Debt and Bankruptcy Go Together Like A Horse And Carriage

Debt and bankruptcy are two words most people frown upon.  After all, debt is usually the cause of bankruptcy followed by an excuse of a lack of income.  I look at debt as a key motivator.  Debt is something that has driven me to work harder.

Without debt, I would ironically feel a little empty making money because it doesn't take much to make me happy.  Before buying rental properties 10 years ago, I sometimes questioned the point of working one's entire life away.  It felt pointless logging onto a computer screen just to see your savings go up.

When you are single, you really don't need that much money to survive.  Even in big cities like San Francisco, Manhattan, London, and Tokyo, $45,000 is enough to live a happy life as a single person.  There's only so many fancy meals you can eat a year before you start getting sick of eating out.  Your Macbook and gigantic big screen LED TV should last you at least 4 years.  Meanwhile, the ladies love guys with bus passes since it shows that we are enviro-friendly and keep it real! A black Porsche 911 Turbo is so 2007.

So how does one go from a happy life to utter financial ruin?  Getting obnoxiously way over our heads in debt, that's what.


If you were able to live 80 years on 5X what you really could afford thanks to debt, and then die, you win!  Who is going to collect your debt once you are dead?  Nobody, unless they send the Ghost Busters to hunt you down.  The problem is, some folks don't calculate carefully enough how much debt they can take before they do die.  As a result, bankruptcy is often a way out where you hide from your creditors, and ruin your credit score for a nice 7 years.  I guess you could go into debt consolidation as well and eek your way out one dollar at a time.  But, it's better to not have to do so in the first place.

Debt allows us to live a little better than we otherwise could.  The most common forms of debt are mortgages and auto loans.  I didn't have the money to pay cash for a house in San Francisco.  When I first purchased my rental, I was living beyond my “cash buying means” by borrowing 75% of the value of the home.  Seven years later, I had the cash to pay down my entire mortgage, but with the price of money continuing to fall to such dirt cheap levels, I'd rather invest elsewhere and/or keep liquid.

I've never understood the concept of taking out an auto loan to buy a guaranteed depreciating asset.  If you can't pay cash for the car, or are spending more than 10% of your gross income on the initial purchase price of a car, you can't comfortably afford it.  The difference between an automobile and a house is that at least a house has a chance to appreciate.  A house is also providing you a tax break and a necessity called shelter.  Automobiles could really be the #1 wealth destructor for young folks.

Sometimes you might have such high conviction on a particular stock or bond that you go in debt to buy more than the cash value in your account.  That's called going on margin.  It's a very risky proposition because when you buy stocks or bonds, you are at the mercy of other people (management) and the perniciousness of the markets.  There's a reason why the majority of actively manged funds underperform their index.  What makes you think you can outperform in the long run?  You can get lucky in the short run, but tough to say after several more trades.


If you have no debt, the chances of you going bankrupt is small.  Debt and bankruptcy are generally intertwined.  You might borrow too much for your business which ultimately loses you a ton of money.  You might have decided to go on margin and buy stocks at the end of 2007.  Or you might have gotten greedy and bought multiple properties with an income level that didn't support .  Whatever the case may be, just be careful with debt.  It can be used to enrich your life and live happily beyond your means.  Or, debt can be used to destroy your entire financial well being.

For a personal loan, check out Credible. They are a lending marketplace where lenders compete for your business. It's free to get Personalized Prequalified Rates.

Prequalified rates are based on the information you provide and a soft credit inquiry. Receiving prequalified rates does not guarantee that the Lender will extend you an offer of credit. You are not yet approved for a loan or a specific rate. All credit decisions, including loan approval, if any, are determined by Lenders, in their sole discretion. Rates and terms are subject to change without notice. Rates from Lenders may differ from prequalified rates due to factors which may include, but are not limited to: (i) changes in your personal credit circumstances; (ii) additional information in your hard credit pull and/or additional information you provide (or are unable to provide) to the Lender during the underwriting process; and/or (iii) changes in APRs (e.g., an increase in the rate index between the time of prequalification and the time of application or loan closing. (Or, if the loan option is a variable rate loan, then the interest rate index used to set the APR is subject to increases or decreases at any time). Lenders reserve the right to change or withdraw the prequalified rates at any time.

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11 years ago

Just stumbled across this post & enjoyed reading people’s responses. Cars are my one weekness, and I can totally understand young people stretching to have a nice ride…I’ve never financed a car for all the reasons mentioned above. I honestly believe that there should be a Personal Finance class that you should HAVE to pass before getting a high school diploma, most people are hearing this concept for the first time, and it should be ingrained right from a young age. And btw what’s wrong with black turbos?

Mom Equity
13 years ago

I had a really hard time coming to the decision that I should mortgage my rental property to buy another one. Wanting to buy with cash was my THING. But now with the crazy returns it almost makes no sense NOT to mortgage when mortgage = $250 per month and rent =$1000. Even after expenses I’m cash flowing like crazy. Cars, however, buy a cheap used one for cash. I want a nice car…when I have a million dollars. Love your blog BTW!

13 years ago

That’s why I try to live the free debt life. However, sometime, it is inevitable to take the debt for sake of growth.

13 years ago

I loved the last two sentences of this piece! “It can be used to enrich your life and live happily beyond your means. Or, debt can be used to destroy your entire financial well being.”

Everybody uses debt at one point or another in life, and personally I think 99% of the people use debt in the wrong direction. Whenever I think of debt, cash flow immediately comes to mind. If I used debt to buy a car, my cash flow significantly decreases because my income will go straight out the window. Not to mention all the other expenses that come with a vehicle.

I agree you with you Sam, buying a car in cash is the way to go. But if I have $20,000, I wouldn’t just spend it on it car because that would still be denting my cash flow. If I had that kind of cash, I would look for a way to double it, by investing it. Even if my investment only gave my $25,000, that is $5,000 I wouldn’t have if I were to spend it right away.

13 years ago

Oh I gotcha, I hear ya on that!

13 years ago

What are your thoughts on school loans?

13 years ago

I don’t like to finance my car. I like to pay cash because it leads to less for me to have to worry about – just insurance and maintenance.

13 years ago

Yeah I have never understood why car financing gets a bad rap – obviously many people are irresponsible in their borrowing, but for you and I, there seem to be lots of good reasons to borrow for a car. The “don’t borrow against a depreciating asset” advice always rang hollow to me. What if I had $20,000 and a great private investment opportunity, but I needed a new car? Should I really plunk down all that cash on the car just to honor that advice, vs. get really cheap financing on the car and invest the cash in the strong investment with a much higher return? Heck no!

20's Finances
13 years ago

I absolutely agree about the car loans. A good friend of mine still owed about 10K on a relatively new SUV. It was maybe 6-7 years old with just around 100k miles, but the engine literally died out on them. It cost them $5,000 to get a used engine in. They had no choice but to fix it since they owed so much money. If you owe so much money on a car, it literally has you in chains (on top of the depreciating costs that you already mentioned).

Ben @ BankAim
Ben @ BankAim
13 years ago
Reply to  20's Finances

Very true. I know of someone who couldn’t sell their car for what they needed to get out from under the loan. The car is worth about $10k less than what is still owed and its still a fairly new car. The depreciation of cars really puts anyone with a loan in chains, just like you said. If they sell the car, they still owe more than what they could get for it, so they are stuck with it. Luckily they have a reliable car and can probably run it for many many years.

Everyday Tips
13 years ago

We have the standard mortgage debt and that is it. Hopefully will be done with that in 5 years, 7 at the most. I hate debt so much. I totally don’t care about making better returns elsewhere, if someone gave me $130k, my mortgage would be gone in a heartbeat.

Everyday Tips
13 years ago

While was my site was getting hacked this morning, I was ironically on the phone with ING direct when I saw you replied to my comment. I will be writing about this in an upcoming post, but we are refinancing and taking some cash out. Still plan on paying off in 6 years, but the flexibility I gained is amazing.

Love low interest rates! (for borrowing… :) )

Everyday Tips
13 years ago
Reply to  Everyday Tips

The temptation started about a week ago when I was going through our finances and thought about how we never have seen such cheap borrowing, and I decided I wanted to roll my HELOC and mortgage all into one payment. Taking out a little extra for some home improvements, and we will be all paid off the month before I turn 50. (Yeah, I am sure you think that is old to have your house paid off…)

Don’t worry about me blowing the cash, I am wayyyyy too cheap for that. Unless I lose it in some ridiculous bet about Obama getting elected in 2012.

13 years ago

I think the point you brought up about cars is a great one. When I got out of college my dad thought it was a smart idea for me have a brand new Honda Civic with a $375 monthly payment. Looking back that was one of the dumbest decisions I ever made. I vowed never to buy a brand new car again after that and I’ve been fortunate enough to have my parents give me one of their cars which was fully paid off. But if I had been required to buy a car, I would have absolutely bought a used car. My car serves really only one purpose. It’s basically a mechanism by which I transport surfboards. If lived close enough to the beach, then I would probably even just ride a cruiser there. But when you chase waves you find yourself going all over Southern California because every spot is different everyday. I think debt is a powerful motivator and when I finished grad school and found myself dead broke it compeltely changed my attitude towards buying things I didn’t need. As a result I put away a good amount of cash in my ING direct account and have a relatively substantial rainy day fund.

13 years ago

My debt of choice are mortgages because I am able to leverage my cash to buy an appreciating asset. I generally avoided all other debt except for auto loans. I generally keep my cars for many, many years past repayment so it made sense. I would put my funds to work instead. My prime motivator for avoiding debt was the high interest rate. For me credit cards are a convenience for purchases not an vehicle for overspending.