A Better Way To Prevent Financial Mistakes: Convince Others Why Before You Buy

Since starting Financial Samurai in 2009, I’ve been making better financial decisions. The reason is because before each big decision, I always spend at least a couple hours analyzing each situation through a post. The dilemmas I have are very similar to the dilemmas many of you have, will have, or have experienced. As a result, after each publication there’s plenty of great feedback from the community.

Before 2009, I had several financial blowups. One mistake was buying a Lake Tahoe vacation property for $710,000 in 2007 and watching its value sink to below $400,000 within three years as the financial crisis unfolded. I thought I was getting a good deal because the sellers had purchased the property for $785,000 just the year before. But the tidal wave of foreclosures was just too strong.

If Financial Samurai had existed back then, I’d like to think I would have held off on my purchase or bargained much harder because at the time, I foolishly thought my income would continue to go higher seven years after the dotcom meltdown. We're once again seven years into a real estate and stock market recovery. Please be very careful!

Examples Of Solving Big Decisions With Writing

Writing is thinking. Let me share some examples of how writing posts helped me make better decisions.

Big decision #1: At age 34, I wondered whether I should leave a 13 year banking career and make no money as a writer for an unknown period of time. It sounded like a crazy thing to do so I wrote: The Dark Side Of Early Retirement. The post made me face all the pitfalls of leaving the rat race so soon. Everyone who is planning on pulling the plug early should read this post.

Because of the post, I was able to formulate a severance negotiation strategy a full year before actually leaving. Because I knew with 80% certainty I was leaving, I was able to take it much easier my last year of work while still getting paid. Because I no longer cared as much about rankings and revenue, much of the work pressure dissipated. Instead, I took six weeks of vacation for the last three years and and spent lots of time writing during my free time.

When it was time to sign the severance documents, I had already run every possible scenario. Thus, it was with great anticipation rather than immense consternation that I signed the documents to move on to the next chapter of my life.

Big decision #2: After leaving Corporate America, I still felt a little vulnerable. I was used to a significant monthly paycheck and now I earned zilch. To feel rich again, I was thinking of selling my primary residence and renting a two bedroom, one bathroom apartment for half the cost of owning my home. If I sold my house, I would have netted roughly $500,000 after taxes and fees. Not great since I had owned the home for seven years by then and put $325,000 down.

Back then, selling was super tempting, so I wrote: Should I Sell My House Now That Facebook IPOed? We had gone through the worst of the financial crisis, and I felt lucky to still have all my wherewithals. Time to sell everything before we return to the abyss!

After writing the post, I decided it was not the time to sell because it appeared we were just at the beginning of a real estate recovery. I received a couple low ball offers which I declined after listing my house for 29 days. In my gut I felt that if I sold, I'd regret that decision 10 years later. Since 2012, SF real estate prices are supposedly 50%+ higher. Because of leverage and four additional years of principal payments, my equity has grown from $500,000 to ~$1,500,000. That is some serious money made with much less disruption thanks to thinking things through with a post!

San Francisco Home Prices After Facebook IPO
Writing a post prevented me from selling at the bottom.

San Francisco median home price

Big decision #3: Roughly $420,000 in CD money was coming due in early 2014 and I wasn’t sure how to reinvest the money because I usually invest only $5,000 – $20,000 at a time. I loved the CD because it was earning a a risk-free 4.1% a year. If I could earn a guaranteed 4% a year for the rest of my life, I would invest my entire net worth in such an asset.

The two most obvious asset classes to consider were stocks and real estate. As a result, I wrote: Which Is A Better Investment: Stocks Or Real Estate? The post evaluates all the pros and cons of each asset class. In the end, I realized I didn’t feel comfortable investing more than $150,000 into the stock market at the time and also didn’t want to hold so much cash earning nothing. The post reminded me that I don’t like being a minority shareholder with no control over anything. Further, compared to SF real estate, I didn’t like the volatility of the stock market.

As I'd been wanting a smaller house with panoramic ocean views in a new neighborhood, I decided to use $250,000 as a downpayment on a fixer upper, and earmarked another $120,000 to do a gut remodel. The remodeling is done, except for a ~$20,000 deck addition off the master bedroom once my contractor stops ducking my calls. Meanwhile, my previous house is rented to five people. As only three people lived in the house before, this helps ameliorate the SF housing shortage. The move also pushed me ~$50,000 closer to my $200,000/year passive income goal.

Perhaps it's too soon to tell whether I made the right financial move because I'm forecasting a decline in property values over the next couple of years. But I do know that I'm very happy with this house so far and am extracting full value from the earlier house. According to comps in the Golden Gate Heights neighborhood, prices are up about 15% since 2014 while the stock market is flat.

Big decision #4: After successfully supporting myself without a job for three and a half years, I started getting fearful and restless in 2H2015. My economic outlook for 2016 and 2017 wasn't that great, and I thought it would be wise to get a job before job opportunities became scarce. As a result, I wrote, Time To Go Back To Work Full-Time Again?

Of course you know by now I haven't gone back to work, thank goodness, and have just maintained one or two corporate consulting clients to keep me engaged with the real world. I was so close to accepting a really shitty job at this fintech lending company 30 minutes south for low pay just because I wanted security and camaraderie. Then I almost stepped over the ledge by returning to my old industry with a tier 3 bank that just announced they are laying off 20% – 30% of their North America employees! Yes, the pay would have been at least $250,000, but for how long as a last-in employee?

Going through the process of finding full-time work again reminded me of the awkwardness of pretending to want to do something I don't want to do. I'm so happy I didn't go back to work full-time because I would have stayed for at least a year, no matter how bad things got.

Make A Convincing Written Argument

If you can’t convince me, the FS community, a close family member or a friend why you should part with your cash, then sit on your money until you do. The same thing goes for making any big decisions in life. We all have blind spots that need illuminating. The question is whether you will have the patience and honesty to hear what other people have to say.

Writing is a very purposeful action that makes you think much deeper. If you're unwilling to start your own website, then at least type your argument out in private. Upon reflection, it looks like not only has Financial Samurai allowed me to break free from Corporate America, it has also saved me a ton of heartache over the past seven years!

Recommendation To Build Wealth

Manage Your Money In One Place: Sign up for Personal Capital, the web’s #1 free wealth management tool to get a better handle on your finances. You can use Personal Capital to help monitor illegal use of your credit cards and other accounts with their tracking software. In addition to better money oversight, run your investments through their award-winning Investment Checkup tool to see exactly how much you are paying in fees. I was paying $1,700 a year in fees I had no idea I was paying.

After you link all your accounts, use their Retirement Planning calculator that pulls your real data to give you as pure an estimation of your financial future as possible using Monte Carlo simulation algorithms. Definitely run your numbers to see how you’re doing. I’ve been using Personal Capital since 2012 and have seen my net worth skyrocket during this time thanks to better money management.

Personal Capital Retirement Planner
Is your retirement plan on track? Find out for free after you link your accounts.
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8 years ago

Hi Sam,
If I feel that a financial downturn in the stock market is inevitable in June- August, would I be justified to take 90% of my portfolio in 401k out of the market? Right now I’m 50% in stocks, but if I don’t have a crystal ball but very strong gut feelings, would it be insane to take the rest out of the market?

Adam Harlow
Adam Harlow
8 years ago

I really liked this post. The down turn of the housing market really took a toll on a lot of us. But investing in the housing market at the bottom of the market was a brilliant idea. The market has to come back to equilibrium and it sure did. I bought a home a little after the bottom of the market and it has gain $100,000 dollars in equity in a short time. I wish I would have bought to and took that risk. Better luck next time. :)

8 years ago

Alright I am going to write out the reason why I am retiring early. I just read The Dark side of Early Retirement. I’ve never read it before. It was posted before I started following FS. What a great read. And it’s true, if you love you job, you would not want to retire.

So, some of the reasons Sam listed for early retirement:

1 – Have not found the right job. I don’t love my job. I don’t hate it. But every year it seems like I am working more for less. Of course there is typical work politics, hierarchy, kowtowing to the superior. And if I could advance easily at my work I would have stayed, but it take 120% effort to move up which I cannot not muster in a job that I am not passionate about.

2 – Want a way out. Not becoming all I can be. Yes. I admit it. I had higher hopes for myself when I was a kid. Curing cancer, invent rocket ships. Maybe this is not a good reason to quit, but I like to think I can do more in another field?

3 – Time is precious. Honestly, as a single 44 y/o I have more money than I can spend. Maybe not for the rest of my life, but for the foreseeable future. If I have more free time, I rather spend it with family, traveling, and doing something creative.

Dangers of early retirement:

1 – Employment gap – won’t apply to me. I will still work part-time, and on my resume I will not have an unemployment gap. I won’t take more than 1 month off at a time. I believe I’ll have to explain that in my future job application.

2 – Run out of money – Not gonna happen. I already have some passive income. And even working part-time I can cover all my expense. The down side is that I cannot fully fund my IRA.

3 – Lose touch with family and friends. The opposite will happen. I will travel back to my country to spend time with my aging parents. Perhaps spend more time with friends too since while working full time I am always too tired to socialize on the weekends.

4 – Difficulty starting a family – This one I am concerned about. The reason I am working full time is to have sufficient fund for a family. By myself I can live on a $60,000 pre-tax income. Yes, part of my want to keep up with my peers who are making $300-$400K a year. More practically I do work that when I have a family, can I provide for them.

5 – Lose self respect due to lounging around lol. Admitted, maybe a little. If I retire early and not do anything productive with my time, I will feel worse about myself. If I do not follow through with the different personal projects that I have set out to accomplish, I will feel unproductive. If that happens, I should go back to working full time.

It seems like I have all the reasons why people want to retire early. I am not saying they are great reasons, but it is what it is. On the other end, I have covered most of the risk of retirement. The biggest worry is not making enough money. Another big worry is losing momentum to work. The pluses of being in a rat race is that you get used to waking up at 6-7, commute to work, do you 10 hours days, look forward to the weekend. Once you stop working, you’ll get used to not working, and one day when you have to go back to work, ti will be SOOO painful.

Mmmmm…. now I have write it all out. Will I still retire at 45???
I will. I just need to make sure I stay productive during that time. Have fun. Play hard.

Smart Money MD
8 years ago

Great point to verbalize a plan to convince even the most skeptical people why you should be doing what you’re doing. Writing an essay on it (or via blog entry) will take it to the next level. This reminds me of how I try to construct a convincing argument to my 4 y/o nephew who wants to eat candy before dinner!

Tracy @ Financial Nirvana Mama

Well you are doing great! You earned it in full with all of your hard work.

If I’m not certain about things, I ask my close friends, my husband for feedback. I also read, read from others who are experts and talk to people.

I also think of all the worst case scenarios and see if I can deal with the consequences as well as find ways to mitigate it.

And I also listen to my gut too.

You are doing well, I agree with the readers above to celebrate your winnings:)

8 years ago

You are right. If you can convince others then you are probably ready. Also sleeping on it for a couple of days would help as well. Discussion with your wife and trusted investment buddies are also good ideas. Thanks for sharing!



Trying to get ahead
Trying to get ahead
8 years ago

My wife and I are both in our mid 30s and are worth approx. $1.6 million (about half of which is our home and the rest stock) with ZERO debt (no mortgage, no student loans, no car loans, no CC debt, nothing!). We earn approx. $500,000 per year, both doing stress-free jobs that we love. We have about $20,000 coming in every month from salaries net of taxes, insurance, 2 max 401k contributions and buying company stock. The rest of our income is our 2 annual bonuses. Our monthly nut is about $3,500. Now that we are banking approx. $300,000 and no longer have debt to pay down, what do we do with the money? Buy a vacation home, a rental or just pile up the cash? I don’t want the money earning 0% but I also don’t want to put more at risk in the stock market. Half of our net worth is in the stock market already and we purchase $75,000 in stock annually through our 401ks, IRAs and company stock purchase plans. P2P lending freaks us out and we have a hard time trusting it.

8 years ago

Congratulations! You have done well to position yourself for a great future.

Given your income, I would recommend the purchase of a rental property, assuming you have the time to be a landlord (or the willingness to compensate a property manager. If you are saving approximately 60% of your income annually, it shouldn’t take you long to save up cash and find a steal of a rental property. You have the luxury of being patient if you are a cash buyer.

I would recommend a CD ladder, given your current situation maxing out your 401ks. This will provide you added stability and security. Read Sam’s post (https://www.financialsamurai.com/the-dvd-method-to-cd-investing/) on CD investing here. That should give you the information you need to get started.

My last piece of advice: Celebrate a little! You are killing it and are certainly on a path toward early retirement, if that is what you want.

Trying to get ahead
Trying to get ahead
8 years ago

What kind of rental property? I thought about that seriously a while back but was discouraged by many people. Is a seasonal property easier to deal with? The problem is that most good rentals by me cost around $1 mm or more to buy. I don’t live in an area where people rent SF homes, so it’s more multifamily homes closer to the city. I definitely feel like I’m missing out not owning a rental property but don’t want to buy one if it’s going to kill my life either.

Regarding the CD ladder,
I looked into that and the interest rates are around 1%. That hardly seems worth it. Where are you finding better CD returns?

On a side note, we celebrate life every day. We travel, eat out and spend lots of time with friends. Thanks for this point though. Too many people are extreme and lose sight of the point for saving in the first place.

8 years ago

Hey! Out of curiosity, what are you both doing? Stress free jobs = not entrepreneurs right? Curious what kind of jobs pay what you’re making. ;)

Thanks :)

8 years ago

Sounds like you are both crushing it. Congratulations. I think cash is a better option than many people think – despite its inability to grow much. Always keep your powder dry for a downturn that may materialize.

I’d be reluctant to buy rental real estate unless you really want to get into the real estate business. It just complicates your life and it sounds like you are enjoying a relatively stress free one. Why add the burden of a rental just to diversify?

Cash Flow Celt
8 years ago

With that kind of money coming in, you could think about doing venture investing locally – maybe see about becoming an accredited investor. That should open up a whole slew of opportunities to lock up your money in ways not available to someone like me.

But if you haven’t yet, I would open a portfolio of real estate. It provides an inflationary hedge and a way to increase monthly cash flow. As someone else mentioned, in your case, it’s probably worth paying the convenience fees of a property manager.

But great job on your financial success!

Trying to get ahead
Trying to get ahead
8 years ago
Reply to  Cash Flow Celt

Where do I learn about these local venture deals?

8 years ago

If you are at the mindset of capital preservation instead of leveraging and trying to make it big, I would buy rental property in a good neighborhood and good school district.

Even during the 2007 crash, the housing price in the best area in the best city dropped at the most 20% for about 2 years, then bounced right back up. It may have dipped 30% but just for 6 month.

You CAP rate will be low, but it will be relatively stress free.
An example would be a $1,000,000 property renting for $4000-$5000 a month. It will yield realistically a 3% CAP rate. Beats the S&P dividend by half a point. Hedge again inflation. You’ll get very good tenant, low vacancy, very little hassle. Compare that to a 5 unit in a bad neighborhood where the value may drop quite a bit, 5 broken toilets and kitchen and endless phone calls.

Cash Flow Celt
8 years ago

This is so true and one of the best ways to manage your cash flow. Any of my life altering decisions – car or home purchases, starting my new blog (time commitment), and whether or not I should open a 529 for my kid or continue aggressively investing in my retirement – always get talked over not only with the girlfriend, but also my uncle and friend of mine from college who works in M&A. Gives three different perspectives of family vs old money thinking vs new money thinking; coupled with my game theory analysis of any large purchase it gives me a great perspective on which to gauge my decisions.

Life is short. It doesn’t make sense to carelessly walk through it when we have so many friends and family that have probably already been through exactly what we’re facing.

Brian - Rental Mindset

I’m not too far away in the outer Sunset and also low on camaraderie working for myself. We should meet up some time.

I think am naturally not a big spender on objects. Big ticket items I think about if I can just rent it once per year for 90% of the benefit at 25% of the cost. I think if I want it in comparison to a trip somewhere or something else I know I want.

8 years ago

Hi Sam,

Every single financial decision that I’d like us to make, I talk about it with my wife. She will try to analyse it from all angles and see any pitfalls. It’s a very powerful way to make sure you haven’t missed any obvious pitfalls.

You can convince yourself with nearly any investment / purchase because you can come up with a logical reason why you should. You must also think through the logical reasons why you SHOULDN’T. Only then can you compare your pros and cons and then you can make a rational decision.


8 years ago

great points. My english professor said “writing is thinking” about 100 times. That is all he wanted us to learn from our class and probably it was all that I did learn. However, I did learn it. And that is saying something. Writing it out forces contemplation. It also forces you to really test what you are thinking. Writing a sentence down that is really ridiculous can help you realize that you are not thinking clearly!

Boocoo Money
Boocoo Money
8 years ago

I always take the time to think things over before making a big decision. Me and my wife would sit in Walmart for hours just to figure out whether or not to buy a $40 dresser. So making a big decision of this magnitude definitely cause for some thought.

My mother always says ” I got more time then money”. I live by those words and in retrospect they have served me well.

Ian Phi
8 years ago

Thanks for the article, Sam. I’ve been lurking for a few months and learning a lot!

One thing I do when comparing big financial decisions is write down every pro/con and, on a scale from 1-10, determine how heavily weighed the pro/con is. Then cumulatively add up the pros and subtract the cons to get a relative score for each decision. I’ve found that in doing this, I take the impulse emotion out of decision-making, clearing up my head.

When the two decisions are too close to compare, time has always changed the circumstances and given me my winner.

The Finance Games
The Finance Games
8 years ago

My boyfriend would always ask my opinion for every purchase over $50, and I thought that was odd, since it was ‘his money’ and my response was ‘did you pay your half of the rent this month? put money into retirement? save? then do what you want’

As time went on, as I started talking more about paying off my student loan faster, opening an IRA, savings goals, etc – and his silly questions about buying a scuba suit enabled us to have serious conversations about saving. He’s now feeding off my energy and following the financial plans I laid out – opening high yield savings accounts, more retirement savings, aggressively paying down student debt, etc. And it means we’re open to bounce decisions off each other.

Additionally, my large group of friends have started a slack to keep in touch – with a personalfinance section as well. I’m so psyched that we can talk openly about finances (though we are the instagram/facebook generation) because not only can I vet my decisions but learn from other people’s decisions, and celebrate successes without jealousy. Because even the generation that overshares about EVERYTHING ELSE is still so hesitant to talk about finances!

amber tree
8 years ago

Sharing your thoughts with others is a good thing: be it a blog, a face 2 face chat, a call to a friend. It helps me to structure my thoughts and to come up with a clear well argument story. Either while preparing the chat or having the chat. And then they ask some questions you never thought about….
It does not matter if your idea stands or not, it will improve. That matters.

Not selling my apartment back in é008 and resting it out was the result of speaking to my mother and girlfriend (now wife). I was fearful of having 2 mortgages. they showed me the opportunity to rent a place out. It was a good deal!

8 years ago

This is also part of the reason why I started a blog. Usually when I make big financial decisions I have the reasons in my head but writing it out helps organize my thoughts.

I’ve written about my decision to rent instead of buy, and why I remain invested in the stock market even through short term declines. Based on my personality, I realize that if I don’t have a rock solid reasoning in place beforehand, I am extremely, extremely susceptible to groupthink, peer pressure, and FOMO.

A lot of times I think if people write out their thought process for any decision, they’ll make better quality decisions. Not because they’ll necessarily make the *best* decision but because it’ll help them avoid catastrophic mistakes.

Getting To One Million
Getting To One Million
8 years ago

This is the main reason I started a blog. I wanted to hold myself accountable to my financial actions by making them public and having people comment and ask questions. It helps me to avoid impulse purchases.

Financial Slacker
Financial Slacker
8 years ago

When I was growing up, my father had me make t-charts for every big decision that came along. At the top of the page, write pros on one side and cons on the other. Draw a line down the middle and start filling in each side with whatever comes to mind.

Many, many years later I still follow this approach.

8 years ago

I like to sleep a few nights on my decision. Talking with my wife is always a good idea. Impulse buys are just dangerous. An impulse buy is an impulse buy, it doesn’t matter what the price tag is. If you buy a pack of gum on impulse, you are just as likely to buy something more expense on impulse.

8 years ago

I’ll typically talk things over with my wife, the most frugal person I know, and one of my buddies who’s much more risk tolerant than I am.

Between the two of them I get two extreme opinions to moderate my moderation.

Always good to get different points of view

8 years ago
Reply to  Jack

Getting two extremes is an interesting approach, Jack. I am curious – as a moderate, which person do you tend to agree with the majority of the time? How do you reconcile disagreements with your wife and make a decision if you happen to be far apart in opinion?

8 years ago

Writing helps me so much. I don’t always get a lightbulb answer or a super insightful comment that sways me to make a decision but it does help me process my feelings and thoughts about changes in my life. You’ve done a fantastic job using your blog to provide incredibly unique articles and real life situations while also helping yourself dodge multiple bullets. That’s a super win-win.

8 years ago

Adding a time barrier definitely helps me with decision making on purchases. On most medium to large purchases I like to wait a couple of days after I originally wanted to buy. If I still want it after waiting, its probably the right choice. Using this site for big decisions is a great move. Laying out the case will help you clarify your thought process and decision making. Plus you can use your large network of people for confirmation one way or the other.

Eric Bowlin
Eric Bowlin
8 years ago

It’s so important to have someone to talk to about your decisions. If you can convince a skeptic, then it probably makes sense.

On a side note, I agree real estate is the best path toward financial wealth.

8 years ago

I agree that the process of writing is helpful in thinking through the logic of your decisions. You know that hundreds (thousands?) of people are going to read it – and that makes you ‘accountable’ for thinking things through fully. Additionally, people’s comments can be helpful in seeing other POVs and focusing in on key parts of your decision process. I early retired last week (@age 49) and my blog has been an outlet for the journey to reaching financial independence & retiring early. There were a lot of plans made & shared on the blog and I appreciated the “sharing” component with readers.

Apathy Ends
Apathy Ends
8 years ago

The internet makes making decisions a lot easier, information and advice is abundant (especially if you know where to look). Whenever we have a financial decision I go into full research mode.

One decision that keeps coming up is whether or not to put money in a CD, I feel like we should be but the returns haven’t swayed me yet.

8 years ago
Reply to  Apathy Ends

It’s tough to get excited about CDs when the rates are so low. I’m currently happy to have money invested in an online savings account that pays almost one percent interest. If a crash does happen I’ll be better positioned to invest.