How To Spend Lots Of Money, Feel Good, And Not Give A Damn!

Want to spend lots of money and not feel bad? Only after publishing CD Investment Alternatives did I realize the article is irrelevant to those of you who don't save or don't save much. I'm always trying to make my articles as relevant and helpful to as many readers as possible, so I apologize for skipping over you non-savers!

Personally, I've been saving and investing aggressively since 1999, the first year I got a job out of college at Goldman Sachs. I had to get in a 5:30 am and stay until 7:30 pm most nights. It was brutal. If I wanted to retire by 40, I needed to save, save, and save some more!

But a big part about self-improvement is to see the other side of things. I've been in this bubble of saving and investing for 24+ years that I didn't realize there are plenty of people who spend tons of money and don't give a damn! They are living the YOLO lifestyle, even if they are putting their retirements at risk.

How To Spend Lots Of Money And Not Care

This article is an attempt to help you spend lots of money and not feel so guilty. It's sometimes hard coming up with new ideas on how to spend your entire paycheck every single month. Year end bonuses are meant to be spent in celebration, not tucked in some pathetic CD account.

Tax refunds are also a bonus too right? It's not like you're getting back your own money you lent to the government interest free all year.

Gotta spend the financial windfall on something nice! If you're over 45, you should be in decumulation mode. Otherwise, you might die with too much. And if you die with too much money, that will have meant you wasted a lot of time and effort during your younger days trying to build wealth.

I'm here to help you develop a spending mindset and make you feel great about blowing all your money. I'll also provide you a great list of things to splurge on to increase the quality of your life!

1) Tell yourself you are special.

It doesn't matter if you did poorly in school, don't stay late at work, haven't bothered to build any alternative income streams, or don't work well in a team. What is important is always telling yourself that you deserve to have and experience as much as any wealthy person around.

Who cares if you're 30 and have a net worth of only $50,000 compared to the average net worth of the above average person of around $150,000. You're doing just fine. The more you tell yourself you will be fine, the more fine you will become until you get old.

2) Believe in bigger government.

The great thing about a growing government is that it's spending more money on the people who put our politicians in power. If this wasn't the case, our wealthy leaders would be thrown out of office. It's natural for citizens to vote for government spending which benefits them without having to pay more taxes.

It's also natural for a politician to take as much money from the kitty as possible to shower their constituents given they can't hold power forever. With a huge government safety net, you won't be afraid to run out of money, because the government won't run out of ways to steal.

Look at Gavin Newsom dining at a 5-star restaurant called French Laundry during the pandemic. Meanwhile, President Biden wanted to raise taxes on households making over $400,000. With politicians living it up, who plan to tax you more, you might as well spend lots of money instead of letting the government spend it for you!

3) Lash out against those who save.

Savers are no fun. They are all miserly people who don't know how to live it up. Savers make spenders look and feel bad due to their greater financial security and less stressful lives. The solution to getting back at savers for making us feel stupid is to highlight how awesome our lives are.

Tell them they are missing out by not taking so many great vacations. Tell them they are being parsimonious for driving cars that cost less than 20% of their annual gross income. Or tell them they are being fools for working so hard while you're having an awesome time. Don't tell them that you secretly can't stand your job and can't fathom doing the same thing for the next 10-20 years.

Embracing entitlement mentality rocks! Why do we have to work 40 hours a week or more to try and get ahead.

4) Remind yourself you can die tomorrow.

Reality stars Heidi and Spencer Pratt had a great time spending all their cash ($10 million) in anticipation of the Mayan Apocalypse on Dec 21, 2012, why not you? They're only 26 and 29 years old, respectively. You've got just as much talent as they do for making lots of money.

Although the median life expectancy is around 82 years old, forget it. You plan to die young, baby! It's all about working to live rather than living to work. Let the future come as it may. We'll be ready. Practice revenge spending to at least get back at the pandemic for you locking you down.

As I get closer to death, I'm focusing more on decumulation. The last thing I want to do is die with millions because that would mean a lot of wasted time and energy.

5) You can always make more money.

If you live in a free country (not North Korea), you can always take in cash. There are millions of jobs that go vacant due to undesirability or a mismatch in skills. If you get desperate, you can always take the jobs that nobody wants to survive.

Thanks to the internet, it's easier than ever to start a business and get rich! In fact, I'm taking a bubble bath in hundred dollar bills right now. When I'm done, I'll just call Alfred the butler to bring me my beluga caviar and mimosa.

For those reading Financial Samurai and other personal finance sites, you will never run out of money because you are rational. You will do what it takes to earn more and save more if you need to.

6) Believe someone special will take care of you.

Even if the government doesn't hook you up if you run out of money, someone special out there will be there to solve all your financial worries. There are more than six billion people in the world today. Chances are astronomically high that you will find the love of your life.

Maybe a good portion of the six billion people aren't exactly wealthy, but who cares. You're good looking enough to snag some sugar. Marriage conquers all, especially if you are broke and in debt. Or, you can figure out a way to convince your parents to buy you everything.

7) Forget the poor. Only focus on YOU, YOU, and YOU!

Given we can all die tomorrow, we should ask what our country can do for us, not what we can do for our country. You're already having a difficult enough time keeping your head above water, so what makes the poor think they deserve a helping hand?

Let greedy rich people donate their money to fight diseases and unjust causes. Let those with a lot of time on their hands due to financial independence volunteer to become a big brother or big sister. Your children and your future family will be just fine. You don't got time for this.

Meanwhile, you can also try and get subsidized healthcare even if you are a multi-millionaire!

Ideas On How To Spend Lots Of Money

Now that you've got your mind straight for why you should always spend everything you earn, let's discuss some great ideas on how to blow lots of money!

1) Buy a car equal to or greater than your annual income.

If you make $50,000, check out the upcoming BMW 335i coupe this Fall for $58,000. It's sweet! Better yet, consider taking out a loan or a lease to buy your nice automobile. Nothing like borrowing money to buy a guaranteed depreciating asset to show off to your friends. Going from point A to point B in style is important in this day and age.

We need to post about our material possessions on Facebook because we've got hundreds of neighbors to keep up with now. Besides, you don't want to be caught dead valet parking a Honda Civic do you? The 1/10th rule for car buying is impossible to follow.

2) Buy only brand name clothing.

Forget Ross Dress For Less, Target, and Walmart. Those stores are for thrifty losers. Even though you know that staying in shape is the main way to look your best (ever see an overweight mannequin), you need to buy Ferragamo, Louis Vouiton, Gucci, Prada, and Armani.

Who cares about the 90% gross margins luxury companies are making. Don't be a cheap financial dumbass. Dress for success or dress to fail.

3) Always get the latest electronic gadgets.

It's important to get the latest iPhone or Android as soon as they come out every six months to a year. If it takes standing in line for a ticket for hours, so be it. It's important to always be able to “check-in” at your favorite bar and send out Tweets with nice photo filters to your friends.

It's kind of crazy how people survived without smartphones just 15 years ago. There's going to be an accelerated product offering cycle of both Apple and Samsung products this year, so get excited!

4) Take exotic international vacations every year.

Staycations or domestic vacations are for savers. Despite having only explored less than 10 different states, it's all about going abroad. As a spender, you deserve to go to Europe for two weeks and spend 10% of your gross salary on a vacation.

If you're European, why bother taking JetBlue or Eurorail across the continent? Come to Milwaukee where you can drink the finest beer in the world. It's all about seeing the world young because the world might not be around when we are old. I've seen the future and it looks so bright!

5) Always pay by credit even if you can't afford it.

The reason why you have a credit card and a $10,000 limit is because your credit card company believes in you. If they didn't believe in you, they wouldn't issue the card! You're young and good looking so you deserve the best even if you can't even afford your own apartment.

You'll make more money one day, so don't worry about the 15%+ interest costs that compound over the years. Credit cards are convenient and allow you to live it up. If your friend can pay off $35,000 credit card debt in one month, so can you.

6) Get a fancy apartment while you're young.

When you're young, it's all about having a swanky bachelor or bachelorette pad to impress your guests. If friends can see success, then you must be successful. No luxury car worth more than your annual income should be parked in a crummy apartment.

If you don't want to rent, then definitely look to buy even if you don't have 20% down and a 10% cash buffer. We've got FHA loans by the government that allow homeowners to put only 3% down with no savings buffer. Certainly, nothing bad could go wrong in such a scenario.

7) Buy a timeshare or vacation property.

If you really want to blow a lot of money and not feel guilty, buy a vacation property or timeshare.

Who cares if timeshares and vacation properties have proven to be one of the worst investments ever. I should know, I've got a vacation property that has lost a lot in value. Even if you seldom visit your property, if you can just get the one special experience while owning the place, it's all worth it.

How cool would it be have multiple vacation properties all over the world and let your clients, friends, and family stay there for free? You'll never feel homesick while on vacation again. Booking a hotel room on a per needed basis is so ordinary. You are not ordinary. You are special.

8) Get multiple college degrees without a career plan to make money.

Education costs are skyrocketing because education has an inelastic demand curve. Harvard can probably charge $100,000 a year in tuition and the acceptance rate would still be below 10%. Why stop at one Masters degree when you can have three?

If you don't know what you want to do with your life, go to law school. It's prestigious, only takes three years, and only costs $150,000 to attend. The government has the Income Based Payment (IBR) plan now, so don't worry about all those student loans.

When you graduate, you can call yourself an esquire. If you aren't feeling too spendy, consider getting a PhD. Although it takes 4-8 years on average, you'll at least get paid to go to school.

Getting a private university degree is all about prestige. It has to be because everything can be learned online for free nowadays.

9) Pay more taxes to support our great country

It's important that everybody pays state and federal taxes to support our country. Even though the government arbitrarily invades other countries and acts like they own the world, it would be unpatriotic not to fund the beast.

If you are lucky enough to make money, you better be honorable enough to pay your taxes you ungrateful whino. If you are fortunate enough to make more than the median household income of $50,000, then consider writing an extra 10% check to the IRS given they are doing such a bang up job with your money.

Roughly 50% of income earners pay 0% federal income taxes. Can you believe it? It's up to you to be a good American and pay taxes to help subsidize those who do not.

the percentage of American workers who pay federal income taxes

10) Go to Vegas, baby and gamble your money away!

Vegas is a natural wonderland where anything can happen. You could win $8.5 million dollars by becoming the World Series of Poker Champion too. You can sell all your stock today given the market is up and put all your proceeds on the 49ers to win the Super Bowl.

After the 49ers win, you'll have increased your returns by 100 and can take the rest of the year off to travel, spend time with family, and do what you've always wanted to do. There's a great saying, “No bet, no win.” If you love to spend money, Vegas is the best place to leave nothing behind.

Spend Lots Of Money Like There's No Tomorrow!

How To Spend Lots Of Money, Feel Good, And Not Give A Damn!

Hopefully this article has given you plenty of reasons why it's OK to spend all your money and not feel bad. Savers of the world are such silly goats who don't know how to enjoy their lives.

While they are diligently saving for the future, you get to live it up and get bailed out by the government if you mess up. Spenders help stimulate the economy, grow corporate earnings, get more people hired, and subsequently make investors lots of money.

Why do you think we're back to record highs in the stock market? Enjoy life and revenge spend as much as possible!

The YOLO economy is here to stay. If you don't start spending your investment gains on a better life now, when will you ever? During the next pandemic? Nah.

Spend up and live life to the fullest.

Related Posts about blowing lots of money:

Don't Let Frugality Lead To Lifestyle Deflation

When Is It OK To Forsake Stealth Wealth And Spend Up?

A Peek Inside A Celebrity's Income And Spending Habits

Spend Money By Investing Your Money

OK, hopefully you realize I was mainly poking fun at people who don't save and invest. Spending a lot of money that you don't have is foolish. You will likely regret it when you are older.

If you really want to spend a lot of money and not feel guilty, spend money on investments! The more you spend and invest, the more wealth you will likely have in the future.

There are two areas I'd invest money in for the long run. Stocks and real estate.

To Invest In Private Growth Companies

To invest in private growth company stocks, check out  Fundrise venture. It invests in the following five sectors:

  • Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
  • Modern Data Infrastructure
  • Development Operations (DevOps)
  • Financial Technology (FinTech)
  • Real Estate & Property Technology (PropTech)

Roughly 35% is invested in artificial intelligence, which I'm extremely bullish about. In 20 years, I don't want my kids wondering why I didn't invest in AI or work in AI!

Also, here's some additional perspective on venture capital. Most traditional VC funds have $250,000+ minimums and require capital commitment upfront before they launch or reveal current holdings.

Fundrise, on the other hand, has revolutionized the way everyday investors can gain exposure to venture capital. For starters, the Fundrise investment minimum is only $10. They also provide a lot of transparency unlike traditional VC firms. Fundrise lets you see what you'd be investing in before you become a shareholder. Greater clarity and knowledge will help you become a better investor.

To Invest In Real Estate Passively

To invest in real estate, I would take a look at private real estate funds offered by Fundrise. Fundrise began in 2012 to grant access to retail investors, institutional quality commercial real estate. Fundrise now manages over $3 billion for over 350,000 investors with money predominantly in residential and industrial real estate in the Sunbelt.

I've personally invested $954,000 in private real estate funds and deals since 2016 to diversify my real estate holdings and earn more passive income. Post-pandemic, there will be a permanent spreading out of America thanks to work from home. Employees are seeking lower-cost areas of the country to live and work.

Fundrise is a long-time sponsor of Financial Samurai and Financial Samurai is a six-figure investor in Fundrise funds.


Stay On Top Of Your Finances

Sign up with Empower, the best free online platform which aggregates all your financial accounts in one place. This way, you can see where you can optimize your money. If you spend lots of money, using Empower is a great way to track your finances.

Before Empower, I had to log into eight different systems to track 25+ difference accounts (brokerage, multiple banks, 401K, etc) to manage my finances on an Excel spreadsheet. Now, I can just log into Empower to see how all my accounts are doing, including my net worth. I can also see how much I’m spending and saving every month through their cash flow tool.

A great feature is their Portfolio Fee Analyzer, which runs your investment portfolio(s) through its software in a click of a button to see what you are paying. I found out I was paying $1,700 a year in portfolio fees I had no idea I was hemorrhaging! There is no better financial tool online that has helped me more to achieve financial freedom. It only takes a minute to sign up.

Finally, they recently launched their amazing Retirement Planning Calculator that pulls in your real data and runs a Monte Carlo simulation to give you deep insights into your financial future.

Empower is free, and less than one minute to sign up.

Personal Capital Retirement Planner Tool - spend lots of money

Join 60,000+ others and sign up for the free Financial Samurai newsletter. Financial Samurai is one of the largest independently-owned personal finance sites that started in 2009. 

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10 months ago

I have been divorced and decided to create my business but ever since I’m just procrastinating and I don’t seem worried enough about my credit card bills – not checking my bank account. What should I do ? Im worried but at the same time I don’t seem to be doing anything. I keep waiting for another person to come and help me

1 year ago

This post in completely out of the mouth of a demon. Money has no worth and no gain. It is empty and powerless and a fake crutch that fulfills no true desires. I’m so sorry that people are being led into this destructive mindset. Money will mean nothing on your deathbed and will have no value in the afterlife. This article is terrible and sad. I pray that everyone who reads it will know that Jesus is the only way and truth and life. Trying to fulfill desires on this earth is impossible….only God can fill the desire in our hearts. Money never can. Please turn away from this mindset and use your money wisely and to benefit those around you in need. That will be what truly fulfills your heart. Life can change in an instant. Money can’t buy love, respect and eternity. Please please think about this.

3 years ago

Sounds weird, but this made my day. Every sentence was gold.

6 years ago

I am so glad to see this article as I am attempting to purchase my first kelly bag, Moncler coat, splurge this holiday season for everyone around me. My internal guilt has really been there whenever I have these thoughts… I have maxed out this year for retirement, paid most of student loans, and left money for our next investment. I still can’t get myself together and justify these purchases. Shame on me!

10 years ago

….I admit…..I’m guilty of SOME of this. I’ll bet just about EVERYONE is…

10 years ago

I don’t know what to spend my money on, Ive made $138K in the last five months and its sitting in the bank doing nothing. Im gonna buy a second hand truck ($35,000 2012 3/4ton 20,000kms) mines hammered out and I need a new one to keep going to work outside of that I don’t know what I want to buy or what I ought to nd it aggravates me the money is sitting in the bank doing nothing. Id buy stocks or something but I don’t know anything about them.

11 years ago

This one is freakin’ funny, Sam— Bravo!!


11 years ago

Sam I have read many of your posts, and in almost (if not all of them) you’ve always encouraged the idea of saving money. I do think that saving is important. However, spending reasonable amount of money on things and stuff that makes you happy is equally important. I believe you should cut expenses and save money on certain things that are not very important to you. On the other hand, i also believe that you should spend money on the stuff you really love/like in life. It’s all about balance. I remember reading youe post about the “1/10th rule when buying a car” and I was like is this guy serious!!. But after i thought about it for a sec. I realized that having a nice new or newish car is not very important to you Sam. However, it could be very important to other people. So I think one should always have atleast a year worth of INCOME (two years would be better) in savings for emergancies, and just spend the rest of his/her money to enjoy and live life to its fullest.
Just my 2 cents
Great website Sam. Keep ot up.

Scott @Youthfulinvestor

I love this post! I think it could all be summed up with hashtags like #YOLO and #Tonight. What is not funny about it is this is actually how a lot of people my age (twenty-something) actually believe. Many of us are smart enough to know not to spend like this or think like this but a lot of us are just afraid of reality. Constantly spending and accumulating stuff does take the fear off for a minute. Most of us are still waiting for the glory days of easy employment to return.

12 years ago

Sam, I think you forgot one:

11) Relive your childhood

Go ahead! You were deprived when you were little! Your parents never listened! Well now, thanks to the friendly folks at eBay, you can get everything you ever wanted–Mint in the box! Darth Vader’s costume, A real Pac-Man game you can play all you want, the Batmobile–anything!

Speaking of which, I notice this isn’t the first action figure in your picture collection…are those Masters of the Universe? How extensive is your collection?

Mary Rhodes
Mary Rhodes
12 years ago

I’d blow it on an island in the middle of the pacific and go snorkelling everyday!!

Mary Rhodes
Mary Rhodes
12 years ago

I was thinking more Fiji or Tonga!! One of my 2 favorite countries I’ve ever been to!!!

Savvy Scot
12 years ago

Nice Post Sam – Now we need a follow up post aimed at making the over-savers feel bad! :)

12 years ago

A BMW Z3 is not a lavish car anymore. I know, I used to own one (spent about 12% of my income on it at the time, before this site even existed)! The newest ones are around 10 years old now, and the oldest ones are about 17 years old. I could pick up the older ones all day on Craigslist for $5-$6k a piece nowadays… but your heart is in the right place. I hate the YOLO trend, too.

12 years ago

Nah (even if I could afford the Maserati). My ’06 Subaru should last me the next 10 years or so. I’ll probably start looking for something new (well, gently used) when it gets close to 300,000 miles.

KC @ genxfinance
12 years ago

I love it. It’s not a sin to indulge yourself once in a while. We deserve it.

Paula P.
Paula P.
12 years ago

Great piece.

Mike Hunt
Mike Hunt
12 years ago

BOMAD is alive and well, will be a significant source of funding for the next generation for sure!

Brick by Brick Investing
Reply to  Mike Hunt

It took me a while to get “BOMAD.” It is definitely alive and well!!!

12 years ago
Reply to  Mike Hunt

I’m out about $100,000 to bank of mom and dad that will never be repaid. Sure could use the money right now. Might be able to retire today instead of 2-3 years from now..

12 years ago

A wise man once told me….. “you can’t take it with you but can’t go anywhere without it” and “only two people know and they both disagree”

A great article for the non retirement savers to read, I have found it is amazing how the non retirement savers attack the savers in conversations amongst friends.

12 years ago

I think the meaning here is that there are opposite opinions on each issue and both sides feel as compelled as the other in their positions. Yet that is only my thoughts…..of course someone could disagree ;)

12 years ago

Sam, the titles of your posts keep m coming back for more, always!! Jeeezz…I blew money in all the ways you listed except #8 and #10. Ughhhhh.. But it is never too late to right the ship, and did so with the inspiration from your blog…I thank you profusely for that!

Mike Hunt
Mike Hunt
12 years ago

It’s easy to spend more. Just pretend that your money belongs to someone else.

A wise Englishman told me there are 4 types of money:

1. Money earned by you that you spend on yourself.
2. Money earned by you that you spend on other people.
3. Money given (not earned) to you by others that you spend on yourself.
4. Money not earned by you that you have to spend on other people.

Obviously item 4 will prove to be the most wasteful. There is no connection to having earned the money, and the money is not being spend on yourself. This unfortunately, is the category of the administrators and politicians that decide to vote for ‘goodies’ to gain favors. No feeling of pain or sacrifice, just allocating money they haven’t earned to different groups of people. If you get into that mindset, you will have no trouble spending more than 100% of your income!


Mike Hunt
Mike Hunt
12 years ago

Heh, definitely vice versa. Nice work posting this link.

12 years ago

Haha nice list Sam. I have a hard time spending money, although I do love to travel which is the one type of “splurge” I allow myself each year. I’ve never understood how some people get so fixed on luxury brands and expensive cars. I get more joy now saving money than I do spending money. :)

12 years ago

We’re hybrids, I guess. We spend a ton of the income on my husband’s student loans, but we recently splurged on a Netflix subscription. This is my fault; I wanted to get my Star Trek on. I still prefer to save and squeeze every last drop into Sallie Mae, but that doesn’t mean we can’t have some small pleasures.

Happiness usually lies between two extremes. I guess that Chanel bag will have to wait!

12 years ago

You forgot to mention those care dealerships that will do your taxes for you and then apply your refund toward your new car. You’ll probably have to have Gap insurance because you’ll be underwater before you leave the lot. Next go get those custom rims, you can actually lease those. Pretty sweet way to spend those dollars!

12 years ago

1) Buy a car equal to or greater than your annual income.

*** Audi S6…the dream car. Screw the Lamborghini Aventador.

2) Buy only brand name clothing.

*** Zenga suits…more specifically Ermenegildo Zenga suits…17 of them. (old college girlfriend can get me a discount, seriously)

3) Always get the latest electronic gadgets.

*** Pre-pre ordered the i-phone 7.

4) Take exotic international vacations every year.

*** Madlives bitches! (if you can find them…)

5) Always pay by credit even if you can’t afford it.

*** …with the Black American Express.

6) Get a fancy apartment.

*** …apartment BUILDING then convert it to one ginormous condo.

7) Buy a timeshare or vacation property.

*** Fail. I don’t accept sloppy seconds from low brow working class heathens.

8) Get multiple degrees without a plan.

*** Way ahead of you buddy!

9) Pay more taxes.

*** Powerball son! It’s called voluntary taxes.

10) Go to Vegas, baby!

*** Monte Carlo…bitch!

Sam, was this post written with me in mind (typing with sheepish smirk).

‘J’ in Clearwater Beach.

Good one…”Why (be) so serious?”