Getting Busy This Valentine’s Weekend! (Singles Especially)

Well folks, Valentine's weekend of love has arrived! Some are going to eat by candle light, while others will walk the beach during sunset here in California or Hawaii. For my friends out in Snowmageddonville, perhaps marshmallows in front of the fire place while playing a fun game of Scrabble. Amazingly, there are some who believe their significant other when they say, “don't get me anything. If you actually believe this line, you also mistakenly believe taxes aren't going up next year!

I'm absolutely sure there are those against the Valentine movement, how it's one big marketing gimmick for guys to spend more money than they should. Unfortunately, you're right, but there's no stopping the movement. If you end up doing nothing this Valentine's weekend, not even a small gesture like a back massage, you're screwed, and not in a good way!

The one thing I caution ladies not to do is push. The more you push about what you want or want to do on Sunday, the more your guy won't want to do anything. If you keep hinting about chocolate covered strawberries, you're going to get one big fat biscuit of nothing! So shhh, let the man figure something out and get creative. Of course, ladies can always do something for us men too yeah? Nah, it's always on us men.

Valentine's Weekend Opportunity For Singles Everywhere!

For all the single folks out there, this Valentine's weekend is your opportunity to slap Valentine's Day in the face! Yes, you might feel a little queasy when you see couples holding hands and nuzzling each other's noses.  You might want to stay inside and read a book or some Financial Samurai so you don't have to experience mushy love.  But, that queasy feeling is precisely why other than New Year's Eve, Valentine's Eve is the best time to find someone!

Today is the day to call your single girlfriends and make plans for Saturday night.  Valentine's Eve is the one night where wise, love-seeking, men go out and hope to meet like-minded women.   Careful about roaming SMB's though.  They might be out just looking to have some fun before the big day!

Seek Happiness This Valentine's Day

I used to be sad during Valentine's weekend when I was single.  It's like celebrating Thanksgiving by yourself with no family.  However, like the ambulance story mentions, you can shift the way you think and focus on the positives. 

Before going out this weekend, watch this video by Imogen Heap. It's a sad song that talks about love's heartbreak and the search for something or someone new. Get a little depressed, then realize you're free and you have the power to seek happiness. This weekend could be the first weekend of the rest of your life!

Further Reading

Dearest readers, what are your plans for this Valentine's Day? Do you plan to spend more money than normal on your honey? What's wrong with having fun during Valentine's weekend? If you are single, are you going to go tear up the town and put yourself out there, not afraid of rejection?

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Sam @ Financial Samurai – “Slicing Through Money's Mysteries”

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15 years ago

So long as he thinks of something, I’m happy. It doesn’t have to be anything, really, just something, if that makes sense!

15 years ago

I am single this year, and it’s okay. I think I was more anxious when I was with someone and worried that they would forget or ignore the darn holiday and then I would have to struggle with the conflict between feeling neglected and thinking that I shouldn’t expect anything from such a commercial and high stress, imaginary holiday. So I guess being alone is kind of a relief this year.

I actually hope I feel differently next year, though…
.-= Tracy´s last blog ..Eco Fraud Friday: Please Don’t Poison The One’s You Love =-.

The Rat
The Rat
15 years ago

I think the post highlights the importance of a spouse not pushing the other for what they want for Valentine’s Day. For example, if a dude is legit, he probably already has something planned for her (maybe not planned for a considerable amount of time but at least by the day before) and it’s the thought that matters not the size of the gift. Besides, Valentine’s Day is about being with the one you love and the material side of things should be secondary.
.-= The Rat´s last blog ..Vehicle Insurance For $50/month =-.

15 years ago

I like both those songs. I had no idea Imogen was in Frou Frou. I knew that song but had no idea she was part of a duo for that. I like buying the heart shaped chocolate boxes for 50% off the day after Valentine’s day :)

Mrs. Money
Mrs. Money
15 years ago

Great ideas! I loooove hide and seek.
.-= Mrs. Money´s last blog ..How Does Redbox Make Money? =-.

Little House
15 years ago

I can’t stress enough that love, and Valentine’s Day, is a two way street. My husband and I don’t ever really do anything super romantic, dinner and a movie is fine with me, but I do try to reciprocate any Valentine gesture. This year, I’m thinking Carrot Cake Cupcakes will do the trick. (My husband’s favorite kind of cake!)
.-= Little House´s last blog ..What Makes a City Great? =-.

Credit Card Chaser
Credit Card Chaser
15 years ago

Hmm I got my wife flowers, chocolate covered strawberries, a new dress, and new shoes so I guess I definitely got roped into the “must spend money on Valentine’s day” hysteria :) Although I enjoy doing it so no big deal. Great choice in choosing the song “Hide and Seek” as I never would have ever thought I would like something by Imogen Heap until hearing that song during a CSI episode and getting hooked lol
.-= Credit Card Chaser´s last blog ..Credit Cards, Overeating, & the Credit Card “Blame Game” =-.

15 years ago

Sadly I’m going to be spending the weekend alone — you guessed right the other day, I’m relatively newly single again (though I stand by everything I said!) Don’t worry, it’s a seasonal thing for me. We’ll both live, and we remain good friends.

Actually I’m not alone, I’m down visiting my parents and helping out for the weekend, and their 35 year relationship is always inspiring, even though certain health issues are really pushing it to the limit right now.

Feel I’ve brought the mood down in here. If you’re feeling happy this weekend, enjoy it with my best wishes! :)

Everything passes, good and bad. As you say in your post, that can be a positive as well as a negative.

15 years ago

I”m single, so not going on a date this weekend. However, I will be celebrating down in New Orleans, watching some parades and hanging out with good people. Hopefully it won’t rain!

BTW, a DJ down here, wants guys to do something for their lady on V-Day. This is BECAUSE (he swears) March 14th is steak and bj day. So if you day something for your gal in Feb, she’s returning the favor next month for the guy.

Pineview Style
Pineview Style
15 years ago

Well, I should have planned ahead and changed my W-4 so I would have had as little taxes taken out as possible, leaving more in my paycheck. Then I could go the ATM and print out my receipt and casually set it down next to me at the Single’s Bar and let all the ladies fawn all over me this Valentine’s Day!

Investor Junkie
15 years ago

@ neal@wealthpilgrim

I’m with you. I love my wife and very happy she’s in my life. I can’t believe how lucky I am!

Why must I display my affection on one specific day? Because someone a group has marketed it as so!
.-= Investor Junkie´s last blog ..Do You Value Your Time Or Your Money More? =-.

15 years ago

I can’t stand Valentines Day – I can’t stand somebody telling me when and how to express how I feel about my wife.

Join Pilgrims Against Valentines Day Now!

15 years ago

“I used to be very sad during Valentine’s weekend when I was single.”

Just throwing it out there, but I have some friends who are single that LOVE valentine’s day because any girl at a bar alone, is approchable.

The Wife and I went on our first date on V-Day 9 years ago, so every year we go back to the same restauarant and even got engaged there 4 years ago. She describes it a lot better than I do:

.-= Evan´s last blog ..Party of “No”? That is Just Garbage Populist Rhetoric =-.

15 years ago

Chocolates………………… yum! That’s all I need, a box of chocolates and a good romatic movie on DVD at home.

15 years ago

Since we have a little one who will be with us on V-Day, we’re doing a day of activities with a nice lunch rather than a fancy dinner out. All guys: you better do SOMETHING no matter what they say!
.-= 20smoney´s last blog ..Are You Maxed Out On Personal Finance? =-.

Moon Hussain
Moon Hussain
15 years ago

We’re celebrating a bit early, to miss those crowds. A delicious dinner, at a somewhat fancy restaurant. We’ve been exercising and eating in, so this should be yummy!

And when a woman says, ‘Don’t get me anything’, at least get her flowers! She might mean it, but she’s wishing she means enough for you to go against her word ;)
.-= Moon Hussain´s last blog ..Check-Off Friday: Where I Am With My Goals (And Where The Hell Are You With Yours?!) =-.

Investor Junkie
15 years ago

@ admin
Hey, I never said your taste in music is garbage. :-)

I’m all for using tech (heck it’s what I do for a living). Tech in this case gets in the way of the message (in this case the words of the song). I’m NOT for using technology for technology sake and that is what appears to have been done in this song.

IMHO this song is so over produced and the harmonizing is overbearing in the song. The message is completely lost. This could be the best lyrics ever, but it’s ruined by it’s delivery method. Again just my opinion and you know how everyone has one?

Like some of the techniques used in the 70s, 80s and 90s, we’ll look back in the future at this time period and it was the time of auto-tune! (OK this technically wasn’t auto-tune but same concept) IMHO this song is already looking dated and it was only 5 years ago. Her other work in Frou Frou (the one you have posted and say “Let Go”) do not, you can hear the imperfections in her voice.
.-= Investor Junkie´s last blog ..Do You Value Your Time Or Your Money More? =-.

15 years ago

Sam, I’m really feeling your taste in the music.

Thoroughly impressed.

I had no idea Frou Frou was part of Imogen Heap!
.-= Mike´s last blog ..Roth IRA’s: Why Twenty-Somethings Don’t Have an Excuse for Retirement Investing =-.