
A Woman’s Journey To Financial Independence: From Broke To Freedom

Thanks for all the recent support about keeping Financial Samurai going! Your encouragement is greatly appreciated. One feedback I got was that readers would like to hear more from a woman’s journey to financial independence. I thought who better to share her thoughts than my wife, Sydney. Sydney is the CFO of Financial Samurai and […]

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Warning! Beware Of Revealing Your Financial Independence Plans Too Soon

Revealing your financial independence plans too soon is a mistake. As the pioneer of the modern-day FIRE movement who has established FIRE rules, premature revelation is a no-no! When I started Financial Samurai in July 2009, I only told my Japanese colleague who sat next to me, nobody else. I didn’t want any colleagues who

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Fight For Financial Independence Every Day

Fight for financial independence every day. There’s something really confusing that maybe you can help explain. I don’t understand why some people criticize others for doing the following: Saving and investing more than 20% of their income Taking stock of all their cash during times of volatility Working more than 50 hours a week Developing side

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If I Could Retire All Over Again These Are The Things I’d Do Differently

I’ve been writing about early retirement (FIRE) since 2009. As one ov the pioneers of the modern-day FIRE movement, I’m proud of how far the movement has come.During this time period, I’ve made some suboptimal pre-retirement and post-retirement moves. Therefore, if I could retire all over again, I want to share some of the things

If I Could Retire All Over Again These Are The Things I’d Do Differently Read More »

The Best Way To Gain Financial Security Is To Develop Financial Buffers

Financial security is what everybody wants, especially during a pandemic. The best way to get financial security is to develop financial buffers. The more financial buffers you have, the greater your chance of making it through even the worst financial crisis. Let me share with you how to gain financial security so you can live

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How The FIRE Movement Will Narrow The Gender Pay Gap

It hit me like a well-struck softball taking an odd bounce into a third baseman’s face. The FIRE movement will help narrow the gender pay gap over time. Let me explain my logic on why ardent supporters of equality should embrace the FIRE movement to the fullest. I’ve been writing about FIRE since 2009, when

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The Not So Obvious Reasons Why People Want To Achieve Financial Independence

The Financial Independence Retire Early (FIRE) movement is hot! I helped kickstart the modern-day FIRE movement when I launched Financial Samurai in July 2009 and started chronicling my journey to FI. But what are some of the not so obvious reasons why some people want to achieve FIRE? This is the question I want to

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