Help Choose The Best Tenants From Heaven

Tenants shut out

Do you want the best tenants from heaven? As a landlord since 2005, I will show you how to get the best tenants from heaven so you can have the best landlord experience possible.

The more choices you have, the more stress you will have ironically. Blessed is thee with just one option, for there will never be a doubt in choosing wrongly!

Finding The Best Tenants From Heaven

Over 50 groups of interested parties showed up to my rental over two weekends with 20 submitting applications of interest.  I've narrowed the candidates down to five, which is four too many.  

There might not be a right choice, just a suboptimal choice because all the candidates have credit scores over 700, make 80X the monthly rent a year in income, have over 10X the liquid savings, and seem like reasonably nice people.

As a personal finance blogger, I think it's absolutely fascinating to understand what type of people spend ~$3,500/month for an apartment in San Francisco. 

I told myself 10 years ago that if I had to spend more than $2,000/month in rent, I would buy. Inflation is a powerful, powerful, thing because back then, the apartment rented for $2,200. Real estate is simply one of the best ways to build wealth over the long term.

Perhaps you can help me choose as I think about the relative pros and cons of each.

The Top Candidates

My ideal tenant is one that pays on time, is respectful of the neighbors, quiet, self-sufficient, and stays for at least two years or longer. These are the true tenants from heaven. 

Help me choose the potential best tenants from heaven.

1) Doctor

35 year old cardiologist who finished his residency a year ago and is now making $300,000 a year.  The hospital where he works is just 8 blocks away.  He has about $50,000 in savings, $130,000 in medical school debt, and a 710 credit score.  

A big positive is that he is very focused on cleanliness, given he has to scrub up at the hospital multiple times a day.  He also plans to live by himself, which reduces wear and tear.  

My worry is that he may be too anal and ask me to fix every little thing if it's not perfect.  Also, a 710 credit score, although good, is at the bottom thanks to a forgotten 12 month old missed payment that is supposedly coming off his record this year.

Update: Doctor is out. Doctor brought over his 3 other more senior doctor friends and I believe they talked him out of it by filling his mind with luxuries and riches.  My suspicion on his meticulousness came true. 

2) Loving Bliss Cat Lady

A newly wed 33 year old couple with two cats relocating from New York City.  She graduated from a Top 10 business school and works as an executive recruiter.  I'm not sure this is exactly the job she wanted after spending so much time and money going to b-school.  

The husband graduated from the same Top 10 business school 4 years ago and is in the money management industry.  They have no student or car debt and make about $150,000 each. I cannot get an employer reference from the husband because his current employer doesn't know he is looking for a new job in SF, even though the  employer is moving him out to SF to work for them!  

My other concern is that the wife is currently living at her family's house in Berkeley until her husband comes to SF.  Their application is great, and they are very nice folks who I can see living here for 4 years.

3) Big Law Lawyer

Two, male, 27 year first year big law associates who each make $160,000 base salary + potential bonus.  They went to a top 10 law school in California. The one guy was very enthusiastic and loved the place and offered to pay 3 months up front plus the security deposit. They each have about $30,000 in savings and credit scores of 780 and 805.  

The problem is, I haven't met his roommate, who is currently out of state and won't be back until end of the month and I need to make a decision soon. They are supposedly best friends, and the roommate is onboard with whatever his roommate says. The person who visited said they will likely work 70-80 hours a week as first year associates and really want a quiet place when they come home to unwind and sleep.

4) Big Law 2 

Two, male, 27 year old first year big law associates who also make $160,000 base salary + potential bonus each.  They both went to a top 5 law school.  Met both, and they seem like  fine, outstanding citizens.  

Credit scores are 770 and 790 and they too want peace and quiet because they will be working long hours. Combined savings is around $100,000.  The only problem is that I can't get keg parties out of my head when I think of two male roommates.  

They will likely each have girlfriends who will revolve through the apartment.  One will probably end up staying there every weekend, therefore the wear and tear and liability goes up.

5) Next Online Dream

Two, male, 33 year old MBA grads who make about $130,000 base salary + bonus each.  They are European but have their green cards. Credit scores are in the 780s and they have about $230,000 in savings combined. The problem is, one of the roommates brought his girlfriend, and he admitted she will be staying with them for weeks at a time. They are willing to pay 3 months rent up front + security deposit.  Very enthusiastic guys who are both at start-ups.

6) Googler

I always thought that software engineers capped out around $250,000. Boy was I wrong. A 28 year old, 2005 grad from CalTech who works for Google put down he makes $450,000 a year and has $400,000 in savings. I am thoroughly impressed with his financials.

He relocated from New York City and plans to live alone, although he visited with his girlfriend who also works at Google and has her own place. He did not put down his credit score which is weird.

I'm also concerned that after a year he will move out and buy a place with his girlfriend/fiance. Hopefully she actually just moves in with him and they live together for two yeara after his first year or so.

Note: I realized after typing these five out that I didn't highlight a two female or single female combination. There were definitely female applicants, but their applications were much weaker for some reason.  A couple females lived at home with their parents for one year, which makes me nervous because that doesn't make them self-sufficient.  

One female just graduated college a year ago and makes $35,000 a year but wrote down she has $300,000 in savings. Bank of Mom & Dad? Her roommate graduated four years ago and makes $105,000 a year + bonus and also has $300,000 in savings. Wow.  

Another female makes about $120,000 and has a great application but didn't follow up and said she needs a roommate.  That's a problem because I need to meet the roommate from the beginning and don't want to have to go through this process again.  There were no female MBAs, lawyers, or entrepreneurs interestingly enough.

Which Tenant Would You Choose?

The other 15 applicants have profiles very similar to the five above.  The only really unique person is the cardiologist who seems solid, but has a lot of debt, seems quite anal, and has a below average credit score.  

After a year of living there, he could decide that with his now $400,000+/year income, he'd like an even nicer place and split. Ideally, he would be too busy working for the next two years to notice. Maybe he'll find a woman in year three, get married, and live together in the place for another two years.  Who knows!

I really am afraid of my tenants throwing raging late night parties and obnoxiously loud NFL football parties because that's what guys do. That's what I did when I was younger. Two guys just seem to be messier than a couple and the cardiologist. I really don't want to piss off my fellow homeowners, who make up the majority of tenants in the building.

After checking all the boxes, choosing a tenant is a big leap of faith.  I'm just hoping I'll get a good one who will take care of the place as if it were their own.  Help me select the best tenants from heaven!

Wealth Building Recommendations

Explore real estate crowdsourcing opportunities. Tenants from heaven are rare. But they can be found with enough dues diligence. If you don't have the downpayment to buy a property, don't want to deal with the hassle of managing real estate, or don't want to tie up your liquidity in physical real estate, take a look at Fundrise, one of the largest real estate crowdsourcing companies today.

Real estate is a key component of a diversified portfolio. Real estate crowdsourcing allows you to be more flexible in your real estate investments by investing beyond just where you live for the best returns possible.

For example, cap rates are around 3% in San Francisco and New York City, but over 10% in the Midwest if you're looking for strictly investing income returns. Sign up and take a look at all the residential and commercial investment opportunities around the country Fundrise has to offer. It's free to look.

Fundrise Due Diligence Funnel
Less than 5% of the real estate deals shown gets through the Fundrise funnel

Shop around for a mortgage. Check the latest mortgage rates online through Credible. They’ve got one of the largest networks of lenders that compete for your business. Your goal should be to get as many written offers as possible and then use the offers as leverage to get the lowest interest rate possible from them or your existing bank. When banks compete, you win. Mortgage rates are at all-time lows post pandemic!

Best tenants from heaven and lower mortgage rates

Updated for 2021 and beyond. Never settle for a terrible tenant. Always keep searching for tenants from heaven.

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13 years ago

From reading the comments, it looks like you are leaning toward Googler. That would have been my first one to cross off! Why didn’t he give you his credit score? Also, when I was 16 I put I made $100,000 on a credit card application. They gave me 5k credit limit. Anyone can put down a huge number.

Andrew Hallam
13 years ago

And if you find out that one of the law couples is a “couple” choose them. My gut says that they would look after the place as if it were their own.

Andrew Hallam
13 years ago

Hey Sam,

I’d go with the meekest law couple. Maybe you can speak to the missing guy on the phone. I’m amazed that you’re able to get so much personal info out of everyone? Is that normal when renting in the U.S.? If so, I think it’s awesome!

Sustainable PF
13 years ago

Not sure why the love for #2 is so great. I’d go #3. More savings, credit scores virtually identical to #2 and you’ve met them both – with a good impression at that.

Aside from these 2 i’d contact Googler and ask for the credit score

Sustainable PF
13 years ago
Reply to  Sustainable PF

… and if he’s unwilling to disclose you can close the book on Googler.

Cherleen @ The College Investor

I have never been a landlord but I think the candidate #2 would be the best fit. With their busy schedule at work, I doubt if they still have the time to throw out parties and gigs.

Sandy - yesiamcheap
Sandy - yesiamcheap
13 years ago

Pick one. They seem decent. Background check them all. If you need a resource I’ve got one. Interestingly, mgmt company just signed a new lease with the new tenant. He wanted 2 years. I said no. One year maximum. I need to see what he’s like. Frankly, he’s already a pain in the ass. One year with renewal option then we can talk about long term.

Sandy - yesiamcheap
Sandy - yesiamcheap
13 years ago

I am paying them 10% per month of all rents collected plus one months’ rent to fill the vacancy. I think that it’s a good deal.

Doctor Stock
Doctor Stock
13 years ago

Harmony is key… got for the stable love birds (#1). Unless they look like a divorce waiting to happen… wow, that’s horrible to say isn’t it? Well, I was going to say something about lawyers, but I bit my tongue.

Doctor Stock
Doctor Stock
13 years ago

I agree… the love birds are likely a great way to go… and just because you had a great experience with a lawyer, shouldn’t null you into believing all will be so “great.” Geez… my suspicions creeping in again…

World of Finance
World of Finance
13 years ago

Good luck with your choice Sam! Sounds like Googler could be a good choice, perhaps even stay for 2 years (as he works on his longevity). Seems like you prefer a couple over two male tenants.

Amanda L. Grossman
13 years ago

I have never been a landlord…curious–did you look up their credit scores, or have them include that information on the application?

Amanda L Grossman
13 years ago

Wow! That is much more rigorous than apartments I have lived in. Ofcourse…my rent was between $350-$950, not $3,500 per month. Thanks for the information!

Ben @ BankAim
Ben @ BankAim
13 years ago

You would think a doctor would just buy a house? They have a decent amount of savings for a great down payment, a decent credit score (yes they wouldn’t qualify for the top interest rates, but a 710 score still gets them a great rate), they also have a very stable job. So if they are willing to rent at $2k/month, why wouldn’t they just by a house.. or in the near future they would get ‘smart’ and realize they should just buy their own place.

I’d agree that none of them look solid for long term rents but definitely solid renters.

Financial Independence
Financial Independence
13 years ago

I do not think that doctors are so focused on cleanliness. It is in a hospital somebody has to clean the mess after then.
Like with all the rest, the streets are clean because comebody else does it.

I think that none of them look solid for long term rent. All of them dinkies, pushing high thirties…

On ther other hand I am surprised that you have learnt so much about them, just to rent a few square feet…

With the market I am glad you have been so lucky, but in many places it went down dramatically, and most of the people after all taxes and
maintenance hardly making 3%, while prices of the property is going down. If you are still paying mortgage for it it is really pain.

Admittedly i invested myself into couple of properties, they should be out of the woods in 13 months or so..

The Wealthy Canadian
The Wealthy Canadian
13 years ago

Often, some of best tenants can stem from companies looking to rent. Sometimes companies offer lodging to their employees and in my view, this can offer good stability in terms of honoring lease arrangements and respecting your property.

Don’t get me wrong, I’ve had superb tenants that have rented from me on an individual basis, and things have worked out tremendously well.

Sometimes it’s not about the profession either. I’ve had people having high managerial roles
rent a unit from me and which ended up creating a ‘Daddy Day Care’ scenario whereby they would call whenever a light bulb needed to be changed out.

Choosing a tenant can be a challenge but if done properly, the experience can certainly be a positive one.

All the best,

13 years ago

I can’t believe how hot the rental market is! I heard a woman say on the bus just yesterday night that she’s scared to move because of how competitive it is out there to get a place. Sounds like you have a great pool of applicants to choose from. If it was me I’d look at all the things on paper and also how the applicants have interacted with me and what their personalities are like.

You want to pick someone that you’re comfortable communicating with in case something needs fixing, they lock themselves out, etc. I like that the doctor is just one person and sounds like he’d really take care of the place. At the end of the day you want tenant(s) that are responsible, respectful, and independent. Best of luck!

13 years ago

Number 1, and I don’t even think it’s close. Your negative, being too anal and asking to fix everything, is actually a positive in my view. I’d rather know about a small problem that is easy to fix when it’s still a small problem, instead of waiting for it to become a big problem that is difficult and expensive to fix. Without going into too much detail, a doctor cannot be fired / layed off so he has the most stable income.

13 years ago

You identified risks with all of them! Any one of them could move because of the level of savings. The doctor may be the least likely to move because of proximity and his debt. All of them have the possibility of throwing wild parties. This is why after you analyze all the numbers, you have a feel for the people involved. If you can visit where they currently live, it may help. I realize some are moving from out of town. Hopefully, you have a gut feel for one over the other.

13 years ago

Your Googler could easily move out! I wonder why he is renting anyway! When people do not comply with instructions, I always wonder why? Could they be hiding something or was it an honest mistake? It seems as though you are trying to make this very black and white and it isn’t. You are dealing with human beings. There is an acceptable risk with all of them. Which do you like the best? Good luck.

Jon - Free Money Wisdom
Jon - Free Money Wisdom
13 years ago
Reply to  krantcents

Krantcents — I agree with you. I would choose either the first lawyers or the computer tech for Google. They seem like the less rowdy crowd and the ones with their head screwed on straight. You seem to have a great selection to choose from! Good luck!

20's Finances
13 years ago

I would go with number 1. The cleanliness and the proximity to his work make him an ideal candidate because he will take care of the property and the convenience factor (of walking to work) is most likely to keep him from moving after one year. He also would be very focused on work because he is either doing what he loves or doing it for the money and therefore less willing to want to go apartment hunting as long as the apartment meets his needs and doesn’t have a major inconvenience. Also, I personally wouldn’t care to own a place of my own if I were making that much money. I would much rather rent for the convenience factor and invest the money that I have left over. Those are my thoughts… (It’s hard to tell without meeting them personally)