How Much Can I Contribute To My Self-Employed 401k Plan?

A self-employed 401(k) plan is a great way to save for retirement if you are an entrepreneur or solopreneur. A self-employed 401k plan is also know as a Solo 401(k) plan. This article will discuss how much you can contribute to your self-employed 401(k) plan.

For 2025, the IRS says you can contribution up to $70,000 to a self-employed 401(k) plan. The amount should go up by $500 – $1,000 every one or two years.

For 2025, the $70,000 self-employed 401k plan limit consists of $23,500 from the employe and $46,500 from the employer. Therefore, to contribute the maximum to your self-employed 401k plan, you must pay yourself enough and have high enough operating profits. You can't just contribute whatever you want from the employer contribution.

The employer can generally contribute roughly 20% of its operating profits to the employer portion of the 401(k) plan. Therefore, in order to contribute the maximum employer contribution of $46,500, the company would need an operating profit of at least $232,500 ($46,500 dividend by 0.2).

If you’re at least age 50, then you can make an additional $7,500 catch-up contribution.

Self-Employed 401k Historical Contribution Limits

For those of you who are self-employed or side-hustling with a full-time job, this article will help you figure out how much you can contribute to your tax-deferred Solo 401k with an example.

You can't just write a check for the maximum 401(k) contribution amount. There's a formula you need to follow based off your operating income. I'm personally shooting to contribute $100,000 a year pre-tax in a Solo 401(k) and SEP-IRA given I am an employee and a freelancer.

Remember, if your employer has you in a 401k plan, you can open up a SEP-IRA if you're side hustling. And if your employer has you in a SEP-IRA, you can open up a self-employed 401k to contribute more pre-tax dollars to your retirement.

If your employer has you in a 401k plan, you can also open up a self-employed 401k. However, it wouldn’t make sense to do it because the total employee contribution is limited to $23,500 across all your 401k plans for 2025. The contribution limit goes up by $500 every couple years on average.

Here's a historical 401(k) contributions limit plan for employees and employers with the catch up contributions amount if you are over 50.

historical 401(k) contribution limits through 2023 and how much you can contribute to a solo 401(k) plan

Self-Employed 401k Plan Contribution Calculation

A year after I left my corporate job in 2012 I opened up a self-employed 401k aka Solo 401(k) plan to keep my 401(k) contributions going as a sole proprietor. If you're an independent contractor with no full time job, no employees, and no company sponsored 401k, I suggest you do the same if you want to defer taxes and save more for your retirement.

Little did I know that contributing the maximum $17,000 in 2012 was not really the maximum. The employee contribution is only one part of the plan. There was also the profit sharing side of the equation from the employer as you see in the chart above and the example below.

Let's say you make $100,000 in gross income (revenue) as an independent contractor and after $30,000 in expenses, you’re left with $70,000 in operating income before 401k contributions and taxes.

Here is how much you can contribute back when the max 401(k) contribution was $18,000.

Solo 401k Contribution Calculation Example

Solo 401(k) Contribution Equation

You can use this example to easily calculate your own contribution amount after you've calculated your Operating Profits. Just remember 92.35% X 15.3% X 50% to apply to your operating profits and then multiply by the result by 20% to get your employer profit sharing contribution.

Contributing $31,010 to your self-employed 401k plan is quite a hefty sum that will quickly add up to a large retirement nest egg over time. You are essentially saving 31% of your gross income or a hero worshipping 41% of your operating income.

Doing some simple math, you need to make an operating income of at least $180,000 after the 1/2 Self-Employed tax deduction to be able to contribute $36,000 in profit sharing + $18,000 employee contribution to equal the maximum $54,000 a year. Easier said than done. But an operating profit figure to shoot for all the same.

Self-Employed 401(k) Plan Details

Note: The reason why self-employment tax for a sole proprietor is based on 92.35% of self-employment income instead of the whole amount is this:

1. 92.35% = 100% – 7.65% employer's portion of SE tax (6.2% social security tax + 1.45% medicare tax)

2. Normally, an employer incurs a 7.65% expense on each dollar paid to an employee.  However, a sole proprietor does not pay himself a salary so he can't deduct the 7.65% of SE tax on his Schedule C.  The SE tax gets deducted directly on the form 1040 instead of Sch C.  But for the sole proprietor the SE tax is a real expense, so that's why the formula shows a reduction of 7.65% to the SE income.

Don't Make These Common Self-Employed 401k Contribution Mistakes

1) Only contributing up to the maximum by the employee. Don't forget the profit sharing portion in #2 if you have leftover operating profits.

2) Calculating the profit sharing contribution based off gross income before operating expenses instead of operating profits. Otherwise, you will over contribute.

3) Not deducting from operating income the 1/2 SE tax deduction, which also leads to over contributing.

Excess Self-Employed 401k Contribution Withdrawn by April 15

If you over-contribute to your 401k, you have until April 15 of the next year to withdraw the excess amount. Your employer must amend your W-2 to show the returned amount as wages. Thus your gross income will be higher and you’ll pay more taxes.

For example, assuming your 401k portfolio made money in 2023. The earnings from the excess contribution will be taxable income for 2024.

What a pain. This is why I recommend everybody round DOWN the amount they get to contribute to be safe. If the calculations say you can contribute $36,800, just round down and contribute $36,000 to be safe.

Excess Contribution NOT Withdrawn by April 15

Source: IRS Databook 2015
Audit percent by incomee. Source: IRS Databook 2015

So what happens if you don’t notice that you’ve over-contributed to one or more 401k plans until after April 15? In this situation, the excess contribution is taxed twice, once in the year when contributed and again when distributed (the next year).

Also, the earnings from the excess contribution will be taxable income for the following year. If the mistake is not corrected, then the IRS may disqualify the entire 401k plan retroactive to the beginning of year 1. This results in the employee’s entire 401k account balance to become income to the employee which would have massive adverse tax consequences.

But the main reason why you want to be more conservative in your self-employed 401k contribution is not the fine. The main reason is the stress of getting an IRS audit letter in the mail. It will also take time to amend your tax returns. This process can take hours.

I'd much rather miss out on contributing an extra $1,000 in my self-employd 401k than go through the torture of dealing with the IRS.

Remember, when in doubt, round down your self-employed 401k contribution amount.

Deadline To Contribute To A Self-Employed 401k?

The employee deferral contribution must be elected by December 31 of the year you want to make the contribution. However, some 401k third party administrators (TPA) may allow you to set up your 401k plan now and backdate your election. The actual contribution can be made up to the tax filing deadline including extensions.

Therefore, the contribution for your 2024 self-employed 401k can be made as late as October 15, 2025 if that’s the date you file your tax return. To be safe, after your CPA has calculated your self-employed net income, give your financial advisor one month to work with the TPA to set up the 401k plan.

When Should I Contribute To My Self-Employed 401k?

So long as you have revenue, you can start contributing the employee portion up to the maximum immediately. Contribute the maximum to your self-employed 401k during the same calendar year. It's up to you whether you'd like to contribute in bi-weekly, monthly, quarterly, bi-annually, or random lump sum increments.

For the employer profit sharing portion of your self-employed 401k contribution, you should probably wait until after you do your taxes to figure out your profit and loss. You can always conservatively guesstimate your employer profit sharing contribution if you don't feel the need to be exact.

Just remember the money you do contribute to your self-employed 401k can't be touched until age 59.5. You don't have to contribute the maximum if your liquidity needs are high.

If you are an employee, with such large 401(k) contribution amounts, you may also want to consider the mega backdoor Roth IRA. This way, you can contribute much more than the employee maximum contribution and diversify your retirement income.

Start Side Hustling To Contribute To A Solo 401(k)

I hope everyone now knows how to calculate what they can contribute to their self-employed 401k plan. Go over the example a couple more times if you are still confused. And check with an accountant if you want to be extra sure. Make sure you don't contribute too much to your self-employed 401k plan. If you do, it can be a pain to unwind the contribution.

Given the benefits of being able to contribute to a self-employed 401k plan, I highly recommend you start your own online business. Not only can you contribute your operating profits to a tax-deferred self-employed 401k plan, you can also deduct business expenses.

Be A Consultant Or Freelancer To Contribute To A 401(k)

If you don't want to start an online business that can't be shut down during the coronavirus pandemic, be a rockstar freelancer. Being one allows you to contribute to a solo 401(k) as well.

If you are only a W-2 employee, your 401k contribution is capped at the maximum a a year + any 401k employer match (average is 3% of base salary). Unfortunately, very few employers are generous enough to contribute ~20% of their operating profits to you.

For those who work at startups or money-losing organizations, you are SOL in terms of receiving any profit sharing. You'll get paid below market rate, have options likely not worth what you hope, and get minimal retirement benefits.

At least you'll be doing exciting work that you enjoy. Do not underestimate the many benefits of having a steady day job. If you work at a money making organization, you should inquire about your employer’s 401k match and profit sharing plans.

Looking to reduce excessive 401k fees?

Sign up for Empower for free and use their Portfolio Fee Analyzer tool. The tool will show you how much in fees you're paying. I had no idea I was paying $1,700 in 401(k) fees four years ago until I ran the tool.

Now I'm only paying about $300 a year in fees. Excessive fees is one of the biggest drags on making more money and retiring earlier.

You can also use Empower to track your net worth, track your cash flow, and optimize your investments.

Reduce 401k Fees
Don't pay excessive 401k fees!

Achieve Financial Freedom Through Real Estate

In addition to contributing to a solo 401(k), also consider diversifying into real estate. Real estate is my favorite way to achieving financial freedom because it is a tangible asset that is less volatile, provides utility, and generates income.

In 2016, I started diversifying into the Sunbelt to take advantage of lower valuations and higher cap rates. I did so by investing $954,000 so far with real estate crowdfunding platforms. My goal is to diversify my real estate exposure and earn more 100% passive income.

Best private real estate investing platforms:

Fundrise: A way for accredited and non-accredited investors to diversify into real estate through private eFunds. Fundrise has been around since 2012 and now manages about $3 billion for over 350,000 investors. For most people, investing in a diversified private real estate fund is the way to go. 

CrowdStreet: A way for accredited investors to invest in individual real estate opportunities mostly in 18-hour cities. 18-hour cities are secondary cities with lower valuations, higher rental yields, and potentially higher growth due to job growth and demographic trends. If you have a lot more capital, you can build you own diversified real estate portfolio. 

Financial Samurai Fundrise investment amount and dashboard
My Fundrise investment dashboard with real estate and venture investments

Both platforms are Financial Samurai sponsors and Financial Samurai is a six-figure investor in Fundrise Funds. I like Fundrise because they offer funds investing in residential real estate in the Sunbelt region, where valuations are lower and yields are higher.

For more nuanced personal finance content, join 60,000+ others and sign up for the free Financial Samurai newsletter. Financial Samurai is the best personal finance site on the web today.

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Alex Hamilton
3 years ago

I have been calling around asking the usual suspect brokerage firms of whether they have the feature of an in-plan Roth conversion. Is anyone using this or aware of a brokerage that does this?

I’m specifically asking about after tax dollars (not Roth contributions) that are converted to a Roth within a plan. This is a huge advantage if you are already hitting the limit on deferral or Roth contributions. It prevents all the gains with your after tax dollars from being taxed from the get go.

The only place I can find as of April 2021 is mysolo401k. If anyone has experience with this 3rd party, please let me know. Apparently Fidelity accepts a 3rd party plan documents to perform this feature however you need to pay the 3rd party for their plan.

5 years ago

Solo 401(k)s are not ERISA plans, thus do not fall under the guidance of the Department of Labor. Deadline for employee contributions is the tax filing deadline. Please see Publication 560.

5 years ago

Confused about order of contributions: I make between $35-40k a year with main career, I paid off debts couple months ago and now save half of my income, and am self-employed. $18k is basically close to what I’d save anyway. While I’m hoping to save a more than $18k a year in the future (I make $3-4k a year the last couple years with bank bonuses) I’m still unclear on whether I should save into solo 401k/SEP IRA first, or HSA, or Roth? I expect income to stay fairly similar, I am lucky enough to have 4 days off a week apart from rando side hustle music gigs, like to keep my sanity and live life both now AND later.

5 years ago

I’m trying to find information on if you can max out an i401k at the 56k and then contribute 5500 to a generic IRA (I know Roth is better but I cant convert old IRA to Roth IRA without a heavy conversion fee). Is it legal to max out both?
Do you have an article about this?

5 years ago

Does the deduction of the employer part of solo 401k come off of the schedule c reducing SE tax at all, or does it only come off of the net income taxable income on form 1040? In other words, does it save you in SE tax?

William LIss
William LIss
5 years ago
Reply to  Eva

Article lacks information on self employed running at or near no profit.
If I bring my operating income down to $36k. Being over 50 years old can I contribute $18k o my 401(k) plan as the employee, $9k as the employer and $6k in catch-up contributions?
In other words bring my income to nearly nothing?

6 years ago

Thanks for the article!

With a 401k, you can roll it over to an IRA when you leave your employer. Can you explain how to rollover your individual 401k to an IRA?


6 years ago

Very good article. Thanks for writing it.

My wife have 1099 income of about $25k. Net income after subtracting expenses is $24k. She does not have any other income and she is 50+ of age. To my understanding she can contribute $18.5k + $6k = $24.5k towards her own contributions to solo 401k. The plan contribution can be just $500 and so she will be limited to contributing max up to $25k (1099 income) to solo 401k.

If my math correct? Is she able to contribute $25k, $24k or ($24k – 1/2 of SE Tax)?


6 years ago

Can u take a loan from the solo 401k? R there any limits?

5 years ago
Reply to  Bb

No. You can’t take a loan from your “solo 401(k)” if you are self-employed.

4 years ago
Reply to  Jeff

Not true – you ca absoluetly take a personal loan from your self-directed 401K.

6 years ago

Sam, I have a full-time job since August 2017, which the employer was once a client, and I still have some clients on the side. My employer does not have a 401(k) and I want to take advantage of the Solo 401(k). How much can I contribute? Can it be 100 percent of my side hustle income or is it a percentage of my profit? Additionally, since my employer does not offer a 401(k) plan, can I contribute a percentage of my W-2 income, or must it only be based on my side hustle income?

6 years ago

Hi, I’ve recently started my own business where I am an employee of my own company. Both my husband and myself are employees, while it’s a side gig for him, it’s my main gig. The company is on track to bring in 130k-150k gross. My tax consultant told me to put myself on payroll so I’m personally making 60k and was hoping to contribute excess company income to my i401k. Seeing how I’m paying taxes differently, I’m not sure your formula above applies?

5 years ago
Reply to  Lindsey

If you are an employee — which is what you are describing — then the whole article doesn’t apply to you. The general idea does (start a 401(k) plan for your business), but the specifics do not.

6 years ago

Great article!

a quick question

At the present time I have a job that is not offering 401K and I dont have any other side hustle either but income siurce in the form of dividends, rental income, interest from p2p lenders etc)

That said can i open a solo 401K with after tax money (either from my pockets or from such dividends, rental income) with the sole purpose of tax defferal?


7 years ago

This was a fantastic article. I loved seeing the calculation details. Could you expand on this for how much can be deferred by a husband and wife working a side business? Specifically, what if the husband has a W2 job with 401k, and also has a side business with his wife. How much can they both save in pretax accounts? I’m sure many people would like to see this.


7 years ago

I am independent contractor and have LLC just for myself. I have solo 401k account with Fidelity. I have been contributing 4.5k per month for last 8 months because my operating income should be close to 180k. So far I have contributed 36k out of 54k for 2017. Ideally I can still contribute 18K to make it 54K.Two quick questions:

1. What does “employee deferral”mean ?
2. Do you have till 12/31/2017 to contribute to solo 401k or till 04/15/2018 ?

7 years ago

Thanks for this post. It was really helpful. I have one question that I can not figure out… Can I use my W-2 income to pay into my individual 401k?

Gary Taylor
Gary Taylor
7 years ago

Can you retire after 10 years with your 401k,and how due I find out how much entrance i get a year on my money my employer take out of my check. I’m 53 years old and I’m not really understanding how this work and I’m trying to figure out how much will be in my 401k in about ten years I only get about $26,000 a year can someone please help me with some answers

7 years ago

Question about SEP contributions. I opened my SEP a couple of years ago when I was making about $25k on a 1099 job. This year I’m going to make less than $2k in 1099 off a very small side hustle. My gig became a W2 job and I’m going to jump into their 401k on May 1. Can I contribute to the SEP this year and if so, how much? Thanks!

Jennifer duke
Jennifer duke
7 years ago

My husband has a business that has had a loss several years in a row. He has recently taken a w2 job and I was wondering if I could offset that income by opening a solo k for him and using the w2 income to fund it?

8 years ago

“If your employer has you in a 401(k) plan, you can also open up a Self-Employed 401(k), but it wouldn’t make sense to do it because the total employee contribution is limited to $18,000 across all your 401(k) plans.”

It still makes sense if you want to execute a Mega Backdoor Roth since

1) Most employers have 401Ks that neither allow non-deductible non-Roth contributions as it would cause them fail non-discrimination testing NOR in service distributions/conversions to Roth
2) a SEP-IRA does not allow any employee contributions

So the prospect of executing a Mega Backdoor Roth may be worth additional fees of solo 401k vs SEP-IRA

Brian Chong
Brian Chong
8 years ago

Hi Sam,

There’s also a Combo-K plan where you can put away up to $424K a year! It’s a hybrid plan that mixes 401(k), profit sharing, and cash balance plans. I’m setting up one now for a reader of yours.

Maximum retirement contribution:
@ age 35 = $127,400
@ age 50 = $240,000
@ age 65 = $424,000

Brian Chong, CPA

7 years ago
Reply to  Pedro Sanchez

Yes, if you use this worksheet, then the employer contribution for the solo 401K is less than what Sam shows if he uses Schedule C as a sole proprietor to account for his expenses.

9 years ago

You didn’t address it in the article, but am I correct in stating that you cannot contribute more than $18K as an employee to a 401k and a solo 401k combined in a given year?

So if I contribute enough to get my employer match $5K per year to my regular $401k, I can contribute up to $13K to a solo 401K Plus an “Employer Match” of up to 20% of operating profits.

That seems to be the best way to hack the situation, but I could be mistaken.

9 years ago

Coming from a family/community oriented culture, when I first learned about 401(k), I was kind of puzzled as to why would someone put his money aside to an account, and do nothing with it for the rest of his life when he can:
1. Start a business
2. Invest in their kids(education, their business) who in return can pay them back much more when they succeed, and it’s a shared wealth.

I’m tying this comment to your previous articles related to the Millenials and their relationship with finances and their parents.

I understand that when you have reached a high level of financial success, your risk tolerance decreases. But that’s a very small minority of the population, for the rest of us who dwell closer to the median household income, that doesn’t seem to be the best option.

Idk but being so obsessed about retirement investments, and expecting them to slowly grow just perpetuates a passive attitude and desire people have for an easy and average life. It makes them dependent on their salary job and 9-5 work lifestyle. Yes, it’s better than living paycheck-2-paycheck, but still far behind having your own business. Having $50K of disposable cash a year, you can easily start a business. Even if you have a business, you can still reinvest your profits back to your business.

And what’s all this eagerness to reach financial freedom and retire early. Noone really retires at 40. You might take a break, but not really retire. If you’re the type of person that can make the type of money that can set you free, you’d surely not give up on your lifestyle and mission. If I have a goal to reach $1Mill worth of assets, I’m sure that once I reached it I’d strive for $5 or $10Mill goal. But, I might be wrong, I still have to get there myself.

Having said all that, I’m investing 20% of my pre-tax paycheck to my 401(k). :P
Thanks for sharing your knowledge FS

9 years ago

Actually Sam, I calculate the amount that can be deferred into a solo 401K differently than you and yet conform to IRS rules. The IRS permits that the company contribute 25% of employee compensation to an employee’s solo 401k. So in your case, if my company earns 70,000 after expenses but before payroll taxes, I pay myself $65,000 on a W-2. The companies expenses are further increased by payroll taxes of $4,972.50. The company contributes $16,250 to my 401K and i contribute the max which if under 50 years of age is $18,000, for a total contribution of $34,250, or $3,240 more that the rule you are using. So you pay the same 15.3% to Uncle Sam one way or another but by cutting yourself a W-2, you can defer more $$ to your 401K and thus shelter more income. I’ve been using this formula or years and my accountant assures me it is IRS compliant.

Pedro Sanchez
Pedro Sanchez
9 years ago

You cannot pay SMALL salary. Salary has to be reasonable; otherwise, expect an audit from IRS.

9 years ago

Assuming that my net profit exceeds the maximum social security cap, I pay myself that cap in salary, which enables me to nearly max out the top allowable. My accountant has warned me as well that if My Sub S makes $150,000 after expenses, that I am playing with fire if I don’t pay myself a very healthy salary.

9 years ago

Sam, I don’t believe it’s accurate that you cannot contribute to both an employer 401(k) and an individual 401(k). If you are an employee you can contribute up to $18,000 per year and if you have an individual 401(k) plan you can contribute a percentage of any self employed operating profits as Sam describes above. You can’t contribute more than $18,000 in “employee” contributions between the two plans.

If anyone has authority to the contrary would love to hear it. Otherwise, would suggest that Sam adjust the post.

9 years ago

Is the SEP IRA the same as the Self Employed Solo 401k? I am still confused, so will just ask a question here. I work full time and so does my spouse. We both make the maximum contributions to our 401K’s. I started in LLC last month under a single person LLC filed under our personal taxes. I will preface this by I have not met with our CPA yet to determine what I can do as far as retirement with the side hustle.

Can I start a SEP IRA? I thought the maximum contribution is $5,500 for the IRA? Maybe I am messing everything up. lol

The plan is to meet with our accountant after she does our taxes this year and figure out what I can do with the income from the new business (side hustle). The projected income from this side hustle is $12,000 to $24,000 this year, with a huge upside potential depending on how much I want to do with it over the next few years. Thanks Sam! I love reading your blog….it is inspirational and motivating!