More Evidence Making Money Today Has Never Been Easier

Making money today has never been easier thanks to the internet. Anybody can make a lot of money in the richest country in the world and this post will prove it. I realize despite all my articles showing folks how to save, invest, persevere and flourish, there are still a lot of financial freedom doubters in the midst.

Most of us live in America for goodness sake. The median household income of $68,000 by default puts us in the top 1% of all the world's income earners. But alas, in order to gain perspective, we must have actually traveled the world. Is it our fault we don't appreciate what we have when ~65% of Americans don't own a passport? Of course not. The world comes to us. That is how it should be.

I'm a logical fella. I recognize that doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result is crazy. Given I can't convince some of you that achieving financial freedom is achievable, I'm going to try a different route.

Evidence Making Money Today Has Never Been Easier

The following examples should prove that if you're not making lots of money, there's something seriously wrong with you. Making money today is easier than ever before.

1) The Southern Diet

A PhD researcher from the University of Alabama at Birmingham presented results on Feb 7, 2013 that people who regularly ate foods traditionally found in the “Southern Diet” had a whopping 41% increased risk of stroke. A Southern Diet can consist of chicken-friend steak, deep-fried gizzards, and candy-sweet tea.

Furthermore, the study says that folks on the Southern Diet are more likely to be obese and suffer from heart disease. Well shit be damned! That is an amazing study and ABC news is all over it. I had no idea eating tons of deep fried foods could be so bad. Somebody is going to win the Nobel Prize.

Point: The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) actually put up funds to allow for such a study to be conducted across 20,000 participants. That's a lot of funding for something we already know the results to. The Southern Diet study shows that anybody can find grant money if they want. I'd like to do a 10,000 person study to see how many folks will have enough in retirement if they spend all their money. The study should take one year and cost $100,000. Anybody?

2) Car Prices Are Outrageous

The average transaction price for cars hit a record $38,000 in 2020, up $542 from 2011 according to the February issue of Kiplinger's Magazine. TrueCar corroborates this figure by coming out with a study today saying the average is about $37,800 That's right folks, Americans are spending more than 55% of their gross income on a car.

Point: Contrast spending 60% of your income on a car to spending 10% of your income based on my 1/10th rule for car buying. I can't imagine most people would be that crazy to spend 60% of their annual gross income on a car.

Hence, I postulate that plenty of folks actually earn more than $300,000 a year to afford a $30,000+ car. If that's not the case, people are feeling extremely bullish about their jobs and their income growth prospects.

3) 16-Year-Old Day Trader

Rachel Fox, actress, and 16 year old returned over 30% in 2012. It would be one thing if she made just 5-10 trades and returned 30%+, but she made 338 trades! That is a statistically significant amount. She tells CNBC, “Oh my gosh, this is amazing and so easy.” Furthermore, she recommends traders/investors just buy “oversold” stocks and sell “overbought” stocks. Sounds good to me.

Point: If a 16 year old actress can make money day trading and beat 99% of investors out there, why can't you? When I was 16, I couldn't even figure out the hypotenuse of an isosceles triangle, let alone make money in stocks. With so much information readily available, and so many free money management tools out there, it's now easier than ever to crush it. Her long term success in picking stocks remains to be seen, but at least open up Fox Capital Management and strike while the iron is hot.

Related: Day Trading Is A Waste Of Time And Money

4) Congressmen 

Jesse Jackson Jr. is an American politician who represented Illinois's 2nd congressional district in the U.S. House of Representatives until his resignation in 2012. Jesse is the son of the Reverend Jesse Jackson and was once one of the brightest stars in the Democratic party.

He recently plead guilty to misusing $750,000 worth of campaign funds for his personal use. Here are some of the things he bought: 1) $43,000 gold plated Rolex watch, 2) $17,000 in tobacco, 3) $14,513 in dry cleaning, 4) $5,814 in alcohol, 5) $10,000 in his kid's furniture, 6) $4,600 Michael Jackson Fedora, and 7) $11,130 Bruce Lee Memorabilia. He faces 4 years in prison and $250,000 in fines, but his lawyer claims mental illness for being prosecuted. Brilliant.

Point: Jesse Jackson Jr. convinced thousands of Illinois citizens to donate money to support him. He then violated their trust by spending extravagantly on himself. I can understand how maybe $25,000 of funds were spent in a gray matter, but $750,000 is just way overboard.

The only logical explanation for why there continues to be support for big government is because people love big government. If you want to become rich and powerful, just become a politician. During the 2008-2010 crisis, government employees actually got pay raises while the private sector got slaughtered.

 5) Athletes On Drugs

Lance won the Tour de France a record breaking seven times, on drugs. Despite using drugs, Lance amassed an estimated $125 million net worth while cheating. During this time, he went after anybody who dared to reveal the truth. It remains to be seen what happens to his wealth after his Oprah confession. But chances are high he will remain a multi-millionaire.

Major league ball players are allowed to use steroids (if they are not caught) to enhance their batting performance. Once they've got their batting performances up, they can then sign mega-million long term contracts. If they are found guilty of using steroids, they are not required to pay back the money they earned during their drug using days.

Point: Do drugs and cheat, just don't get caught. If you get caught, just admit that you cheated to avoid financial reimbursement penalties. If you lie to a jury and get caught, you open yourself up to tremendous risk. America loves athletes. Michael Vick is earning eight figures a year again despite the dog abuse. President Obama just played a round of golf with Tiger Woods in Florida, despite Tiger cheating on his wife multiple times over. Sequester be damned.


The Bankrupt City Of San Bernardino

For a final example of making money today has never been easier, take a look at the city of San Bernardino. San Bernardino hired a new city manager, who according to court filings, has twice declared personal bankruptcy (most recent in 2011) and was recently ousted from the board of a small community's water company after being sued by shareholders.

The city council voted unanimously to hire Allen J. Parker, 71 as its city manager on an annual salary of $222,000. Pat Morris, the major of San Bernardino praised Parker's “wealth of city management experience.”

Point: You don't have to know how to manage your own finances to get a terrific salary managing an entire city's finances. We see this phenomenon from Washington DC down to municipalities. We also see this phenomenon online where we write things we do not understand.

San Bernardino is situated 65 miles east of Los Angeles and is a national test case on whether pensions from government workers take precedence over other payments. It's entirely logical that the council members and unions would vote for a man to serve their best interests. If your finances are messed up, keep the faith. A multiple six figure job awaits!

Making Money Today, Every Day

Don't take my word that making money is easy, take the six examples above as proof anybody who wants to be rich, can be rich in America. You can even pull an AIG and sue the federal government for bailing your company out. Plenty of AIG executives made over $1 million dollars during the financial crisis. Clearly, that is not enough. You're welcome guys!

Making money today is not as hard as it was in the past. With the internet at our finger tips and plenty of examples of incompetent people making money today, go out and claim your fortune!

Related post: Don't Let Honor And Pride Get In The Way Of Making Money

Recommendation For Leaving A Job

If you want to leave a job you no longer enjoy, I negotiating a severance instead of quitting. If you negotiate a severance like I did back in 2012, you not only get a severance check, but potentially subsidized healthcare, deferred compensation, and worker training. Since you got laid off, you're also eligible for up to 27 weeks of unemployment benefits. Having a financial runway is huge during your transition period. 

Conversely, if you quit your job you get nothing. Check out, How To Engineer Your Layoff: Make A Small Fortune By Saying Goodbye, on how to negotiate a severance.

I first published the book in 2012 and have since expanded it to 200-pages from 100-pages in the latest edition thanks to tremendous reader feedback and successful case studies. My wife and I both negotiated a severance to be free.

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Recommendation For Entrepreneurship

If you feel you're not getting paid what you're worth and want to boost your income, start your own business online on the side! It used to cost a fortune and a lot of employees to start your business. Now you can start it for next to nothing with a hosting company like Bluehost for under $4/month and they'll give you a free domain for a year to boot.

Brand yourself online, connect with like-minded people, find new consulting gigs, and potentially make a good amount of income online one day by selling your product or recommending other great products.

Not a day goes by where I'm not thankful for starting Financial Samurai in 2009. Here's my step-by-step guide to for how to start your own website like mine in under 30 minutes.

Blogging For A Living Income Example: $300,000+ - Making money today is so easy online
A real income statement example from a blogger. Look at all the income possibilities. CLICK the graph to learn how to start your own site in under 15 minutes.
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11 years ago

What a great post. It’s refreshing to read about some brilliant yet wacky people who made a large income despite the economy. Maybe I should apply for a city job in Vallejo, CA.

Jules@Faithful With a Few
Jules@Faithful With a Few
11 years ago

So great! Hysterical and sad. Great read:)

Carrie Smith
11 years ago

I am totally a believer now! At least in your point that making money is easy. Although making money the right way is not so easy.

Also, you’ve shattered my southern world with the fact that I can’t continue to drink sweet tea and get away with it! :) Thanks for putting this into perspective.

Mike Hunt
Mike Hunt
12 years ago

I think you are building up some good material for your 2nd book, sir!

Just note that right angles have a hypotenuse, while isosceles triangles do not.


12 years ago

Not saying there are no opportunities in the US, but actually there are often more opportunities to get rich in developing countries. People like Rockefeller and Carnegie became some of the richest men in history partially because they lived in a rapidly developing country (ie. the US at their time) and participated in the industries a developing country needed. And developing countries like Russia, Brazil and China create noveau riches every day.

John S @ Frugal Rules
12 years ago

Great post Sam! All I can say is only in America!

12 years ago

I guess I’m not brazen enough to make quick money like that. America loves big personalities and if you have the drive and charisma, it’s easy to sell yourself.

William @ Drop Dead Money

God bless America! :) What a great post! But you’re right about the serious part: if you can’t make it in this wonderful country, you’re not looking in the right places for good opportunities…

12 years ago

The thing I realized is that it takes a lot of hard work as well as being intelligent enough to figure it out as you go. But most people don’t want to take that investment to get there nor do they want to take the chance that they can be able to create side hustles that could easily lift them out of poverty.

12 years ago

Heh. Good post! An early morning chuckle was had!

Grayson @ Debt Roundup
12 years ago

This one made me smile. Why not lie, cheat, and steal our way to the top. White collar crimes are rarely punished severely. Just think outside of the box.

David W
12 years ago

I want to hear a story about someone making millions making meth a la Breaking Bad.

12 years ago

Haha, you make a great point. If you throw up your hands and say it’s too hard to get rich, that’s like saying that all these folks (like Paris Hilton) are smarter than you.
Whenever I tutor children at math and they complain about it being too hard, I’d like to say “Just figure it out, because that’s how the world works. No one’s going to coddle you” (but I don’t, because I’m not mean to children…). Anyone can get rich, you just have to figure out how. Thanks for another post to put things in perspective.

12 years ago

Despite economic times, this is still the land of opportunities but not many see it that way. I am in the military (the part that still got raises) and so many hate their job but will not leave. When someone chooses to leave, everybody asks “why? what are you going to do on the outside”” as if working for the government is the only option. I agree its safer and provides some stability but it definitely is not the only way to make a living and damn well not a job you will get rich of.

The car buying is an epidemic that affects so many of us especially in more popular cities. I lived a few years in Miami and the end goal of many is to lease the nicest car you can and rent the nicest place possible. I knew people that drove a mercedes but also was on food stamps. I know that nice cars make you feel “good” but I THINK most drive it to impress people they don’t even know.

Makes no sense.

12 years ago

haha. One of your best post ever, in my opinion. I love reading the sarcaism (reality) in this one. Keep up the good work, Sam. :-)

12 years ago

I agree there is a lot to learn from these “success” stories! It reminds me of those infomercials that tout no down real estate. I realize there are suckers out there that will bite at anything, but I have to be proud of how I made my money.

Perhaps I can write a federal grant to pay me a lot of money to do absolutely nothing! It could be an experiment in boredom. :)

Julie Pierce
Julie Pierce
12 years ago

I enjoyed your post! One correction, however, not all government workers got raises….at my agency we have not had raises. But I know there are differences in from agency to agency and also the different levels (federal vs state vs local). Thanks for your blog! I really enjoy itand learn a lot from it.

12 years ago

That is pretty nuts that people would fund a grant today to show that fried food causes obesity and heart desease. That’s so obvious. And that teenage trader obviously wasn’t investing when the markets got slaughtered in 2008. Everything seems easy when the markets are going up as you wrote about recently. I can’t believe Jackson Jr’s lawyer is using mental illness as a defense. Shameful is what it is. I didn’t realize that baseball players don’t have to pay back any money they earned while using drugs if they are later caught. Nuts.

12 years ago

FS, people spending 60% of their annual income on a car isn’t a terrible thing IF they are spending retirement or investment income only. I agree, if you still have debt or need to work for a living, it is extremely foolish.

But lots of people who are “retired” (living off investments) and wealthy enjoy driving 30-60k cars, myself included. The difference is, I don’t have to work for a living and have a paid off home and car. The only payments I need to make monthly are basic living expenses such as groceries, utilities, etc., which are very low to begin with. My passive income easily covers this many times over. My partner and I are currently saving at the rate of approximately 30-40k per year.

Buying a new 30-60k car every 10 years in that price range has very little financial impact whatsoever to our lifestyle and doesn’t take away money from any other goals we have. I also know I’ll never wind up with a car someone else has abused.