How To Get A Mortgage Loan Modification: In Search For Lower Rates

You know what's better than successfully refinancing your mortgage at a lower rate? Getting a free mortgage loan modification at a lower rate without all the paperwork, hassle and fees.

A mortgage loan modification is when the bank contacts you and basically says, “Hey good looking! Do you want some free money? If so, you're in luck!

Let me share with you how I was able to get a mortgage loan modification for free after the global financial crisis. It came out of the blue. There's something to be said about consistently paying your mortgage and following the contract.

Mortgage Loan Modification Experience

My mortgage loan modification opportunity came out of the blue right around Christmas time. Bank of America sent me a FedEX envelope with a single sheet of paper. It read, “This offer is exclusively available to you through Bank of America, for a limited time only.” I honestly thought the letter was junk mail. Then I looked a little closer to see all my account details included.

For two years, I pinged Bank of America to see if they would lower my vacation property mortgage. It was 5.875% for 30-year fixed-rate mortgage and I wanted something lower.

I've refinanced my other mortgages multiple times, but this was the stubborn one. The condotel mortgage secondary market dried up after the crisis, therefore refinancing at a lower rate became impossible. We should all refinance as many times as it takes to save money.

Banks Can Sell Your Loan To Reduce Risk

If you are not aware, most banks sell their loans to the secondary market (mortgage backed securities). This way, banks hedge out risk and capitalize on profits. The secondary mortgage market actually helps the end consumer by allowing banks to lend more at lower rates. Unfortunately, once a bank run comes, it takes a while for the secondary market to thaw.

Since Bank of America wasn't able to sell my loan in the secondary market, they figured why do anything to lower my rate given that's what we agreed upon. I hadn't missed a payment, so as far as they were concerned I was a good customer. BoA had the capability to lower my rate, but they didn't have the willingness. Fair enough.

So how did I successfully manage to reduce my 30-year fixed mortgage from 5.875% down to 4.25% for free and within two weeks to boot? What's more, this is my second free loan modification. Let me explain how to win the mortgage lottery.

How To Get A Mortgage Loan Modification

1) Pay your mortgage on time.

The big banks have different types of rate/loan modification programs. One constant criteria I've found for getting a rate mod is the borrower's stellar repayment history. Once you show a record of consistent payment, banks will be more inclined to offer you concessions.

Citibank decided to knock 0.5% off my rate back in 2007 just because I was a good client. Now Bank of America decided to cut a whopping 1.625% off my vacation property mortgage. Why? Partially because I never missed a payment. If I showed a history of being late, I'm pretty certain neither bank would have given me a rate mod.

For about a year, I was thinking of just not paying in protest of Bank of America's inability to lower my rate. After all, California is one of many non-recourse states. Lenders do not go after your other assets if you welch on your mortgage obligation.

Given my vacation property provides a healthy amount of income and the fact that I cherish my credit score, I decided to keep on paying. Under my breathe, I was envious of everyone who got free bailouts for not paying their debt.

2) Gather your financial information.

You need to have your financial ducks in order to show that you are financially responsible. Below are six things Bank of America asked me to provide for their underwriter to review.

In order to make sure the process goes as smoothly as possible, don't forget to sign and date all documents. Furthermore, make digital copies of your records so that you can e-mail them over to your loan mod processor. One of the most common excuses banks have had for delaying any type of loan mod or refinance is losing your documents. It sounds ridiculous, but it's true.

Main Documents Needed For A Loan Mod

1) 4506T form signed and dated.

2) 2011 tax return including all pages. Second page of your tax return must be signed and dated.

3) Last two consecutive current paystubs. Must reflect year to date earnings.

4) If self-employed, have S Corp or Partnership send profit and loss statement for the fiscal year. Profit and loss statement must be signed, dated and include company’s name.

5) K1. ( if applicable)

6) If you own any other properties and second mortgages please fill out REO attachment as well. Make sure to include every property, even if properties were paid off.

Note: I suggest NOT providing more financial information than is required. It will only complicate things. Only if they ask for more assets or more income to get you under a certain debt to income ratio should you send more information. In my case, Bank of America wanted to make sure my debt to income ratio was under 42%. 42% is an easy hurdle to overcome.

3) Get confirmation of receipt the lender got all your documents.

Once you have sent all the requested documents, follow up with an e-mail and phone call to make sure the processor received all your paperwork. You are almost always running on a deadline. Your processor is only the intermediary between you and the bank's mortgage underwriting.

It's the underwriter who goes through all your financials to make a feasibility study as to whether you qualify. Therefore, help your processor help you by making sure they have everything they need to prevent delay.

4) Sign the new mortgage loan agreement.

After getting a phone call or e-mail saying your rate modification is approved, you should then expect new loan documents in the mail. Once you receive the loan documents, you should receive another e-mail or phone call from a notary who will witness your signing of the new agreement.

If you do not hear from your notary within two days of receiving your document, call/email your processor to get them to press. This is very important.

5) Change your mortgage payment amount.

Goodbye old mortgage payment and hello lower mortgage payment! Make sure you change your autopay/transfer amount to reflect the new mortgage amount.

The mortgage account number should be the same, but double check anyway. Remember, mortgage interest is paid in arrears. In other words, your May 1 mortgage payment is paying for April interest.

Be Proactive When Applying For A Mortgage Loan Modification

In April of 2012, a federal judge approved the $26 billion settlement deal reached between the nation's five largest mortgage lenders and the attorneys general of 49 states and the District of Columbia over foreclosure processing abuses.

Bank of America also announced on January 7, 2013 they agreed to a $11.7 billion to resolve disputes with Fannie Mae. If your mortgage is with Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, Wells Fargo, SunTrust, U.S. Bank, PNC, MetLife Bank or Ally Bank, you could be in luck!

The approval clears the way for the banks to compensate homeowners who may have been impacted by the so-called robo-signing scandal, in which bank employees signed hundreds of documents a day attesting to facts that they had little or no knowledge of.

Details Of The Bank Settlement

Furthermore, part of the settlement should go towards those who have been wrongfully foreclosed. $17 of the $26 billion settlement is to go towards loan modifications. Such modifications include principal reductions of as much as $100,000 for roughly one million homeowners who are underwater or behind on their payments!

Another $3 billion or more will go toward refinancing mortgages for borrowers who are current on their payments. The other $5-6 billion is for fines.

Is it a coincidence that Bank of America was highlighted in the press last summer as the slowest bank of those who settled in terms of providing rate modifications for its clients? Probably not.

The US Department Of Justice is forcing Bank of America to hurry up and help their mortgage clients or else face more fines. This is why we need to pay attention to the news. I wasn't proactive in calling BoA because I was lazy, didn't put two-and-two together, and also felt like there was no hope. Well there is hope.

Proactive Steps To Take For A Mortgage Loan Modification

If you're not getting free mortgage loan modifications offers, then you can be proactive. If you never ask, you often never get!

1) Call your bank's mortgage / loan modification department. It doesn't matter if your bank is one of main four banks which settled in the $26 billion dollar suit. No big bank is safe from the government. Find out what type of rate or loan modification programs they have for you. Hopefully you've been a reliable borrower.

2) Ask your bank whether they still own your loan. If your bank does not own your loan, they cannot modify your loan unfortunately. It's like me inviting my friends over to stay at your house. Not going to fly.

3) Inform the loan mod department of hardship. A lot of people have lost their jobs, seen a pay cut, or seen their spouse's pay get cut over the past five years. If your bank owns your loan, they would much rather have you continue to pay a lower payment rather than no payment.

Your higher-than-market mortgage is providing outsized returns as the spread between the bank's borrowing cost has widened. Even if the bank lowers your rate, they are probably still making the same, if not higher spread than when they first made the loan, so don't think your bank is losing money. They just aren't making as much money off you.

4) Assemble your financial documents. Besides your last two pay stubs, latest W2, K-1s, company financials, and investment assets, you should have a detailed budget of all income an expenses as well just in case they ask. Your goal is to demonstrate your ability to pay, and also show your debt load is manageable as a percent of income. If you've shown your ability to pay on time your higher mortgage payment, you should certainly be able to continue to pay on time a lower payment.

5) Be relentless. The federal government is seeing the fruits of its crackdown efforts with the latest $26 billion dollar settlement. No bank is safe, especially the big banks. As a result, I encourage you to be relentless in calling the loan modification department at least once a quarter to see if they have any new programs.

If the bank owns your mortgage, they have the ability to lower your rate. If they do not own your mortgage, you may still be eligible for some type of decrease if the alternative is non-payment.

Being Responsible Sometimes Pays Off!

For years, I've wondered when I was going to get me some bail out money. After all, I payed plenty of taxes without seeing much return. Just when I thought our system was broken with so much moral hazard, in came the US Department Of Justice. At last, relief is slowly trickling down to those who were responsible for meeting their debt obligations.

My anecdotal example makes me sanguine about the housing sector over the next several years. As the housing sector recovers, so does the economy and the labor market. The money I save gets partially pumped back into the economy through discretionary spending.

I've been a cynic towards the mortgage industry and the US Government's effectiveness in helping the people until now. Things are improving. It's just taking a darn long time.

Good luck everyone! If you can't get a loan mod, the next best thing is to check the latest mortgage rates and refinance. One thing to note is that if I was able to refinance my BoA mortgage, I'd probably be able to get the rate down to 3.75% instead of 4.25%. But hey, something is better than nothing!

Invest In Real Estate More Strategically

If you don't have the downpayment to buy a property, don't want to deal with the hassle of managing real estate, or don't want to tie up your liquidity in physical real estate, take a look at Fundrise, one of the largest real estate crowdsourcing companies today.

Real estate is a key component of a diversified portfolio. Real estate crowdsourcing allows you to be more flexible in your real estate investments. You can invest beyond just where you live for the best returns possible. For example, cap rates are around 3% in San Francisco and New York City. However, cap rates are over 8% in the Midwest if you're looking for strictly investing income returns.

Since 2016, I've personally invested $954,000 in private real estate funds, including $140,000 in Fundrise, to earn more passive income and diversify. You don't want to miss the long-term trend of investing in heartland real estate. Fundrise is a long-time sponsor of Financial Samurai.


Shop Around For A Lower Mortgage Rate

Check the latest mortgage rates online. You'll get customized personalized quotes from qualified lenders in under three minutes. This way, you feel confident knowing you're getting the lowest rate for your situation. Further, you can make lenders compete for your business. 

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7 years ago

I just got a hamp modification at 4.0% for 30 years . Can I still request a possible lower rate prior to signing approved modification papers I just received???! I am thankful but want BEST POSSIBLE MODIFICATION

8 years ago

I tried to call my lender (BOA) a couple of times and asked about any ‘free’ loan modification programs they might have to offer to lower my interest rates. I was basically told that I would have to qualify for the program and generally speaking they would not lower the interest rates instead they will extend the loan term to lower my payments. They told me that my only option is talk to loan officer and discuss refinance options (Again).

I do not want to extend the term length, i simply wanted to adjust the interest rate (even if its a fraction of a percentage). I’ll take any savings I can get.

I have great credit score, i pay my mortgage on time for 8+ years, i already refinanced once before, but the rate is still too high based on today’s rates (mine is currently 5.375%). I have a decent amount of savings and checking accounts with the same bank. I just cant seem to convince the bank to work with me on the modification

I am at a loss… it does not seem like there are any good options for me. What am I doing wrong ? Am I asking the wrong questions to the lender ? or am I just too late now ?

Any or advice would be greatly appreciated !


[…] the next three years until the storm finally passed. Luckily, out of the blue, I was able to get a loan modification to help with the expense. Otherwise I would have spent even more. Today, I still own the vacation […]


[…] faint signs of recovery, but it’s still a dog of an investment. But, I was able to get a free loan modification by BoA for the vacation property out of the blue last year, which lowered my payments by a whopping […]

10 years ago

We have a loan(s) with BOA – we pay on time and have never been late or missed a payment – we bought our house in 2006 originally, and since have seen the value depreciate by nearly $200k – we have refi’d at a lower rate (and reset the 30yr clock) but what I’d like to see is a principal reduction – how were they able to refi when the value of the home was still so far from what we owed?
It seems as though they are still being predatory in their (BOA) lending practices – what god is a lower rate if the home owner is still under water with the mortgage?

9 years ago
Reply to  Eric

I am not a person generally to write but I remember just months ago I was looking for help so I decided to share my story. I was down to a one person household with 3 children. I was having a hard time paying my mortgage payment. I was so depressed after multiple times of trying to reach out to my lender for help with a loan modification and I kept getting if denied. My friend recommended me to thedreamfinancialcom and I am so greatful! They helped me through everything. I was so discourage and out of options but they really help. The were able to cut my payment in half. And they even sat and listen to my sob stories for hours on end. If your like me and just are not build for a lot of stress it’s not worth it. Let someone else get the job down for you. Well worth it. My Counselors name was Lauren.

11 years ago

I am trying to modify my loan with BOA. This is the second time application. I have been working with them since May 1st. Last year I was declined. I am a single mother and have always paid my mortgage on time. I am currently suffering from hardship due to a loss of a very large client, my daughter last year was murdered, my other daughter had a brain tumor and has severe long term health issues as well as learning disability. My son had leukemia for six years and has also long term complications. BOA keep giving me the run around. I am grieving and have been severally for the last year and a half. My rate is 6%. I have equity in my home. I have also credit card debt. I feel like just stopping to pay on anything. I am overwhelmed and need extreme help. BOA is driving me literally crazy. One week they say they need my bank statements. I faxed them. The next week they say they need the originals instead of them being printed off the internet. I faxed them. The next week they said they need my loan number on each bank statement page. I faxed them. Now they are saying I need to open a personal checking account. One ridiculous thing after another. I told them I am going to write a letter to the DOJ and our Attorney General. I will literally send it every day. Should I stop paying my loan and show them I mean business? I need help. Thank you.

11 years ago

I am just trying to get a lower rate. I am currently 5% apr 30 yr fixed, Bank of America. Credit score is 700 plus, never missed a payment in my life, including a BoA credit card in perfect standing for 10 plus yrs. I am not having financial hardship, my rate is just too high. According to BoA website, I don’t qualify for a modification because I still have my job and am current on payments… I guess it doesn’t hurt to try anyways.

11 years ago

I have an investment property loan with everhome bank. It used to be a 5 year ARM @ 5%, but upon reset the interest is now 2.25%. I requested a load mod several time before (last time 2-3 years ago), and was willing to pay 3% interest if they fixed my rate, but they refused. Basically, they claimed that modification is only for those who are unable to make payments. They offered to refinance, but that would mean paying all the costs again..

11 years ago

You write that banks will not modify a loan if they don’t own it. I have read and been told by attorneys that a deal can be made with the investor of the loan and if it makes financial sense for them. What’s the truth, and if it can’t be done why are there law firms that say they can do it?

11 years ago

Can you provide a clarification? When you say “interest savings”, do you mean the total dollar difference saved on interest payments between the existing loan and the new loan?

11 years ago

Here’s my scenario. Bank of America just told me last week that my home loan, which is about $311,000.00, does not qualify for a rate modification because the investors are unwilling to participate. In order to do a traditional refinance, I’d have to kick in $70,000 to bring the loan to value ratio to 80%. The current 30-year loan was established in 2005, and the rate is 5.875%. Given that the home is upside down, would you recommend refinancing, and putting another $70k into the home, just to lower the rate to around 4%?

12 years ago

Yeah we will be asking, lol. What about the HAMP program? What does that do or do you know if we would qualify since we rent it out now? I’m new to all this cant ya tell;)

12 years ago

Samurai- I’m currently going thru this same loan mod process and got an offer out of the blue which I thought was a joke. Lucky for me it wasn’t , but I am wondering why the interest rte offer is only 4.25% as opposed to something in the 3s? of course our loan rate was above 6% but our place is underwater in value and the modification doesn’t address principle write off. We pay on time every month and have it set as a rental property at this point w/tenants but should we look into any other programs or are any available ?

12 years ago

I think I received something like this recently, but it looked like junk mail and I may have tossed it. I’d love the chance to get it lower than 5%. Guess who’s calling their bank tomorrow.

Mr. B
Mr. B
12 years ago

Dumb question… are there closing fees (by bank or government) as there would be with a re-fi? I haven’t pursued a re-fi b/c my interest is low-ish at 4% on my 5/1 ARM. And I’m 3 yrs in. It would take me 2-3 yrs to recoup a re-fi anyhow. Thoughts?

Mr. B
Mr. B
12 years ago

Hmm… I will look into it. I’ll try to get a mod first, then possibly pursue a re-fi at another 5/1 ARM… don’t plan on being in this home for more than 5 years.

12 years ago

What a great post, Sam. I have never had to do this, and incredibly, just refi’d to a 15 year 2.75% rate. I’m forwarding this post to many friends, though. Thanks!

12 years ago

And what if you are under water? I have a stellar payment history, Ive done the “right” thing for eight years now. Day in Day Out. But have been turned down for every loan mod/refi I can find, unless of course I decide NOT to pay for 6 months. I do have a CAL HFA loan at 4.5%, but I have a 2nd and 3rd @ 5% and a clause in my loan that says I can not rent till the 2nd and 3rd are paid off, which are not being paid off till the first is. I want to tidy up this loan and have the ability to rent till the market rebalances in my area. But it seems that I am in the middle and there exists nothing for me.

Also how do appraisals work in CA. Are they based only on comps? Or are they subjective? Where i find the right appraiser and he/she sees what I see in my house and I am not under SO MUCH water, maybe even above. – thank you.

12 years ago

Will do. Thank you for the reply. I will stay current and stay patient.

12 years ago

That’s great news you were able to get a loan mod! I didn’t really understand how they worked before. It’s weird that banks sell their loans to the secondary market but hey if it gets lower rates for us that’s ol with me! I actually had to explain how that workd to my mother recently as she wasn’t aware and was getting all upset at her banker for no reason when shr got a notice in the mail.

12 years ago

Yeah, extra supply is good when there are controls in place. I certainly don’t want to go through another financial meltdown in my lifetime!

TB at BlueCollarWorkman

“Paying your mortgage on time” — yes! My wife and I simply refinanced not too long ago, so now quite what yo’ure talking about, but still….and we’re pretty happy, and one thing that helped and made the bank more interested in working with us was that we always pay on time. Always. I think that’s sound advice for any loan or anythign! Always pay on time and you won’t screw yourself over in the future.

12 years ago

This scares me…30 year fixed? If im 40 what happens if i can’t guarentee 30 years…does my family owe??

12 years ago

As it happens, I called yesterday my mortgage company (ex-ING Direct, now Capital 360) for a loan modification. I knew they had this program from when we refinanced a year ago. I thought the applicable percent would be the one seen on their website – 2.5%, which is lower than our current 2.75%. However, I was told that the lowest modification offer is for 2.875%, so obviously didn’t make sense. Oh well, at least I checked

Didn’t BoA charge you for the modification any fee at all? The ING fee is one monthly payment.

12 years ago

I would love to refinance or modify my loan! Unfortunately, my balance is too small (less than $60K). It is a good thing I only have less than 5 years left and the interest rate is 5%. My net interest rate is actually lower since I am making additional principal payments. That was my only option.

12 years ago

I am earning more in investment returns compared to my net interest cost. Between the additional principal payments and the IRS subsidy, it is pretty low! Why pay it off early?

Rich In The Heart
12 years ago
Reply to  krantcents

I couldn’t agree more. If my balance was that low and I could do as well in the past 24 hours every so often in the market (3.9% increase in the past 1 1/2 days of the market), I’d venture to not bother paying off early.

The First Million is the Hardest
The First Million is the Hardest
12 years ago

Do you know if banks have general requirements such as a certain percentage of equity in the property or X amount of time without having a late payment before offering a loan modification?

The First Million is the Hardest
The First Million is the Hardest
12 years ago

Thanks for the info. My loan is through Wells Fargo, I’ll have to get on the phone and see if there’s anything they can do for me.

Dawn R
Dawn R
8 years ago

We didn’t even contact Wells Fargo. Our FedEx envelope arrived a week ago. We have had our loan with them since 2005. A couple of years ago my husband was laid off and has had difficulty finding a job. We fell behind on our payments and have struggled since. Then we received “The Envelope” and a few days later someone called representing WF and wanted to meet with us to sign the modification. We meet tonight. So, it appears that Wells Fargo is being proactive in their modifications and aren’t waiting for customers to contact them.