How To Prevent Your Wealthy Man From Straying

Kissing During Sunset - How To Prevent Your Wealthy Man From Straying

Holding onto a wealthy man can be tough. His ego tends to grow as he becomes more attractive to other people. This post shows how to prevent your wealth man from straying.

A female friend asked me over a drink one day whether I had any tips on how she can lock down her husband forever. I immediately started imagining her throwing her hubby in a dark cage after sunset and maniacally laughing as she twisted a thick key to keep him hidden from the world.

Her husband is a wealthy fella who is charming enough to have a whole lot of extracurricular fun if he wanted to. She's attractive and successful as well, but still she has fears.

My friend's situation reminded me of a UC Berkeley study that found wealthier people are more prone to cheating, taking candy from children, and failing to wait their turn at four-way stops.

This is pretty obvious if you think about the correlation. When you've got more money, you've got more options. When you've got more options, you've got more temptations. And when you've got more temptations, the chances of fulfilling those temptations goes up.

Hard To Stay Humble

Men who know you're the best thing they're ever going to get are much less likely to cheat. They'll probably appreciate you much more, be more attentive to your needs, wash the dishes, do the laundry, vacuum the floor, take out the trash, keep the bathrooms clean, give you foot massages, buy you flowers every week, take you on romantic trips to Target, and maybe even let you go out for drinks with your handsome physical trainer. Nirvana right?

I'm always on the lookout for any type of correlation between relationships and money because the topic is so fun! Several years ago a blogging buddy sold his personal finance site for $4 million dollars. Soon after, he divorced his wife and decided to travel the world with another woman.

Coincidence? Or did money give him the courage to break free? It's like Obamacare allowing millions of Americans to no longer be tethered to a job they despise anymore. Screw you boss! I'm outta here!

Let's discuss three strategies women can deploy to lock down their men and create happier relationships. 

How To Prevent Your Wealthy Man From Straying

The highest chance for a woman has of losing her man is when he is between 32-52 years old, depending on age of marriage. At 32 years old, a man is finally coming into his own after 8-10 years of work. He still looks relatively young and is probably finally where he wants to be in his career.

He's making more money and can afford a car and probably an apartment as well. He's much more confident than he was in his 20s. I put the upper limit at 52 just because of the confluence of age, fitness, attitudes towards dating, and fading energy. Many of the playboys I know get this “what the hell am I doing” moment after reaching 40 and 50 if they are still single.

Most men are average to below-average looking compared to women. But if you give an average man some money and some platform shoes, he'll feel better than average. And if you give an average man a lot of money, then he may start thinking he's God's gift to women.

If you're insecure and feel that your man is going to stray, then I suppose you can sabotage your man's wealth building efforts by talking bad about him to his bosses and colleagues. You can secretly syphon money out of your joint bank account. Or you can prevent him from sleeping so he's grouchy and doesn't perform well at work. But that might make you guys both miserable. Instead, here are three better ways to keep your man when it comes to money.

1) Make more than your man.

It doesn't matter if your man is making a tidy $200,000 a year. If you are making $225,000 a year, your man will feel a little bit insufficient. He wants to at least make the same. The poorer you make him feel, the more you can control him. It's much rarer for men to have sugar mamas. If a man stumbles across one, he will hold onto her for dear life.

I've got a couple friends who married female doctors and they give me high fives every week when we meet up in the middle of the day for tennis. I've got another friend who married into mega wealth and his life revolves around throwing parties, taking private jets to the Super Bowl, raising money for charity, taking care of his children, and traveling the world. He is never going to stray from his wife because he doesn't have his own way of making a steady source of income!

2) Come from a wealthier or more powerful family.

If you can't make more than your man, then at least come from a wealthier or more prestigious family. If your parents are CEOs of multi-national corporations or won gold medals at the 1984 Olympic games, your man will feel extreme pressure to try and make himself worth more to you and your parents. It doesn't matter if he's already perfect.

What matters is that he won't feel perfect, and will therefore be more appreciative. Coming from a family of politicians or a politically connected family also does the trick. Power is often more intoxicating than money because less people have power.

3) Demonstrate amazing talents.

If you can neither make more money than your man nor come from a wealthier or more prestigious family, then you must develop an amazing talent he both admires and envies. Figure out what type of lessons he took growing up. Maybe he always wanted to be a violinist, but failed after book five of the Suzuki Method. Maybe he wanted to be a painter, but was peer pressured into only playing sports as a man.

If you can be that amazing musician, dancer, or artist, he will have an enormous amount of appreciation for you. Do something well that he enjoys, but doesn't do well himself.

Consider Less Wealthy, But Kind Men As Ideal Partners

If you are fearful of a dishonest boyfriend or husband, perhaps the best type of man to keep forever is a lower income fella who is average looking and kind. A sixth grade teacher making $60,000 a year who likes to play softball with his buddies is a good example.

Teachers are inherently caring, but are woefully underpaid for what they contribute to society. It's much easier for you to make more than $60,000 a year than to try to outdo some private equity guy making $1,000,000 a year. Those guys get so much action it's unbelievable.

Money emancipates many men. No longer do they want the average looking woman even if the men are themselves below-average looking. They want the super model. No longer do men with money show tremendous patience at four-way stop signs. They'll barrel on through because they think they are now better than people like me who drive Honda Fits.

You can't totally fault guys for eating too many cookies when a plate of warm chocolate chip cookies are taken out of the oven and presented to them every day. You can only understand their temptation and try and make them smell a sizzling steak instead.

Finally, it may be better to find a man who has already been wealthy for many years because he'll have grown accustomed to his wealth. Men who start off with little money and suddenly have a lot are ones to watch out for. Such a man is going to work through all his demons and desires until he finally returns to center. 

Sometimes you're just going to have to trust your gut and hope for the best. What matters most is if he still loves you at the end of the day.

Wealthy men are a dime a dozen nowadays. Please accumulate your own wealth so you can be free to choose as you wish! I hope you've found good strategies to help prevent your wealth man from cheating.

How To Get A Rich Guy To Be Your Boyfriend Or Husband

Trophy Husbands, Trophy Wives Oh My

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How To Get A Rich Man To Marry You?

Should I Get An MBA To Find A Wealthy Spouse?

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2 years ago

I think a few people here need to read more about human psychology, seriously, I read stuff like this and it makes me sad that we spend so much time trying to control things we should not and can not. People cheat, daily on all sort of things, pick people who cheat less, its a brain thing. The fact that you are so worried about keeping a man for money and comfort says so much about you are a person. Come on, there are stars bursting into life, yet we are concerned about comforts. Money does not even mean anything except those that believe they deserve it more. Evolution does not consider money as a factor, it never will. Finical systems are man mad and inherently flawed, look how complex account and law has become. Juggle those balls, but again, if you know anything about what im talking about here, you will also accept that our species will probably outlast this current finance system. Stop trying to get ahead in life when you already have 10.

5 years ago

So true. I have been my ex-hb through 5 years of PhD. We were both very poor and lived on 1800 a month from the PhD stipend. However, as soon as he started working for the hedge fund (finance), he started cheating. After a month on his first job, he went to a business trip to Frankfurt and hired an escort. This idiot did not even use a condom first time and gave me an STD. He has been hiring escorts for 2.5 years without me knowing till I caught him when he finally did it in Boston (before he only stuck to his business trips hiring escorts). I caught him when I was 5.5 months pregnant and I almost lost the baby. The worst part: for the all last 2.5 years he has been cheating, we were trying for a baby. Eventually, we did IVF. He cheated before IVF, between IVF cycles, and after the IVF when I was pregnant. I am especially angry because it is one thing to cheat and another thing is to decide to bring a baby knowing that you are cheating. Also, infertility was his problem and not mine. I wish I could say I wasted 7 years with him but I am having a baby so I am glad at least something beautiful came out of this relationship. Becoming rich makes men cheat.


[…] reading Sam’s How To Prevent Your Wealthy Man From Straying, I’ve been thinking a lot about my own situation. You see, I’m the mother of three boys, and […]

Ben Luthi
Ben Luthi
10 years ago

I was having a conversation just a couple of days ago with some co-workers about the fact that wealth doesn’t make people bad, but it does have the power to magnify their unsavory characteristics. An unfaithful poor man may not have the money to woo a mistress, but if he’s unfaithful at his core, he’ll find other ways to do it.

10 years ago

I think it’s pretty funny that you posted this article, considering how un-PC it is! However, I do think there is a lot of truth in what you say. I lived in Hong Kong for 4 years, and I saw what all the finance guys were getting up to. My husband is not in finance but he makes a pretty good income. I don’t want him to make more!! (Even though it would be fun to have more money.) It’s even worse in HK and Shanghai than in the US because Being a foreign man there adds extra desirability. *Sigh* We were there when we were younger, but if we did our Asia expating as 40 year olds I’m not sure what would have happened. So many of my old friends have ended up divorced. And, I should mention that we are in love and very happily married! But, it’s so hard to resist constant temptation….

10 years ago

Interesting take on the subject. I love it when the emotion of the situation is taken out of it and we can look at it as objective as possible.

Right now, I’m the breadwinner, so hopefully my fiance decides to stick with me after all ;)

10 years ago


Your way overthinking this. All women have to do to hold onto the majority of men, “rich or poor” is 3 simple things. Cook, sex, and fun.

In all of my friends marriages that have not worked at least 2 of these things were missing. I cant think of 1 person I know who got a divorce that was getting fed, having regular sex, and having fun with their spouse.

10 years ago
Reply to  bill

I would change the order (priority) to sex, fun ,food… never was a big foodie

10 years ago

I guess I will weigh in on the issue at hand.

It seems quite obvious to me. A certain percentage of the population is prone to cheating (male or female). With increased money comes increased opportunity to cheat with less effort and risk. Therefore it follows that as a percent, wealthier people will tend to cheat more than less wealthy people who have less opportunity and more risk of getting caught. There are always outliers but the greater the sample population the clearer the bell curve becomes.

Any attempts to “lock down” someone (or keep yourself attractive, attentive etc.) to keep them from straying may work for a while but if they are naturally prone to it, and they have the means to increase opportunity and ease of execution it will eventually happen in my opinion. And by “prone” I mean they lack the willpower to resist their self indulgence urges in every case. Everyone has attractions, fantasies, infatuations – that’s normal, but not everyone acts on them consequences be damned.

10 years ago

The comments back and forth is way more interesting than the original blog…

Sam, why do I have this sneaky feeling that you deliberately lit this fire to sit back and watch the show (and continuously throw fresh fuel on). Did you need a little distraction from your day job?

We’re not in financial Kansas anymore toto!.

10 years ago

LOL!!! Folks really fell for it this time!

10 years ago

“Most men are average to below-average looking compared to women.”

Do you live in the US?

A high percentage of girls at most clubs will be fat and a similarly high percentage of guys at the same club will be jacked.

Due to the high number of fat girls, I would be shocked if female attractiveness is higher than male attractiveness in the US.

10 years ago

No – want to go in the future though!

10 years ago

Let us all know when you get that dream job writing for Cosmo. Toodles!

10 years ago

Wow…. Sam,

I don’t know where to begin with this article?

Since you are a man (and I presume not gay), I don’t think you are qualified to describe the physical attractiveness of men. I think you will need female opinion for that.

As far as the longevity of marriage? That is such a complex subject. There are so many factors involved with this issue. People change as they age (both physically and mentally), and the marriage relationship also changes.

Is money a factor? Sure! But I don’t think it is the primary issue. I can certainly say that having a high earning or more talented wife will not necessarily stop a husband from straying. If the husband has opportunities to stray; it is more likely to occur.

Also….. You seem to be discounting the fact wives frequently stray. Probably more often than husbands stuck at boring corporate jobs (with long hours in pointless meetings).

10 years ago

Money or no money, people find ways to cheat because there’s always opportunities that are not solely dependent on money. It’s like the Fraud Triangle.

One thing money can buy is access to more opportunities. For example, if you can afford a guest house or an empty apartment in a foreign land, it makes everything a lot easier.

10 years ago

It appears to me that when you reach a certain level of enlightenment in your life, your attraction to people depends way less on their outward, physical appeal and more on what their character is. I would think that a marriage is much more likely to succeed when both partners are committed to growing as people, and want to help each other improve, not view it as a game with “every man for himself” and the one with the hottest, youngest spouse wins ;)

10 years ago

The application of financial logic is probably not the best solution to moral quandaries. The hope of retaining any long-lasting real relationship by any financial means or solution is truly nonsensical.

You can put time and effort in to a financial based resolution but it is likely futile since your effort is going in to solutions that won’t produce the desired result. This is behavior based and while financial wealth can play a part as mentioned in the study above… any person with a self-perceived high self-worth will justify unethical behavior in their mind.

RichUncle El
RichUncle El
10 years ago

The study might have some truth to it, but in this country only less than 5% of people make that kind of money, so the info is a bit skewed. I also read somewhere a few years ago that around 70% of men have cheated in the past, and who do you think they are stepping out with, the other 70% of the women population. Everything in this life is a risk, and marriage is not the exception. I think cheating is more a personality thing, and less of an income thing.

10 years ago

Sounds like your friend has major trust issues and insecurity. The most important factors for a successful relationship is trust and compatibility. Her relationship is missing trust if she’s asking you that question.

10 years ago

Tell her to see a therapist or a relationship counselor to deal with her trust issues. If her husband is also your friend, then she shouldn’t be discussing this topic with you. If he’s not a friend, then you can offer to be the guy who she can cheat with.

10 years ago

A simple solution: Prenup, with teeth.

Say, every year each put in actual cash of 15% of income into a “Dont Stray” pot. When one cheat the other take all the pot balance and that balance will be excluded from later divorce lawsuit. Then the pot start again from zero.

10 years ago

To be simple I would use straight flat “Dont Stray” tax of 15% apply to the gross income. The nominal amount in the pot is adequate for the one who earns less –the woman.

But if she really wants to punish her wealthy man, a progressive “Dont Stray” tax rate same as the Fed Tax Rate can be applied to the gross income, no deduction of any kind. This hurts the wealthy man more.

10 years ago

It truly depends on the man – wealthy or not. Even the poorer ones can cheat! Money is an easy catalyst – but I think more importantly men tire of women easily, and this is because they can and they need more – either to satisfy their lust or intellectual need. Everything around us is made to tempt them, and they don’t have moral or social obligations to cater to that anymore. Women are too obsessed with their looks they go overboard to please everyone except the person who matters at home. I have seen women stoop low to love and be loved. I am concerned that love should not be bought this way. I dont think earning higher than a man is gonna keep him intact either- nor I would like someone to stick to me because of money i have or some form of control. Then that is not a relationship I want to be in. There are many others who are comfortable with unbalanced arrangements and to those, I feel they are walking on edges – and don’t be surprised if they fall over. I have no pity for those for they made their own bed. Love should be love and people should know what they are commiting to and be ready to stand by it or leave when things dont work.

In defense of JD Roth
In defense of JD Roth
10 years ago

Did you have to “out” JD Roth like that? …..and he didn’t get 4MM for his blog. Get your facts straight Sam.
Perhaps his previous relationship had issues and he saw this moment as a good time to cut things off. Someone as ingenious and as bright as JD wouldn’t have just made that drastic change based on the financial windfall that he received from selling his blog.

10 years ago

Way to go!

Paul S.
Paul S.
10 years ago

Don’t be offended by my critisizm, I think you do a great job on a lot of topics. But I think you’re way off base on this one.

I’ve known a few cheaters and some of them are jerks while others are fairly respectable guys that love their wives but want a little variety occationally. And for the record, I don’t cheat, but I’ am interested in the psychology of why guys risk their marriages and sometimes ruin thier lives for a little action. I think that most men are eather likely to cheat or they are not. But there is a small percentate, maybe 20-ish% of men that aren’t likely to cheat but might be convinced to do so and feeling untrusted or manipulated by their wives might just pust them over the edge. And the passive aggressive attitude, or some might say manipulation, that you’re suggesting just might push that 20-ish% into the cheater camp.

My opinion is that women should be careful about who they marry. They should marry a guy who is willing to discuss thier concerns and fears instead of discount them as silly women’s worries. They should get pre-marital counselling and not marry a guy who is not willing to do that and talk about issues and concerns like this. The best advice I heard about marriage was that love is a verb, not a noun or adjective. It’s an action. You choose to love someone, you don’t fall in love. You fall into infatuation with someone and infatuation wears off.

Twice during my six year marriage my wife has found a pair of panties in our house that didn’t belong to her. I have no idea where they came from. We’ve had house guests, house sitters, stayed at other people’s houses during our vacations and vacactioned with other people. I have no explanation for their appearance but that’s a hard thing to dismiss if you don’t have trust. But I listened to her concerns, we talked about it and the second time I even tried to find the source by asking a few people that have stayed in our house or people we’ve vacationed with recently. she trusts me and we got through it. But if she were listening to people who were telling her to passive aggressively manipulate me, it would have been much more difficult. She also makes about 10% more than me (woo hoo!) and I don’t think that factors into whether or not I would cheat. I just think cheating is a really stupid thing to do when you have so much to lose.

Paul S
Paul S
10 years ago

No, you’ve got it wrong. We got married at 35 and 36. By that time I was smart enough to know that if we were going to make a marriage work it would take 100% committement on both our parts and we’d each have to give up some things and certainly one of those things would be seeing other people, that’s kind of a no-brainer. I just happend to marry someone with good career potential in the petro industry so her salary has grown faster than mine. I made more than her when we got married.

As for the panties thing, I’m not telling someone how to get away with it. I don’t do it so I don’t have to get away with it. But this weird thing happened twice and if I didn’t listen and validate that her concerns are important and if she was being influenced by others to not trust me by passively aggressively subverting any attempt I might have to cheat, then it would have been much more difficult to get through it.

Your advice in telling women how to get their husband to not cheat after they’ve selected him is off the mark. I’m saying they should choose a husband who won’t cheat by discussing it with him and getting premarital counselling. And for those who are already married, its not too late for discussion and marital counseling isn’t just for failing marriages. Infidelity is the second largest cause of divorce and I suspect it occurs at some point in 25% or more of marriages. That’s not something to be taken lightly and any guy worth his salt will listen to his wife’s concerns.

Ms. Conviviality
Ms. Conviviality
8 years ago
Reply to  Paul S

My comment is from the perspective of someone who has been cheated on. My first husband was the most loving and attentive he could be with me. We were really happy and didn’t even have a lull in our marriage when the cheating started. I was the only one working throughout our six year marriage so making more money didn’t keep him from straying. He was an older college student who seemed to take forever to graduate. My ex definitely had attractive qualities despite the lack of money. He was intelligent, spoke five languages, handsome, athletic, thoughtful, romantic, and sentimental. He prided himself on his integrity so when I confronted him about the affair he was truly ashamed. I honestly don’t believe that my ex was seeking for an affair. I think he was intrigued when he met his mistress and he liked the excitement because he was a person who always had a need to keep experiencing new things, like how he loved to travel all over the world. In addition, she is probably more intelligent than I am being that she was a graduate genetics researcher at Stanford at the time. A year after our divorce, we were still friends while living on opposite ends of the U.S., so when the mistress (now his wife) called me to let me know that he had suddenly died I was in utter disbelief and sadness because I thought of him as the love of my life. During that call his wife did something thoughtful for me. She said that my ex had mentioned how much I loved making flower arrangements (it’s true, I plan on opening a flower shop one day) and asked if I would like to make a flower arrangement for his casket. This conversation showed me that the two of them had a good relationship and that she was a kind person, similar to me, actually, so I shouldn’t have been surprised that my ex ended up with her. It hurt less to know that he didn’t throw away our relationship for someone insignificant.

Nevertheless, I was so depressed after my ex’s death that I didn’t date or socialize for two years. I’m now married again after dating my husband for four years. I’m still the breadwinner in the relationship and I do believe that my husband thinks I’m a great catch because I do make a good income, can cook, am fun, and keep it exciting in the bedroom. I don’t worry about my current husband cheating on me because if he does then he truly doesn’t love me and I wouldn’t want to be in a relationship where I’m not valued.

I think Sam’s advice is good but there are no guarantees because it does come down to each individual’s needs. Figure out what it is that is most important to your husband and keep him really happy with those areas.

10 years ago

The premise of this post is offensive. Two people who truly love each other and are committed shouldn’t have to worry about “earning more” or “coming from a powerful family.” My husband loved me when I made $11 an hour as a nanny while I studied and he loves me the same now that I make considerably more. Likewise, I loved him when he made $9 as an administrative assistant and had thousands of dollars in credit card debt. And now that he has a regular job and a nice income, I don’t love him any more.
Believe it or not, some relationships aren’t based on money or power at all- they are based solely on love and respect. Any man I had to worry about cheating on me would be out of my life immediately. And any woman who is trying to “lock her man down forever” needs to take a serious look at what she’s fighting for.

10 years ago

That might be the difference. We have never made anywhere near 750K before!

Still, I stand by what I said. My husband wouldn’t get googly eyes for other women just because we earned that much. And if he did, I wouldn’t try to trap him. You cannot trap someone who cheats anyway. And I don’t understand why a woman would try to trap someone who is prone to stray. I say don’t let the door hit you on your way out!

10 years ago

I recall one of your posts about never revealing how much one made. Since you know your friend’s income, did you ask them? If they just told you, it would seem to be just completely boasting at $750k/yr, with combined over million as a couple.

10 years ago

I think Sam is right. Sounds like your husband earns a nice middle class income. Ergo, he is not a wealthy man or breadwinner who feels the greed and sense of superiority that money produces in certain men. As a result, it’s hard to comprehend what this woman is going through. I guess ask your husband what happens if he ever starts consistently making multiple times more than you.

10 years ago
Reply to  Jenna

Ummm… I will not ask my husband that ridiculous question. “Hey honey, are you going to want to bang other people if you start earning more?”

Awkward. Oh, and I currently make more than him and he has never asked me that ridiculous question either.

10 years ago

Let me tell you how it plays out. He’ll say something like, “Of course not! What kind of question is that? You’re the only one for me!”

I’ve never known a cheater to proclaim to his spouse that he plans on cheating beforehand. Have you?

And of course your husband won’t say what’s really on his mind. 1) You make more than him, so the risk to losing his sugar mama is higher, and 2) He’s not rich, so he doesn’t have that sense of entitlement money brings.

10 years ago

This may not be the dumbest internet conversation I have ever had, but it’s up there. =)

10 years ago

Let me go out on a limb here and say that neither one of you are happily married. Not every man or woman out there thinks with their genitals. I, for example, have no interest in men other than my husband. And he will never read this thread, nor does he need to. The thought makes me want to vomit and that’s exactly how it should feel when you really love someone.

5 years ago

Wow interesting blog Sam ! I have to admit that I know ALOT of men who have cheated ! It didn’t matter the money..It’s just that ALOT of men think with their little head downstairs .. then the one upstairs. It’s sad really! Men or women if you don’t LOVE someone and find it easy to cheat..then they should NOT be together! I’m a massage therapist and I have heard alot of stories from alot of men! I feel like a shrink to these men when they tell me . I just tell them get counselling if they love their wives. I guess because they are stressed out and feeling guilty they get more massages to try to relax! Don’t figure! I digress!

10 years ago

I agree with Holly on this one. My husband and I loved each other when we made minimum wage and we are happily married now with 2 kids and making 6 figures. Do we look at other people? Of course, we definitely look if there are attractive men and women on the beach while we are there. Would we cheat? I wouldn’t and I highly doubt he would either. We respect each other and help each other out. We are the team that is raising two kids and enjoying life together. The other thing I agree with Holly is if he did stray, why would I try to keep him?

10 years ago
Reply to  Kristy

That’s right

10 years ago
Reply to  Kristy

Glad to hear I’m not alone in this, Kristy. People who have never experienced a truly happy and fulfilling marriage just cannot grasp what it means to have that kind of love. People love to imagine that other people would cheat if given the right circumstances but that is simply not true. Many people would not, and many of them have no desire to.

10 years ago

I would know…we talk all the time and have a mutual respect for each other. I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t be able to keep it from me. That being said, I don’t think he would cheat in the first place.

8 years ago

I know this was two years ago but these chick’s can’t be thathere naive lol

10 years ago

Funny article, but men generally cheat because they’re more biologically prone to do so. No matter how beautiful a woman is at first, it doesn’t take that long for most guys to tire of a woman’s looks. It’s almost always about temptation between the current/previous and a new woman for the guy. Money and fame just brings more options for the average and unattractive looking man, that’s all. Most women typically cheat on guys, because they’re not all that into the guy to begin with or they feel emotionally disconnected and neglected from him.

As for women being more attractive than men, you’ve got to be kidding right? I would say the level of attractiveness is probably equal. Only caveat is that the best looking guys tend to be gay though for some reason though.

If you want to decrease your boyfriend/husband to cheat, snag an engineer instead. I used to work in engineering and it’s about 95% guys only, so chances of him having female contact is almost zero at work. He’d have to actively work at finding a woman to cheat with versus other professions where gender disparity isn’t so skewed. The downside maybe a dull, but stable life.

Finally, if there’s a huge difference in finances and age with a couple, both likely knew what they’re getting into and wanted from the relationship unless one of them is completely naive.

anisa melvie
anisa melvie
10 years ago
Reply to  Josh

I am married an engineer and one year later I found out he want to marry another woman… long story short, I let her keep him and I enjoy the rest of my life.

10 years ago
Reply to  Josh

Sociology is reeks of anecdotal opinion.
Little to none of these beliefs can be verified or quantified meaningfully.

– men generally cheat because they’re more biologically prone to do so
– the best looking guys tend to be gay
– women typically cheat on guys, because they’re not all that into the guy to begin with or they feel emotionally disconnected and neglected from him
