind of urgency to do something original and exciting!

In your case, I think either way you go, it would be a win-win scenario with either path that you take!

Yep, no hurry on such a book yet, afterall, the Yakezie story is just starting :)
.-= Money Reasons´s last blog ..Red Box Review =-.

Jon DeGroff
Jon DeGroff
14 years ago

You bring up some great points!

I have realized one thing over the last few years: you can be extremely loyal to your company-but how loyal will they be to you in a rough time? That’s a question that we have to ask ourselves.

I’m self employed, but I have a contract with a firm that I do much of my business through. I get offers rather often to offer me a salary and higher commissions to do the same thing for their company. However, I’m loyal to the Managing Partner who gave me that contract. He’s helped me out too much in my career for me to turn on him this way. Even though I would love to have taken some of the offers out there, I don’t believe it would ultimately be the best choice for me, and I don’t think I’m blinded my my loyalty.

Best of luck in the inevitable decisons regarding this that will face you in your future!

John Bardos - JetSetCitizen

I think it is important to make the distinction between being happy or being comfortable. If you truly are happy with what you are doing then there isn’t much reason to change. While new opportunities and new experiences help to make you happy, so do working with good people and following a vision you believe in. It sounds like you are happy now.

Comfortable is the enemy of happiness. Basically it means you are not particularly happy with your situation but it is too risky to change. This is the world’s biggest dream killer. Kill comfortable before it kills you.

I was far too comfortable in my life in Japan. I needed the excitement and challenge that uncertainty brings. Now I am happy. I am not comfortable any longer but that is what makes life worth living.
.-= John Bardos – JetSetCitizen´s last blog ..Is it Nature or Nurture that Determines our Talents? =-.
14 years ago

Great topic.

Gone are the days when we work for one company for 30 years and retire. Men change jobs every 4.5 years, women around every 3 years.

So you are overdue for a job change.

There is no such thing as loyalty these days… And job security is a thing of the past. If anyone thinks their job is secure, they are hallucinating.

14 years ago

Great post.
Technically, I think Saban went to coach the Miami Dolphins. And then went to Alabama.
I sound like a Noodge, but just wanted to clarify.
.-= Matt´s last blog ..How to Stick to Your Financial Goals =-.

Early Retirement Extreme

I suspect not being content is the American way? The “busy-ness discount”? I am reminded of the story of the American tourist and the Mexican fisherman ). That describes the situation very succinctly. American’s work very hard so that they eventually can enjoy the life of those who hardly work.
.-= Early Retirement Extreme´s last blog ..Early Retirement Extreme – My story =-.

14 years ago

As with any decision making an employment move is a big one-especially in today’s economy. Taking the leap can be a BIG risk. I have been on both sides of the coin as I worked as a headhunter for 7 years-my goal was to pull “good candidates” away from their current position. On the flip side I have been asked on several occasions to take the leap and declined on all but one-my current position. It was a huge leap for me; different field, new company, and as with any job change new company dynamics.

Overall I am glad I made the leap, I love my new career and all the opportunities it has afforded me.

My advice is to thoroughly investigate all offers and consider your family and how any changes may affect them.
Social Media Specialist
CareOne Debt Relief Services

Jason @ Redeeming Riches

I get these calls all the time too, and I often wonder the same thing, but one thing I keep reminding myself is that the grass always does seem greener on the other side and then you get there and realize there’s issues and problems at that place too!

Since I’m an independent contractor, I’ll take my freedom and schedule any day over being an employee – most of these calls are to get me to work for someone. I don’t think I’ll be making that tradeoff any time soon.

Good post!
.-= Jason @ Redeeming Riches´s last blog ..Small Business Taxes and 2 Other Concerns for the Self Employed =-.