How To Get Girls If You Live At Home With Mom & Dad

living at home with your parents

Do you still live at home with mom & dad as an adult? Supposedly, almost 50% of those under 29 years old do. It seems like many more men are living at home thanks to the pandemic. This is a fun post about how to get girls if you still live at home with your parents.

Some surveys estimate that roughly 80% of newly grads move back home. Is it really that common? Have I lost touch with reality, yet again?

After four years of college, where there are just ridiculous amounts of parties and unspoken amounts of fun, who on earth goes home and lives back with mom and dad?

Even if I was unemployed, I'd pay several hundred bucks and rent the sofa in my buddy's living room or something. Is there no feeling of guilt living at home with parents as a grown adult?  Perhaps not. Right on my street, live three 26-27 year old young bucks with grandma.

Come on, how can these guys live with themselves living with grandma? So I got to thinking, perhaps it is feasible to live at home with mom and dad, or grandma and still get girls!

More adult children are using the Bank Of Mom & Dad to buy them a car and a house. So I guess the trend is real.

Strategies For Getting Girls While Living With Mom & Dad

1) Declare That You Own The Place. That's right, say it with me now, “I own this joint, babay!” It's likely that your parents have a much nicer house than you could ever afford on your own. Tell the girl YOU bought the place, and mention you are taking care of your parents in their advanced age. A grandma is even better. Girls will go crazy for your sensitivity. Schwing!

2) Good Old Home Cooking. Askyour mom or dad to make your favorite meatloaf when you invite your girly friend over. Since you can't find a place to live on your own, it's doubtful that you can cook for yourself either. Make sure your parents cook the meatloaf right, or else send it back! Say, “Momma, I want this meatloaf medium rare gosh diggidy!  Try again and bring me some side of peas!” Girls say a way to a man's heart is through his stomach. The reality is, the way to a woman's heart is also through her stomach, so feed her well.

3) Free Laundry Baby. When your girl stays over while you're sporting your favorite Star Trek PJs, tell her to not worry about her laundry. You're going to ask your mom to hook you guys up with some fresh undies. In fact, ask her to bring her entire two weeks worth of laundry for your parents to wash. You can talk about all the eco-friendly detergent that “you” bought and how you no longer use static cling products because they pollute the drinking water for baby pandas. You will get extra brownie points for your thoughtfulness for sure!

4) Frugal Is Sexy. When you finally reveal to the girl you're living with mom and dad – don't kid yourself as the truth will ultimately come out – just tell her that it's only temporary. Rationalize to her how it's wasteful to not utilize the 3rd and 4th bedrooms, or your mom's basement. If she ain't buying it, start sniffling, and then start balling your eyes out that all you want to do is be at home to take care of your father given his bladder problems.

Tell her it's hard for you to share your soft side because society puts so much pressure on men to be the provider. She will absolutely melt in your arms and likely start crying with you! In the meantime, you are busy building a blogging empire, putting on a few pounds while you're at it, and forsaking sunshine in your mom's basement.

Tell her you're also busy saving money so you can buy a fat pad of your own. Bloggers are sexy beings. Trust me, I am one.

5) Invite Her To Stay With You. She might still think you are a loser for living at home (in which case you should kick her to your parent's curb), but don't fret. Just declare your love for her and invite her to live at home with your parents as well.  If you're going to take advantage of your parents in your 20s, you might as well invite your friends and prospective lovers to share in the spoils as well.

It could be one big love shack of intermittent shouts of “Where's my food already?“, “Turn up the heat it's freezing mama!” and “Quiet down, the game is on!” If your girl does say yes, always try and ask for the top bunk bed, unless you're too old and have knee problems like me.

6) Tell Her You're An Investor. With a raging bull market going on in stocks, cryptocurrencies, and so many other asset classes, just tell her you're an investor. Not only are you a successful investor, you are also a frugal investor. Here's how I'd invest $100,000 today if you're curious. Here's also how I'd invest $250,000 in a bear market.

7) Tell Her You Just Love Your Parents. Women love men who love their parents. It's logical because it increases the chances the man will love the woman as well. If a man can show filial piety by living with their parents and taking care of them, you will become incredible attractive to women.

Getting Girls While Living At Home Is Possible

Maybe mooching off mom and dad isn't so bad after all.  Free rent, free laundry, free food, free mansion. Even if you have a lot of pride and want to demonstrate that the four years of college was for something, it's just too difficult to pass up sometimes.

Seriously, how else do you plan to come up with a 20% downpayment on a home living on your own? Hence, I say go for it. Live in your mom's basement. Save aggressively for a brighter future.

You can still get girls using the above tips, and save a ton of money while you're at it. In fact, you may even be doing your parents a favor because they missed you so much while you were away!

As a father to a son now, I'd love for him to stay with us after college. It'll be fun to reconnect. It'll also be nice if he could save money on rent so he can buy his own home one day.

But I'm assuming he'll want to continue living independently again. We shall see!

Related posts about relationships:

How To Get BOYS If You Live At Home With Mom & Dad

A Massive Generational Wealth Transfer Is Why Everything Will Be OK!

How To Convince Your Parents To Buy You Everything As An Adult Child

Recommendation To Build Wealth

Sign up for Personal Capital, the web’s #1 free wealth management tool to get a better handle on your finances. In addition to better money oversight, run your investments through their award-winning Investment Checkup tool to see exactly how much you are paying in fees. I was paying $1,700 a year in fees I had no idea I was paying.

After you link all your accounts, use their Retirement Planning calculator that pulls your real data to give you as pure an estimation of your financial future as possible using Monte Carlo simulation algorithms. Definitely run your numbers to see how you’re doing. I’ve been using Personal Capital since 2012 and have seen my net worth skyrocket during this time thanks to better money management.

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If You Want To Get Out Of Your Parents Home

Pick up a copy of Buy This, Not That, my instant Wall Street Journal bestseller. The book helps you make more optimal investment decisions so you can live a better, more fulfilling life. Being an independent man is priceless!

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Chris johnson
Chris johnson
7 years ago

Well mines kinda different! I did move to my mom but im 50 and i did do it for her health issues. I moved from the SF bay area to canada after my mom fell and broke her hip because she lives alone and really needed the help but im having a really hard time trying to get the nerve up to ask a women out due to mymown fears of what she might think.

7 years ago

I get plenty of hot women at 35 living at home.It is simple you just need to know how to use ur p@#i$.I was a bot embarrassed yes when one parked in the yard.I said don’t park there she said tell your roommates .And I said roommates it is My parents house.I have an entire finished basement with shower down here but I have lived on my own 2 times.I do not have them do my laundry or cook me food that is a bit much.Reason is now my nephew is my best friend he is 4 and he lives like 10 houses up . I just need to move close to him.I cannot really afford rent making 11 an hour being a felon sucks kids stay out of trouble it haunts you the rest of ur damn life.

Elsie @ Gundomoney
Elsie @ Gundomoney
8 years ago

When I met my boyfriend he was 28 and lived with his parents. His mommy did his laundry, he didn’t have to cook or buy food. Six months later he moved out and bought a house for us to live in. Frugal is, indeed, sexy. A lot of the smart ones live at home. It also showed me that he had a good relationship with his family.

i live off dividends
i live off dividends
9 years ago

This article seems to underhandedly mock those grown men who live with their parents. I live with my parents and it’s a decision I made carefully. I don’t have to pay rent, mortgage interest, bills, or anything, and 100% of my income is invested, and I live off dividends, so I think it’s a good move, but society (including many women) seem to put me down for it, which makes me angry that sometimes I almost want to explode. I understand how many people give to the social pressure and simply conform, but I just feel like I cannot do this. I cannot give in and conform. How cowardly is that? Anyway, I’m having trouble getting into intimate relationships with women, so I resort to using to get companionship with girls (have dinner with them, etc) and when I’m feeling quite horny I just go to a registered brothel where there is a girl there who I always see. By seeking out companionship from one source and sexual intercourse from another source, I’ve allowed for more specialization and therefore I am able to procure these services more efficiently, and I’ve created what I call a “synthetic girlfriend experience.” But whenever I talk about this to my friends, they mock me no matter how much I explain the underlying microeconomic theory. I feel so angry and I don’t know what to do, and reading this article only inflames my anger even more.


[…] paying for anything, never buying them gifts, always playing video games all day long while still living at home in their parent’s basement, and never holding on to a job for more than a year to save their lives. Yet, these women still […]

10 years ago

Property prices are pretty rough….I dont think most people can afford homes in todays economy given the amount of money people make and how high housing prices happen to be. We are talking indentured servant for life if you go out and take a mortgage.

10 years ago

This post is hilarious! This topic is also something I thought about for my friends who live with their parents, like I do. I, however, was lucky enough to find the love of my life in high school. She still lives with her parents as well (when she’s not out of state for school). So given this history, the dynamic’s not weird for us, and consequently, we each get along with the others’ families very well.

However, I worry for my single friends who live at home and work full time jobs. It’s a triple whammy because they not only live with their parents, but they don’t get much time to meet new people since they work, and they’re extremely shy! Needless to say, they don’t go out very often during off-work hours other than to hang out amongst themselves and play basketball, usually with other guys. But on the off chance they do meet a new girl, the chances that the girl would accept their living situation are low too! …at least until this post!

Say, Financial Samurai, where are the best places you know of to meet new decent women in SF? Bars are always the first suggestions, but there’s gotta be better alternatives. Cafes and libraries may work but you don’t really want to bother people who are reading or working. No one told us that after college, meeting people would be so hard!

10 years ago

I can’t stop laughing. This is the funniest article I have read in a while. It’s absolutely hilarious from start to finish. Loved it =D

11 years ago

I remember in highschool all my friends were starting to get part time jobs but my parents never let me start working, their excuse was, well you’re going to be working your whole life, what’s the rush. I couldn’t work while I was in college because I was so swamped with classes. I moved to another city for university, although my parents had to help pay for everything. After I graduated from the university I hated the idea of moving back home but I didn’t have a choice. My parents didn’t let me try to get a job near the campus once i had graduated and see if i could make it on my own, they said no matter what you have to come back home, and I was about 23 when I graduated. 3 years later and I am still living with my parents, and nothing has changed. when I mention that I’m ready to move out, first they say NO then they laugh and say i will waste all my money renting a filthy place and i will lose my soul to debt but that if i want to be a failure i am free to leave. Not the most inspirational words. My friends are all in grad school and getting married. I feel on some level I got screwed over. Anyway, really enjoyed this article just thought i’d put in my two cents.

11 years ago

I am currently 23. My parents divorced when I was 22. I was actually planning on getting my own place after a while until the divorce happen. I had 2 options. Get a place with my dad and pay half the rent. Or move in with some stranger and try to get to know them. I chose my dad. By getting a place with my dad it allowed him to be able to have my little sister over to stay the nights and spend time with him. Where as if I didn’t, he would have to get a roommate with some stranger just so he could still live while making alimony payments, which is almost 1/3 of his income. If he got a place with some random dude, then his daughter probably wouldn’t be allowed over to the house due to other dude living there. My dad also probably would only be able to see my little sister a few hrs a week.

My dad often thanks me and tells me he wouldn’t have this current life style if it wasn’t for me renting with him. Being able to have my little sister live with us every other week.

I haven’t been too concerned about being able to meet girls. The fact of possibly meeting one, and marry that one in the future, and maybe getting divorced down the road when things get to hard. And possibly ending up like my dad with my little sister and the alimony, kinda scares me of ever starting a relationship.

8 years ago
Reply to  Nick

I think it’s not a bad move, you get to know your dad better for the next few years and save some rent. Dads tend to be more relaxed about friends and girls coming over don’t they? So as long as you have your privacy you should be fine. Get out around 26 though and try and travel. Just my thoughts.

11 years ago

I sincerely hope that this article has been written as a satire. If young adults are living with Mom and Dad the idea is for them to get on their feet financially so they can MOVE out.

You are giving the young people out there bad ideas…by the time I was 26 I had been out of my parents’ home for five years, and lived in a foreign country besides. I think it is wrong to encourage mooching off Mom and Dad.

Personally, if I were the age of my offspring, I would NOT date a guy living in the basement.

Pierson v. Post
Pierson v. Post
8 years ago
Reply to  katley

/slow clap

“by the time I was 26 I had been out of my parents’ home for five year, and lived in a foreign country besides”

Well Katley most successful people I know live with their parents at 26 and beyond:

Modernly, it takes the average college student 4 1/2 years for a bachelors and 5 1/2 for engineering. My family lives on the Main Line in Pennsylvania and at 18 I started undergrad at Bryn Mawr and graduated at 24; I graduated with a BS in ChemE with a 3.896 GPA making all A’s with only one B. I had also studied for 9 months for the LSAT.

I graduated from undergrad with $140k in debt and only maintained such a low debt load because I lived at home and worked part time all through college as well as doing work-study.

I was not accepted to a single top 14 (T14) law school because my LSAT was not high enough, so I moved across the country and went to Cal Poly where I received free tuition and dorm working on a masters in Chemical Engineering while I worked as an undergrad TA — I used this time to study for the LSAT. I took out less than $20k for my MS — but was now $160k in debt.

I still was not able to crack the elusive T14, but I moved back in with my parents and attended Penn Law and because of my 1L GPA–I was finally able to transfer to gain admission to a T14 (NYU Law) at the end of my 1L year. If you don’t know anything about law–graduating from a T14 is pretty much required to get an associate offer in Big Law. Because of my GPA at NYU I was offered a summer associate position at a Big Law firm during the summer of both my 2L and 3L year. I was offered a job during OCI and was offered a job in Big Law before I graduated (provided that I pass NY Bar and Patent Bar.)

I got my JD at 30 and had passed both the bar and patent bar easily (with patent thanks to my M.S.CEP) by the age of 31. I moved back in with my parents, while working as an associate in Big Law, but Big Law only pays $120k a year–by now I was at $260k in non-dischargeable student loan debt.

So let me ask you this Katley–what would you do if you only made $120k a year, had a contract with big law to bill 2450 hours a year where rent in the city would be $2200 for a 5th floor walkup (how fun leaving for work at 5:30am and returning home at 11:30 pm 6 days a week and walking up 4 flights of stairs) I would have to cough up an extra $600 or so if I wanted a space big enough for both a desk and a bed. Or an extra $1000 if I wanted an elevator.

Or I could go back and live with my parents like most associates that work big law/ finance.

Why would I be worried about where to bring girls home? What girls? Girls from law school (who understand) or girls in banking? They all understand. Everyone lives at home. Maybe not in flyover country–but my friends working in Big Law over in LA are the same way. Most of the ones working in Oil Big Law (Houston) got canned–but most of the people who went into Oil & Gas and took an Oil Big Law job. . . did so because they had free rent in Houston.

Katly at 26 there is no way that you: 1) have life all figured out 2) have a good career 3) are not living off of family money, and 4) live in a real city (LA or NYC.)

I imagine that you can scrape by, live in flyover country, and work in some crap sub $100k a year job. But isn’t the point of this site trying to make something of yourself?

I am on track to make junior partner in 8 years. When I receive my first $1mil partner bonus–that is when I will leave home. Once I am partner, I will only have to work 60 or so hours a week and should have a few hundred thousand saved up–and be debt free.

If I can hit senior partner by the time I am 50–I should be making $3mil to $4mil annually. It is not much compared to some finance guys, but lawyers never retire and I will make at least $1mil for life as a stock holding partner–even after I no longer go to the office. By then I should have an apartment overlooking Central Park, a summer place in Cape Cod, and a winter condo down in Boca Raton.

So Katley–what is your life goal? What is your retirement plan? Are you going to get there by continuing your path? Real wealth doesn’t come from scrimping and saving/ clipping coupons/ bringing your lunch to work/ not buying a Rolex/ or not spending so much at Starbucks.

Real wealth involves building yourself up to where you have skills that pay better than 99.9999% of other people.

8 years ago


ahh I know this is an old post (correction, see his is this year) but I’m going to Have to dive into this one.

That all sounds very impressive Pierson, no really, it also makes you sound like a complete douche.

$140k in debit? wtf? I’m not in the US of A, but a quick search says the average is $30k?

Fly over states? Real? Everywhere else is just imaginary is it? I love NY and LA, to visit, but you’re actually saying there’s nothing worth seeing in between. Really? wow. Have you taken a road trip? Like, ever.

On track to make junior partner in 8 years? ah huh. Good luck.

It sounds like; you have planned your entire life out, are only concerned about money against and above all else, and only live to work. Have you had a day of fun in your life? When are you going to start? Because it sounds like you’ve pencilled it in for age 50.

Anyone who plans that much (narrowly) isn’t going to be prepared for the side swipe in life that’s coming. And it will hit hard. Even if it doesn’t your life sounds, well kinda boring. Do you actually enjoy law?

So you only study, live at home (not that I care), and it sounds like you don’t have much real world life experience.

I GUARANTEE you Katley up there has more life experience, can cope better in diverse situations, and can stand on her own two feet. ANYONE who can leave at 21 and travel and live in foreign countries knows WAY more.

You are actually going to wait until you earn one mil before you leave home? wow. I mean it’s actually ironic that you talk about life experiences.

It sounds like you have an extremely coddled life in a very narrow playing field, and you’re actually planning to continue that in your retirement so that you don’t let any of it touch you. It being Life.

Yeah everyone likes getting rich, but the real wealth is experience, get out there open your eyes and see some of it. Leave behind that attitude before you go though.

11 years ago

Very interesting post and comments. I live in the UK, currently a university student sharing a flat (apartment). Will move back home when I start work in London (hopefully will get the job).

Why the move home? Anyone seen rent prices in London + council tax + utilities + transport on the underground? and food (much more affordable of course). So an average person sharing rent in say a 2/3/4 bed flat or house in outskirts of greater london would spend nearly £1200.00 per month on the above. That means you need to take home £14 400 annually after tax. The average house price in london is now greater than £500k…a 1 bed flat in outskirts of london costs approx £250k – given that the average salary in london is approx £23, 520 – how long would it take to save for a 10-25% deposit on a 1 bed flat if you are renting? Would you really want to buy a 1 bed flat after saving for X number of years? Anyone realize how quickly house prices rise in London? The current youth (our generation) are becoming known as the rental generation…and rent prices just keep on rising (funny that).

Anyway the main reason to move home is to save enough for a depost on a flat and have good savings because of job uncertainty etc…I would definitely move out by 30 (seems ridiculous i know to even live at home for 5-6 years)…how to get chicks? its gonna be tough…where would i take them at the end of the date? rent a hotel room? silly perhaps…dont know. Guess I will have to figure it out – one thing I do know is that I will not compromise my career establishment and financial outlook becuase I wanna take chicks home (as much as I really do)…

PS, I like your site financial samurai.

11 years ago

get your own place or hideout away from the wife and family for the mistresses as well ;) that’s how true pimps do! life doesn’t stop once your married fools!

8 years ago
Reply to  pimpbyblood

I hope you get hit and mulched by a bus

12 years ago

Haha, luckily we have a mostly private section of the house…but yes, that is a constant worry of mine. I will say that going away for a weekend is way more special now. We’ve offered to pay them back one way or another but they won’t have it, they just want us to be in a good position in life. For what it’s worth, I do help out around the house whenever possible and we buy our own food.

I’m torn on the market right now – part of me wants to go in very aggressive, offer well over asking and get in front on any more rise in prices (and rates). Another part of me doesn’t believe that the current market is sustainable over the long term (I’m talking specifically in the city where prices never really went down, even throughout the housing crisis). Condos that sold in 2010 for 295k are back on the market for 350k? How can people justify a 20% increase in price over three years? Low interest rates entice more buyers, but I just don’t think that’s enough. And people are still bidding 10-20% over asking? Eventually, people (maybe even us) will say screw it and buy a house outside of the city.

12 years ago

My wife and I moved in with her parents about 18 months ago to save for our own place (we were engaged when we moved in). We figured that if we could suck it up for a year or two that we would be in a better place because of it. We now have about 100k cash (after wedding/honeymoon costs) for a down payment and are now aggressively looking for a condo in the city. If we hadn’t temporarily put our pride aside and instead decided to keep renting in the city, it would have been extremely difficult to save up for the down payment.

Quick side note, I wouldn’t even consider buying/living in the city if we both didn’t work there. Our goal though is to live in our condo for 3-5 years while saving for our next place. We hope to keep our first condo as a rental property and bring in the $2,400+ a month that a two bedroom in Boston can fetch now and not have to sell it to fund our house in the burbs.

P.S. Investors coming in with cash offers are my worst enemies right now.

12 years ago

Haha, luckily we have our own, mostly private area…but yes, that might be the toughest part of the last 18 months. I will say that when we go away for a weekend it makes it that much more enjoyable. We’ve offered to pay them back one way or another but they just want us to be in a good place financially. The father especially is pretty smart financially and was happy when we stopped paying rent. For what it’s worth, I help out around the house whenever possible and we buy our own food.

I’m torn right now – part of me wants to go aggressive and offer well above asking to get in front of increasing prices. The other part of me doesn’t think that the current condo price trend jumping up is sustainable right now. We’re seeing places that sold 3 years ago come back on the market for 20-30% above the sale price in 2010 – on top of that, people are still offering 10-20% over asking!

My main issue with this is that condo prices in Boston (like some other cities) didn’t really go down with the rest of the market, so the fact that they are skyrocketing now is crazy to me…eventually people (maybe even us) will say screw it and find our house in the suburbs. It’s rediculous to see what $400k will get you in the city compared to a town that is just a 20 minute drive.

12 years ago

I think Generation Y is more communal than it’s predecessors. They naturally gravitate towards the group. I don’t think there is as much social stigma now, about anything really. This is the generation that has to clean up the mess. So, um, it’s a mess. Humans are social creatures. Living alone isn’t always so great, especially if you’re spending all your money on rent. And there’s more of an egalitarianism in families now. Long live the tribe, I guess.

12 years ago

I moved back in with the parents after leaving at 17 I am now 28. I have been to college, worked up and down the east coast, and started several successful businesses. I have a bad car wreck and could not work or do all the things necessary to survive alone such as cook and clean and drive.

So I can honestly say I have had the most numerically and most meaningful women in my life since being “down on my luck.” Where you live and what you do almost has no effect on how many girls you get. I think the average is 5 partners in a lifetime? I stopped counting at 30 women years ago.

Saying a man has to be successful at everything all the time to deserve a woman is bull. Thats like saying I will only go out with gorgeous models who hit the gym 7 days a week, have a high paying job, are debt free, a genius, perfect sized body parts, bling, brand new car, her own house, she can cook, loves to clean, and is a sex beast in bed……

Most successful men continually accomplish things and fail well into mid life before ever become a resounding success.

Do what you have to do to make ends meet and have a plan to go somewhere and no one can fault you on that…all this talk about never thinking of going home and asking for help is far more telling of a person’s plain old stubbornness and pride. Of course it doesn’t hurt if your parents are wealthy and having you home is not a financial concern in the least…

So suck it up…if you are not pulling chicks its because you have a dull personality. Living alone, broke, hungry, and desperate…all be it INDEPENDENT…is just so sexy compared to frugal living with goal that can actually be attained in a year or two rather than struggling for decades for the same..

Long post…but…if you are renting just to stay away from a year maybe two of rent and get a first time home buyer low or no down payment loan and own something. Or rent and be broke for the rest of your life and enjoy the quiet loneliness of pure independence. You can think of this while you struggle to choke down a meal for one in front of your 26″ tv you bought all by yourself…I will stick with the 60″ my dad bought lol while eating meat and potatoes till my body cannot synthesize any more lean muscle.

12 years ago

I’m a 22 year old living out of my mom’s basement (literally). I just graduated UCSB w/ a 3.5 and good internships. I had options for stable jobs out of college but decided to take another route.

I’ve been working, and working; and am looking to take a risk and move to Chile in a couple of months to launch my startup.

I know you’ve mentioned multiple times here that you don’t mean disrespect, and you don’t necessarily see it as a bad idea. But I have been trying to work professionally around the clock while hearing my parents fight every night, the past few nights they have been bringing up divorce. Few things in my life have been harder…anything BUT EASY, and for that…. I wish I could get a girl. I’m so lonely.

12 years ago

My (ex)girlfriend and I live with my mom right now. She was finishing up her degree while I worked and saved for a house. I only paid $400/mo in rent which covered all bills in the house (my mom doesn’t have a mortgage payment) so it works out nicely. It also allows me to save nearly 40% of my income for a down payment versus paying $850+. I’m only 22 and my budget tells me I’ll be out by November of 2013 :). I feel pretty embarrassed though when I think about having to tell people where I live.

Side Note…I just Googled “Embarrassed” to make sure I spelled it correctly and the definition is:
1.Feeling or showing embarrassment.
2.Having or showing financial difficulties.

Thought number 2 was interesting.

From Shopping to Saving
From Shopping to Saving
12 years ago

I live with the BF and his parents but we have our little shack in the backyard, so we’re sorta separated from them and we rarely see them since we both work full-time. It’s not so bad and we have been doing it for 2 years, but we have been together for almost 7 years now. If we just started dating, I think it would be really unappealing, but we went through this process together and we came to the decision together that this is what we have to do to achieve our goals. It’s not forever, it’s temporary, and I think the parents play a huge part depending on your personalities/their personalities.

12 years ago

I think some girls from some (developing) countries might even consider marrying you even if you were living at home with dad and mom. :O)

But you were not talking about non-American girls, were you?

12 years ago

I can’t imagine any smart girl considering a grown man living with his parents. Sometimes, circumstances force someone to do so, but — too often — dependency becomes a life long habit.

13 years ago

Hahahaha so interesting,pls make this an ebook it will sell

13 years ago

Anyone who is seriously bothered by someone else living at home is just upset that their own mother doesn’t love them enough to do their laundry for them anymore.

Chances are, if your parents wanted you out when you turned 18, they’ve been thinking about the day for the last 18 years. Accidents do happen I guess….

13 years ago

I’m 31 yr old female and I live with my mom. Unless I get married, I’m never moving out. Like the article states, you get every thing for free. I work and help with the bills sometimes, but that’s all. I’m not allowed to bring guys over, though! My mom doesn’t think that’s appropriate.

10 years ago
Reply to  jane

Wow, I’ve only personally known 1 good girl who lives with her parents.
She is total wife material but can’t find a date. Don’t let this happen to you. Let someone who knows what a gem you are have an opportunity.

This woman hasn’t figured out her fantasy man won’t come sweep her off her feet. She’s 39. I’m disqualified in her mind because I’m a single dad, though I possess the qualities she is seeking.

You’ll know if a man has good character by observing his actions towards the people in his life when the chips are down, when things are tough. Does he stand by them or take care of #1. There is no other way to know. Often the situation that reveals their true qualities isn’t idealistic.