Hernandez Engineering, located at 1390 Carroll Avenue in San Francisco is a TERRIBLE general engineering and traffic control systems company.
Their work is sloppy, expensive, and they seem to purposefully take a long time to get projects done based on a job I observed near the Inner Sunset neighborhood in San Francisco, California in mid-January 2020.
Hernandez Engineering Review
In addition, I spoke to a Financial Samurai reader who reported in an alarming incident by Hernandez Engineering. This is what he told me:
I'm a resident in Golden Gate Heights and had the displeasure of almost getting into an accident and getting into a verbal altercation with a Hernandez Engineering employee driving a white truck.

While driving on 15th avenue, one of their employees, a heavy set white guy with sunglasses swung his white truck around well into my lane. I stopped, of course, but he started throwing his hands up and yelling.
I then backed up to give him room, even though he was in my space. Before finishing backing up he slammed on the gas and tried to ram through the space, almost hitting my car!
The guy was either drinking or high on drugs. If not, then he clearly is a belligerent employee with total disregard for the neighborhood and traffic laws. I wouldn't want him anywhere near my home and definitely wouldn't pay to hire him or a company that is careless enough to employ people like him. He should drive on the right side of the road, follow traffic laws, respect the road, and respect the neighbors.
Clients Beware
If you are considering hiring Hernandez Engineering for any general engineering or traffic safety work, I would advise against it.
I've lived in San Francisco since 2001, well before Hernandez Engineering was formed, and I'm shocked they are still in business. They are intimidating employees with no regard for the rules. They don't apologize for their behavior either.
Stay away from this company. Pictures and videos of the incident are available per request.
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