Bank With The Highest Savings Interest Rate: CIT Bank

highest savings interest rate

CIT Bank is consistently an online and with the highest savings interest rate. The reason why is because CIT Bank has no expensive retail chains or large overhead. As a result, savers like you and I can take advantage.

See CIT's highest savings rates in seconds here. It'll surprise you!

Due to policies by the Federal Reserve, savings account interest rates were woefully light for years. The average saving interest rate was stuck around 0.1% and wouldn't budge. That was pretty pathetic.

However, the Fed finally started raising rates again in 2022. And fortunately, saving account interest rates and CD rates followed suit and are attractive for us once again in 2023.

Get CIT Bank Rates

Highest Savings Interest Rate Account Benefits

What are some of the main benefits of having a savings account with a high interest rate? They include:

  • Security
  • Liquidity
  • Easy access to funds
  • Capital preservation
  • Earning passive income
  • Overdraft protection for a linked checking account
  • FDIC Insurance up to $250,000
  • Automatic bill pay

Keep in mind, the purpose of a savings account is not for investment purposes. The purpose of a savings account is for liquidity and capital preservation purposes. Thus, it's inappropriate to compare a savings interest rate return to a stock, bond, structured note, or even a CD.

The appropriate comparison to a savings account is another savings account or a checking account.

Many years ago, I had about $80,000 in a Citibank savings account that was only yielding 0.2%. I kept it there because I had property taxes to pay, trips to take, and wanted a cash reserve just in case the stock markets got very ugly so I could invest. The problem was, I hate it when my money isn't working for me.

It hit me how pathetic my 0.2% savings interest rate was after I noticed just a $197 interest return for the entire year with an average balance of $100,000. As a result, I moved my money to CIT Bank and started earning significantly more interest! They are my go-to bank for high-yield CDs and savings accounts. CIT has consistently offered the best CDs and highest savings interest rate accounts around.

CIT Bank Savings Account Review

CIT Bank currently offers Platinum Savings accounts with a phenomenal 5.05% interest rate on balances $5,000 and up.

In addition, CIT has Savings Connect accounts with 4.65% APY and no minimum balance, just a $100 minimum initial deposit. If you want a safe place to park your cash, CIT is fantastic.

If you have other cash that you want to invest in the markets, be sure to check out my article on growth stocks versus dividend stocks and real estate crowdfunding.

CIT Bank Online Savings Account Fees

A CIT Bank account doesn’t require as many fees due to the lack of overhead given it is an online-only bank. There are no physical branches to maintain, so that savings gets passed down to account holders in the form of fewer fees and higher interest rates. In fact, CIT Bank doesn’t charge any fees at depending on balance.

cit savings account review - highest savings interest rate

CIT Bank Highest Savings Account Rates

Even though this account is basically free to maintain, it still offers one of the most competitive interest rates currently available for comparable accounts. CIT Bank consistently has the highest savings interest rate I've seen.

How Do I Transfer Money In And Out Of An Online Savings Account?

One of the things that tends to scare people away from online-only savings accounts is the fact that there’s no physical branch to visit. They wonder how it’s possible to make deposits without putting a check in the mail. Or fear that withdrawing money when it’s urgently needed will take too long.

While some online savings accounts are definitely less than convenient, CIT Bank savings accounts make transferring money very easy, fast, and secure.

By linking an existing checking account to the CIT Bank savings account, you can electronically transfer money in and out of the account whenever you want as well. The checking account doesn’t have to be a CIT Bank account either.

After linking the checking account, you can call and request an activation of outbound transfer if needed. I've got accounts open with multiple banks due to the $250,000 FDIC limit, hence access to cash is quite easy.

You also have the option of requesting a check get mailed to your home. Outgoing wire transfers are also available and free for CIT Bank savings accounts with a balance of $25,000 or greater.

I've used CIT Bank for years and have been very pleased with their customer service and offerings. CIT Bank consistently offers the highest savings interest rate accounts today.

Never Stop Optimizing Your Finances

To build wealth, you've got to be persistent in looking for the best deals to earn you more and save you more. The internet makes finding the best rates easy. For example, a 1% difference in interest compounded over 30 years makes a huge difference to the amount of money you'll end up with later.

In the past, I sat on $80,000 cash at 0.2% because I was just too lazy to move money away from my existing bank. Before the internet, it was a pain to move money. Now it just takes several clicks of a button.

The key really is to take stock of all your cash during volatile times and optimize your cash for the best returns possible while you wait.

How To Open An Account With The Highest Savings Interest Rate

If you're ready to start earning more money through a high-yield savings account, now is the time. You can open a Platinum Savings account right now with CIT Bank in minutes and start earning 5.05% interest with $5,000 or more.

If you want to learn even more about CIT Bank, check out our extensive CIT Bank Review. Also be sure to read about CIT's high-yield CDs.

They offer many different types of CDs including term CDs and no-penalty 11-month CDs.

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Related post: How Much Savings Should I Have Accumulated By Age?

For more nuanced personal finance content, join 60,000+ others and sign up for the free Financial Samurai newsletter. Financial Samurai is one of the largest independently-owned personal finance sites that started in 2009. I help people get rich and live the lifestyles they want. 

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12 years ago

I use Royal Bank of Missouri online banking. 2.42% (APY) up to $25k, and you get .75% for any balance above that. I have been a customer for years, and have never had any issues. An added bonus is an ATM card that can be used anywhere (they reimburse the fees monthly, up to $25 per month). No fees for transfers in & out (I move money to & from my Fidelity accounts occasionally (1 year return on my roth +36.79%, ytd on my 401k +10.10%). And they’ll even send you a card for your birthday!

12 years ago

Here ya go!

12 years ago
Reply to  Joe

I am open to suggestions on where I should park the excess funds. 75 bps seems decent for money that I want to keep safe & liquid.

thoughts anybody?

Anil @ PeerCube
12 years ago

To me, it makes no sense to keep large amount like $25K in saving account. I keep about $1K in checking and $5K in saving only. For rest of emergency fund, we use treasury direct to create monthly ladder with I-series bond. After one year the money is available with only 3 mos of interest penalty, and after 5 years without penalty. Even with CIT, the return is paltry compared to US Treasury I-series Bond with better risk profile.

12 years ago

I use ING and Capital One. I understand ING is being taken over by Capital One in the US so I’m not sure if that limits the FDIC cover to what is covered by one bank? Maybe I should look for another just in case?

12 years ago

I meant when they were separate they had 250 + 250 coverage, now do they just have 250 combined because they are the same institution. I’m not sure.

David m
David m
12 years ago

I get .80 from my credit union – thus I will not be opening an account.

Right now I have about $50,000 there but I will make a decision about a good portion of that money early next year. I will likely use it to pay down my mortgage.

I also have about $210,000 in I bonds purchased 10 plus years ago that pay 5-8 percent interest.

Gen Y Finance Journey
12 years ago

When I was at Wells Fargo I believe my interest rate was 0.01%. Don’t quote me, because it was a few years ago that I jumped ship, so I might not be remembering correctly. Now I’m at Ally where I’m getting 0.95%.

12 years ago

I used to use CIT for equipment financing for our customers. I did not know they act a bank now. Online savings has created a very interesting market for online only banks and brick and mortar banks too. I wonder if personal lending and saving may become the specialties of the internet.

12 years ago

For those that don’t have $25k minimum, they can open a Sallie Mae MMA, which has no minimum and offers 1.05%. I recently switched $50k over to them (from DollarSavingsDirect, which is down to 0.70%). Although I would have met the CIT minimum, I didn’t like the idea of CIT dropping the rate if for some reason I had to use part of that emergency fund.

12 years ago

Yes, they can drop their rate. I was referring to the tiered rate based on account balance. With Sallie Mae, you get the same rate whether you have a balance of $10,000 or $50,000.

There’s no way I would lock up money with a CD at these rates. Instead, I have been using Vanguard’s VFIIX for the last 3-4 years. Unfortunately the returns have been going down as people have been refinancing, but it has given me a better return than 5-year CDs without having the time commitment.

12 years ago

Savings account rates are sad now. We save with ING Online Direct and it’s been fine but it’s just insurance for times when we need cash. It does lead me to wonder if there are other places that our money should be.

12 years ago

I always wondered how the no branch thing works. Thanks for explaining that. Makes perfect sense. I think I will always have at least one traditional bank but I like their savings rates way more than what I’m getting now!

Makes me wonder how banks like Chase are going to be able to compete. They have branches about every 1-2 blocks in SF. Their overhead costs must be ginormous!!

12 years ago

CIT and Ally have the best rate right now. I transfer my cash saving to CIT and I’m happy with it so far.
You need to call and request an activation of outbound transfer if you want to withdraw. Linking the accounts is not enough. I found out last week.

12 years ago

It takes too long for me to transfer stuff from my online savings account to my checking. For only < 1% yield it's not worth it. For yield I usually just stick to stocks. The Fed is really forcing me to ignore SAs these days.

FI Fighter
12 years ago

My current savings account offers just 0.05% interest, which is even more pathetic and lower than the average rate, haha. It’s so low that I don’t even bother checking anymore, and just assume it’s earning me 0% interest. Then again, I only have a few thousand in there serving as my “just in case”/minor-emergency fund.

1.05% sounds like a good deal! $700 for 10 minutes of work? Hard to beat that!

Rohit @The Money Mail
12 years ago

Seems like a decent account. I would not advice anyone to hold more than what is covered by FDIC in any bank.

Call Me What You Want Even Cheap

I am getting 1.35% on my savings account (in Canada) with ING with no minimum balance. You may want to check them out. They offer no fee banking as well.