Financial Samurai Online Services (FSOS) Is Open For Business!

Financial Samurai Online Services (FSOS) was my consulting business I ran to help readers with their finances. However, as a father of two kids now, I've put my FSOS and Interview/Resume optimization services on pause.

Dear Readers & Potential Clients,

Over the past seven years, I've spent 35 hours a week amassing over 10,000 hours worth of online knowledge.  There have been plenty of ups and downs, but through this time period, Financial Samurai has grown into one of the most widely read blogs in the personal finance space with 1,000,000 pageviews a month and growing. It's become very clear what it takes to build a good following and I want to help you get there.

With tremendous viewership comes tremendous opportunity, access, credibility and optionality.  Online income has grown to become a major income source thanks to the amount of traffic.  If you build a strong web presence online, you will gain credibility with the product you want to sell or the job you're looking to land.  Advertisement opportunities will eventually begin rolling in if you can stick with your site over the long-term.  Grow your online presence big enough, and you could actually quit your day job one day!

The problem is, building viewership is not easy in a crowded market with hundreds of millions of blogs and new sites starting up everyday around the world.  If you are a blogger or a small business with a serious desire to build a web presence, you've now got yourself an advocate.

Financial Samurai Online Services (FSOS)

Here are the main Financial Samurai Online Services.


Get On The Map Goal: To get noticed, build traffic, create buzz, develop authority, and create a permanently higher reader base for your website.

What You Will Receive:

* A ~1,000 word article on your site based on the topic of your choice.  The article will be either fully written by me, or I will work together with you as the editor and co-writer to build a whale post.  My areas of strength are, but not limited to: Retirement, Government, Taxes, Career Advice, Autos, Investments, Real Estate, and Relationships.  Your article will be highlighted over social media to get the buzz going.  Afterward, you and I will be active participants in the comment section, challenging readers on their thought process and leading discussion.

* Within a week of publishing the original post on your site, I will then write a sister article on Financial Samurai discussing some of the key feedback and curiosities from the comments section.  My article on Financial Samurai will serve to showcase your article, thereby bringing traffic to your site.  Your link will stay up on my site forever, which currently has a mozRank 5.5, Domain Authority 61, and Page Authority 66.

* I employ the “Case Study Method” of article writing to get the conversation going.  Harvard and many of the nations top business schools use the Case Study Method to teach their students how to think critically.  As a graduate of a top 10 business school myself, I experienced first hand how to structure a topic and encourage a tremendous amount of discussion and learning in the process.

* During this time period, you are free to e-mail me as many times as you want on various strategies to boost your readership and provide better content.  I am your consultant and biggest advocate.

* GOTM clients will gain access to many profitable leads I have in the online space.

* Cost: $980 initial offer price, payable in three installments if needed.  My plan is to spend roughly 10 hours creating your whale post, writing my sister post that correlates with your post, and marketing the content over the web.  Great content is what will get you on the map and launch your site to the next level.

* Limit: I have room to take up to four of the most dedicated clients a month maximum.  I take the work I do very seriously and want to give as much focus to my clients as possible.  I will not rest until I believe you receive the best product.

Case Study: Below is a “Get On The Map” example where I helped triple the readership of an established blog that has been around for over a year.  The site's Alexa ranking has since dropped from 125,000 to 70,000 and the average readership has increased by 40% to 500-600 pageviews a day since the service.  Furthermore, other metrics such as mozRank, domain authority, and page authority have all improved as well.

The client is squarely on the map and has earned thousands of dollars in incremental ad revenue within the next several months, more than paying for the cost of my service.  If I can help get an established site of more than one year with this many more readers, I'm confident I can help new sites even further.  Actual results will vary of course.

2) Website Consulting Services

It's 2021+ and if you aren't online, the competition will eat your lunch.  From blogging, to selling a product, to getting a job, every person and organization needs to be online.  But being online is not good enough.  You've got to develop a brand and a value proposition for your clients and readers!  This is where I can help.

* Strategic Formulation Of Your Website – You feel overwhelmed and don't know where to start.  I'm here to understand what you want to get out of your website, and help you formulate a strategy to get there.  When you Google yourself, companies like Facebook and LinkedIn own your name.  You need to own your own name, not some mega corporation!  I will walk you through your value proposition to create something unique for your readers and clients.   I have a cadre of references to help get you going and will help formulate a game plan for you.

* Branding – In order to stand out, you need to develop a brand.  You need to stand for something otherwise nobody will care.  The world is too competitive, and too populated for you to just be another number.  I will help you figure out who you are, and what you want others to see you as.

* Search Engine Optimization – It's possible to write great content and never get noticed.  This is where Search Engine Optimization comes in.  I will help optimize your content and your site so that people can find you online through the search engines.  If you are trying to navigate the landmines of Google, and have been penalized by Google, I can also offer some very specific suggestions for you to regain your website mojo and revenue.

* Website Overview & Analysis – You don't need to have a fancy, custom designed, website.  What you need is clarity, great content and good structure.  You may think your site is awesome, but what you think is actually not as important as what the viewers think.  You will either have traffic or you won't.  I will thoroughly look over your website and provide candid suggestions on what you need to do to optimize and grow your readership.

* Building A Community – I have built the web's largest, most interactive and collaborative personal finance and lifestyle network called the Yakezie Network.  Building a community is brutally difficult, and I will share with you some of the things I've done to help the Yakezie Network grow in good times and bad times.  With a large community of friends and advocates to rally around you, you can practically do anything you want.

The Ideal Candidate:

* Someone who loves to write and is very serious about building a presence online for the long run.

* Someone who has been blogging forever, but is frustrated by the lack of their traffic.

* An entrepreneur with a great idea and a great product who needs a platform to tell the world.

* A small business who is looking to build a social media presence online, get interviewed, and jump-start their product line.

* Someone who no longer wants to work at their day job and wants to one day have the freedom to work from home, or anywhere in the world with internet access.

* A stay at home parent who longs to connect with people, has their own talents to share (art, poetry, music, design, writing, etc) and wants to balance parenthood with outside activity to enrich their lives.

* A student or recent graduate who wants to build their brand online to be more attractive to potential employers.

* Someone who highly values privacy and discretion.

Cost: My hourly rate is $300 with a minimum of 1 hour, followed by 20 minute increments.  We can meet in person if you are in San Francisco or speak over Skype or phone.  If you purchase the “Get On The Map” product, my hourly rate comes down to $150.

Limit: 10 hours per week total to ensure maximum focus on you the clients.  If my 10 hour limit is reached, I will put you on a wait-list, first come first serve and get to you as soon as possible.

If you are interested in my online services, please fill out some basic information so I can understand more about you and what you'd like to accomplish.  If I decide we are a good fit, I will contact you to arrange a meeting time.  I am only going to work with those who have as much fire as I do about making their website and product soar!

To scroll down, please click the white space outside the question box and click the down arrow.  All information is 100% private and will never be discussed beyond us. And if you aren't interested, that's fine. Learn how to start a blog with my step-by-step tutorial.

Thanks you for your interest in Financial Samurai Online Services (FSOS). I will be in touch within 72 hours after your application is filled.

Again, Financial Samurai Online Services (FSOS) is temporarily paused due to the global pandemic an extensive childcare duties of two children under 4!

For more resources, check out my top financial products page to find the best products for your finances, my invest in real estate page to invest in my favorite asset class, and my free wealth management page to manage your money better. Financial Samurai has been online since 2009 and is one of the most trusted and largest independently-run personal finances today.



Financial Samurai – “Slicing Through Money's Mysteries”

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Roshawn @ Watson Inc
Roshawn @ Watson Inc
12 years ago

Congrats Sam! I’m really happy for you as well. You are a fabulous blogger and a very good role model to follow. I learn a lot from you!

Miss T @ Prairie Eco-Thrifter

Congrats Sam. You really are a blogging rock star. I think this is a very cool idea and that it will do very well. I might just take you up on it down the road.

Sunil l Expedited Wealth Building through Entrepreneurship
Sunil l Expedited Wealth Building through Entrepreneurship
12 years ago

congratulations on “launching” your first (if I a am not mistaken?) service offering.

one question that comes to my mind (and maybe because I lack the historical background) is whether this method will work effectively (as a client might anticipate) for any site / blog on a stand alone basis. in other words, I personally view / tie the financial samurai and yakezie together in many ways (I know they are independent properties). that said, since not everyone has the wherewithal or the desire to establish a community like the Yakezie, was FS already as successful as it is today before the Yakezie?

it would be very interesting to do an analysis of the percentage of FS’s visitors who are Yakezie members and those that are independently FS visitors. you can definitely gauge from the commenting activity, however that in itself doesn’t tell the full story.

just my two additional cents: I’d measure viewership in terms of unique visitors, not page views (which can be 1, 10 or 100 per visitor). measuring views is like saying one fan sitting in one seat at wrigley field saw the batter, the pitcher, the concession stands as well as the colorful flags in outfield. hope I got the point across?

all the best – definitely interested in learning more about how it pans out both for you and the clients.

all the best Sam

The Financial Blogger
The Financial Blogger
12 years ago

Hey Sam!

Nice offer, great pitch!

I’d like to know a little bit more about the revenue potential created from the whale post. A big jump in traffic during a week or two will definitely be driven from your own site along with the Yakezie power. But is it sustainable? can you show what the traffic look like 1 month after the post was published?

As long as revenue, do you have case study to show?

thx for the additional info :-)

12 years ago

Sam, you are a blogging rock star, and demonstrate all the credentials one need to be a surefire consultant. Are you thinking of setting expectations for your client from the get go so that everyone is on the same page? For example, x pageviews by y date. Or X Alexa rank by Y date etc. Good luck!

Marissa @ Thirty Six Months

Nicely done, Sam. I have a feeling you’re going to have a long list of clients wanting this service.

12 years ago

Well done Sam!!,

Many bloggers and business will benefit from your services. Your experience and personal record will speak by themselves, I am pretty sure you will be soon overwhelmed by a rain of clients. Hopefully one day I will be one of those clients.

Corey Tyhurst
Corey Tyhurst
12 years ago


I love reading your blog and I’m so glad that you are offering this service! Good luck on the endeavor and keep us up to date!

Kathryn C
Kathryn C
12 years ago

Holy shit you’re the bomb. This is awesome……I need this. But I need a little time to get some things lined up. To discuss, will follow up. I know I’m talking in code right now.

Financial Advice for Young Professionals

I can’t afford the services, but sounds like it could definitely be helpful :)

12 years ago

Good luck with the consulting service. I think it would be worth it for someone who has the budget. This will give a huge boost to any website and any online business can really use something like this.

Darwin's Money
12 years ago

Way to diversify your income – good luck!

12 years ago

Way to go Sam. I would love to see a real live case study on how this service really improved the site in question. Actual results are the best proof.

The problem is, if you publish the case study site, the results instantly get skewed as your efforts are now public.

12 years ago

Wow! Good Luck with your new business idea. I can see already that it is going to be something very unique and efficient. Nicely done, Sam!

Mike Collins
12 years ago

Good luck with the new venture Sam! I don’t know how you squeeze so much into schedule.

12 years ago

That’s awesome Sam! Very exciting stuff. You are such a great leader and innovator in the online PF space and you’re the perfect guy for this type of work. With the amount of companies and blogs online these days it can be so hard to get noticed so that’s smart that you’re offering services that leverage your expertise. I’m always impressed by your traffic and the comments that you get on your sites. For readers that are thinking about hiring Sam, I can vouch that he’s a fantastic guy, really knowledgeable, and perfect for this kind of work!

Julie @ The Family CEO
12 years ago

This is so exciting! Best of luck, Sam.

12 years ago

Glad to see you put this offering out there, Sam! I’m sure it’ll be of great value to someone that could use it.

SB @ One Cent at a Time

All the best for this new venture Sam

Invest It Wisely
12 years ago

Looks like a sweet offering, Sam! Sam really knows what he’s talking about, as his website has experienced rapid growth by following his own advice, and he has also been the driving force behind creating the Yakezie, which is a stellar group of fellow bloggers. He is someone who walks the walk.

Geoff @ Don't Do It Yourself

I believe Sam can really help any blogger get a big bump in traffic. But for those on the fence about paying for such a service, it can be boiled down to simple math.

Every unique visitor has a dollar value associated with them that you can get through online advertising. When you divide your monthly revenue by the monthly unique visitors you get your per visitor value. Depending on your niche, the value can be anywhere from $.05 – $5.

Let’s be conservative and say you get $.10/unique visitor. If Sam’s service helps you get an extra 10,000 visitors in the first month, it’s paid for itself!