
Help Make Financial Samurai Better: Your Feedback Needed Please

Dear Friends, help make Financial Samurai better! It’s been a blast running this site for the past two and a half years.  When Financial Samurai launched in the summer of 2009, the world was still falling apart.  What better time to start something creative! I’m not one to tinker much. Part of the reason is

Help Make Financial Samurai Better: Your Feedback Needed Please Read More »

Can You Really Retire Even If You Have The Financial Means?

Greetings from somewhere in the Adriatic Sea!  I’ve been on vacation this past week and I’m hoping you couldn’t tell.  It’s a little hard staying away given how addicted I am to writing and interacting online.  If I didn’t care so much, I probably wouldn’t have responded to 150+ comments, published three new posts, written

Can You Really Retire Even If You Have The Financial Means? Read More »

Earthquake Disaster In Virginia Has People Fleeing And Californians Wondering “Huh?”

I live in San Francisco. Therefore, an earthquake disaster may happen one day. It’s not funny to joke about earthquakes, especially since we never know when one will hit.  Yes, California always get a bad rap and the big one will come eventually.  However, you got to admit there have been some peculiarities about a

Earthquake Disaster In Virginia Has People Fleeing And Californians Wondering “Huh?” Read More »

The S&P And Deven Sharma Wants To Destroy Your Wealth And Future

The S&P Credit Agency now ranks right up there as the most hated company in the world.  And Deven Sharma, President of the S&P should probably go into hiding. President Obama is breathing a huge sigh of relief because the public will no longer only associate the market meltdown with his lack of leadership.  History

The S&P And Deven Sharma Wants To Destroy Your Wealth And Future Read More »

2011 Mid-Year Review: Developing A Better Lifestyle

Here is my 2011 mid-year review. Developing a better lifestyle is both current and for the future. Ultimately, we all want to have better lifestyles and hopefully the goals achieved through my online endeavors and personal finances will help get me there.  This section is also a catch-all section that doesn’t fit neatly elsewhere. I believe

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