Career & Employment

A Visit To Pity City Shows Your Boss Probably Doesn’t Care About You

Have you ever visited Pity City? You know, the place where you feel sorry for yourself and all your problems? I think we’ve all been there before. At Financial Samurai, we accept our situation and take action to make things better. Complaining why life isn’t fair is not the Financial Samurai way! We are all […]

A Visit To Pity City Shows Your Boss Probably Doesn’t Care About You Read More »

Median Income Earned By Ivy League Graduates: Unimpressive At First

One reason why you might want to attend an Ivy League college or similar college is to earn a higher income. As a parent, you hope your child attending an elite university will make them upwardly mobile. A better life is what every parent wants for their kids. And a better life often means having

Median Income Earned By Ivy League Graduates: Unimpressive At First Read More »

Why Nobel Prize Winners Were So Wrong About The Ideal Income For Happiness

In 2010, Nobel Prize winners Daniel Kahneman and Angus Deaton from Princeton University argued that $75,000 was the ideal income where happiness increased no further. As someone who made as little as $4/hour at McDonald’s to multiple six figures a year working in investment banking, it was clear to me happiness continued way beyond the

Why Nobel Prize Winners Were So Wrong About The Ideal Income For Happiness Read More »

Regularly Selling Your Company Stock Is Probably A Good Idea

Some employers pay their employees with company stock as part of their total compensation package. This way, employees become owners and potentially feel a greater sense of duty towards the firm. If you don’t own any of your company’s stock, you might be less inclined to come in early or leave late. Without company stock,

Regularly Selling Your Company Stock Is Probably A Good Idea Read More »

A Stealth Wealth Case Study On What Not To Do To Blend In

As the economy slows thanks to a Fed-induced recession, anger against anybody who is perceived to have more wealth or success will go up. As a result, it’s important to practice Stealth Wealth to stay safe and happy. I know anger has increased since the bear market began because I run a personal finance website

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The Best Life Hack For Americans: Taking Advantage Of Canada

Some Americans fear higher taxes so much they are willing to move. The capital gains tax rate might go up. The step-up basis might go away. And the top marginal income tax rate might go up too. Therefore, may I present the best life hack for Americans: taking advantage of Canada! I’m always looking for

The Best Life Hack For Americans: Taking Advantage Of Canada Read More »

How One Man Negotiated A $40 Million Mass Severance Package

Although it’s a bummer to hear about more layoffs as the economy slows, I also feel a lot of hope and excitement for those who have lost their jobs for two reasons. First, there is the benefit of getting a severance package. Imagine getting a severance package worth six months of salary and then finding

How One Man Negotiated A $40 Million Mass Severance Package Read More »

Should You Write A Book? Pros And Cons Of Being An Author

So you want to write a book but aren’t sure if it’s worth your time. As a published author of both an ebook and a traditional hardcover book, let me share with you the pros and cons of being an author. Given the success of my Wall Street Journal bestseller, Buy This, Not That, I’ve

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Short-Term Thinking Destroys Long-Term Wealth: Do A Cost-Benefit Analysis

Before making any big financial decision, always do a cost-benefit analysis. Focus on the costs more because most people are too mesmerized by the benefits. Great marketing and perennial optimism can lead to great disappointment. In the post, The Second Biggest Financial Mistake You Can Ever Make, I made the argument to never expect your

Short-Term Thinking Destroys Long-Term Wealth: Do A Cost-Benefit Analysis Read More »