A Race Against Time: Buying A Dream Home With My Parents

Dream Home Hawaii

Everything is a race against time. A dream home is what we all dream of. A dream home is like a forever home to live a great life.

Every time I travel for business, one of my favorite activities is to attend a broker's tour to get a feel for the local real estate market. The activity is free and enables me to talk with people who have intimate knowledge of the local economy.

All indicators in Oahu show there's weakness in the luxury market, defined by homes priced over $2M. The pattern is the same in SF and NYC, which makes me worry since weakness tends to start at the top and work its way down.

Exploring Dream Homes In Honolulu, Hawaii

For kicks, I visited one property in Kahala, my favorite neighborhood in Honolulu, Oahu. It had an asking price of $6.7M. It has 9,000 square feet of living space on a 15,000 square foot lot.

Unfortunately, every single room felt like I was in a Las Vegas casino or on a cruise ship. It felt gaudy. When I asked where the sellers were going, the agent told me the owners finally bought a beach front property across the street for $20M!

Eleven years ago they had wanted a beach front home, but “settled” for this $6.7M house instead. Last year they finally bought their dream home and have spent the past year remodeling.

Here's the kicker: the husband is turning 81 this year! He's a real estate developer from the San Francisco Bay Area.

Waiting until you're 80 to buy a dream home is perplexing. Perhaps when he was 70 he simply couldn't afford $15 – $20M? Alternatively, maybe some time in his mid-70s he realized that he had way more money than he'll ever need. He could die tomorrow, so why not ball up and buy the property he's always wanted?

The Dream Home And A Race Against Time

I'm sure there have been many times in this seller's life when he has thought to himself, “I can't take it with me, so why not enjoy my money to the maximum now?” NowadaysI think about more responsible ways to spend my money all the time. But it's just so hard for me and many others who've been so frugal all our lives to open up.

“Consumption smoothing” is an important concept to address because it helps improve the quality of our lives. You don't want to die with too much left over because that means you worked too hard and saved too much earlier on. You don't want to die in debt either, because that means you didn't properly manage your finances, felt constant money stress and are likely leaving surviving kin with a financial burden.

Imagine taking 30 years before becoming really rich. During this time perhaps you lived very frugally. Is your life today really better than the person who spent much more freely from ages 20 – 50? Hard to say. I'd much rather enjoy a more consistent spending pattern. We just tend to save more than we need because the future is uncertain.

Combatting Time And Middle-Age

At almost 40 (now 45), I feel the race against time more than ever. I have this stretch goal to buy a dream home in Hawaii before the age of 50. I've got 11 years to come up with the money. Yet each year I try and save is one less year I'll get to enjoy this dream home. The home has to be at least 50% nicer than my existing home or else why bother? As a result, the new home will also cost at least 50% more.

I chose age 50 because I'd like to actually enjoy my current home for at least 10 years before I die. Ten years goes by quicker the older you get. My hope is that I live until 80, but just in case I don't, I'm hedged from an early death, unless I die at 51!

Don't hate me for my desires. I'm content living for the rest of my life in my cozy ~1,910 square foot home. It's got a nice master bathroom, three bedrooms, one office, parking and panoramic views of the Pacific Ocean. What more does a family of four really need? It's just fun to have goals. They make working and saving more meaningful.

Here are all the things that make a home cozy and warm. As you get wealthier with children, you will be willing to pay a premium for these type of homes.

Hawaii Dream Home
The living area of the master bedroom suite of a Kahala home asking $4.75M. Good place to write!


Although I feel the time crunch, my parents at ages 68 and 70 feel it even more. I'm lucky both are still alive. I have every intention of spending as much time with them as comfortably possible and also taking care of them if that becomes necessary.

They presently live in a perfectly fine middle class house. It just hasn't been updated in the 30 years since it was built in 1986. I've been coming back to this house to visit for almost my entire life. Meanwhile, both our fortunes have grown significantly since 1986. For example, I, for one as a nine year old, had a net worth of maybe three bucks in quarters. Now I'm free!

Remodeling is a PITA, so I thought of a great idea. Instead of remodeling the 30-year-old home that might take six months and a lot of stress, why not rent it out and have them move to a new dream home! Renting out a home that hasn't been updated in 30 years feels terrific. I won't feel as bad if the tenants bash the walls or break the appliances.

I'm not sure my parents ever expected me to do very well financially. After all, I went to a state school that was not a magnet for the highest paying jobs. But my money is in the bank and I'm happy to spend it on them now. When I talked to my father, he also has a decent amount of excess savings despite having a pension. Why not combine our finances to enjoy a fantastic property instead?

Life expectancy at birth by region around the world

Benefits of Buying a New Dream Home

* Newer house should mean less things to fix. Many of the houses I'm considering have been rebuilt since 2013.

* The dream house will be on one level to make walking around easier for my parents. Since my knees are starting to hurt more, I appreciate less steps as well.

* More privacy. I've noticed many of these nice homes in Kahala have tall walls and huge trees surrounding the property. It feels amazing to shut your gate and go skinny dipping in your pool if desired.

* My parents can live in a much nicer place for the rest of their lives.

* A larger, single level house means it'll be easier to cohabitate eventually and take care of my parents.

* My parents benefit from a large injection of funds from me to live a better life, while I'll get the satisfaction knowing my money is being put to great use.

* If we can get a mortgage, we'll be taking full advantage of record low interest rates.

* Every time I visit, I'll be able to stay at a nicer home. My realistic scenario is to spend for 4-6 months a year in Hawaii, live in San Francisco for 3-6 months during tennis league season and travel for 2 months a year.

* A perfect house is great for raising kids. When the kids are gone, you're not going to want to buy a larger, more expensive house.

More Great Benefits Of Buying A Home In Hawaii

* The house will eventually be mine to enjoy full-time when I'm much older. Perhaps the cycle can repeat again with my own children.

* Potentially generate $40,000 – $50,000 in annual rental income from the old house.

* Maximum consumption smoothing as the money that's just being saved and invested by me gets used to provide my parents a more comfortable life.

* Could make money on the investment. Inventory in Kahala has spiked by 50% over the past year. This means low ball offers are more likely to be accepted. I've got this incurable habit of trying to take advantage of opportunity.

A 4/4 house in Kahala with your own cave. Amazing grounds asking $3M.
A 4/4 house in Kahala with your own cave. Amazing grounds asking $3M.

The negatives of buying a dream house:

* More property taxes, maintenance and expenses. I could just invest money with a real estate crowdsourcing company like Fundrise for potentially double digit profits and no hassle.

* Massive new mortgage since we can't pay $3M+ cash. I've been on a mission to pay down my mortgage over the past two years and it's felt great.

* Need to find new tenants for the old house. Will hire a property manager to make management easier.

* What if my parents don't like the new house or the neighbors?

* Moving is stressful.

* More responsibilities.

* There's less freedom living with your parents, although we're looking at bigger houses with 4,000 – 5,000 square feet of living space. For example, one 5,000 square foot house we viewed has a separate 420 square foot cottage where my mother said she'd enjoy staying.

* Could lose money if I get into financial trouble and need to sell. There's a dilemma whether to wait to buy your dream home for a better price or invest today and live it up today.

Diamond Head Dream Home - A race against time to live well
A Diamond Head home on 1 acre of land with a view asking $6.9M. Cannot afford.

A Race To Live It Up When You Can

A simple life is fantastic. It's the reason I was strongly considering selling one of my rental properties earlier this year. But now that the new tenants have moved in, I no longer have the strong desire to sell. It's just having to deal with an HOA that bums me out the most.

Buying a dream home is a complete 180 from my earlier thinking. But the reason for the change is mainly because I want to provide what's best for my parents with the time they have left. They live in a tired two story house with a noisy neighbor. By leaving the logistics up to me, I can rent out their old house, free up $40,000+ a year in retirement income for them, and let them live in an amazing new house if we can combine our finances.

Ultimately, money is meant to be spent. It's seems like a waste to have so much left over in savings after you die if you live a middle class lifestyle. If you lived a top one percenter lifestyle and then had money left over, that would be a different matter.

If my finances can help make my parents' lives better, what's there to lose? It just comes back around. Then again, staying in this old house in Kaimuki with newly installed local AC units and newish windows seems perfectly fine as well. After all, the beauty of Hawaii is in the outdoors. Now if I can just convince my father to upgrade to faster WiFi…….

Buy Property For Lifestyle First, Rental Income Second, And Principal Appreciation Last

Retiring In Hawaii: The Pros And Cons

Beachfront Or Ocean View

Invest In Real Estate More Strategically

If you don't have the downpayment to buy a property, don't want to deal with the hassle of managing real estate, or don't want to tie up your liquidity in physical real estate, take a look at Fundrise, one of the largest real estate crowdsourcing companies today.

Real estate is a key component of a diversified portfolio. Real estate crowdsourcing allows you to be more flexible in your real estate investments by investing beyond just where you live for the best returns possible.

For example, cap rates are around 3% in San Francisco and New York City, but over 10% in the Midwest if you're looking for strictly investing income returns. Sign up and explore Fundrise's diversified funds that primarily invest in the Sunbelt region, where valuations are lower and yields are higher.

Fundrise is a long-time sponsor of Financial Samurai and Financial Samurai is a six-figure investor in Fundrise funds.

Fundrise Due Diligence Funnel
Less than 5% of the real estate deals shown gets through the Fundrise funnel

A Race Against Time To Buy A Dream Home is a Financial Samurai original post. As interest rates come down, the demand for dream homes goes up.

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8 years ago

Maybe approach the houses you want to buy or scour the rentals that are stagnant and offer to rent them for $5000-$8,000 and rent you kaimuki house for $5000. You are the negotiator. I had seen a very nice Hawaii loa house in Aina Haina school district the house was beautiful the owner did a 10 year lease at a reasonable price as they just wanted consistent income without hassle and risk of someone wrecking their investment. Home sellers sometimes worry about how are they going to invest their money and get a return, as stable longterm renter u can solve that problem for them.

8 years ago

Interesting timing on your article! So I can confirm that sales on homes above $2M are weak compared to the rest of the housing market. I put my home for sale in early May and have had an average of 2 showings a week, activity is still strong. I think there are lots of tire kickers of course, but I live in an affluent area, my home is (okay I’m biased) specular waterfront on a peninsula. Feedback is its not pricing, but all the higher end buyers are really cautious right now and understandably so. I’m fortunate that I paid cash at the absolute bottom of the market and my value has skyrocketed, I think some people see that and they think they’ll just wait for the next crash as well, but that may not happen for a long time…nobody knows and as you say life is short and you cannot take it with you. I’m happy as a clam staying put if need be but I’d rater have a smaller property in an awesome location (Hawaii like, but not necessarily there). Long term you cannot go wrong being in the extremely desirable locations like that. I would suspect though that a lot of the owners are similar to me though and the place is paid for so they have infinite staying power, what you need to find is that one guy that overextended himself and is now distressed. Those deals absolutely happen all the time, having cash and being ready to pounce is the key. Cash, close in 7 days will get you some real deals.

On the shared property with your parents I’m a little mixed. If it were not Hawaii I would say no way, but I can see why that is an appealing option for you. Let me tell you what your future self will be thinking…like you alluded to many times life is happier the more options you have and the more simple it is. 10 years from now having to carry $40k a year in maintenance and taxes expense on your dream home is not going to be as appealing as it is today. You will long for the freedom of being more liquid. Now if you find that forever home that is distressed and has a spectacular view or is oceanfront, I can see pulling the trigger. Having a really nice house that simply looks out to a pool and great landscaping will get old. I’ve spent the first 18 months of my early departure from the workforce traveling and soaking up different environments, talked to tons of locals and other people in similar situations. The one common theme that has developed is the following…”after a few years even paradise gets old and you need to hit the reset button.” Some people are different though and I can understand wanting to have a permanent home in a place like Hawaii. My plan is to have a small but simple place that I can lock the door behind me and be able to leave for months at a time and not have to think about from a maintenance or a carrying cost standpoint. I don’t think you can make a huge mistake with what you are talking about since you know the area so well and your family is there, but my guess is your future self would like the options that additional liquidity provides at such a young age. Look forward to hearing how it shakes out!

8 years ago

Totally agree, the nice thing is when you purchase from a position of power the worst thing that can happen is you lose a tab bit of your net worth % when you go to sell if you are forced into it for some unforeseen reason. I completely get having a nice place to come home to and the fact that your family is there and know it so well would have me not worried too much about making the call to do it. Also, a phenomenon that I recognized that happens to highly motivated people is when they do make a big purchase like that it kicks their dollar earning drive into overdrive. I was 39 when I wrote a $1M+ check for what I thought would be my 20 year to forever home…6 years later I would absolutely do the same thing again, it has been fantastic, but I’m ready for the next adventure so clipping this coupon and going onto the next seems like a great idea. 6 years from now I could see plunking down a big chunk of change again, but for now its not on my radar. I spent a month in Asia, a month in Latin America, a month exploring the national parks out west, 6 weeks in the Caribbean, and it has just heightened my desire to see more of the world and not have a big place to worry about. I think about it like this, I love where I’m at but how do I know its the best place if I haven’t been everyplace yet : ) Funny thing is that I go real estate shopping while I’m visiting these places too (well not in China lol)These are good first world problems to have!

F.I.S.H. F-it-$hit-Happens
F.I.S.H. F-it-$hit-Happens
8 years ago

Sup, love your site. I live in Honolulu near Bishop Museum. If I had your money, this is what I would do, learning from personal experiences.

Remodel your parents house to make it VERY handicap/elder friendly with a/c! I’m talking about the entire house (bathroom, bedroom, entrance) being wheelchair (handicap accessible) friendly.

Reason #1: Safety and comfort for you and your parents when they get fragile and immobile. If your elder parents get hurt, they can’t enjoy life. So trying to minimize accidents so they can live comfortably is important too. Plus, it’ll be less stress for you when caring for your parents, unless you hire a skilled nurse?

Reason #2: You can use the family home for yourself and other family members in the future to care for one another.

Reason #3: Since there will be a ramp, you can purchase a “mobility wheelchair van” for around $30k – $50k. That way you can transport your parents with ease to grab shave ice, some poke, or coffee.

Reason #4: You can build an Additional Dwelling Unit (ADU, legal in 2016) on their property and live together, but in separate quarters.

Reason #5: Home is home.

Good luck in your decision!

Cash Flow Celt
8 years ago

It’s funny, my mother and I are literally having the same conversation. She’s worried about not having money in retirement – which is only two years away. Sadly, she doesn’t have the money and just got a refi on her mortgage for 30 years. Even her refi is out of her budget when she retires.

So, I’m buying her house and renovating it. She’ll live with us until she either passes or is forced into an assisted living home; however, until that day, she has a place to stay and financial freedom for the first time in her life. The downside is definitely being that 27 year old “living with his mom”, but it puts my son in a far better school district when he starts in a few years, and I get a home worth nearly $220,000 (after renos) and only purchasing it for $75,000 plus renovations. I’m looking at around $45,000 in total renos to update the house from 1983. So long as the market stays stagnant or gets better in 10 years, I’ll get my utility and money out of these upgrades.

8 years ago

Yes, of course, you are not getting any younger, you’ll have your dream house, good investment and your parents seem to be flexible. It’s a win-win situation.

just a thought
just a thought
8 years ago

I voted “other”. I say go for it, but use the rental income to offset some of the expenses of the new place (i.e. taxes, maintenance, insurance, etc) but not to be used for the principle or interest payments as that could really muck things up when your parents pass away.

Or to make it simpler, have your parents capture the income and then pay you some form of rent.

I am also a fan of the idea of you unloading some SF real estate and diversifying with HI real estate.

8 years ago

Hi Sam,

You’re plan makes long-term sense. And since you plan to spread you’re time between HI, San Fran, an traveling, everyone won’t go crazy with one another all the time, lol j/k. I’ve always said that spending on people (friends, family, donations) and creating memories gives greater pleasure than buying things. I hope to see you’re dream home plans come to fruition in a future post.

8 years ago

We had that talk earlier in the year. My parents just retired last month, and have been looking to downsize for awhile, while we were looking to expand our house. The plans are in the work for building a new house with 900 sq ft in-laws quarters, with separate kitchen, living room, bedroom washer/dryer etc on the first level, with only a shared foyer. Most things are kept separate so we have our privacy, and aren’t in each others hair all the time, but taxes, yard up keep, utilities etc. are shared, leaving my parents more freedom to travel and enjoy retirement without house upkeep worries. As they age, we have the bonus of them living ‘very close’ if they need additional care.

8 years ago

I’m from Kahala, there are signs everywhere…part of it is the sale of a large portfolio of real estate from an eccentric japanese billionaire who got caught on tax evasion charges.(google kawamoto Kahala) I think you could get more rental income than 5k/month on a place like that, I was looking at a Rental on Papu Circle and it was $15k/month in rent and the house wasnt nearly as nice as that. Its amazing how much prices differ from makai side of Kahala Ave to Mauka Side of Kahala Ave to Aukai Ave. Kaimuki isnt so bad, a lot of million dollar place there! Anyway, hope you get your dream home!

8 years ago

We have had similar talks, less about a dream home and more the possibility of creating a compound of sorts with most likely a much larger home in a remote area that if we choose to vacation, buy another home, etc our parents would be able to stay and take care of the property. Which would be a special interest to them as an opportunity to live closer to immediate family in a nicer larger house.

8 years ago

I would not want to live in the same house as my parents or my in-laws. Part of that is that my family is crazy and I would have to buy the entire thing for them and I can not afford to do that right now. The other part is that we are still in the midst of raising our kids and have our own lives. My in-laws have health problems already. We moved to the beach (our dream home) in September and they have a summer home down the street. While it is nice to be around them and good for the kids, I also enjoy when they go home in the winter. My father in law has dementia and it is starting to become difficult. He is really mean and negative to the kids and they don’t quite understand. Unfortunately, they may now remember him this way.

That being said, now that my father in law has dementia and can no longer drive or take care of anything, my mother in law has become very indecisive. Their goal was to renovated their beach house, sell their main home and move to the beach when my father in law retired…..it never happened. Now she is letting both houses go and will not decide where she will live for her remaining life. Between medical bills and the maintenance of both homes (which is minimal because she doesn’t do anything), taxes, etc., she is being foolish with their money. We have had conversations with her and have met with an estate attorney several times and she still doesn’t know where she wants to be.

I hope she figures it out soon. We are pushing for her to move where we are so we can help them in the future, to no avail. But again, I do not think I could live with them at this point in our lives.

Good luck to you in your decision!

8 years ago

Well, when I say “dream” home, I mean dream location. haha….the house is not all that, but we can walk to the beach. I am 37 and am a commercial real estate appraiser and my husband is 38 and manages a liquor store in a beach resort area. He can actually bike or walk to work.

We achieved it by saving approximately 47% of our income. Actually, we lost money on the sale of our other house, which we settle on tomorrow, but had enough saved up for a downpayment and jumped at the opportunity since my husband has always wanted to live where his parents have a summer home. Our other house was only 15 minutes away, but our heart is at the beach. I am happy we are selling our other house tomorrow, we have been holding it for too long. I will be glad when we can start aggressively saving again. But, I do love we live and am happy we bought our current home.

8 years ago

Doesn’t have to be on Oahu? You could probably buy a couple of acres on the Big Island and set up a few different properties. Either way you look at it buying land and designing the home around multifamily living is going to make the lifestyle much more palatable in the long run. You need to take care of your parents. He’ll get a lot more satisfaction from that than you ever well from saving. Or even investing… But you also don’t want to set yourself up for family drama. Make sure the house would give everyone the lifestyle they need one not being on top of each other. I really don’t see the financial risk… Worse comes to worst you have a few other properties you can liquidate if needed. Pay down those mortgages ASAP.

8 years ago

Don’t go into the building business unless you have the money. My parents started building our house in 1991 and it’s still not done (back stairways still has to be done)! It’s been a nightmare living on a construction site! And after a couple of years, the maintenance of a house kicks in!

I voted yes. I live with my folks. They wouldn’t be able to financially take care of themselves otherwise. That said, I do wish the house was bigger.

I think buying your parents a house to live in and enjoy while they’re alive is worth it. When you go there on vacations or to visit, you get mom’s cooking and a place you feel truly comfortable.

8 years ago

Great stuff, as always.

A thought on the 80 year-old and purchase of the $20 million home… Depending on the way the title is held (for both new $20mm, and old $6.7mm), it may be a way to protect assets placed in a spillover Trust from potential lawsuits. Hawaii’s property laws are different than California’s, and direct assets can be protected as Separate Property (HI is a separate property state), Community Property (CA is a community property state), and inheritors in other states (not Hawaii) can be shielded from their state’s Estate taxation laws (if any).

Just the first thing that popped into my head, there has to be a better reason for this guy than the feel of toes in the sand.:-)

For most of us, the maximum exclusion per married couple of $10.9 million (as of 2016) should cover it. Only 1 out of 2,350 couples exceeds that limit, so there are not too many people in need of specialized Estate Planning. But it looks like this couple does!

8 years ago
Reply to  JayCeezy

One more thing, if this is not the owner’s primary residence in Hawaii, and he and his wife still declare residency in CA, then this $20 million home can be purchased as a real estate investment with self-directed IRA funds, through their Estate and Trust. The disposition of assets and wealth, after the decedent’s passing, would be considered differently if distributed over time through an Estate and Trust.

Very advantageous in tax-avoidance for the recipients.

Also, the sale of the $6.7 million home not only captures the $500K capital gains exclusion, but excess capital gains can be rolled into the acquisition cost-basis of the new property.

8 years ago
Reply to  JayCeezy

JayCeezy, could you tell me where I can read more about this particular situation you talk about above? My situation is I’m single, my cap gains would be significantly higher than the $250k exclusion I’m allowed. So if I buy a home of similar price within a certain time frame I can avoid the cap gains? My tax guy told me the opposite…he said, well if you get married it will save you big bucks in the year you sell lol.

Interested if this is a state by state thing. Thanks!

8 years ago
Reply to  nbsdmp

nbsdmp, nice to hear from you, sorry I was not clear in differentiating…there are no Capital Gains if purchased as investment with self-directed IRA funds, as the entire amount will eventually be taxed as regular earned income. The advantage to doing so, and holding as Separate property in a Trust to be passed on to heirs, is any increase in value occurs untaxed and can be passed to heirs into their self-directed IRAs.

Your CPA is correct, home sale enjoys a $250K/individual, $500K/married capital gains exclusion. And that would be for a purchase with post-tax funds. No chance to offset any Capital Gains. I believe you live in Michigan? If so, the state taxes all income as regular income (no different lower rate for Cap Gains); still, a good problem to have!:-) I’ll be more clear in the future, continued success to you!

Brian Chong
8 years ago
Reply to  JayCeezy

I just want to correct some misinformation in JayCeezy’s post. The old “rollover” rule was eliminated in The Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997. The $500K gain exclusion for married couples replaced the old rule.


8 years ago
Reply to  Brian Chong

Thanks Brian, I was not clear in differentiating purchase with self-directed IRA funds, and post-tax funds.

Millennial Moola
8 years ago

I think it’s much smarter to rent a dream home than buy one. I think most people see a dream home and imagine they’ll love coming back for years and years, when the reality is its like a new car smell, eventually it wears off but the $10,000 a month mortgage payment doesn’t. That said, it would be a fun story to have for later in life, I just can’t think of a justification financially

Crystal Ball
Crystal Ball
8 years ago

Voted Other. My parents divorced long ago and both remarried. Definitely wouldn’t work to live in same house with either set of them – let’s just say personalities wouldn’t mix, to put it mildly… :-) Dad will leave all his (wife’s) money to their favorite cause or my siblings so no chance of merging resources. Mom is broke and living in a house 5m away from my house that I bought a few yrs ago. Both houses are in one of the nicer mid-tier neighborhoods 10m from downtown SEA. I subsidize her rent by 25+% or she couldn’t afford to live there. The stairs are starting to get tough for her, so we’re working on plan to get her into a cheaper one story place in smaller more rural town near a couple siblings in next 2 years, hopefully sooner. I’ll continue to help financially and siblings will handle in-person help. In short, with my family, separation is best, and anything I want, including FI, is 100% up to me and my wife. I imagine I’m not the only reader in that boat. (My wife’s family is all out of country, but may leave a little money when we much older….we don’t count on that). That said, we’re tracking pretty close to your FS method numbers for the avg net worth for above average married couple, so helping mom has slowed, but not derailed, our financial goals. We’re – mostly – happy to help, but honestly, if mom hadn’t been very irresponsible with money she wouldn’t need help to stay near SEA when rents starting skyrocketing a few yrs ago. That’s tougher for my wife to deal with than for me, of course. It’s a frustration we chose to get over. My siblings and I are starting to get more serious about planning for mom’s old age and long term care with assumption she’ll have no money. My siblings inherited my mom’s financial irresponsibility and dreamy worldview so they are all poor as s*** too. They’ll take point on physical care and I’ll manage all things financial to keep them all out of (more) trouble. This will be fun, NOT. :-) I tell you what – dealing with my parent’s dysfunction is motivation to never be a burden to our 2 kids! Congrats on having financially secure parents you can happily live with!

8 years ago

I love this idea, but would be thought you were crazy until recently, when my husband, 4 young kids and I had to move in with the in laws for a few months while my husband changed jobs and we house hunted. I was dreading it, but it was a wonderful experience. I would have considered moving in forever if they hadn’t lived an hour from my husband’s work, and they wanted us to stay, too. I think a lot of people in their 30s like me get very nervous about this idea, but I’m glad I got the chance to see how great it can be!

Staci @Streamline365
Staci @Streamline365
8 years ago

Love this, my hubs and I discuss this all the time. When will we have enough saved that we feel comfortable? When will we go on that dream vaca? Many “experts” would say we can afford it, but I have a hard time biting the bullet and spending the money. It feels AMAZING knowing we CAN do it, and I get great joy out of that, but I’d love to know how it feels to actually just GO!

8 years ago

For now, my parents have more assets than I do (I’ve got none lol) in the form of real estate but despite having so much property they’ve refused to sell any of it to help themselves let alone for enjoyment, at least until recently. I think things have finally gotten bad enough for them to have to sell, which I’m glad because it’ll be less of a burden on myself too and because they’re gonna see how much better off they’re going to be. **Life willing**

As for living with the parents I personally wouldn’t be able to though it’s fairly common among my fellow Latinos.

8 years ago

Hey there Sam,
I think that the main issue was that they didn’t have a plan after they decided to buy a house. They were able to buy a nice home from all the cheap real estate in 2009 but I think my mom was over confident on their ability to manage their finances because she too eventually suffered from the declining business environment to the point that she had to close her business. They became solely reliant on my dad’s retirement benefits and their $10k in savings to get by until my dad developed some rare illness which left them savingsless. There were other factors that exacerbated things but that’s the gist of it. I just couldn’t understand how (especially) my mom just wouldn’t sell any one of their/her properties knowing they were in dire need of money?

And yes, they’ll probably end up leaving these other properties for me and my other three brothers to have to fight over once they’re gone but I would much rather they sell them and use the proceeds to cover for their health expenses and for their pleasure so that I don’t have to pitch in too. I don’t mind helping out my parents but if they have the means to help themselves why burden others especially when it’s just me helping them. We had the same issue with my late grandfather (mom’s side) so I’m pretty sure she’s gonna want to pass that property down to me along with her own. And my dad, well, he goes with whatever my mom says even though he’s not as attached to his own property as she is. I get it, there’s sentimental value in each of their acquired properties, whether it was attained through their individual/combined hard work or inherited from the hard work of their late parents but it’s still just property – a resource to be used to attain happiness while you’re alive, no?

8 years ago

You are right on the 2m price point, my uncle and aunt bought a totally remodeled 1st gen Kahala house off Hunakai earlier this year for 2.1m. Not beach front but I thought it was a pretty sweet deal considering it was pretty much an new house.

Kaimuki is my hood too! Wait a few years and it will be the next Kahala…..All the Kahala people already come to Kaimuki to eat. :)

Good luck on your hunting!

8 years ago

They are both retired and have been blessed and fortunate to have done very well in their respective careers to make Kahala happen.

Driving home from Starbucks Kahala Mall the back way – Kilauea, Pahoa I do see a lot of for sale signs. I hang out at one of my gear head buddies that lives on Puu’Panini and I see some for sale signs in that neighborhood. I see some signs on Papu Circle too. I read somewhere the Ossipoff house might be for sale (?). That would be a cool pad.

Kaimuki with AC = Kahala on a nice trade wind day. Sorta. :)

Let me know if you take the plunge, we can celebrate at Avenues or Side Street Kapahulu :).

8 years ago

Top of the hill! Classic! I’m down lower.

They did what you are trying to do – pooled $ and cashed out on the Kahala house. It’s working out beautifully. Best neighborhood on the island, smaller house, walking distance to the mall and super market. Ideal set up for a 70+ year old couple. As Ben said the Kawamoto deal escalated the prices on Kahala Ave but I think the side streets like Aukai, Elepaio, Koloa, etc still have a few gems if you look hard enough. Funny thing is my uncle said one neighbor is a Dr. and the other is an attorney but he never sees them at home. Probably to busy working to pay for the house.

I drove back from Starburcks Kahala Mall this morning via Pahoa and the cool house on the corner of 14th (diamond hard side) with the tennis court (?) in the front yard….That’s a pretty cool house! I say buy something bordering Kahala – You get the Kahala address but the Kaimuki prop tax rate. :)

Good luck on your hunting!

8 years ago

You didnt provide enough information. As I recall, you mentioned before you have a sister. While it is your parents money and they dont need to ask for permission to spend it, your other siblings might expect an inheritance. Just food for thought.

8 years ago

How much does it cost to rent a home there? Maybe do a test drive to see if it works – rent your current parent’s place for 2 years and use the proceeds (+-) to rent something there for the same amount of time. If everyone is happy at the end of the two years, buy something there. I’m always a fan of try before you buy – especially with big money on the line.

We’re hoping to retire in our mid-upper 40s and are considering buying a place in the Carib with our folks. Will be curious to hear what you decide and how it goes afterwards if they move.

8 years ago

I picked other. I do currently own a 2 bedroom condo on the panhandle of FL with my parents. It is actually the first property I ever bought. It is 15 minutes from my siblings house. Originally it was a tax break for me and my parents were thinking of being snowbirds with us subsidizing our overall cost by renting it out during the rest of the year. We’ve owned the place for 13 years and the most time in 1 year we’ve spent in it was maybe 4 weeks.

I wouldn’t mind owning a dream home with my parents but they aren’t ready to move yet. They love their neighbors, neighborhood and house. If they get to the point where they want to move I doubt it will be to a place I’d pick to inherit some day.

8 years ago

They are currently still living in their dream home. It’s the home they bought when I was 4. They love their current neighborhood and honestly I don’t see them moving out into another home. They bought a property on a lake when I was in college so 15-20 years ago with the idea of tearing down the cottage and building a home. They never did because they could not get motivated to move out of their current house. At this point based on past experience I think they will stay where they are until they absolutely have to sell for health reasons which will likely mean moving into some sort of assisted living type arrangement. At this point they have considered and dismissed moving into a smaller house in their own neighborhood even.

I wouldn’t have a problem having them move in with me but I live in a different city than they do. I don’t think they would have any desire to move away from their town to be with me.

8 years ago

Personally I’d prefer to keep things more separate and just give my parents some money each year to enjoy (or pay for their vacations directly). Buying a house together is too complicated and you never know if one parent will remarry after the other one passes away, making everything even more complicated. But I’m sure it could work wonderfully in the right situation!

8 years ago

I never thought that would happen either until it did.Dad(73) passed away 3 years.My stepmom( now 72) remarried their former neighbor(77) last year.Found out about it on Facebook of all places ! There could be complications in the future.

8 years ago

Hi Sam

Sounds like a mutually beneficial potential plan/setup! You and your family get the dream home and a more preferred lifestyle sooner, and your parents get help/support/care as they get a little older and potentially need it.

I’d say the financial side of this equation is the less important one….don’t get me wrong, it’s not unimportant – but the personal side and how the family dynamics are affected when all under the one roof is the key. If that’s all good and everyone is on board after weighing their individual pros and cons…..go for it!


8 years ago

Maybe you could test-drive it for a year by renting a dream home with your folks in tow, see if it works for you and them. It’d be worth the added cost to find out. Or maybe a compound approach would be better, live on the same lot in different buildings.