How To Pay Off $35,000 In Credit Card Debt In One Month

Credit Card Debt

Are you wondering how to pay off a lot of credit card debt in one month? Let me show you how. It's really quite simple.

Several years ago, I put around $35,000 on my one and only credit card thanks to a home remodeling project and a new watch purchase.

My “reward” was a 1% rebate towards my home mortgage, which is not bad considering $350 paid to principal is thousands in interest savings over the life of the loan.

$35,000 is the most I've ever put on a credit card in one month and it felt kind of odd. But, I really wanted to create a new bathroom from a closet to add functionality and value to my house. 

Endless Things To Buy With A Credit Card

There's an amazing amount of stuff you need to buy when building a new bathroom: wall tiles, toilet, limestone, shower heads, copper pipes, sinks, mirrors, lights, deep soaking jacuzzi jet tub, lights, light fixtures, paint, doors, crystal knobs, skylight, ventilator and so forth. $20,000 in materials adds up quick!

The watch was a Stainless Steel Daytona that cost $9,600, which I promptly sold for a profit three weeks later because a friend begged me to sell it to him! For those who know watches, the Stainless Steel Daytona is one of the most coveted watches on the market, which can't be bought in any store.

You need a jeweler, connections, or a history of purchases to gain access to this particular watch. It's a big waste of money, but one of my weaknesses that I so conveniently categorize as a hobby to justify. Besides, I used to make money part time as a watch dealer.

Add on all the other normal purchases of food, insurance, membership dues and transportation costs, racking up $35,000 in credit card debt in a month is just as easy done as said!


When the bill came due 30 days later, I had a choice of paying the minimum (stupid), paying a portion of it (stupid), or paying it all (commonsense). I spent a good 15 seconds deliberating what to do, and came up with the following steps to show you how to pay off $35,000 in credit card debt.

1) Log into your bank account.

2) Identify which account (checking, savings, money market) has at least $35,000.

3) Transfer $35,000 to your linked credit card account and press send.

4) If you credit card account isn't linked, send an electronic check for $35,000 from your checking account to the appropriate address.

5) Kick back and relax, knowing that you just got to borrow $35,000 interest free, while getting reward points in the process.

Pretty simple right? There wasn't any funky 0% credit card transfers, nor was there a liquidation of investments, or a loan from my 401K . The bill was just paid off, like all bills are supposed to be paid off every single month.

If you can't pay off your entire credit card bill in one go, pay off as much as possible so that you sacrifice spending on everything else. You must feel the PAIN of paying down debt if you really want to.

Credit card companies are charge usurious interest rates that will keep you poor forever if you don't pay the debt off. Not even the great Warren Buffett returns as much as credit card companies charge its consumers.  

Don't Let Credit Card Companies Rip You Off

There's no way I was going to let the credit card company charge me 9.8% interest for that month.  Even with the 10-year yield below 3.5%, and inflation still benign, I cannot believe that the lowest rate I can get with a 780+ credit score is just below 10%. Ludicrous!

You might be wondering where the insight is. Well, it's right in front of you. The reason why I can pay off $35,000 in credit card debt in one month is because I was approved by the credit card company. 

You Can Only Get As Much Credit As Your Income Allows

No credit card company will give you a line of credit without checking your credit history and income level to make sure that you can pay. If they never checked, they'd surely lose a ton of money with poor creditors and blow themselves up.  Companies are not stupid if they plan to survive.

When you read stories about people paying off $70,000, $80,000, and even $100,000 in credit card debt, it's not that incredible. The reason why they have $70,000-$100,000 in credit card debt is because they have a high level of income to support such credit lines. 

In other words, having such high credit card debt means you can afford it, otherwise, you wouldn't have it in the first place!

Please read the best and worst types of debt so you can better grow your finances.


You wouldn't lend an unemployed 22 year old college grad with $100,000 in student loans much money, if any. Whereas you wouldn't mind extending a $50,000 line of credit at a 10% interest rate to a doctor whose been making $650,000 a year for the past 5 years and has a 780 credit score. Everything is aligned, just the way it should be.

The media tends to trick you with asymmetric information. There's really little to worry about with the typical US consumer.  Only a small minority of people are delusional enough to spend more than they earn or have. More people have more money than you realize.

Furthermore, everybody knows that not paying back what you owe is a highly dishonorable thing to do. The good thing is that credit card companies prevent you from blowing yourself up by giving you only what you can afford.

The next time you are amazed at someone paying off a huge amount of credit card debt, don't be. Just like how no student gets into $100,000 in debt if they don't plan to work in a lucrative field after college.

Very few people get into massive credit card debt without being able to afford it. To do so would be like dropping dumbbells on your toes on purpose! You can never count out the US consumer. We are logical and strong like bull!

Related: Pay Down Debt Or Invest? Implement FS-DAIR


One of the best way to become financially independent and protect yourself is to get a handle on your finances by signing up with Empower. They are a free online platform which aggregates all your financial accounts in one place so you can see where you can optimize your money.

Before Empower, I had to log into eight different systems to track 25+ difference accounts (brokerage, multiple banks, 401K, etc) to manage my finances on an Excel spreadsheet. Now, I can just log into Empower to see how all my accounts are doing, including my net worth. I can also see how much I’m spending and saving every month through their cash flow tool.

Finally, they recently launched their amazing Retirement Planning Calculator that pulls in your real data and runs a Monte Carlo simulation to give you deep insights into your financial future.

Empower is free, and less than one minute to sign up. Ever since I started using the tools in 2012, I've been able to maximize my own net worth and see it grow tremendously.

Personal Capital Retirement Planner Tool

Is your retirement on track? Check with PC’s Retirement Planner

Updated for 2018 and beyond. Now is more important than ever to track your net worth because the easy money has already been made. I suspect uninspiring times until 2019-2020 as we've just gone through a 7-8 year bull run since the financial crisis. Refinance your mortgage, increase your savings, and watch your money like a hawk!

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Rosemary Flor
Rosemary Flor
1 year ago

What kind of advice is this?

9 years ago

Wow…. this is the most absurd site I have stumbled onto! It caught my attention because the hook. The$35k pay off in one month. That is the same amount of debt that easily destroyed my credit. It doesn’t take a lot of money or time for this to happen. However, it does require ignorance and a person without a real concept of money.
I do not consider myself a total idiot when it comes to doing the simple math.
This took a single life altering, all consuming event leaving me incapable of handling many other areas that were once a part of my daily routine and luckily remained unchallenged for the 30 years of marriage to a man with a cunning flair for financing along with the time and mind frame to develop some skills that the not so shrew happy housewife would be finding herself boning up on. I took the gift and my responsibility to raise them to become outstanding representives of their generation. The sudden divorce left me clueless about financing in the outside world and my security came from credit cards. I had no other occupation to fall back on nor the emotional fortitude.
I spent beyond my means very quickly as I was the one out of my home. There are tjousands of men and women with credit in shambles from divorce that are struggling every day while you prance around dabbling with your jewelers.
My ex can do the same and its not so impressive when i dont have a way to make ends meet in a studio above a garage. im happy for the ones that sit too comfortly. I had hoped to learn from your advice. Not to hear you boast.To actually believe that there arent thousands out here in financial ruin from credit cards is coming from man that has nothing of value to say to them. And its an insult to deffer from this PROVEN and much more obvious fact coming from a man that wouldnt be so ignorant had he not had his $35k ditting in the bank. Bully for you and the many that do. But leave your comments about those that dont in your fancy receptical.
Your head is just in a higher pile of sand. pound it up there. I am more impressed with a parent raising chilren on a dime than your advice on selling a Watch with a Brand Label. On your wrist it screams pompous ass. I will keep it real and not subject myself to your blog.
I would gain more helpful insight from investing in a Madd Magazine.
I cant argue the fact that I had

13 years ago

My wife and I can’t have children and we going to adopt. Our adoption is going to cost us $35000, I make $37,000 a year and my wife makes about $45,000. I wish it was that easy to “transfer $35,000 over” and pay it off in one month. Easy for you to say.

Besides the $35,000, we normally have around $4000 in our savings that is “our” money that we put there. I consider that pretty good for being 30 years old and only making what I make. That’s about 12% of my salary. If $35,000 was in your savings, assuming thats about 12% of your salary, then I guess you would be making close to 300k a year. I pay stuff off all the time $1500 here $2000 there. So when you brag about your $35,000 payoff in one month, you don’t impress me because its the same thing as what I’m doing and most other people as well. So go buy another $10,000 watch and make yourself feel good. I’ll buy a $100 watch that will tell time just as good as the ones only special people have access too.

13 years ago

“No credit card company will give you a line of credit without checking your credit history and income level to make sure that you can pay. If they never checked, they’d surely lose a ton of money with poor creditors and blow themselves up. Companies are not stupid if they plan to survive.”

Sorry dude but you are wrong with half of that premise, that may have been true with that credit card u got back in 1975 but today there is rarely an income verification process with major banks, you see verification done with most credit unions because of their stricter underwriting standards but not the majors simply because the majors process applications in massive volumes;generally relying upon the credit report. Occassionally Amex will conduct a FR and have u send in documentation.

No Debt MBA
13 years ago

Wow, your $35k month makes my max of $7k look like small potatoes and I was charging six months worth of rent on top of the usual!

I have to agree with the other commenters that consumers are not all rational and can loose track of how much they spend in a month (or months if they never check their statements). Justin made a good point that most information on an application is self reported as well. However, I also agree with you that the media does tend to fear monger in this area and every other area.

Amanda L. Grossman
13 years ago

You made me gulp at your expenditures on your bathroom!!! We are renovating our master bathroom and small downstairs bathroom right now, and our spending is in the few thousands. This is for three new vanities, two toilets, closet storage/shelving, new tiled floors, and a new bathtub. Of course we are doing most of the work ourselves, so that accounts for a lot of savings.

I hope your new bathroom is great–sounds like it is:).

L Marie Joseph
L Marie Joseph
13 years ago

You’re right. Financial bloggers are good with money. 70 percent of people cannot pay their credit cards off in full

L Marie Joseph
L Marie Joseph
13 years ago

Sam you are a true capitalist. Good move on the

Most people would have paid the minimum and carried the debt
for years. You’re in the minority

Amanda Morgan
Amanda Morgan
8 years ago

You’re either a moron or completely delusional. Many people have no choice but to spend more than they make – health crises, lowered saleries (yes, even among formerly high-earning professionals – physicians, hedge fund managers, etc.). You assume that one’s income always remains at the same level and that no life circumstances intervene, such as a person suffering a significant health issue and being unable to work and not having disability insurance commensurate to their salary. Yet, there are still mortgages, car payments, school tuitions, food…all the expenses incurred by being alive and perhaps having other people who depend upon a salary which has taken a sudden, perhaps disastrous, hit. Under such circumstances, savings can dwindle to zero in very little time.

I am glad that your life experience is apparently such that you have never known anyone undergoing financial hardship. Please put your blissful ignorance aside and perhaps offer some truly useful advice for paying off high credit card debt in situations in which one does not have $35k sitting in a bank account.

Jacob @ My Personal Finance Journey

I just looked up the Stainless Steel Daytona! That’s quite a watch!!! My roommate from college also had a hobby for collecting watches!

I think it’s a great idea to use the credit card for large expenditures like this, provided like you said, that you have the money to pay it off. 1% cash back is $350! Not bad!

Robert @ The College Investor

You know, I think banks do offer to extend credit that is a bit more than you can afford, in an attempt to get you to spend and rack up fees for the bank. But then again, if you fall into this category, you may be a financial dumb ass!

13 years ago

I remember getting tons of credit card offers as a student. Credit card companies can be so evil that way trying to lure poor students into the dangerous world of plastic money. Interest rates on credit cards are horrible these days too. Gone are the days of 7-9% interest.

Justin @ MoneyIsTheRoot

Sam, I love pretty much all of your articles, but Im starting to think you are purposely messing with us on this one. I think what you did with your credit card is great, but the assumptions you are making seem to contradict most of what we have experienced. There are a ton of personal finance bloggers who started blogging because of the severe debt they have experienced. In fact, a very good portion of the Yakezie. LoL you have to be messing with us…consumers tend to be illogical.

David M
David M
13 years ago

I also think Sam does not 100% believe all the talk about people being rational and thus never overspending. However, he always replies back that he does.

However, being a good writer and having opinions that are a little out of the norm but defendable -is a great way to bring traffic to your sight. Sames opinions and great writing – certainly make me look forward to seeing a new post from him!

13 years ago
Reply to  David M

I agree with you guys- Sam, are you messing with us? ;)

I was expecting to see a huge revelation on how to pay off $35K in credit card debt, and saw the simple answer and was surprised.

Some people believe that credit card debt isn’t debt if you can fully pay it off when the bill is due.

My University Money
13 years ago

I really wish everyone had your common sense Sam, but sadly I don’t think they do. You talk about how paying back debts is the honourable thing to do, and I completely agree, but I believe you overestimate the average consumer.

Take a look at all the people that are buying into this whole, “strategic foreclosure” practice. I think that people are beginning to take their cue from the government and not exercising basic money management principles. Instead they are using the modern day principles of: “I want more now, we’ll worry about the future tomorrow.”

13 years ago


The post doesn’t make sense at all. It assumes that money is sitting in an account to pay the bill in full every month for every single person, and that is just not true.

If 1/1/2011 I receive a check for 10K, spend 10K from checking account and still charged 4K – then I had spent 104% of my income.

It seems like you are just saying I am more responsible than most people which is fantastic lol

13 years ago

I wouldn’t…you wouldn’t…but it goes back to a lot of people are not rational lol

Justin @ MoneyIsTheRoot

Yes people are extended credit according to income, however, I dont remember ever sending over a pay stub to the credit card companies? Do any of you?? I stated it on a credit request application. No I dont spend more than I make, but at one time I did, and by quite a bit…that led to increasing debt month over month.

I would also bet that that the recently unemployed, the one’s who had credit prior to being laid off, are spending more than their earning…. I doubt unemployment makes up for it all. How about all those people that took out interest-only loans, only to have interest come due and not have the money to pay their mortgage each month? Often times they put other expenses on credit while paying their mortgage, until everything caught up with them. No that wasnt me, but I do have more than one friend in that situation…and the housing bubble burst for a reason.

I agree with media blowing just about everything out of proportion…I mean corporate stocks dont even trade based on balance sheets anymore, just speculation. But that doesnt mean that some of it isn’t at least partially true.

13 years ago

“Just like how no student gets into $100,000 in debt if they don’t plan to work in a lucrative field after college…”

I don’t think this is true – LOTS of students rack up significant student loan debt with no real idea what they want to do after college, and no real sense of how much debt they are accruing. To many college students, any number with 3 zeroes behind it is a fairly abstract concept. And today, student loan debt is so common that many students simply EXPECT to have large loans when they graduate, because “everyone does, and therefore it’ll surely work out fine.”

Justin @ MoneyIsTheRoot

My student loan debt was 35k… another friend of mine about 20k…another friend about 65k…and then another at 200k (this one has yet to graduate, and will be in a low paying field). I dont mean to beat back everything you say Sam, but I these aren’t out of the ordinary examples, at least not with the people I know I guess.

As far as the mentality of expecting to have large student loans… I certainly was in that school of thought… I figured I made out great with only 35k…now years later, I wish I had prevented the loans before they happened.

Justin @ MoneyIsTheRoot

She plans on becoming a social worker

Justin @ MoneyIsTheRoot

Sorry Sam, neither rich, nor does social work pay a lot (which we both know)… what happens, happens. Just saying your theory isnt entirely correct

13 years ago

Rolexes smack of nouveau riche, especially the “limited edition” models. I’m still amazed how many people buy into their marketing. It’s probably a good thing that you sold it off to your friend, at a profit no less.

13 years ago

This is an example how you can make money with money. I used my rewards credit card for a minor remodel for my daughter’s condo. It was a quick 25,000 miles in less than three weeks and yes, there was cash to pay it off immediately. Having the cash provided the opportunity to make additional money!

13 years ago

Yes, but there is a big BUT Sam. While people are not given lines of credit without a background check, not all use it responsibly. Many people can do what you did without a problem, but some people screw up.

But comparing the government to a consumer (as you did in your Tweet) brings up entirely different issues. Yes, the government can write a check to pay off any loan. But unlike a consumer, if the bank account doesn’t have enough to pay the check, the government can just make up money to fix the issue.

I don’t have to explain the long term impacts on the economy of one person screwing up to the government getting into an overwhelming level of debt to you.

Justin @ MoneyIsTheRoot

Yeah well job loss, and the declining real estate market, are financial mishaps…that unfortunately happened to quite a few people at once.

Everyday Tips
13 years ago

The people I know that get in to trouble with credit card debt are not the ones that have one card with a huge credit limit. It is the people that take out numerous credit cards and charge them all up that seem to get in financial trouble instead.

everyday tips
13 years ago

I know when I was in college, there was no shortage of credit card offers being sent my way. I could have really gotten myself into trouble. I did get a few cards, but fortunately, I did not charge them up. I did have some late payments though, and the offers kept on coming.

I can’t say what the exact rules are within credit card companies are when they decide to offer a credit card to certain consumers. However, the people I know that got in trouble had many cards and charged them up. Maybe when they got the cards, their credit was good. Then bad circumstances happened and they charged up every card they had.

10 years ago
Reply to  everyday tips

I had the same thoughts, but then I watched In Debt We Trust and read The Two-Income Trap by Elizabeth Warren. History repeats itself: my dad did an ARM back in the late 80s, early 90s thinking it made sense because the government surely would regulate the cap on mortgage interest rates. When he was up for a mortgage interest readjustment, the interest rates were at 19%. Lots of people went into foreclosure… we lucked out because my dad is a conservative immigrant who just happened to have a $90k cushion to throw down on the principal so we could tread water until the next chance to refinance. I’m sure he had other plans for that sum, but it turned into an emergency fund fast.

The next time he bought a house, he took the 30-year fixed-rate mortgage and has been adamantly against anything else ever since.

If you truly want to understand and can suspend disbelief, the above two resources let you see how legal usury contributes to people “spending” more than they earn… Not on purpose or out of irresponsibility, but by systematic predation of consumers who don’t know the fine print can put you underwater fast. Talk about demographic profiling. She’s highly sympathetic to the middle class, and will give you insight into how people who aren’t as smart or financially conservative get screwed. There’s a reason your credit card offers increase after declaring bankruptcy… because you’re the credit card’s best customer! Until recently.

The 2008 financial crisis has resulted in a lot of belt-tightening, which explains why “spending more than you earn” seems impossible now. There’s a reason Canada didn’t melt down the way the US did… they have more conservative and responsible banking practices.

Then, to understand people’s mental blocks around owning their financial lives, you can read All Your Worth, also by Elizabeth Warren. Empathy. Get some.

13 years ago

“Only a small minority of people are delusional enough to spend more than they earn or have.”

I have to respectfully disagree here, although I wish you were right (from my perspective). There’s a huge segment of the population that will overspend because of basic ignorance.

The negative savings rate in this country (until of late) illustrates this perfectly for me.

David M
David M
13 years ago

Sam thanks for the Laugh!

I’m not replying to this email as I know what you will say – exactly what you wrote to Macrochesse!

david M
david M
13 years ago

We have had this discussion many times at least twice in the past and we are just going to agree to dsagree on this one! :)

Aspiring Millionaire
Aspiring Millionaire
13 years ago

I don’t overspend but 75% of the people I know do, chronically infact. I know so many people who have overspent to the point they lost their house, cars repossed, had to move back in with parents (I am talking over 30, married with kids).

So sadly, yes there are a lot of people who still overspend, but more people are coming to their sense I think and many people in bad situations now are that way from earlier mistakes and they are now learning from it.

Great story btw. :)

David M
David M
13 years ago
Reply to  MacroCheese

Don’t worry about me I do not overspend.

What I was first referring to is, I read this post early this morning, when no one had posted. I knew we would not agree and thus I did not post. However, I knew how you would respond to anyone who thought more people than you do overspend. This is why I wrote, “thanks for the laugh” I laughed because I knew what you would write which made me laugh and smile.

I posted about how I made money using credit cards – not sure if it got lost or whether you deleted. If you deleted, I understand as it was not really on topic. However, you should write a post that allows people to write about all the things they have done to “make money” with credit cards. Or maybe I should create my own blog like you told me a few months ago!

I’m off to Japan for vacation tomorrow – flying first class with frequent flier miles! (Most of the miles were from credit cards!

Money Beagle
Money Beagle
13 years ago

That’s awesome and it also is good that you netted a profit on the watch. I’m still rocking out my $50 Fossil watch from a few years ago, so that’s definitely something I *cannot* relate to at all :)

13 years ago

what does the watch have to do with the rest of the story?

13 years ago

Now that’s smart use of a credit card! You got a month of interest-free loan and $350 free money on top of that!

8 years ago
Reply to  Moneycone

Wow what an idiot , so I have 10 grand in savings . I do a 20 $ dollar upgrade on my house and I use my credit card then I transfer the money to my credit card for a few lousy points wow your a financial genius lol , not many people if any , have 35k kicking around in their bank account asshole , and yes credit card companies always give people more credit then they can handle and they always end up spending it all and fucking their credit over but the credit card companies like this cause they make a shit ton of mo why on Interest .