If you're looking to read the best personal finance book, order a hard copy of Buy This, Not That: How To Spend Your Way To Wealth And Freedom (BTNT). The book is published by Portfolio, the leading non-fiction imprint of Penguin Random House, the largest publisher the world.
BTNT is written by Sam Dogen, creator of FinancialSamurai.com, one of the most popular personal finance sites today with over one million pageviews a month. Buy This, Not That is also a Wall Street Journal bestseller.
Not only has Sam written about personal finance since 2009, he also worked in finance for 13 years and got his MBA from UC Berkeley in 2006. There is no better personal finance blogger online today with as much experience, knowledge, and style.
To buy a hard copy of Buy This, Not That click on one of the retailers below.

Why Buy This, Not That Is The Best Personal Finance Book
With so many personal finance books on the market today, here are the reasons why you should purchase a hardcopy of Buy This, Not That today.
1) Written from firsthand experience.
Money is too important to be left up to pontification. BTNT was written by a finance expert with over 26 years of finance experience. By writing from firsthand experience, readers get to learn both the good and the bad nuances of money.
When it comes to money, you want to read a book from someone who has actually done the things he recommends. Reading a personal finance book that is written from firsthand experience cannot be beat. You can read more about why Sam wrote Buy This, Not That in his own words.

2) Focuses on life's biggest dilemmas in a fun and exciting manner
Buy This, Not That not only helps readers achieve financial independence sooner, it also helps people make better decisions when faced with some of life's biggest dilemmas. After all, money is only a means to an end, a tool to help live a better life.
Some of the dilemmas the book explores include:
- Pay for private school or public school
- Join a startup or work for an established company
- Job hop or stay a loyal soldier
- Live in an expensive coastal city or move to a low-cost area
- Invest in real estate or stocks
- When to rent or buy
- When to invest in tax-advantaged versus taxable accounts
- Angel invest or don’t
- Dividend stocks or growth stocks
- Buy a fixer or a fully remodeled home
- Marry or cohabitate
- Marry for love or marry for money
- Have children early or late
- Return to work or be a stay-at-home-parent
- Combine your finances or keep separate accounts
- Get a divorce or stay married
- Seek fame or stay low key
- Buy or lease a car
- Keep The Bank Of Mom And Dad open or closed for your adult children
Touching on so many dilemmas makes for some fantastic reading and discussions afterward with friends and family. It is no wonder why Buy This, Not That is in so much demand.
BTNT makes personal finances more fun and interesting! And the more fun it is to read about money, the more you will care about taking action to improve your financial situation.
3) Diverse support from leaders across industries
BTNT is the best personal finance book because it also has huge support from a diverse group of people. The book goes beyond the support of the usual suspects in the personal finance community and the FIRE community, which Sam helped ignite. Here are some examples:
“This book has prepared me for life after basketball! A straight-forward guide to live a balanced, financially free life.” – Shaun Livingston, 4X NBA champion
“A no-nonsense guide to living your best life now while also ensuring a financially independent future.” – Emily Chang, anchor and executive producer of Bloomberg Technology, and bestselling author of Brotopia
“A one-of-a-kind book! Bold advice from someone who’s not just done the math, he’s lived it. A must read!” – Kumiko Love, founder of The Budget Mom and nationally bestselling author of My Money My Way
“Step by step, chapter by chapter, Sam shows how to make optimal money choices that focus on wealth building—not just saving for saving’s sake, but for living life on your terms.” – David McKnight, bestselling author of The Power of Zero and Tax-Free Income for Life
Once a book can expand beyond itself niche, it tends to explode in popularity and become mainstream. Buy This, Not That is a certified Wall Street Journal bestseller given the quality of its in-depth content.

4) Tremendous value for readers
Another reason why Buy This, Not That is the best personal finance book today is because it offers tremendous value to its buyers and readers. The publishers at Portfolio guided Sam to write 80,000 words. Instead, Sam ended up writing and editing 110,000 words to provide more value to readers.
Given nonfiction finance books are all priced between $25 – $29 anyway, Sam thought it would be better to be as thorough as possible by tackling more topics. What's more, none of the chapters are fluff. Each page has been carefully edited and reviewed by five editors to make sure they are as helpful and entertaining as possible.
Buy This, Not That will provide at least 100X more value than the cost of the book once finished. Over time, the value BTNT will provide will likely grow in the thousands.
5) Buy This, Not That is consistently in high demand on Amazon
The massive online community on Amazon is in full support of BTNT. For weeks in a row, Buy This, Not That has been the best personal finance book on their platform as indicated by its ranking. The book is one of the most in-demand personal finance books.
Below is an image highlighting BTNT is a #1 new release for hard copy, #2 new release for audio, and a #3 new release for kindle.

Buy The Best Personal Finance Book Today
There is no rewind button in life. Learn as much about money as possible now so you can build greater wealth and live your best life. All the information you need is right here at your fingertips.
Buy This, Not That is the best personal finance book you can purchase today. It has over 300 pages of vital information to help you grow your wealth. As your wealth grows, so will your confidence in making optimal decisions.
Ultimately, we all want to be happy and live a life of purpose. Yet, most people don't take action to try and improve a suboptimal situation. But not you. By buying a hard copy of BTNT, you could very well change your life for the better forever!
To buy a hard copy of Buy This, Not That click on one of the retailers below.