
Achieving Financial Independence On A Modest Income: $40,000 In Manhattan

There are some people who think that achieving financial independence before 60 is only for people with high incomes. I strongly disagree. You can still achieve financial independence sooner on a modest income. A modest income is defined as +/- 25% of the median household income in America, which is roughly $80,000. In other words, […]

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Quiet Quitting Is Wonderful For Financial Freedom Seekers And Parents

Quiet quitting is taking the younger generation by storm. The idea behind “quiet quitting” is to do no more than what’s asked of you at work and then check out. Once you’re out of the office, there’s no more responding to work e-mails, slack, nada. A quiet quitter does not go above and beyond the

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Treat All Investments As Expenses If You Want To Grow Richer

Some people who critique my various budget charts are annoyed I list retirement contributions and investments as expenses. Therefore, I thought I’d explain my logic in this post. Once you start treating your retirement contributions and investments as expenses, you will begin to build much more wealth than the average person. And once you build

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Net Worth Required To Be Considered Wealthy In Various Cities

Everybody wants to be considered wealthy. But how big of a net worth is required to be considered wealthy or rich in some of the biggest cities in America? Charles Schwab’s annual Modern Wealth Survey shares its insights for 2022. In the U.S. overall, the survey says it takes a net worth of $2.2 million

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Overcoming Money Trauma: Why I Retired To Taiwan With Only $600,000

After sharing how one man retired at age 41 with a household net worth of $4 million, I thought it would be good to share another story about early retirement from a completely different situation. This story comes from money trauma and how it is being conquered. One of the complaints about the $4 million

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Travel Blogging: One Key To A Happier Retirement

While working in finance, I fantasized about travel blogging. I saw a bunch of people write about all the new places they visited. They chronicled the food they ate and the activities they did while making money online. Given their niche was travel, they could also deduct their travel expenses from their online income. It

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