Fix The Car Or Buy A New One? Best Way To Save Money

Are you wondering whether to fix the car or buy a new one? Used car prices are up huge post pandemic. Therefore, new cars may be of better value. That said, buying any type of car that costs more than 1/10th your annual gross income is a waste of money in my opinion.

This month is turning out to be an expensive one.  Originally, I was planning on joining the no-spend November movement given I'll be spending more than normal during the holidays.  I've been tempted to buy a new or new used car for the past year since Moose is 11 years old and needs some work done.  It was basically sell Moose now and avoid the extra expenditure, or buy a new new/used car in great condition.

After much deliberation, I decided to keep Moose and do some work. After 4 years, his brakes finally needed replacing. My auto-mechanic of 10 years recommended I change both rotors and pads in the front since Moose is heavy up top, and just change the pads in the rear.  

I followed his directions for a total cost of $705 ($400 parts, $300 labor).  $705 after tax is pretty darn good, especially after 4 years.  I've also heard folks spend $1,200-$1,500 on brakes before.  Expensivo!

When I went to pick Moose up, he wouldn't start!  It turns out the battery only had a couple months left to live after 5 years. I'm glad Moose didn't start at the shop, rather than somewhere in the snowy Sierra Nevadas this winter!  That would have been such a disaster. I spent another $90 for the new battery for now a total cost of $795.  Tick, tick, tick, things are getting up there.


The reason why I spent months deliberating on whether to fix Moose or buy a new car is because Moose only has a Bluebook value of around $4,000.  Therefore, a $800 fix equates to 20% the value of the car, and the value DOESN'T come close to going up by the amount spent.  

Maybe after the new brakes and battery Moose is now worth $4,200.  So in essence, it's almost like I'm losing money by fixing it to the tune of $600.

Five things to ask yourself before buying a new car:

1) Can you afford a new car?  You can only afford a new car if your income is at least 10X the value of the car you wish to purchase. This is known as the Financial Samurai 1/10th rule.  If you make less than 10X the value of the car, then you are hurting your finances.  Do you think Mark Zuckerberg drives around in a $800 million dollar car?  Heck, I was at a party with Mark Pincus, the founder of Zynga and the valet only went to retrieve a $75,000 BMW X5, and Mark is worth billions!

2) What percentage will the costs be compared to the value of your car?  Maintaining a car gets relatively more expensive as time goes on because the value of your car is always decreasing while costs generally increase due to labor and component inflation.  If a fix costs more than 30% the value of your car, and you can afford a new car, consider buying a new. The benefit of buying a new car is that I won't have to buy new brakes, tires, battery, etc.  Take the cost of maintenance of your old car and subtract it from the purchase price of your new car and re-calculate whether you can afford the new car. You might want to get an extended car warranty.

3) Do you have any debt or other big expenses on the horizon?  Think property taxes, income taxes, trips, credit card bills, student loans, and other debt.  Best to minimize your expenditure on a depreciating asset if you have other large expenses on the horizon.  For some reason, guys right after college are especially weak at controlling themselves when buying a new car.

4) How long do you believe your old car will last, and how long do you plan on driving it?  My new brakes and battery should last at least 3 years.  My existing tires should also last another 3 years since I only drive about 7,000 miles a year.  Moose has 109,000 miles on it now, and he should have no problem going to 150,000.  Moose's survival is consistent with the time I'd like to stay in San Francisco.  I have hope he will last for 6 years longer, which happens to be when I look to change sceneries.

5) Know your car's maintenance cycle.  The big maintenance intervals are generally after 15,000 miles, 30,000 miles, 75,000 miles, 100,000 miles, 125,000 miles, 150,000 miles, and so forth.  You should consider selling about 5-10,000 miles BEFORE the main intervals and let the new buyer pay for maintenance.  I recently did the 100,000 mile service, and want to milk it for as long as possible.  If you don't sell your car before it hits 100,000 miles, then you might as well keep it for as long as possible.

Related: The Ideal Length To Own A Car Is Not Forever

Fix The Car And Take A Gamble

Spending $795 on Moose is taking a gamble that nothing else major breaks down on a 11 year old car.  It would be quite unfortunate if an alternator blew up, costing me another $1,000. Then Moose becomes a serious money pit as now I'm spending 50% of the value of the car on maintenance.

My desire for driving a fancy luxury car has essentially fallen to 0 given the movement against luxury. When it's time to make the decision again on buying a new car, I will consider safety issues as the main criteria.

In 2024, I am driving a 2015 Range Rover Sport HSE. I plan to own the car until at least 2025, and maybe 203 given how expensive luxury new car prices are today. It's a great family car for my wife and two children.

After buying a new house in Q3 2023, I've got to build back my liquidity. One way to do so is to not buy a new car and own it for as long as possible.

Related: Plug Or Patch A Tire?

Be More Responsible, Buy A Cheaper Car

Follow my House-To-Car Ratio guide for fiscal responsibility and buy a cheaper car. If you want to eventually reach financial freedom, you should have a house-to-car ratio of at least 50. Cars are guaranteed to depreciate in value, houses tend to appreciate in value. 

As the father of the modern-day FIRE movement, I want all of you to have more wealth and more freedom. No car can match the joy you will experience once you are financially free.

House-To-Car Guide for financial freedom

Buy Real Estate Instead Of An Expensive Car

Keep your car expenses to a minimum. Instead of buying a fancy new car, use the money to invest in real estate instead. This way, you can build more wealth and achieve financial freedom, which provides way more value than driving a nice car.

To invest in real estate without all the hassle and unexpected costs, check out Fundrise. Fundrise offers funds that mainly invest in residential and industrial properties in the Sunbelt, where valuations are lower and yields are higher. The firm manages over $3.5 billion in assets for over 500,000 investors looking to diversify and earn more passive income. The minimum investment amount is only $10.

Another great private real estate investing platform is Crowdstreet. Crowdstreet offers accredited investors individual deals run by sponsors that have been pre-vetted for strong track records. Many of their deals are in 18-hour cities where there is potentially greater upside due to higher growth rates. You can build your own select real estate portfolio with Fundrise. 

I've personally invested $954,000 in private real estate since 2016 to diversify my holdings, take advantage of demographic shifts toward lower-cost areas of the country, and earn more passive income. We're in a multi-decade trend of relocating to the Sunbelt region thanks to technology. 

Both platforms are sponsors of Financial Samurai and Financial Samurai is an investor in Fundrise funds.

For more nuanced personal finance content, join 100,000+ others and sign up for the free Financial Samurai newsletter. Financial Samurai is one of the largest independently-owned personal finance sites that started in 2009. Everything is written based off firsthand experience. 

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Chris Pederson
Chris Pederson
4 years ago

Wow, I never thought about checking if your income is 10x as much as the new car costs before buying it. Yeah, I don’t have that kind of money. I’ll just look into getting my old car repaired instead.

Vivian Black
Vivian Black
5 years ago

My husband is an avid lover of foreign cars and recently bought a used Ferrari to celebrate a bonus at work. He loves your tip about knowing your car’s maintenance cycle and knowing when each interval is and what it means for your car. He will be sure to keep these tips in mind as he finds a professional who can help him in the near future.

Skylar Williams
Skylar Williams
5 years ago

It is a great idea that you suggested considering whether you can afford to buy a new car. My father has a Honda that needs a new engine. I think it would be smart of him to find an engine rebuild service to save himself some money.

Zulma F Munoz
Zulma F Munoz
5 years ago

I have a 2004 Mercedes Benz C320 with 214.735 miles. I need to have the shocks and struts replaced. I know it will be a hefty amount but I just can’t imagine making a car payment. I paid off this vehicle over 9 years ago. I am working on paying off my house so I can be debt free so a car payment is not part of the plan. I just spent $650 on new tires and aftre much thought I feel it is worth maintaining my vehicle in top shape by investing the money to get .

Rebecca Hilliard
Rebecca Hilliard
5 years ago
Reply to  Zulma F Munoz

I have a 2007 Mercedes Benz E550 with 156,700 miles on it. I just replaced one strut for $2400. Now I need engine mounts and cam magnets which is going to be another $2,700. I really love this car, but spending $6,000 this year on maintenance (just had service B for $645 and $228 for new headlight) makes me stop and think it’s time to let this car go. It has been paid off for years and really is a beautiful car that runs well.

5 years ago

Cool- this thread has been going for 7 years. I bought one new vehicle (Toyota tundra) when I was 26. I drove it for 250,000 miles over the course of 16 years.

$30,000. Msrp including the finance cost over 48 months.
$800 for timing belt 1 and 2
$3,600 for 6 sets of tires. Maybe more.
$37,000 for about 14,500 gallons of 85 octane. Abysmal 17 mpg life avg
$750 for three windshield replacements
$350 for set of shocks
$150 for pads and shoes
$100 radio replacement
$1700 for Mobil 1 oil changes self performed
$10,000 for insurance
$500 topper
$100 tinted windows
$80 bed liner
$800 worth of quarters at the carwash
$500 for whatever junk I bought at random gas stations
$3000 vehicle registrations and taxes

Total lifetime cost of about $90k less $7500 resale rolled into current used vehicle purchase. Essentially $500 per month for 192 months factoring ownership and maintenance costs, or $0.36 per mile driven.

Now I could have ridden the bus at 192 months x 20 days x $7 per day = $26,880. That would have saved me $62k, or enough to buy an electric car from Mr. Musk and invest an additional $25k or so into my retirement funds or mortgage or family vacations or nicer haircuts. But I didn’t and now I’m in my 40’s but will never buy a brand new vehicle again. One and done. Regardless, vehicles are expensive and I guess they keep you working to pay for them to drive to work to…what?

My preference would be to commute via bicycle but the route is interstate only and a dangerous section at that. Tried once and never again.

5 years ago
Reply to  Westerly

I would not include fuel, car washes and stuff bought at gas stations. I am in the 8th year of my 2011 Nissan Sentra and spent 10k+ this year on repairs which included a new set of tires.
I need to find a good place to take it.

6 years ago

Hey FS!

If someone was making over 200k and living in the economically feasible midwest (outside of Detroit) with no family and manages their finances well, what are your thoughts on the 10% rule becoming the 5% rule? :)

I am on track to early retire at 40 (and still spending VERY nicely but saving a ton too; I don’t want to live my life without adventure in my 20’s and 30’s purely for the financial goal of hitting early retirement… then I would be missing out on so much!).

I am in my late 20’s and just read your new post here (I know this post is a bit older from 2011, but still good info!) where you mention living a little and that you’re getting a new Mercedes:

I can definitely abide by the 10% rule on a “yearly” basis by spreading out the car payment over a 8-10 year lifecycle of the vehicle, but abiding by the 10% rule all at once is def harder ($20-25k for a new car for salary over 200k).

My current car is a 9 year old, 2010 Ford Taurus (155k miles and purrs like a little baby koala, just had brakes done too). I do drive a decent amount for work with customer visits (about 20-25k miles a year), but the good news is that my ALL of my gas is compensated and they actually throw in an extra $3600 bucks a year purely for my car expenses (repairs, etc.) that I can keep the cash if I don’t have a vehicle expense that year.

What are your thoughts on this? I do want to splurge a little, but I have also looked at lease options too where I continue driving my current car (fingers crossed) until 200k or more and take the lease for a joyride on weekends, etc. Leases have problems of their own however, and they are technically a waste of money.

The best option I have come across is the certified pre-owned option where I can still hit the 25k mark but drive a nice luxury vehicle like an Audi that is only a few years old and still low in miles…

I don’t plan on having a family until after I early retire, so I don’t have this big expense to account for in my calculations. This is certainly great for now and my current saving/spending strategy :)


Ed. Longshanks from the north
Ed. Longshanks from the north
6 years ago

If you have a high mileage vehicle – focus on one calculation – the cost of repairs in a given year vs. cost of a new vehicle purchase (purchase finance/cash).

In a given year, $2-3,000 ($Canadian) in repairs, is still going to be less expensive for me, than getting involved in a new vehicle purchase.

For example, I had to replace the catalytic converter and power steering lines in 2018. (2007 Honda Accord). I also lost the air conditioning recently, yet I’ll be bumping that expense to 2nd quarter of 2019, so I’m good for awhile. (knock on wood).
Yes it’s inconvenient to have these items fail, but with my climate extremes I’m not surprised.

I would recommend getting a new vehicle if your current one is no longer reliable.
Read: it’s in the shop every other week for one thing or another.
Or, if money is no object and you can afford to buy new often, or lease in perpetuity, all the power to you.

5 years ago

Totally agree if you maintain a vehicle they should last 200,000 miles I drive bmws , just my preference I have a 1998 528i with 208,000 km and a 2010 BMW X3 with 135,000 km both run fantastic . Most owners are afraid or won’t do there own maintenance…. the basics are not rocket silence . But I also think people find it easier to drive new and make one monthly payment. I tent to keep my vehicles for a long time …if it gets a dent in it have it repaired , if it has an oil leak repair it,
I think most people don’t know how there car work or even care , me I can tell you if my car is or isn’t running right.
Last nite and the most important keep your fluids changed!

6 years ago

Should you judge the value of he car based on the trade in value or private sale? I strongly prefer trading in my cars to avoid the hassle of a private sale.

7 years ago

I absolutely love my 2012 Honda Civic but some douche hit me and he didn’t have insurance…the repairs are about $2500…I’m still paying her off…got about $8000 left and her value after the accident on KBB is about $5000…and my warranty expired…I’m tempted to just get a brand new Civic but my boyfriend thinks I should just fix her up and keep her. Any suggestions?

john q
john q
7 years ago
Reply to  Queenie

Wonder if you bought that brand new Civic Queenie,they are great cars.
Mine is a 12 year old with 154000 on the clock,still on original clutch and drives great.
Only drive 5000 miles a year so my running costs just the basics,tyres ,pads,oil changes.
Hoping to get 200000 miles out of her,nine years down the road!

8 years ago

The reality is you can buy the most reliable car on the market and just luck of the draw yours is the one that breaks down within a year. They sell extended warranties for a reason at used car lots. I’m in a bit of a situation myself with my 1998 Ford Explorer Eddie Bauer Eddition. At 268,960 miles I did a 3 point turn and only got 2 points out of it LOL all of a sudden I heard a snap and it felt like I hit a car behind me, I had just snapped something in my transmission that shifts the car into reverse probably a shifting band. I’m pretty sure it’s smaller than most people are making it out to be, the car drives perfectly forward just now doesn’t have reverse… So I can literally just drive forward forever #ForwardThinking LOL but

I have several mechanic options One is $1300 to place a used transmission in 50/50 chance it works (not a good bet) the second is $1800 Transmission rebuild only rebuilding the parts that need it with 6 month warranty the next is $2600 rebuild with 1 year warranty. Then another guy did a free inspection and at first made it sound like it might be small but after inspection said it’s not the small outer stuff it’s definitely inside the transmission and Quoted $3600 with Front Differential service added as they spotted what another mechanic also spotted months back that my bearings on my left front wheel need to be replaced and the front differential fixed.

At that point it’s a good down payment on a New Used car. The problem is who knows if the used car will run better than my current car so I may buy a $10,000 to $22,000 car but it may still end up breaking down and costing me similar repair costs on top of a monthly payment which was the argument my wife gave me when I told her I think it’s time to buy a new used car when we had an earlier $700 repair.

The car is basically worth nothing though we have a dealer in town that claims push pull or drag it in they will give you $3500 but I think they just mark all their cars up to make that up LOL. My car did make it 16 years and I bought it used at 54,000 miles at $15,000 so I definitely got my money’s worth out of the car. Just not sure what to do now. Do I get another car? Fix this one, or just drive it FORWARD only lol. I mean I would have a monthly payment but would spend less on gas it almost evens out. There is a fix it opr sell it calculator online that shows you the difference between buying another car or fixing your current car and breaks it down into cost per mile for each vehicle. According to the calculator sticking with the old car still saves about $1 per mile but that doesn’t take into account the possibility of another major break down. I have never been stranded with this car, always has been reliable always made it to the shop on it’s own power but who knows when that luck will run out.

My wife being involved in the purchase of the new car throws things into a spin as well as she doesn’t want another explorer or american car, but I need an SUV to lug DJ equipment around which automatically makes things more expensive and cuts down options. If I don’t buy American that cuts down more than half of the SUV’s as many are American made. She did let up on that but would still prefer a Toyota or Honda. I was actually looking at a sweet all white 2013 Landrover Sport HSE at only $26,000 with a clean carfax report and one owner at 90k miles but looking up reliability reports Landrover sounds like they break down a lot. It’s the only car I actually really fell for though LOL. But then upon further research found the cost of maintaining the Range Riover was actually pretty low. I can totally see myself in this vehicle but don’t want to end up in the same situation. And at that price it’s almost as much as a brand new car. I hate these types of decisions.

8 years ago

Bit late to the party in terms of commenting (5 years), but I thought I’d add my two cents.

After reading the article and comments I’m noticing two distinct things for people opting to spend more on cars and on repairs, while expecting so little time out of their car:

A.) They are not inclined to do ANY mechanical maintenance themselves

B.) They only expect a car to run ‘a few years’ while ignoring preventative maintenance

C.) They don’t put any research into reliability, or rather; maintenance vs. miles

Honestly, Americans could do with a bit of grease monkey work once in a while, it builds character.

I’m following the 10% rule for my next car, but for that much I could put a new engine and repaint my current car, plus suspension, axles, and manual transmission conversion. Basically, I would have an entirely new car (minus frame and body) that would reliably give me another 200K miles of easy maintenance with a better engine and internals.

However, I put a good amount of thought into my purchase (Japaneasy to repair) whereas many just seem to buy whatever without knowing if the model has certain costly issues hiding under the hood.

No one will probably read this, but hey, you never know. I just think if people research investments they should research their cars as well.

8 years ago

Hmmm…. that 1/10 guideline needs some clarification, I think! It may work for you, but certainly not most people outside of a big city :) Not all of us can rely on public transportation or taxis. I live in the countryside, so if I didn’t have a car to get to work, I’d have to call an Uber (which isn’t always available here) and pay a total of $60-180 a day! And that doesn’t include if I have to go to the grocery store, or want to go to the movies, or visit family. I guess I could always ride my horse 10 miles down the road ;)

I’m facing this question right now… in the past 12 months, I’ve spent $997 in repairs for my car. If I keep the car, I need to put about $800 into it just to keep it safe to drive. As a trade in, I’d be lucky to get $3,000 for it, though buying a similar car (10+ years old, about 150k miles) would run me about $5,000 here. At least with my car, I know its entire service history and I know that it has been scrupulously maintained.

Now, your 1/10 rule would say that even my current car is above my means if we just look at its value alone, since I make 45k a year. But what about safety? My car is a Toyota, so I figure it’ll probably last another 50k miles at least. The problem is that you never know when it’ll go, or if it will go, or so on. I learned that the hard way last year, when it broke down on a scary interstate in the middle of the night, far away from home, with 10% battery left on my phone. That’s not a safe situation for a young girl to be in! Luckily, I was with someone at the time…. but I can’t assume that’ll be the case next time. What if it had happened the month before, when I drove 300 miles away for a business trip by myself? Any car can break down, but it’s much more likely when parts have aged significantly and there’s been a lot of wear and tear.

If I got a 3-year old CPO car, I’d be paying $200 a month or less, because I haven’t had enough time to build up a big savings nest where I can buy a new-to-me car in cash while still having enough in my emergency fund — I just haven’t been in the workforce long enough. That’s less per year than I’m paying in repairs now, yes, but peace of mind is worth something too. I think that the 1/10 guideline is a luxury for those who can afford a reliable car that’s only 10% of their income.

Connor Oborn
Connor Oborn
8 years ago

I am in a stupor of thought. there is nothing mechanically wrong with my car its the rust. Mercedes has this thing their cars rust around the door handles and i have a wagon and its full of rust as well. I don’t know if i should replace all the doors total of 5 and get the cosmetic stuff taken care of or buy a different wagon with less than 20k miles on it? i currently have 214K its my second wagon and they normally don’t break in until 225K miles but the rust is an issue with me and this car drives better than it did when i bought it in 2004 with 30K miles AZ car.
I didn’t see anything covering my topic and i was wondering if anyone had a suggestion or two. to replace with a different car Im looking at 36-40K dollars to repair and replace around 15K dollars. I am not in a spot now to purchase a different car so should i save what i can and drive my rusted out car or bite the bullet and have it repaired. HELP Please

Johnny W.
Johnny W.
9 years ago

Safety is also an issue. As I research newer vehicles I’m discovering just how statistically safer Newer Cars are than older vehicles. This is even more important if someone buys a smaller vehicle like the “Rhino” and are up against Folks in F350’s in a Road Warrior style Darwinian Stuggle for survival out amongst the mayhem & carnage that is the American Roadway.
That said, I have a ’95 Toyota Land Cruiser & a ’95 Honda Accord. Sometimes when I get in the old Accord, I have a funny feeling that I need to have a shot of Sake, bow to the Emperor and don my headband: the one with the rising sun on it.

10 years ago

I have 2 really old cars – 23 and 19 years old. One of them looks pretty good and the other is cosmetically imperfect. I do regular maintenance – oil changes, belts, hoses, filters, etc – on them and usually every 12 – 18 mos. they have a big repair. The last one was the older car’s water pump – went to a tune of $465.00 last July. Why am I keeping them? Well, the insurance is a lot lower (a LOT lower) and, frankly, they still run good. Also, it seems to me that the quality of the products produced today is way less than what I already have. My cars are basic – not much computerized electronics – which I am certain costs a small fortune to replace. One of the cars even has manual windows – imagine that! I may seem foolish spending the money periodically to repair what breaks, but, I just can’t bring myself to spend 20 – 30 thousand on what I see on the road today.

Forrest Hartman
Forrest Hartman
10 years ago

Although the intention is good, the 10 percent rule does not make sense with things like automobiles … unless we are talking about people with very large incomes. It may make sense, for instance, for a person who makes $100,000 per year to spend no more than $10,000 on a car. Of course, one would have to factor a lot of outside things into that situation as well.

When someone makes very little money, the advice becomes really sketchy. If someone makes only $30,000 per year but needs a reliable vehicle to get back and forth to work, it doesn’t make sense for that person to limit his/her vehicle purchase to $3,000. If they get lucky and find a great deal, then they should take it. If, however, the person can spend $2,000 to $4,000 more and purchase a much more reliable vehicle, it will probably serve them much better in the end.

Where I am at, there is a massive difference in the quality of a vehicle one can purchase for $3,000 and $7,000. When you get into the $7,000 range, you might be able to find a nice commuter vehicle with low mileage and relatively good gas mileage. For $3,000 it’s tough to find anything with under 150,000 miles on it. Yes, you can gamble that the 150,000-mile vehicle will be one of the lucky ones that makes 300,000 without significant problems. My bet, however, is that you will easily spend the extra $4,000 grand in repairs within 3 years and that each repair will leave you with the dilemma you present in this story. “Man, they want $500 to replace my starter. Should I really sink that much into a car that’s worth $3,000.” Problems can occur with any car, but they are statistically less likely on newer cars with less mileage (all other things being equal).

One must also include factors like fuel efficiency. Newer cars are getting better and better mileage, and gas is now more than $4 a gallon. My wife and I recently bought a new hybrid to replace a 10-year-old vehicle that got 17 miles per gallon. We got zero percent financing on the car and will save approximately $200 per month in gas. I shopped for some time, as we usually buy used cars. However, the only ones I could find that had similar gas mileage were either beat to death (100,000 miles or more) or selling for only about $5,000 less than new (yet they still had between 30,000 and 50,000 miles on them).

The new car comes with an impressive factory warranty and all maintenance included for the first two years, meaning we can count on no out of pocket expenses other than our no-interest car payment for at least two years. With a $15,000 used hybrid, we would be taking the chance of a $500 to $1,000 repair the day we drove it off the lot. Granted, we would still be paying less than the new price. However, our new car gives us not only the security of knowing everything is covered but the likelihood of two to three years of extra use because of the lower mileage. Also, I meticulously maintain my vehicles. You can buy a used car from someone who has never changed the oil.

There are so many factors to consider that a simple 10% rule doesn’t make sense. There are many costs associated with car ownership and the initial vehicle price is only one of them. If you aren’t factoring in fuel costs, the cost to insure the vehicle, average repairs and resale, you aren’t getting a complete picture.

11 years ago

This is discouraging :( My car just got totaled, I’m retired with 30K a year. I had thought to buy a new car to last me the remainder of my years, had my eye on one with a ticket price of 14K. With 5K down (insurance money), that’s only 9K. But I need to make 90,000 a year…
I do have a bicycle, but it makes the 60 mile ride to my grandson’s longer than I like. :(

11 years ago

when factoring your costs, make sure to factor in the difference in insurance costs and any mpg differential. Also, basic maintenance and all – most folks forget that even a new car needs oil changes etc.

Currently we have four cars — miata 99 (150K), Echo 00 (183K), subaru 96 (154K), CRV 00 (216K). Currently CRV needs a tranny swap (manual) for about $1k for the new one… we will likely do it ourselves (just like we did the engine swap 8 years ago). Saves a heck of a lot of money!

13 years ago

I also factor in the cost of repair vs. the average monthly car payment. If I have a $1000 repair on a 10 year old car and the average monthly car payment is between $380 and $460 a month, if I fix the car, I’ve “paid” for the repair after a few months since I’ve avoided a car payment.

Now if I’m saving up for a nused car, which is how I bought my last car, and I’ve got $18000 of $20,000 saved and my old car has a $1000 repair, I probably would go out and buy the nused car and put that $1000 repair cost towards the nused car. It depends on where I am in the car saving cycle.

13 years ago

New cars provide a poor value compared to buying a used vehicle. I definitely would not buy new. Even a vehicle that is ten years old is an excellent value if you buy a reputable make, model, and year. I know some used cars are more reliable than some new cars currently made.

13 years ago
Reply to  Sun

Any of these may be a good value:

World of Finance
World of Finance
13 years ago

Glad to hear Moose is going strong again! I made the same decision to put a few repairs in my old car as well. She runs great ;)

Dave Hilton
Dave Hilton
13 years ago

My truck is 13 years old and has nearly 300k miles on it. I know it’s not going to last much longer- but I’m going to keep it as long as possible. I’ll get a *new* vehicle when the average monthly/quarterly expenses (over at least 6 months or more) to keep it running are more than a car payment for something newer (2 or 3 year old pre-owned).

So if I have to make a $500 repair in month #1, no repairs in months #2 & #3, a bigger $1000 repair in month #4 and no repairs in months #5 & 6 for a total of $1500 over 6 months, I’ll keep the truck because the averaged monthly expense is less than $300. However, if the average expense starts running more than $300 per month, I’ll probably start looking for something different.

13 years ago

A car is like having a child. You must keep it and cherish it until it’s time they are old enough to move out. I am not a father, so I speak with inexperience with raising children, but I made this analogy because it would be too stupid to get rid of a car if it’s still functional. Maybe the maintenance costs are too high for its value but buying a new car may not always save money in the long haul because every vehicle has it’s fair share of problems that require expensive repairs.

Sunil l Entrepreneurship & Personal Finance
Sunil l Entrepreneurship & Personal Finance
13 years ago

if we followed your 1/10th rule none of us would ever buy (or afford to buy) a new car even at a meager $30k price range lol

Sunil l Entrepreneurship & Personal Finance
Sunil l Entrepreneurship & Personal Finance
13 years ago

a standard cross over these days will cross over $30k. you need to have a chat with my wife about the 1/10th rule. she is currently “researching” (more like browsing) lexus RSX . . .

10 years ago

Agree with above that this 10% rule really doesn’t seem well thought through, here in Australia at least.

I can see where you’re coming from but if everyone was to follow this rule & run their cars into the ground, never upgrading unless absolutely necessary, there would be no used cars.
People need to buy new cars so that they can become used cars & seeing as the average new car starts at maybe $40k dollars here anyone buying one would need to earn in excess of $400k! Not realistic…

I know for myself comprehensive insurance on a new car worth $50k was quoted at $500 per year compared to third party, fire & theft on a 15 yr old car worth $3k being quoted at $430.
This was due to safety, security, ease of sourcing parts, etc.
Then there is also fuel consumption which was reduced by half in the new car.
Obviously these things alone won’t pay for a brand new car but they need to be considered instead of completely ignored.
You seem to think initial purchase price is the only factor?

13 years ago

Sad you spent that much on brakes and rotors.

Rear brakes – 18$
Front brakes – 27$
Front rotors – 64$ each

173 dollars and about an hour and a half of work.

13 years ago

Um… look on… those are the prices for a land rover 11 years old. Best estimate I could do, but your prices won’t vary much… dont blame me.

13 years ago
Reply to  TheMonopolyGuy

I made the assumptions that you had a 2000 Range Rover 4.6L but the parts are probably the same for whatever you actually have.

Brake pads:,carcode,1363519,parttype,1684


Even if you took these parts to your mechanic and still paid for labor you’d save a bunch… Mechanics charge a huge markup on parts themselves. It wouldn’t take much to do it yourself either and save on labor as well. It’d only take a jack, tire iron and a socket wrench with a few metric sizes… probably 8mm and 10mm.

I just spent 700 on car repair this month (which brought me to this article) but I was able to rebuild my entire engine with that. 700 is extreme just for brakes.

13 years ago
Reply to  TheMonopolyGuy

Dont know anyone who doesnt do their own brakes? On a personal finance blog? Its only marginally harder than filling the gas tank… and at those prices… no wonder they need personal finance tips

The Genius
The Genius
13 years ago
Reply to  TheMonopolyGuy

Dude, are you like 26 years old who makes under $60,000 or something? Who has time to change their brake pads and rotors and buy all the parts? You’ve seriously got to do something better with your life.

You sound like a complete loser. The reason why you are poor and going to forever be a loser and troll is because of your bitterness. Only you to blame for your sad state. It’s OK to clean toilets, just be proud that you do!

13 years ago
Reply to  The Genius

@The Genius… LOL (I’m sorry, I have to laugh every time I see your “descriptive” name). Who are YOU to call him a loser? You think he’s a loser because he knows how to fix his car??? But you are a Genius because you don’t know how to? I have to admit, I know NOTHING about cars, but those whom I DO know who can fix cars are anything but losers. And Genius, I don’t care if you are 20, 40, 60, 80, or 100 years old and make $10 million a year.. you are still a loser in my book. And I know you are proud that you are!

The Genius
The Genius
13 years ago
Reply to  Janna

Wait, you don’t know how to do your brakes, and therefore don’t do your brakes yourself? Why are you even commenting? Add some value for once.

The people who work on their own brakes and have the time are fine. It’s the people who call people out for spending money outsourcing their tasks, who are the true losers. There’s bitterness all over them, much like your own comments.

13 years ago
Reply to  The Genius

@The “Genius” – Sam gives advice in this column: the 1/10 rule, which is fine for him. It’s what he believes, even if it may be impractical for those who don’t live right in a big city with good public transportation. Whatever, it’s what he knows and believes. He may “call others out” by telling people that they can’t afford the car they are driving, but it’s just a disagreement, nothing serious.

TheMonopolyGuy was trying to demonstrate another way to save money – that if you buy your own parts and know someone handy, you might be able to save a good amount of money. He probably didn’t know (and why would he, based on this article in which Sam speaks of his old junker car…) that Sam can well afford to spend $700 on brakes, and it may not be worth his time to figure out what parts he needed and find someone who could do it cheaper…. (It wouldn’t be worth it for me to do that either, and I don’t make anywhere near what Sam makes.) HOWEVER, TheMonopolyGuy was not giving this advice in a mean-spirited way… certainly way less mean-spirited than anything I’ve ever seen YOU write. The MonopolyGuy DID add value for someone who might be able to use that advice.

So what value did YOU add, “Genius”….. by calling this guy a loser?

Why did YOU bother commenting, you might ask YOURself.

I added value for myself. I don’t like to see bullies like you on the schoolyard, and it makes me feel better to say something, even if I can’t get through your thick “Genius” skull!