Green Apple Books Review: Terrible Experience

As a 22-year San Francisco resident and author of the Wall Street Journal bestseller, Buy This, Not That, I'm a big fan of local bookstores. Here is my review of Green Apple Books at 506 Clement Street, San Francisco, CA 94118.

Unfortunately, my experience at Green Apple Books was terrible. In 2022, I brought my children to buy some books. We ended up spending about $40 for several children's books. We could have bought the books on Amazon, but we decided to support Green Apple Books instead.

I learned Green Apple Books also buys books from consumers. Hence, I also brought five books to see if they were willing to buy them.

At the selling counter, I encountered the most rude book buyer named EH. He was very dismissive and curt. But I brushed it off as a guy having a bad day.

Another Bad Experience

Then six months later, I gave Green Apple Books a call to see whether they'd be willing to buy a particular book. After getting transferred around three times, I landed on the same EH guy.

On the phone, he frustratingly told me this is not how it’s done, to go look on the website, and to basically leave him alone. Then he asked for the title, I said it, and he said “NO” and hung up!

I’m not sure how this EH guy still has a job. What an a-hole that makes the entire establishment look bad. Clearly my experience with him was not a fluke.

Given my poor experience, I don't think people should buy books from them. They pay pennies on the dollar for books. This EH guy also disrespects local authors.

It is very hard to make money as a professional writer / author. I would think Green Apple Books would be more supportive of authors, who enable them to stay in business! Without authors, there would be no bookstores.

Dirty And Unorganized Store

Green Apple Books on Clement Street has local bookstore charm. The handwritten signs and staff recommends are a nice touch. However, it is one of the dirtiest and most unorganized bookstores you'll ever go into.

Maybe they keep the store dirty and old on purpose. But they should really spend more time cleaning up the store and making it look nicer as well.

Don't Buy From Green Apple Books

Instead of buying books from Green Apple Books, buy from Books Inc instead if you’re in the San Francisco Bay Area. Books Inc bookstores are cleaner, have a better selection, and have much friendlier staff.

Books Inc locations are on Chestnut Street in the Marina, Van Ness Street near Opera Plaza, and California Street in Laurel Heights.

I hope Green Apple Books will treat its customers better in the future. Maybe have a talk with this EH guy to stop being so rude to customers.

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Green Apple Books on Clement Street
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Green Apple Books on Clement Street
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Available in Store Only