How To Build A Stronger Brand For Your Business, Blog, Or Career

Financial Samurai Mask

Build your brand and eat like a king forever. Ignore your brand and starve like a mendicant waiting for scraps. This post is about how to build a stronger brand for your business, your blog, your podcast, or your career.

A brand cannot be developed over night. It must be carefully nurtured. Along the way, your brand may suffer or change with the environment. You must always keep working on it.

This post will talk about how to build a stronger brand. Once you've developed a stronger brand, you will receive more opportunities in your career. You will build more trust. Finally, a strong brand creates pricing power.

Why Build A Strong Brand?

A strong brand makes everything easier. Here are some specific benefits:

  • Your clients will respond to your e-mails and return your phone calls.
  • Your managers will promote and pay you better.
  • You will gain more respect from friends, family, colleagues and clients.
  • You'll receive many more phone calls from headhunters and competitors.
  • Your conversion rate will improve.
  • You can leverage your brand to sell multiple different products.
  • Your clients will sing your praises, developing a strong referral network.
  • You'll be able to raise your prices and improve your margins.
  • You'll have a much more defensive product during a downturn.
  • You'll be invited to more parties, events, and conferences.
  • You'll be comped free meals, lodging and travel expenses.
  • Other brands will give you their products to try for free.
  • You'll be contacted with more paid promotional activities.
  • You'll develop a stronger recurring revenue stream.
  • You'll be more proud of the work you do every day.

I've still got a long way to go with Financial Samurai, but I'll share with you my thoughts on branding after spending time working with creative agencies, consulting for a couple marketing departments, and slowly building my own brand over the past seven years.

How To Build A Stronger Brand

Step 1: Earn Your Reputation

When you first start out, you have zero credibility. Nobody will care what you have to say. As a result, you must earn your reputation by doing the following:

  1. Work harder than your peers
  2. Never whine or complain
  3. Give, give, give

If you do these three things for at least a year you will earn a solid reputation for being dependable. If you start expecting to be the best without giving the best effort, however, your reputation will break down. Once entitlement enters the equation it's game over.

To build my reputation online, I read and commented on hundreds of other sites in the personal finance space for a good two years. I participated in discussions, provided feedback and wrote guest posts every month on a new site. Eventually, other bloggers and readers began to take notice. When you're at the bottom, you must give freely.

Related: Blogging For A Living: How Much Can You Really Make?

Step 2: Stay Committed

Brands have history. The longer the history, the stronger a brand tends to become if it remains committed to its client base.

Financial Samurai was born in 2009, during the depths of the financial crisis. The goal of the site was to help make sense of the chaos by connecting other like-minded investors.

Now Financial Samurai's main objective is for everyone to achieve financial independence to maximize happiness. Readers have stuck around because they know I am committed to a consistent publishing schedule. Nobody would bother sticking around if I was an erratic publisher.

See: The Secret To Your Success: 10 Years Of Unwavering Commitment

At work, no manager will invest extra time and effort into you if they feel you will leave for a better opportunity a year later. The more committed you are, the more other people will be committed to you. Over time, your brand will naturally build until the point where other people have to take you seriously.

Before a client can commit to you, they must know you are committed to them.

Brand Value Chain

Step 3: Create A Value Proposition

What makes you unique? Why do people want to follow you? Why must someone buy your product instead of someone else's product? What are the reasons why someone should pay to hire you? If you did not exist, who would take your place? How do you want people to remember you? Your value proposition should answer all these questions.

Here's the Financial Samurai value proposition:

  1. An author with a finance background. Working in the finance industry for 13 years, getting an MBA from Berkeley, and writing 1,200 articles over the past seven years helps give comfort to readers there's a high level of credibility.
  2. Financially independent before starting FS. When you are already financially independent, there is less of a desire to sell your soul to the highest bidder. This means not writing incessantly about bad credit card offers just because the referral payout is so high. The products highlighted on FS must be free or must save someone a significant amount of money over time.
  3. First-hand experience. Money is too important a subject matter to be left up to pontification. If I don't have experience about a particular subject, I will tell you so, or I will invite someone who does have experience to share their wisdom.
  4. Writing quality. Every article takes 5 – 10 hours to write on average. After they are published, I will often spend another 1 – 3 hours making improvements based off feedback from the community. Each article is built from the ground up with a thesis. This way, you are assured that you are reading something original, not regurgitated.
  5. Entertainment. I have a rule that I only want to write articles I want to read. In other words, articles need to inform, teach, or be entertaining. When money is not the main driving force behind my writing, I can afford to publish articles that provide little monetary value e.g. How To Get Your Parents To Pay For Everything As An Adult.
  6. The financially savviest readership online. The best articles have the best comments. I firmly believe you, the Financial Samurai community, have the most financial insights to share on the internet. Your own financial statistics are top notch. No wonder why there's so much value in the comments section.

Take the time to create your own value proposition.

Step 4: Decide On Your Best Image

Image is important. Not everybody can be beautiful, but everybody can take steps to put forth their best image.

  1. Get in better shape. A 2007 NYU study found that women who were obese earned, on average, 18% less than those who weren’t. Those who were overweight also had 25% less family income. In a June 2012 issue of the Journal of Labor Research, researchers have found that employees who regularly exercise earn 9% more than those who don't. If you don't want to get in better shape for your brand, then at least get in better shape for your health and family who depend on you.
  2. Dress appropriately. There is a time and a place for everything. Dress the part and own your presence. Invest some of your money in select pieces of clothing that fit your body and make you feel like a million bucks. The better in shape you are, the better you will feel. The better you feel, the more confidence you will have.
  3. Improve your vocabulary. You can either incorporate new words into your speech, or you can thoroughly grasp new concepts that will inevitably make you sound smarter. Practice writing and speaking every day. You will improve.
  4. Develop a signature look. Choose something you are comfortable rocking, and consistently rock that something. For example, you might want to be known for having bright red glasses like Sally Jesse Raphael. Or perhaps you'll adopt a custom blue blazer with a pink handkerchief to all your meetings. Be memorable.
  5. Do not be delusional. One of the biggest mistakes people make is thinking they are more attractive than they really are. As a result, they'll plaster their face all over their website or choose truly awkward pictures of themselves on LinkedIn. Get feedback from strangers and acquaintances about how you look when branding yourself.

Financial Samurai Image

Financial Samurai is an interesting case study because I don't market myself. Instead, I market a samurai mask. The mask symbolizes all of us in our quest to achieve financial independence sooner, rather than later. The mask is fierce because the road to financial independence is not easy. We will constantly battle temptation, our egos, competition, regulation, misinformation, and unfortunate circumstances that threaten to kill our way of life.

Consider hiring a professional designer to create the best image you're looking for. My mask and logo were professionally created by Colleen KS. It's worth spending up for quality design. Website owners should choose a color scheme, a descriptive tagline, and a layout that is easy to navigate.

Finally, it's extremely important to host your own domain in a *.com manner. Having * or * gives brand equity away to another company, just like having gives brand equity to Google. Instead, you should have an e-mail address that says

Step 5: Do What You Say To Build A Stronger Brand

If you promise to have the best customer service, then you better respond to every e-mail and phone call in a cordial manner like USAA. If you promise to publish 3X a week for a year like Financial Samurai, don't say your family got in the way after you haven't published for a month.

Financial Samurai used to receive a lot of hate mail from readers who thought my goals were unreasonable e.g. shoot for $200,000 a year in passive income. Seven years later, despite the site being 10X larger, there is 90% less hate mail because readers have seen that I've consistently done what I've promised e.g. reached my $200K passive income goal in 2017. Now I have a new goal of reaching over $300K in passive income by 2023.

The point of doing what you say is to develop trust. If you are an honorable person who consistently shows your commitment, people will trust you.

Brand Value Chain - how to build a stronger brand

Step 6: Be Consistent Across All Marketing Platforms

Everybody should have a succinct one-page resume that tells the reader in under 10 seconds why you rock. Beyond the resume, there's your LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, and other social media profiles that will probably do you more harm than good. It's important your brand is consistently reflected across all of them. If not, make the inconsistent profiles with your party pictures private.

Of course, everybody should have their own website where they have full control over their brand. Your own website can be used for:

  • Humanizing your brand by telling prospective clients or employers who you are, what you like, and what you enjoy doing.
  • Legitimizing your company online. Today, you do not have a business if you do not have a website.
  • Selling your own product and services.
  • Selling someone else's product and services.
  • Finding new consulting clients.
  • Finding a new job, even though it's not explicitly said.
  • Creating a community of like-minded folks.

Not every website has to be a blog like Financial Samurai. Your website can simply be your proud flag in the interwebs to allow people to understand who you are.

Be consistent with your images, colors, and message on every platform.

Step 7: Leverage Multi-Media

Be seen. Be heard. And be read. The more media platforms you can leverage, the better your reach and the potentially stronger your brand. In the beginning, focus on the media platform you are best at.

Spread yourself too thin and you may burn out. Once you've built a good portfolio of content on your favorite platform, then you can practice on others.

Although each post on Financial Samurai takes hours to write and edit, writing comes easiest to me. I have a podcast where I publish a new episode every week or two on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and Spotify. It's a way to connect with the audience and provide more authenticity.

I'm rarely ever seen, which is my largest branding hole. So building one of the best personal finance podcast today also helps strengthen my brand. But I am regularly featured in major publications like CNBC, MarketWatch, and People.

The Most Valuable Brands

Step 8: Create An Emotional Connection

A brand should make you feel something. Typing on a Macbook Pro makes me feel a little more creative thanks to Jony Ive's fantastic design and British accent. Showering with Molton Brown body wash makes me feel a little cleaner. Playing tennis in Nike flywire shoes makes me feel a little faster. Driving a Honda Fit makes me feel like a sexy man given I can park in 25% more spaces in SF. Sleeping at a Holiday Inn Express unfortunately doesn't do anything for my brain yet.

I want every Financial Samurai reader to come away feeling smarter, more understanding, or more motivated than before they arrived. Some of the writing strategies I use include telling a story, discussing a failure, or playing both sides of the field to utterly confuse the reader into what I'm truly trying to say. Without emotion, a brand loses its luster.

1X1 Connection Is Important

The reason why I spend so much time responding to comments is because I want to make as many connections with as many readers as possible. I like to show readers there is a real person with feelings behind each post.

I promised myself long ago that if I ever got big I would never ignore the readership. With difficult times here due to the coronavirus pandemic, I'm more dedicated than ever to help people through this difficult period.

There is immense joy in learning from other people, even those who do not agree with my views. By creating an emotional connection with my readers, perhaps some may be more inclined to share my work or lend a helping hand in the future.

Build A Brand, It Is Forever

They say that it can take a lifetime to build a reputation, and a second to throw it all away. Continuously work on building your brand. The stronger your brand, the easier life gets.

I hope this post has helped give you insights on how to build a stronger brand for yourself, your career, or your business.

Now is more important than ever to build a brand so you can stand out from the crowd.

Recommendation To Build A Stronger Brand

There is no business without a website today. No consumer will take you seriously if you don't have an online presence. If you're looking to build your personal brand for career growth or new consulting opportunities, then you must also have your own website. You'll stand out far above your competition if you do versus just having a LinkedIn or social media profile.

Own your presence online! Learn how to start your own website with my step by step tutorial. Not a day goes by where I'm not thankful for starting Financial Samurai in 2009. Back then, I had to pay someone $1,500 to start the site. Today, you can start for less than $3 a month and be up and running in under 30 minutes. 

For more nuanced personal finance content, join 65,000+ others and sign up for the free Financial Samurai newsletter. Financial Samurai is one of the largest independently-owned personal finance sites that started in 2009. Everything is written based off firsthand experience. 

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6 years ago

I often fall into Financial Samurai rabbit holes, where I follow interesting link after interesting link. Something that I’ve been *delighted* by is how all your posts generally feel pretty current then I see datestamps on comments and realize the post was birthed years back– i.e., your posts seem timeless!

Anyway, you really do a great job at making me feel more informed and more motivated. I am a fan.

3 years ago

I don’t think this post is taking comments anymore since there is nowhere for me to click to comment but I just HAD to say something about this post. I know how valuable your words are here because I have done this myself in my own entrepreneurial endeavors (with tremendous success)–so I know from personal experience what you are sharing with everyone in this post is SO true!

Since I am starting something completely new now (finance blog) I am spending hours reading all that I can to learn and for encouragement as well (when I am not spending countless hours working on my blog).

This post gave me both! THANK YOU!!

I have never had to build a brand before (my work ethic and my creations WERE my brand in my other pursuits of education, real estate, and investing– which sold itself).

But this blogging is new territory, especially to someone like me who has no social media–none. So this advice is invaluable. I just can’t thank you enough so I have to say it again.

I know you wrote this post years ago but how wonderful is it that it can reach into the future and continue to help people (like me!). That is a very powerful tool and I love how it can be used to better society and help people you’d never otherwise get to opportunity to.

If you never see this comment, I totally understand but I will ask a quick question anyway–how do you keep the date from changing every time you fix/update your posts?
I have only written about a dozen posts so far (had my blog about a week now) and I am already going back constantly editing them as I learn new things (formatting, pictures, spacing..etc.) and it constantly changes the published date. Or does this don’t matter to the audience?

7 years ago

Great article! It helped me put things that I want to do into perspective. Now I have an idea of what I need to do. Thanks for sharing.

You’ve developed quite a resourceful website. I’ll be back for more.

Mighty Investor
7 years ago

Great post, Sam. Relevant to our knowledge economy, for sure. This is a bit far afield, but a while ago I traveled in New Zealand for nine weeks. I stayed at a lot of “backpackers” as they call youth hostels down there.

You know what I loved? No branding at all from those farmers. They were just completely themselves. Perhaps they thought a bit about what their neighbors thought of them, but their personalities were so eccentric and truly original.

I’ve written about how they are an inspiration for me elsewhere. All that said, in the modern corporate world, there is no doubt that we need to manage how we are perceived–so long as we don’t take it to the extreme of “fronting” a bunch of BS and ending up miserable……..

Nerd Abroad
7 years ago

Thanks Sam,

You are a true inspiration and your content is on point. Amazed at how much you crank out. You helped inspire me to setup my own brand and any time my commitment waivers your posts help get things back on track. Already attracted a troll so must be doing something right.

Looking forward to seeing where this goes. This is how we take matters into our own hands and create opportunities for ourselves.

Tom Johnston
7 years ago

Thanks for this one, Sam. Real food for thought. For some reason thinking of oneself as a “brand” is almost taboo. But in the modern world, especially if you are making a living online, branding is crucial – since face to face trust isn’t being built naturally. I will have to reread this one and see what I’m not already implementing. Cheers, Tom

Jeff Weingarz
Jeff Weingarz
7 years ago

Hi Sam –

I hope you did not already answer this somewhere above in the hundreds of great comments – I am assuming you created a business entity for Financial Samurai? If so, did you use an LLC or S-corp? I know that there are many different reasons for using either, but any insights on what works specifically for managing revenue generated from blogging? Thanks in advance…


8 years ago

Thanks Sam. You’ve inspired me to create my own blog. I should have created one years ago being a tech professional but I suppose I hadn’t thought that it was so important until now. Here it is It’s a blog about how to become a data scientist since so many are entering the field. I’m planning on doing a post on data analysis relating to real estate investments soon. If you have a minute to skim I would be happy to receive ruthless critique :)


8 years ago

Great advice. Absolutely agree with staying committed. You are right, building a brand doesn’t happen overnight. I have started a blog and quickly realized that staying committed is the most challenging aspect.

Tyler Hunt
8 years ago

Hi Sam!

So I went through with your “How to start a blog post”, and now have my very own site. However, –

Tyler Hunt
8 years ago
Reply to  Tyler Hunt

I already had a blog that I wanted to transfer to my site, but can’t figure out how! Do I have to copy paste my posts or is there a way I can link up my old wordpress account?

Tyler Hunt
8 years ago
Reply to  Tyler Hunt

UPDATE: Figured it out, thought I would let you know! thank you for the inspiration of creating my own site though and if you want I can let you know once it is up and running!

8 years ago

Sam, I have been reading your posts for a while now and you have inspired me to start a site of my own. I commend you on putting out consistent content. This shows a lot of discipline and focus on your part. I even used your “how to start a blog” page to start my own blog which I am calling Posts like this are helpful for people like me starting out.

I took a similar path in that I received my master’s in finance and have been working in banking in NYC for the past 9 years. I dream of one day leaving such as you did and it is refreshing to see someone else who was frugal and focused on their long term goals when there is a lot of flash and social climbing that can distract you from them here.

Apart from making a side income, just in the few weeks I have been writing, I also find that it has been a rewarding outlet and improved my knowledge in many areas I thought I knew well. I look forward to more posts from you and will use your tips here going forward.

8 years ago

Hi Sam,

thanks for the advice. I am just at my starting point with blog and I know I have work hard and improve my writting to get the community I want to have. But I am still optimistic :).


8 years ago

What do you recommend in a situation where you got started on a website was moderately successful for a few years but then stopped. I stopped because the time commitment was just too much as I was raising children and also managing a full-time job. I’m ready to get it rolling again but really struggled with the SEO part and felt that monetizing the blog was for more challenging than I ever expected. at one point my brand landed me on national news and now I feel like I’m back to starting from scratch. I really did need the break so I don’t regret my decision it was what I needed to do at the time .

8 years ago

Beyond the helpful hints and suggestions here, I found this post to be one of the more inspring out there. Brand new blogger who just launched 2 weeks ago. Gonna keep plugging away and try to find my voice. Glad I came across your site.

8 years ago
Reply to  Jason

You mentioned how you spend a lot of time editing your blog posts. What exactly does this consist of? Grammar / punctuation or editing to find a particular voice / style? Both?



8 years ago

All of these are fantastic points, but I REALLY love “Do what you say”. So many businesses (and individuals) spend so much time brushing up on image that they completely forget that needs to translate to where the rubber hits the road….in action. It’s that disconnect and lack of alignment that makes businesses look like phonies.

8 years ago

Hi Sam, thanks for this article. Love your writing and I have been a lurker for some time.

I have been on-again, off-again with building my own brand over the last year. It can get overwhelming to think about all the different angles which makes it easy to just not do anything.

One thing I struggle with is approaching established people/brands even just to ask for advice or plant the seeds for a future relationship, or to ask for something such as permission to write a guest post for them. I find it hard to get their attention or make myself memorable given how often they are likely approached by people like me. Any advice on this front?

Finance Solver
Finance Solver
8 years ago

I’m still amazed at your level of dedication to your site, spending 5-10 hours to write a post. At 3 posts a week, that’s easily 15-30 hours just spending time on writing. Very high work ethic and dedication, Sam!

I agree when you start out, that no one takes you seriously. All that I can hope for is to write the best posts / content I can, interact with the PF community, and hope that I can gain credibility. My goal is to get just one person to better their financial life, bonus if there’s a plurality effect!

8 years ago

Words cannot overstate the importance of your brand. I can only hope that the Angry Retail Banker brand combines the image of financial expertise (without coming across as stuffy and boring) with an informal humor and a passionate rage (without coming across as whiny and entitled). It’s truly a delicate balancing act and I definitely want people to think a certain way when they think of my blog.

You’ve done great things with the Financial Samurai brand, Sam. Keep it up!

ARB–Angry Retail Banker

Graham @ Reverse The Crush
Graham @ Reverse The Crush
8 years ago

Fantastic post Sam!
It was truly a great read. I studied business marketing during college back in 2008 and really think this is more practical advice than a lot of what I learned there.

And thanks for breaking down your value proposition. I continually find myself asking what the purpose is to each blog post I publish now. This will definitely help me better answer that question.

One of the things I wonder about, when it comes to branding, is how important being authentic is. For example, how harmful to a brand/blog is it to include the occasional curse word in a post? Is that just me being my brand, or me lacking professionalism? I don’t tend to curse a lot, but sometimes think it can make for a solid adjective.

Also, you do a great job at accomplishing your goals for the site if you want the “reader to come away feeling smarter, more understanding, or more motivated than before they arrived.” Every time I read a post from you it leads me into an in depth analysis of my own blog to make sure I’m doing things right haha.

Thanks for all the great advice, though! I really found every point to be helpful.

Ms. Conviviality
Ms. Conviviality
8 years ago

Thanks for the insights on building a successful blog. It’s so nice of you to share the information so freely.

8 years ago

Nice article, amazing suggestions!
I like the section about writing your Value Proposition. I think that’s next step for me :)

Thank you so much Sam for this article!

Dividend Diplomats
8 years ago

Thank you for all the great information Sam. A lot of great stuff in here and a lot of stuff to work on going forward. What caught my attention was how much time you are putting into each article and I will definitely be slowing down when writing going forward. Sometimes you can be tempted to pump out an article as fast as you can, but it is the thought and those few extra attentions to detail that goes a long way into establishing a connection with your readers.

Building a brand is a slow process, especially for a blog or a website. You don’t enter the online world and instantly have views. The recap of what you did to get Financial Samurai off the ground is something all of us can relate to and also serve as a road map for what more we can be doing to expand our outreach. The fun part is commenting on different blogs. There is so much great stuff out there for you to learn from others that can help improve your financial life and savings account!

Well, back to the grind now. Have some work to do now after reading this article haha


Cash Flow Celt
8 years ago

Great post Sam!

It’s no joke how much work building a brand takes. Right now, I’m in the middle of expanding my own as I take part in a new professional venture — being the eclectic one in a swarm of traditionalism. Because of the image I’ve created over the years within my own sphere of influence, it’s a much easier transition.

It’s been a painstaking process – and one that I’m trying to build as I’m still young – but in the end, it will be all worth it. All in all, this was a great layout for the young entrepreneur or a college student about to enter the work force who have all those years ahead of them.

Ten Factorial Rocks
Ten Factorial Rocks
8 years ago

Sam, great post. As a new blogger, I can’t go out to hire exclusive designers and backend web team. So far, I have been relying on WP plugins and uncle Google to find the necessary info so I can run my website without hiring anyone. When do you think I should consider outside professional help? Would you recommend any milestones for this, say like number of subscribers, monthly page views or affiliate income? Thanks for all the great work you do.

Cash Flow Celt
8 years ago

I’m the same and just started in March of this year. I started from the ground up reading hundreds of pages on SEO and plug-ins just to make the most ‘free’ optimal site.

For me, my first step is getting a new logo and avatar. I’ve got a friend designing me one, but as free goes, you can’t complain really about timeliness. Once I get the logo, I’m going to wait until I’m cash neutral and have recouped my start-up costs before I upgrade my layout.

I remember I asked FS the same question months ago, and I believe he said he didn’t upgrade his layout for almost two years. I’m still mostly marketing to friends and their friends, so my quality of work is far more important than my appearance. Every niche is probably different though.

ZJ Thorne
ZJ Thorne
8 years ago

It is amazing to me how much useful information you share so freely with the world. There are so many sites who would give this lecture as a e-book for 4.99 after signing up for an exclusive offer that they’ve spammed your email with for the past 3 weeks. I appreciate that you are able to educate me and make money (off of advertising) without charging me. I’m still tempted to go back and read the first seven years to “catch up.”

8 years ago

Sam, I think you just wrote the “How to Build a Blog” post that all bloggers have been waiting to read. I appreciate the words of wisdom and the consistency of your macro message for anyone looking to grow their own website – “keep writing consistently and good things will happen.”