A Home Insurance Policy Review To Understand What’s Covered

One of the worst experiences for a homeowner is filing a home insurance claim only to be told it's not covered. After years of paying premiums, the insurance company doesn't deliver when it's needed most. What a disappointment.

This disconnect happens because we rarely take the time to review our home insurance policies each year. With confusing terms like Actual Cash Value (ACV) and Replacement Cost Value (RCV), it's easy to feel overwhelmed and ignore the details.

But as a Financial Samurai, it’s crucial to always be prepared for the worst. Whether it’s knowing how to protect your family from a home invasion, spotting a staged car collision scam, or anticipating the policies your next mayor might push, being prepared empowers you to keep moving forward, no matter the challenge.

A Review Of Your Home Insurance Policy

Let’s review some home insurance basics. If you have a mortgage, your bank requires you to carry insurance, which you pay for. However, if you own your home outright, you’re not legally obligated to maintain coverage.

Below is an example snapshot of a home insurance policy costing $3,900 a year, and I'll walk through each item.

Home Insurance Policy Basics

Dwelling Coverage (Coverage A, $1,771,000)

Dwelling coverage is the amount needed to repair or rebuild your home. In this example, the dwelling coverage is $1,771,000 for a 4,800 square foot home, which translates to $369 per square foot. It's important to do this calculation and compare it to the current cost of construction in your area.

In San Francisco, $369 per square foot is low, but it’s likely more than sufficient in places like Little Rock, Arkansas. According to Farmer's Insurance, the industry standard is closer to $602 per square foot in San Francisco. Ask your home insurance agent what your city's standard is.

If you live in an area where property values and construction costs are rising, your dwelling coverage may gradually become insufficient. Some insurance companies automatically adjust your coverage every few years, but in many cases, you'll need to proactively ensure your coverage amount is accurate.

Below is a breakdown of how they arrived at the $1,771,000 in dwelling coverage. This breakdown also gives insights on the high cost of remodeling an undamaged home.

Below is the dwelling coverage breakdown of $1,771,000 and how they came up with it. - Home insurance policy review

Personal Property (Coverage C, $708,400)

Personal property insurance covers your belongings—furniture, electronics, appliances, clothing, and anything else that would fall out of your house if you turned it upside down. In this example, personal property coverage is $708,400, which is 40% of the dwelling coverage. That’s a substantial amount! Many policies set personal property coverage as a percentage of dwelling coverage, often with 40% being the minimum.

This approach offers an interesting glimpse into U.S. consumer culture. Insurance companies base these percentages on millions of past claims to establish a baseline.

Personally, I find $708,400 excessive for my belongings. Aside from collectibles (coins, books, sports memorabilia) and family pictures, there isn’t much of significant value in my home. We don’t own designer furniture or expensive art. So, if a robber targeted my house, they’d be disappointed.

For those following a minimalist lifestyle, like many personal finance frugal enthusiasts, this coverage might feel far too high.

Separate Structures (Coverage B, $88,550)

This covers the cost of repairing or rebuilding structures on your property other than your main home, such as fences, a barn, or a detached garage. It's important to clarify with your agent whether an attached garage without living space counts as a separate structure. In most cases, it should be considered part of the main dwelling.

Personal Liability (Coverage E, $300,000)

Personal liability coverage protects you if someone is injured on your property or if you’re legally responsible for damages to another person’s property. Here are some examples of what it might cover:

  • A guest falls down your stairs
  • Your child breaks a neighbor’s vase
  • A delivery person slips on your sidewalk and breaks their arm
  • Your dog bites a neighbor
  • A tree falls and damages a neighbor’s property

For those who entertain frequently at home, personal liability coverage is crucial. In this example, the policy includes $300,000 in liability coverage, which seems reasonable. However, if you host a large party and your balcony collapses, that $300,000 could be quickly exhausted.

if you feel personal liability coverage is not enough, then definitely get an umbrella policy. The umbrella policy goes above your car insurance and home insurance policies.

Loss of Use Coverage (Coverage D, $177,100)

Loss of use coverage is essential because you’ll need a place to live if your home becomes uninhabitable. Depending on your location, it could take years to get permits and rebuild.

To calculate your needs, estimate the monthly rent for a comparable home, multiply by how long you think the rebuild will take, and then add 50% as construction often takes longer than expected.

For example, if renting a similar home costs $5,000 per month and you anticipate a 12-month rebuild, multiply $5,000 by 18 months to get $90,000. For total destruction, plan on 24-30 months of renting elsewhere.

In this home insurance policy, Coverage D accounts for 10% of Dwelling Coverage.

Medical Payments (Coverage F, $1,000)

Medical payments coverage takes care of reasonable medical expenses for guests accidentally injured on your property. It can cover medical bills, ambulance rides, stitches, X-rays, and more. This coverage is designed to offer a quick resolution to minor injuries, avoid lawsuits, and show goodwill. It doesn’t apply to you, your household members, or injuries related to business activities.

The maximum limit is typically $5,000, but you can often increase it. In this example, medical payments coverage is only $1,000, which you may want to increase.

Home Insurance Deductibles – Important To Know!

A homeowner must pay a deductible before the insurance company pays out a claim. Deductibles are usually 1% to 10% of your dwelling coverage (Coverage A). The higher the deductible, the lower your premiums, and vice versa.

Let’s review the deductible for this policy.

Home insurance deductible breakdown example

Liability coverage (Coverage E) with a $0 deductible means you don’t pay out of pocket for liability claims. For example, if someone slips and falls on your property and sues you, the policy will cover up to $300,000 without any deductible. The insurance pays the claim up to the coverage limit stated in the policy.

This home insurance policy has a deductible of $88,550 for each claim under Dwelling Coverage (Coverage A). If you experience a loss, it must exceed $88,550 for coverage to apply. For instance, if a fire causes $120,000 in damages, the insurance will cover $31,450, while you pay the first $88,550.

Important Action Point on Deductibles

Insurance carriers often set a default deductible when quoting a policy. It's essential to ask how the premium changes at different deductible levels, ranging from 1% to 10% of your Dwelling Coverage. Your goal is to find the right coverage at the right cost.

For example, if you're among the 40% of homeowners in America without a mortgage, and your primary residence makes up only 20% of your net worth, you might not need extensive coverage. You could raise your deductible to 10% of Dwelling Coverage, which in this case would be $177,100. Doing so might reduce your premium from $3,900 to $2,900. The decision comes down to whether saving $1,000 annually is worth the higher out-of-pocket cost for claims.

Opting for a high deductible essentially provides you with catastrophe coverage. If you live in an area with no history of frequent catastrophes, this could be a worthwhile strategy. However, if your region experiences regular disasters, you might prefer a lower deductible despite the higher premium.

Percentage of homeowners without a mortgage

Actual Cash Value vs. Replacement Cost

When settling property claims, it’s critical to understand the difference between Actual Cash Value and Replacement Cost. When filing a claim, Replacement Cost is preferable, as the insurance company covers the current cost to replace damaged items. In contrast, Actual Cash Value takes depreciation into account, meaning you may receive far less.

For example, this policy pays ACV for roof materials. If your roof is 40 years old, the insurance company might only pay 10% of the cost to replace it, while Replacement Cost coverage would pay 100%.

According to Farmer’s Insurance, if they lack records showing the roof was replaced within the last 15 years, the policy defaults to ACV, which can also apply to fences and other structures—ultimately saving the insurer money while costing the homeowner.

Of course, Replacement Cost coverage is more expensive than Actual Cash Value. That's why it’s important to ask about the cost difference. If you’ve recently remodeled your home or replaced the roof, opting for Actual Cash Value coverage could save you money.

But if your home is 60 years old, Replacement Cost coverage might be worth the extra expense. It’s like getting a new iPhone 16 to replace your damaged iPhone 7 with Replacement Cost.

The Most Common Home Insurance Claims in California

Now that you know all the home insurance coverage basics, I thought it'd be good to share the most common home insurance claims in California. The percentages will vary by state to state, but at least these percentages will give you a good idea for optimal coverage and protection.

  • Water damage: The most frequent claim, making up 56.9% of all homeowners insurance claims. Of these, 17.44% are due to plumbing leaks within walls or shower pans.
  • Wind and hail damage: These account for nearly 16% of claims, including damage from falling trees, flying debris, and harm to fences, roofs, and homes.
  • Other covered losses: Represent 10.25% of claims and include equipment breakdown, spoilage, service line damage, and walls or fences hit by vehicles.
  • Theft and break-ins: Make up 9.41% of claims.
  • Fires: Comprise 4.03% of claims, often resulting in significant damage from lightning or kitchen fires.
  • Bodily injury: The least common, accounting for 1.16% of claims.

If you're remodeling or building a house, pay close attention to the plumbing. Pipes erode and joints fail. If your plumbing hasn't been updated in decades, it's wise to consider some preventative maintenance. In my experience, water damage has been the most common issue by far. I've had repair a ceiling due to a flooded tub, fix a broken water, reinstall leaking windows, and repair a leaking light well.

Looking back at the water damage incidents in my homes over the past 21 years, I wouldn’t have filed an insurance claim for any of them. Each repair cost less than the deductible. Hence, something to think about when determining your deductible or whether you want home insurance at all.

A Note On Flood Insurance

Your home insurance policy likely does not cover damage from floods originating outside your house (heavy rainfall, overflowing river, storm surge). Flood insurance is usually a separate policy provided through programs like the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) or private insurers. If you live in a flood zone, an area with heavy rainfall, or a region prone to hurricanes, it's crucial to look into flood insurance as well.

Also, ask your insurance agent if damage from heavy rains leaking through your roof while you were away for a week would be covered. A fellow parent told me this is what happened, and home insurance covered everything, including a completely kitchen remodel and paying for relocation for 18 months.

The Growing Cost Of Home Insurance

Home insurance costs are rising due to several factors: natural disasters, increasing construction costs, more people moving to high-risk areas, and industry consolidation. Nationwide, premiums rose by 34% between 2017 and 2023, and they continue to climb.

Below are the most expensive states for home insurance in 2024, with Florida leading at about 3.5 times the national average. Surprisingly, California isn’t in the top 10 despite the attention it receives for wildfires. This is because fire risks are concentrated in specific regions, such as Sonoma and Napa counties.

If you're planning to buy a home, it's crucial to get a home insurance quote beforehand. This will give you a clearer picture of your total cost of homeownership. Just like the true cost of owning a car includes maintenance, taxes, insurance, and potential tickets, the true cost of owning a home extends beyond the purchase price.

Most expensive States for Home insurance

Know Your Home Insurance Policy Inside And Out

I hope this gives you a clear overview of what to look for in a home insurance policy. If you're ever unsure about a term or a specific situation, don’t hesitate to ask your insurance agent. Come up with various home insurance claim scenarios and have them explain how much you would pay versus how much the insurance company would cover.

Your goal is to find the most affordable policy that adequately protects one of your largest assets. A key part of feeling secure is understanding exactly what your home insurance policy covers—and what it doesn’t.

Stay safe and knowledgeable, everyone!

Have you reviewed your home insurance policy recently? If so, did you update any coverage amounts? What are your thoughts on choosing a lower deductible versus a higher deductible? And would you consider going without home insurance once your mortgage is paid off?

Invest in Real Estate Without the Hassle

Real estate is my favorite asset class for building wealth. If you want to invest in real estate without dealing with tenants, maintenance issues, or insurance agents, check out Fundrise.

Founded in 2012, Fundrise manages over $3.2 billion for nearly 350,000 investors. The firm focuses on single-family and multi-family properties in the Sunbelt, where property valuations are lower and cap rates are higher. With the Federal Reserve likely to enter a multi-year rate cut cycle, the potential for lower mortgage rates could boost demand.

I’ve been investing in private real estate since 2016 to diversify my portfolio and generate more passive income. Fundrise has been a long-time sponsor of Financial Samurai, and I've personally invested over $270,000 in Fundrise to date.

To expedite your journey to financial freedom, join over 60,000 others and subscribe to the free Financial Samurai newsletter. Financial Samurai is among the largest independently-owned personal finance websites, established in 2009.

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5 months ago

My deductible for wind & hail just went from a fixed amount ($5k) to %-based and is now over $20K. With declining value of roof with age, it sure seems like I don’t even have wind & hail insurance anymore given the roof damage is the most likely.

Total replacement and rebuild value seems ridiculous as well – what kind of disaster requires a total rebuild of your home except for a massive fire that gets no attention?

It seems to me like insurance has now gamed the various deductibles, and likelihood of damage so that there is actually very little in “real” insurance coverage provided, but at enormous costs.

If I’m basically self-insuring except for some very rare catastrophe, then it seems the better course of action is to simply try and minimize costs?

5 months ago

So what do we do? Just try to go for the lowest coverage possible & cost? It’s gone up over 200% in 7 years.

5 months ago

Weston FL very close to the Everglades 3,800sq with a value of $ 1.2 million we paid 11k homeowner and 3k for flood, property taxes for new buyer will be around 20k a year but we have homestead and I purchased my home in 1999, therefore , my taxes are 11k.

5 months ago

When you purchase home you apply with property appraisers office. It’s basically automatic approval on primary residence. No homestead on rentals

5 months ago

Hurricane Milton’s eye went right over my house in Sarasota, I wasn’t in the state, and I didn’t expect my home to be standing, but for the grace of God…
My insurance has doubled every year and even though I’m 14” above sea level and don’t need flood ins, I do have it. Still, had I lost my home, all my insurances combined wouldn’t have been enough. So it’s bye bye Florida, within a year.

5 months ago

Will sell in a year or so, market is too soft. Maybe I can add in the MLS, house survived the eye? New England is my happy place and one can rent in Florida for a few months, if the cold is unbearable.

Michael James
Michael James
5 months ago

My insurance for the same house in Orlando went from $1200 in 2020 to 1800 to 2800 to 5600 to 7600 this year. It’s really ridiculous.

5 months ago

3600 sqft, 1.4-1.5M, downtown location, not in a flood zone

5 months ago

Thanks for so many thorough details in this post. Yes so true about getting a policy before closing escrow and really understanding what is and isn’t covered.

My mother had two incidents related to flooding in her home this year that caused a lot of damage but her insurance policy doesn’t cover it.

Michael James
Michael James
5 months ago
Reply to  Jamie

I learned the hard way in 2022 that you should always have flood insurance.

5 months ago

Lightning strike and hurricane damage in the same month…$280k in damage. Insurance wanted to blame rising flood waters…took 2 yrs and finally settled last month

5 months ago

Home owners Insurance insurance adjuster said it was wind driven rain which is covered. They said that their Adjustor didn’t know what he was doing and blamed it on flood and said the claim was denied. They did not pay for a place to live because of this though after 2 yrs they did pay most of the renovation in the settlement, but not all of it.
We lived in a variety of places but also lived upstairs with our 3 teens while the first floor was gutted. The ultimate outcome was good, but definitely not worth what we had to go through.
I got flood insurance after so it really doesn’t matter what they say the cause is now.
Before the lightning and hurricane claims, I had never made a claim in 20 years of owning homes, but it really only takes one major claim to make all your years of premiums worth it (in the end).

5 months ago

The house was a tear-down from the mid-2000’s so was already pretty close to current codes. Having said that, the things that cost the most were brought up to code. The water got in under the wood floors and caused mold so everything on the first floor (including the kitchen) had to be pulled out.

5 months ago

Definitely obtain a house insurance quote before closing. In California finding house insurance has become difficult, and the board of Realtors is allowing the inability to obtain insurance as a reason to cancel a purchase agreement.

However, even this is not sufficient. After we purchased our California house in 2022 and obtained an insurance quote, State Farm sent an underwriter to the property and cited excessive granular loss on the shingles. After a bit of arguing, we were given a one-year grace period to have the shingles replaced. It was a chaotic race to get that finished on time!

5 months ago

Hi Sam,
Would it be possible to review Flood Insurance as well? I’m not in a flood plain, but after I saw Sandy’s damage from NJ to Vermont, I got it. I started with the Federal Flood Insurance, which gives you $250K, and then the next year, I went to private flood insurance with Lloyds of London and doubled the coverage to $500K. From what I understand, homeowners insurance covers if the water comes from above. Flood insurance covers if the water rises from below. Tragically, most homes hit by the rising waters of Hurricane Helene did not have flood insurance. As they say on the Weather Channel, “If you live in a place that gets rain, you should have flood insurance.”

5 months ago

I can give you two examples of 2 different homes of different sizes and construction materials:
In Florida, Lloyd’s premium $1,557 for $621,000 Building, $100,000 Personal Property, $30,000 Increased Cost of Complinace, $5,000 Loss of Use.
In Massachusetts Lloyd’s premium $567 for $250,000 dwelling, $100,000 personal property, $10,000 loss of use. I hope this helps.

5 months ago

The Florida insurance is $5,200 and the Massachusetts is $1,600. I could not give you a cost to build in Florida but I got a quote last year in Massachuesetts and it was $500/sf.

5 months ago

Sam, the Vermont homes were on hills but got flooded, no where is safe.

5 months ago

Yes we have fluid insurance at $800. Re VT, they had issues two years in a row, I’ve driven those very roads.

5 months ago

Just asked hubby, it’s $970, not a free standing house, it’s a villa, so footprint is smaller. For flood coverage is 125k and contents 50k. We are underinsured for sure but our HOA is responsible for damage on the outside and our regular ins covers other damages.

Michael James
Michael James
5 months ago

Unless you go private, the max policy for flood insurance is $250,000 dwelling and 100,000 for personal property and zero for your loss of use

5 months ago

even the desert floods during monsoon season!

Michael James
Michael James
5 months ago
Reply to  Harold

100% agree! there’s no good reason not to have flood insurance. Most people assume their insurance policy covers them if they’re not in a flood plane, but that is definitely not true. As you said rising, floodwaters are not covered unless you have a separate flood policy.

5 months ago

Excellent article. Replacement value should include bringing the house up to current code standards. That should be verified because it is another example of an iPhone upgrade.

One issue I pay attention to is how insurance companies treat their customers. When my neighbor and I had defective shingles, my insurance company paid up without issues. Her insurance company (I forget which one but it is a national one) was giving her a hard time last I knew.

Insurance is like tires, you normally get what you pay for.

Todd Benson
Todd Benson
5 months ago
Reply to  Chuck

So true! More important than ever to know what you’re paying for and to do your due diligence on the carrier as so many have abandoned the goal of good customer service. What used to be covered (icemaker line leaks, slab leaks, etc.) are not being covered under many policies. I’m an attorney and have owned a restoration company (specializing in water and fire clean up) for close to 40 years and I find that insureds call me more for help in “navigating” the claims’ process than they do for repairs. Choose wisely and get an advocate on your side when filing that future claim. It makes a huge difference.