If you want to get ahead, have a productive morning. A productive morning will likely make you richer. Unfortunately, a productive morning might not always mak you happier.
Let's say the average person wakes up at 7 am and goes to bed at 11 pm. You decide to wake up at 5:30 am and work for 1 hour every day for a year because that's what some productivity guru told you to do. You go to bed at the same time. How much richer would you be?
If your time is worth $100 an hour, then you'd be $36,500 richer than the average person over a year. Assuming your hourly rate and bedtime stays the same, over a 10-year period, you will be worth $365,000 more than the average person. If you slap on a 7% compound annual return during the time period, you'll be worth $540,000 more than the average person. Improving productivity most certainly will improve wealth if that is your focus.
After three decades of working longer than the average person, you will most likely be millions of dollars richer without needing to be any smarter! Getting richer than average is that simple. Just work more. Working 40 hours a week or less and then complaining why you can't get ahead makes no sense.
Unfortunately, working more and being richer won't necessarily make you happier. Instead, I argue that those who work less and can afford the luxury of regularly sleeping in have a much better life. Let me explain.
The Importance Of A Productive Morning
From 1999 – 2012, the average time I got up was 5 am. I got up at 5 am, not because I wanted to, but because I had to for work. The stock market opened at 9:30 am EST / 6:30 am PST and I had to get a bunch of research prepared and read before it opened. If I didn't get in by 5:30 am, I would have been fired early in my career or would have fallen seriously behind later in my career.
Once I left my market-driven banking job in 2012, I thought I'd start sleeping in more often.
After thirteen years, my body was already conditioned like Pavlov's Dog and I continued to wake up at 5 am until mid-2017.
Waking up three hours before my wife did every morning, even after she retired in 2015, was one of the reasons why I started getting a little antsy in early retirement.
By the time she woke up, I had already written a post and worked out. I was ready to rock and roll! But I had to wait for her to go through her morning routine.
I got bored of waiting, so for a couple years, I decided to do some part-time consulting with a couple fintech companies in the Bay Area to help pass the time.

Waking Up Earlier And Earlier
Then in mid-2017, our son was born. Both my wife and I had our sleep disrupted every two hours for three months. After that, my wife took over night duty and hasn't stopped since.
I am extremely thankful she has enabled me to sleep. It is impossible to write a post or record a podcast well with a foggy mind.
Unfortunately, starting in early 2018, after regularly going to bed about 11:30 pm, I've found myself waking up by 4 am on average.
When I wake up in the pitch black every morning, I always guess the time, hoping there's at least a 5-handle in front of it. But there never is. Often, I look out into the ocean to find comfort that a lone fisherman has started his day even earlier.
Let me share why I'm now waking up an hour earlier than my already early morning. I'm not doing so on purpose because I don't set my alarm. I'm doing so naturally out of circumstance and necessity. These are the reasons why a productive morning might not make you happier.
1) Anxiety and excitement have increased.
For a while, I was scheduling posts for publication at 2:30 am PST. I did this because I liked to wake up at 5 am after the post had marinated in the public for several hours. It was fun to wake up and read what people had to say in the comments section or in the forum.
But if I wrote more opinionated posts or if I spent a particularly long time crafting a post, I started to naturally wake up earlier during “post day.” The stakes were higher. For example, it would be common for me to wake up at 2 am on post day because I wanted to review the post one last time for any typos before 2:30 am publication.
The more posts, newsletters, and podcasts I published, the more often I would wake up in the middle of the night, both excited for feedback and worried about making mistakes.
The only way I can describe my state of mind on post day is the feeling you get Christmas morning as a kid. You either can't sleep because you're trying to catch Santa Claus or you're waking up super earlier to rip open the presents you hinted at over the past six months.
Sometimes There Is Worry
But then some days I have a feeling of dread, like waiting in the lobby of the principal's office. I think to myself, maybe I shouldn't tell it like it is, to avoid offending some people. There are plenty of successful sites with no opinion or personality.
To lessen my excitement and anxiety, nowadays I sometimes post on Sunday mornings after I wake up because the weekends are quieter. Posting on Sundays also lets me get ahead of the inevitable Monday crush of requests. Although posting after I wake up results in a 1-2 hour feedback void, I've trained myself to not check my site for a couple hours and go do something else.
My post RSS e-mail distribution list is now also a summary, instead of an entire post. This has helped reduce anxiety because I can always correct the words in my post, but not the words in an e-mail after it's been blasted out.
2) Getting older.
They say you don't need as much sleep as you get older. I say they are absolutely right. Older people wake up more often because they spend less time in a deep sleep.
Other causes include needing to get up and urinate (nocturia), anxiety, and discomfort or pain from long-term (chronic) illnesses. I find I need to go to the bathroom more often if I don't cut out liquids two hours before I go to bed.

3) Regular afternoon siesta.
Napping can ruin evening sleep, but I just can't help taking a siesta after lunch 95% of the time. The nap ranges from 15 minutes to 1.5 hours. I've always experienced food coma after lunch, which is why I tried to eat light lunches when I had a day job. When I could, I would sneak down to the parking lot and nap in my car for 15-30 minutes.
Because I know I can nap any time before 5 pm, it's much easier for me to wake up early. If I knew I had to be awake 12-14 hours the next day, I'm sure I'd go to bed earlier and sleep more soundly.
Being able to nap every day is a good example of how an easy life can ruin your work ethic. Being able to nap whenever I want is kind of like having your parents buy you a house and a fancy car after graduation. With housing and transportation out of the way, why bother trying hard at being independent? I've been very careful not to take my freedom for granted.
4) The pressure to provide has increased.
As a stay at home father with a stay at home wife, the pressure on me to provide for my family has grown. We can only count on ourselves, which is sadly the way things are for most families nowadays. Our monthly health care premium is $2,250. Then we've got all our other living expenses to pay for.
Retiring without little ones is one thing. But retiring and staying retired with kids is nearly impossible if you desire to remain in an expensive city like San Francisco. Expenses keep on increasing faster than inflation. After building a life here since 2001, it's hard to leave.
With the increased pressure to provide for my family, I've also become more sensitive about investment swings. As a result, I have a more conservative asset allocation to help manage the stress of volatility. But as the absolute dollar amounts keep rising along with the bull market, it gets incrementally harder to stomach paper losses. Now I wonder how poorly I'll sleep when a bear market arrives.
Finally, I also have self-imposed pressure to consistently publish on Financial Samurai 3X a week while also doing my best to be a good husband a father.
The only way to write a post or record a podcast is in absolute silence. As a result, I started naturally getting up during the witching hour when the house is totally quiet. Emotionally, it's very hard to reject a toddler who's banging on your door wanting to play, especially when you have the option to always play.
5) My friend died young.
Because one of my friends died in a car accident at age 15, I feel guilty for not being as productive as possible. My friend never got the chance. If he had, he would have done amazing things for the world.
Every time I feel like slacking off, I think of my friend or the time I was swarmed by beggars in Agra or my neighbor who has severe cerebral palsy. My mind is constantly being reminded of the billions of people who do not have my same opportunities. To not give 100% would be like insulting them all because I know they would give 110% if they were me.

Enjoy Your Sleep You Lucky Duck
If you conquer the morning, you will conquer the day. A productive morning is critical for starting the day off right. Getting one important thing done before the day starts is like paying yourself first. No matter what happens during the day, at least you did something productive.
Being able to function regularly on just 5 – 6 hours of sleep a day is both a blessing and a curse. I'm definitely able to get a lot more done without having to be smarter than average. However, sometimes I sure would love to be able to sleep in for 7 – 9 hours straight.
If you are able to sleep in every day, feel blessed! It may mean that you are not suffering the same amount of guilt, anxiety, or pressure as many other early risers do.
There's also a good chance you may also feel more financially secure because of your own doing or because someone is providing for you. If you have no financial worries, your mind will surely allow you to relax more often.
What a blessing to be so carefree.
As the pandemic surpasses a year, I've grown very tired. Yes, I've got a productive morning. However, I'm not happier given the lack of balance. I can't wait to re-retire once my entire family is inoculated and sleep in once more!
Tips To Get Better Sleep
If you're trying to sleep better, here are some things sleep experts recommend:
- A light bedtime snack may be helpful. Many people find that warm milk increases sleepiness because it contains a natural, sedative-like amino acid. Just make sure you're not lactose intolerant like I am.
- Avoid stimulants such as caffeine (found in coffee, tea, cola drinks, and chocolate) for at least 3 or 4 hours before bed.
- Do not take naps during the day like I do.
- Exercise (moderately) in the afternoon.
- Avoid too much stimulation, such as violent TV shows or computer games before sleep.
- Practice relaxation techniques at bedtime, such as meditation.
- Do not drink lots of water within two hours of going to bed.
- Try to go to bed at the same time every night and wake at the same time each morning.
- Use the bed only for sleep and sex, not for work.
- Avoid tobacco products, especially before bedtime.
- Get a blue light screen for your phone and laptop.
- Don't use your phone or laptop within an hour of going to bed.
- Use a sound machine. Check out the Relax Melodies app.
- Get blackout curtains or shades.
- Look into doctor-recommended medication.
If you cannot fall asleep within 20 minutes, get out of bed and do a quiet activity, such as reading or listening to music. Getting on your phone or laptop is probably a bad idea.
Is Eight Hours Of Sleep Really Ideal?
There's a lot of hype about getting eight hours of quality sleep or more nowadays. Ironically, this hype probably creates anxiety for those who get nowhere near eight hours of sleep. If you're one of them, know that not everybody needs eight hours of sleep because our natural chronotype is different. See the chart below.

Just be honest with your own nighttime routine. If you are struggling throughout the day due to a lack of sleep, changes are in order.
If you are a great sleeper, what are some other tips you have for sleeping soundly for eight hours a night? Do you think people who sleep well have less worries and are more financially secure than those who do not? Do you have a productive morning?
Sign up for my free Financial Samurai newsletter here. Also, check out my top financial products page to find the best products for your finances. Have a productive morning!
I think sleep is far and away one of the most important things we can do for ourselves.
When I get less sleep, my ability to have creative thought goes way down. I become laser-beam focused on the present and what needs to be done next.
When I have plenty of sleep, I feel like I can imagine events occurring. I can think about different possibilities. I also tend to dream more when I am sleeping.
I think it’s incredibly important for anyone to get as much sleep as their body will let them (and their life will let them)
I always believed if you are rich, happiness level might not increase but the stress level goes down!
I love your articles Sam!
It might be ok if a person sleeps only a little few nights in a row, but once this becomes a routine – it will drain you out. I get tired, dizzy and my eyesight becomes bad. After a few nights of good sleep, I get back to normal. No one is same and there is no magic formula that fits everyone. I think that everyone should get up whenever their body tells them to. This depends on a lot of factors and our own brain and body know best.
Sleeping enough has been tough since I moved to San Diego and now work east coast hours from here and I’ve gotta say, my body doesn’t like it. I’m used to waking up around 6:30 eastern time, but now I’m going to sleep at 5 and waking up at 5. My sleep has been totally broken and as soon as I wake up at 5 I get right on the computer and get to work which makes it hard to go from sleep to work in such a short amount of time. However, I’m trying to get more into reading before I go to sleep to reduce the blue light exposure before bed. Also, trying to make sure I don’t eat right before bed as well seems to make a difference. Thanks for the article, Sam!
Being financially sound would certainly eliminate one less stressful factor to help you sleep well, but maybe part of it is also due to genetics. For example, I would say my husband and I have the same financial standing but in terms of being a good sleeper, he’s 10x more efficient than I!
Also, if only we could just work 1 extra hour and earn our hourly rate. Sometimes we have to put in extra hour for the same fixed pay, thereby reducing our hourly rate. And in blogging, it’s hard to attribute that extra hour to earn you anything more. Sometimes you can even be at the risk of doing unnecessary stuff that are time wasters (then again, I’m a noobie blogger so I’m also more inefficient and guilty of doing non value-added activities lol)! What I’m trying to say is that it’s really hard to quantify these things, but if it could then I think more ppl would not hesitate to work that extra hour.
Sam, I enjoyed this post. I enjoy the transparency you bring to these posts. One thing I am curious about that you did not address: Do you and your wife sleep in the same bed? Research has shown that sleeping in separate beds increases quality of sleep and reduces marital conflict.
“Do not take naps during the day like I do.”
Love a person that owns up to not following the “rules!”
Since retirement, I’ve found my sleep has vastly improved. I think it’s the loss of all the stressors from working and getting to the financial mark for retirement. While working I was up at 4AM after getting around five (often restless) hours of sleep. Now, I’m forcing myself to get out of bed at 0730 every day after getting 7.5 solid hours of sleep.
Loss of Life stress is a wonderful thing!
Binaural beats
Weighted blankets
“I Can Make You Sleep” by hypnotist Paul McKenna
Do an internet search for these three items, they are perfect gift ideas for the holidays!
Got a weighted blanked on my right now as I respond to this comment in my lounger. It’s nice! But, it’s too heavy for sleeping. I need a lighter one.
Our fix on that was to get a child-size (which fits a single-bed) and put it on my side. This works great in warmer seasons, and the heavier King is great for both of us in cooler weather. Also, some 2-for-1 sales are coming up online in January 2020.
The Binaural Beats soundfiles are helpful for quieting my ‘monkey mind’, and letting me focus on something innocuous (instead of guilt, anxiety, or pressure). FS, you are “cracking the code” on sleep, just as you do all the challenges you have faced in your life!
I don’t think getting less sleep always leads to more productivity. But interestingly Sam you argue that when you worked you snuck out for naps and then when you stopped you still napped and that it is somehow unproductive now. I argue that humans are not really designed for a full 8-9 hours, only a total 8-9 hours (less for women, if studies are to be believed.)
Naps can be highly productive if they get someone out of a daze and their head back in the game. All machines need downtime and we are just a big, waterbag of a machine (not well worded, I know.)
I will add that we underestimate the damage caffeine, light and sound plays in our sleep, or lack thereof. Caffeine leaves the body in half lives every four hours. If a person ingests 500 mg at 7 AM then at 11 pm 31.25 mg remains not to mention what is picked up in food sources throughout the day. Add to that the lack of darkness surrounding (and within) most homes and increased noises from our 24 hour society and it makes perfect sense as to why we are sleep deprived.
Sleep, or lack of sleep, is a conversation that comes up every once in a while with my friends and family. What I’ve come to realize is that I am blessed when it comes to sleep. As soon as I close my eyes, I’m in a deep tranquil sleep until the sun rises. All those recommendations of things that shouldn’t be done before bed, like drinking coffee or screen time, don’t impact my sleep at all. I believe that my ease of sleep is due to not having any worries in my life. I’m not where I want to be financially but we do have a paid off house so at least we’ll always have shelter. I also believe that I have enough skills and intelligence to support myself if I were to be laid off so there’s no point to worrying about the future.
Hey Sam,
Thank you for the financial blessings you have bestowed upon my family. We really do appreciate the education and have continued to live by many of your teachings. Although this post in particular isn’t as financial driven, I did find it very interesting because of my profession; I have been a Polysomnography Technologist for 12 years. Basically what thats someone who performs sleep studies in patients.
I look up to you as a mentor, and I hope you do not take this as an insult, but I believe you might be developing possible sleep apnea. Yes, I know it sounds ridiculous because you appear to be healthy and in good shape, but because you’re Asian, you have a higher probability of having sleep apnea due to being Asian.
Although Asians have the stereotype of being skinny, I would say 90-95% of them being tested would come back positive for sleep apnea despite being in shape and appearing healthy. If you’re sleeping less, waking up earlier, having to catch naps during the day, age over 35 years old, and Asian, consider getting a PSG year.
Good luck best wishes and continue to do what you’re doing.
Merry Christmas from our family to yours!
There are billions of people around the world who get up early every morning, being productive and happy until they are mentally and physically taxed at the end of the day.
Most of these people are just ordinary folks who managed to have the right balance of responsibility (money) first and foremost to themselves and their family – moreover, they find the joy and meaning in their work beyond the responsibility (money).
Ironically, most of them do not have much of choices in their circumstances. They are mostly found in poorer countries.
Here in the States, we have so much wealth and many choices. Yet, we are unable to design a productive and happy day for ourselves – isn’t ironic?
Happiness is a positive evaluation in the state of mind in the four areas of the everyday
living – Financial, Relationship, Health and Humanity.
The above definition of happiness explains why “A Productive Morning May Make You Richer, But Not Necessarily Happier”.
When I’m more stressed, I just can’t go to sleep. I’m a night owl.
Once asleep, I might sleep less overall as you do as well.
However I’m trying to become more of an early bird because that is the only time I can get complete quiet in the house. What’s hard is to start working on something actually (because I’m a night owl). Sometimes I realize I’ve stared out of the window for 12 minutes, not doing anything. My brain and body are much slower in the morning.
Do you have any tips for being able to work immediately in the morning?
Great question! If you drink 10 oz of water and stretch your muscles it should help get theough the fog.
AM Sports Radio in the car on the lunch break will put me out for 5-15 mins like clockwork.
Scrolling through and out of my peripherals while read where is says “Get blackout curtains or shades.”
My mind read “Get blackout drunk.”
I eat a carb loaded meal at night which helps me fall asleep faster. But I do agree if I take a nap post workout, I can’t fall asleep till 2 am.
I’ve also tried a few meditation apps but not been as consistent as I would want to be.
Some reports are saying that too much sleep (more than 9 hours) on a regular basis can increase the risk of diabetes, heart disease, stroke and death.
Guidance suggests people should find what is appropriate for them, providing it is between 6 and 9 hours, and keep it there.
-A light bedtime snack may be helpful. (A bowl of cereal works well)
-Avoid caffeine for at least 3 or 4 hours before bed. (Uh huh)
-Do not take naps during the day like I do. (Actually, a short nap, under an hour, after lunch is thought by some to be an extremely good idea)
-Exercise (moderately) in the afternoon. (Always a good idea)
-Avoid too much stimulation, such as violent TV shows or computer games before sleep (heh, rubbish)
-Practice relaxation techniques at bedtime, such as meditation (or just try taking three slow, super deep, breaths after your head hits the pillow, trains you like —Pavlov’s dog, eventually, to fall asleep when that happens)
-Do not drink lots of water within two hours of going to bed (not if you are in the top bunk, certainly)
-Try to go to bed at the same time every night and wake at the same time each morning (solid advice)
-Use the bed only for sleep and sex, not for work (my sleep center doctor calls this “sleep hygiene”)
-Avoid tobacco products, especially before bedtime (just avoid, period)
-Get a blue light screen for your phone and laptop (actually, this may also help prevent or delay macular degeneration in your eyes, which you seriously do not want, ever)
-Don’t use your phone or laptop within an hour of going to bed (meh)
-Use a sound machine (I like some white noise, for sure, the best thing is hearing the surf through your open window, next is the waterfall in your backyard)
-Get blackout curtains or shades (they are great, but set your alarm)
-Look into doctor-recommended medication (modafinil for the win if you are narcoleptic, some people think melatonin helps those that have problems falling asleep)
Didn’t hear about the “too much sleep is bad for your health” report. I like it! Makes me feel better now haha. Glad you say the range is 6-9 hours, as I definitely end up sleep 6 hours on average if naps are included.
I’m glad you wrote this! Sleep is super under-rated. Proper sleep is essential for our body and mind to repair itself. We used white noise to help our little one fall asleep, but guess what it works on me too so I continue to use it and would recommend it (focus only on the noise and take every other thought out of your head).
Now the million-dollar question: how on earth did you get your wife to agree to night duty???
Separation of tasks.
If she does the night, then I will write and record. We decided I was better at writing and recording.
And a mother nurses the first 3 – 24 months, so it is more efficient.
Separation of tasks!
I’ve never been a morning person. So I am envious of people who can wake up so early on the morning and get a jump start to the day. Early bird catches the worms so they say.
If I can wake up at 5AM in the morning, I would be able to add 2 extra hours to my day. But with NFL games on Thursday nights, Sunday nights and Monday nights ending at around 11:30 PM my time, that means I would have to sacrifice sleep in order to wake up at 5AM.
I am not sure if I can be productive for the day on only 5 hours of sleep.
Productivity hack: watch the 10 minute game highlight recap on YouTube. Save 2 hrs 50 minutes of your life watching a full NFL game!
Wait until the playoffs to watch the games live. The 10-minute highlights provide about 70% of the entertainment.
Sleep has always been a priority for me. In high school and college it felt like it gave me a huge advantage over classmates: they’d spend hours studying for a test, and I’d have just retained the information from lectures.
I’ve got a 4 year old and a nine month old, so no uninterrupted sleep anymore, but I try to be “in bed” for 8-9 hours, even if that involves a fair amount of getting up. It’s tough, that gives me very little “me” time after the children are tucked in, but I find its worth it for the increased productivity during the day, and just being better equipped to deal with stresses.
I know some fields are about “putting in the hours”, but I think its my best work that drives the bulk of my value, and while I can function sleep deprived, it’s not the same as fully rested.
Another tip for sleeping well is to keep warm! I tend to put on lots of layers these days just so my sleep doesn’t get interrupted by the nasty cold weather.
Why We Sleep by Matthew Walker is a great book that covers a lot about this topic. Some really good information on how aging impacts sleep quality. While it is true it is difficult to get the same quality sleep as you get older, I don’t think it is any less important to get 7+ hours of quality sleep once we get older. Some of the evidence shows the main reason cognition and memory decreases with age is directly linked to lowered sleep quality/duration. I purchased an Oura ring last year to track my sleep and it has been eye opening to see how much time I spend awake each night, the impact drinking has on my sleep quality, etc. I would highly recommend the book and the ring to anyone who is interested in improving their sleep, health and overall longevity.
Ditto on Oura, best sleep data investment ever
Can you elaborate on how it helped you exactly? What steps did you take to sleep better after wearing the ring? Thx
I only sleep well now after seeing a sleep doc. Due to other health challenges it was determined that a prescribed sleep aid was needed. And boy, has my life changed for the better!
My recommendation is do what you can from the list above and other sound strategies, but if you still can’t sleep, go see a sleep doc.
Can you share some of the tips the sleep doc gave to help you sleep better? Don’t be shy!
Also, what do you think are the reasons why you didn’t sleep well?
Yes…please tell us what doctor’s can help with! I’m middle age and raising 3 teenage daughters- my anxiety is on the rise! Xanax helps me get a good solid 7 hours but I don’t want to become addicted to it. Once a week helps me clear my head.
I usually sleep 8 hours. If I dont get my 8 hours of sleep, I m really cranky.
We have three children, two of which were cry babies and they didn’t stop crying at night. During those years, I was constantly tired but still I could manage work, family life and everything that came on my way. Now my youngest kid is 4 years old and sleeping full nights, I cant imagine how I got trough those years!
I love babies but I just couldn’t handle the sleep deprivation anymore.
Your body handles sleep deprivation better when you re younger.
I dont think people who sleep less are more worried than people who sleep more.
The amount of sleep one needs depends on your biorhythm, the way you are used to sleep and maybe on some bad habits like drinking too much or alcohol.
I was a great sleeper for most of my younger life (except as a baby, apparently I was terrible then). My body and brain typically needed 8-10 hours to feel clear and refreshed. I also rarely ever took/wanted a nap if I was able to get that solid amount of sleep. Naps made me feel more groggy.
I was also a night owl. I’d get the feelings you’ve described at night instead of early in the morning and would often find myself going to bed at 2 or 3am. Not good for keeping a normal work schedule but I found I had the most mental clarity late at night.
Fast forward to my mid 30s and everything changed. Once motherhood became part of my life my nights of glorious restful sleep were over. I haven’t slept more than 6/7 hours uninterrupted in over 3 years. On average the longest stretch of sleep I’ll get uninterrupted is 3-4 hours.
I started getting insomnia, hormones wrecked my ability to stay asleep for long stretches of time, and mommy duty called frequently.
I’ve adapted so most of the time I can quickly fall back asleep once I lay down after whatever disruption, but some nights I’ve laid in bed for hours desperately wanting to sleep but being unable to. Sometimes I’ve used insomnia to be productive but it tends to make my insomnia worse and more recurring, so it’s a slippery slope.
Hopefully my crappy sleep won’t give me some type of medical issue down the road. And I try to get naps in whenever possible to keep my sleep hours around 6-8 in aggregate.
Maybe someday I’ll be able to get back to 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep overnight and not need/want naps anymore but it feels like those days are gone with the wind. At least I have a pretty flexible schedule, a comfortable mattress and blackout curtains! :)
After the kids turn 4, all will be good again! :)
You’ll sleep better, recover, and get back to 100%!