
How To Qualify For Healthcare Subsidies Under The Affordable Care Act (Even As A Multi-Millionaire)

Without healthcare subsidies, healthcare in America is extremely expensive. For example, my family of four is paying $2,500 a month for a Gold plan because we are receiving no healthcare subsidies. We would get a Platinum plan, but it’s simply too expensive. If we reduced our income to be no greater than 400% the Federal

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The Proper Geoarbitrage Strategy: First Your City, Then Your Country, Then The World

If you want to save money, the proper geoarbitrage strategy is not moving to a developing country to save money. That’s too disruptive for most people, especially households with kids. The proper geoarbitage strategy isn’t relocating to another state either. Instead, the the best geoarbitrage strategy is to first look within your own city. This

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The Average Social Security Benefit Is Not Enough For Retirement

In theory, the maximum possible Social Security benefit in 2021 for someone who retires at full retirement age is $3,148, up 2.6% YoY. However, in order to collect the maximum benefit, you would need to earn the maximum taxable amount for 35 total years. Given the maximum taxable amount was $142,800 for 2021, this was no easy feat. According

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