“I Want To Have Fun” – One Of The Worst Excuses For Not Saving

Windmills of Mykonos

Every now and again, I receive criticism from folks who believe saving 50% of one's after-tax income is too onerous. With such little income left, one turns into an impecunious soul who doesn't have enough “fun.” While I do appreciate my critics elegiac responses, rest assured my heterodoxy is not without merit.

For the past three years I've taken six weeks off. Five of the six weeks are spent traveling abroad and going to Hawaii and Lake Tahoe. Trust me when I tell you that taking two-week cruises in the Mediterranean and snowboarding off 11,000 feet mountains is a blast! 

The remaining days are spent taking a day off here and there to enjoy insouciant San Francisco. I could go on about the other fun things I've experienced with only 50% of my income, but won't because that's just annoying.

Everybody's definition of fun is different, which is why opinions about how others should have fun are meaningless. I think being able to wake up every other morning in a different country by ship is a blast. Others can't stand the abundance of good food, night time activity, and romantic moments on a deck overlooking a shining sea. Crazy, I know!

I'm not criticizing you for saving less than 50% of your after-tax income because it's your money to do what you wish. So, why am I being criticized for my savings habits? Everybody's circumstances are different. I just take the positive viewpoint that if you are saving a small percentage, it must mean that you love your job and plan to work for a very long time!

Related: How To Trick An Employer Into Hiring You


Trust me when I tell you that you can still have fun while saving 50% or more of your after-tax income. To not believe is to deny my very existence and the existence of countless other people who save a good portion of their income as well.

* We get used to living within our means. After 5 years of living on 45% of my after tax income I decided to raise my after-tax savings rate to 70%+ for the last five years of work.  It felt a little tight for the first couple of months, but then I got used to it.

* Most of us make more money over time. If you maintain a constant savings rate of 50%, if you get a 20% raise, you suddenly have 10% more to spend while still saving 50%!  Not only do you save more, you get to spend more as well.

* Happiness stays pretty consistent. I was ecstatic studying abroad for six months with only $200 a month in spending money and I'm just as happy spending $10,000 a month. Given I am just as happy spending way less a month, I might as well save that money for a rainy day!

* Fun is cheap. I have the most fun going with friends to the beach or going on a hike.  Last week, I laid out on Baker Beach for 3 hours and it didn't cost me a dollar.  In Hawaii, the beaches and parks are all free. Costs are minimal and Hawaii have the happiest people in America, surprise, surprise!

* Spending too much money feels bad.  If I start spending more than a certain amount, I start actually feeling BAD.  Everybody has the bad inflexion point, otherwise, we'd all be spending beyond our means and be broke.  People don't eat forever because their body eventually tells them they feel full. Same goes with spending.


The real reason why there are critics against those who save aggressively is because these critics don't have the will power or ability to save. Whenever you see someone doing something you want to do but can't, you make up picayune excuses.

“Oh, he's not having a lot of fun”

“Live life now!”

“What a boring person.”

“Such a cheap bastard!”

Way too frugal for my taste.


Heard these criticisms before dear super savers? I have, and every time I do, I either smile or write a post to understand why others would want to impose their definition of fun on me.  Whenever the critics are the loudest, you know they are going through their worst spending moments. It's like blaming McDonald's for losing your four-pack abs, or blaming Wall St. for buying too much houseLet's ridicule them to make ourselves feel better.

What I recommend is for you to empathize with those who try and make you feel overly spendthrift.  Forgive their mild peccadillo for they do not know better. Just ask them about their current financial problems or worries, and you'll see why they are bothering you.  They might be taking an expensive vacation which is giving them spending guilt deep down. They might be nervous about losing their jobs, or at least frustrated about being underpaid.

There is a story behind every critic. You just have to go find out. For those who like to criticize, just focus on saving more while bolstering your income. Doing both slowly overtime will lead to great results and a much more critical you.

Related: Savings By Age Guide For A Healthy Financial Future

Photo: Windmills of Mykonos, 2011. Eating frutti di mare on the coast and watching the sunset was a blast.  Try it! SD.



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12 years ago

I’m the same way, I feel bad for spending more money than I should, knowing that I could probably spend less for it. I feel better when I can spend less and still have fun. You just have to be a bit more creative and resourceful. I am currently averaging about saving 21% of my income every month. I know it will be more once I get my raise, which I have been waiting on for 4 months. :(

Invest It Wisely
12 years ago

I haven’t agreed with every post here, but I’m with you on saving 50% of after-tax, or at least, saving as much as is feasible without cutting into basic living.

So where’s that Bloomberg poker feature? I love poker (or used to love it — play far less often these days) so am curious. :)

12 years ago

I hope you are right but in marcu ,things are so different.
I have known a lots of businessman who are gamblers with bad luck,but they always have their way to get back to rich.well,carpe diem.

Chris C
12 years ago

On the “other” side of the fence, I can see how difficult it is to cut some of life’s little pleasures. By that, I’m referring to choices of if one were to cut something completely, which would it be: Satellite/Cable or Internet
For me, it would be the Sat/Cable, for DW it would be Internet. I guess I’m bored with most of the stuff on TV nowadays (especially since the Olypics are off).

Great post as usual sir!

Matt Alden
12 years ago

I agree that much fun can be had with relatively small sums of money.

One of my favorite quotes is from Ralph Waldo Emerson: “Give me health and a day, and I’ll make the pomp of emperors ridiculous.”

Most long-lasting value comes from experiences, and the majority of good experiences are inexpensive. I don’t keep a formal budget but I save the majority of my income.

For people that don’t have much income, saving 50% would be quite difficult, but for those that make a substantial amounts of income, it shouldn’t be too hard. But they don’t have to if they want to have to work for a long time, as you say!

12 years ago

I always remind myself that even if I did everything the person who’s judging me really wanted, they still wouldn’t be happy with me.

12 years ago

Sometimes expensive things can be fun. Oftentimes I’ve discovered that they aren’t. More and more I’m realizing that the inexpensive things are the ones that generate the most fond memories. Not to mention, debt slavery or living paycheck to paycheck creates way too much long-term anxiety, and that certainly isn’t fun.

12 years ago

It’s so true that people’s definition of fun is incredibly personal. While I do love free hikes and naps on the beach, I also love being on the computer for eight hours straight organizing my photo library lol.

I’ve also tried to keep my cost of living expenses about the same even after earning more money over the years. I don’t want to be spending more money just because I have more money.

12 years ago

I totally agree with being happy spending $200 a month or $10,000 a month, so why not spend $200 and save the rest. I think when you are fortunate enough to earn a higher income, people assume you will have more things and spend more money. It is easy to get caught up in that. Just because you can afford something doesn’t mean you should have it. My husband and I were just giddy when we were broke students, then we got caught up in the spending cycle. We are trying to get back to simpler ways. It’s wonderful finding like minded people.

12 years ago

The thing that stuck with me most about this post is our disagreement over the insouciance of San Francisco. It may not have the pathetic appearance-based self-consciousness of LA, but I would argue the city cares about many things, not the least of which is its own intellectual image.
As for the rest of it, I can say that I watched my father save like a fiend to provide for himself later in life and, although wealthy by the age of 50, he still has never been able to transition from a saver to spender. Therefore, his retirement is spent not enjoying the fruits of his labor but instead fretting the decline of his income. He still, at age 68, won’t bust the nut and has not been happy for many years.

12 years ago

i have seen lots of folks who spend $4-500 a month eating out at restaurants, but then complain that they have no money left for fun… obviously, eating huge portions without having to clean up after yourself is their definition of fun, and what they choose to invest in.

my idea of fun is getting away and traveling.. but i have had to learn to properly save up for a vacation ahead of time…

L Bee
12 years ago

I’m not going to lie and say that shopping isn’t fun for me-it is, but part of the joy of learning to live with less is learning how to have fun on it too.

12 years ago

So when you tell me to spend my “millions”, you are imposing your definition of fun or is it just guilt? I think you are really trying to tell yourself to spend more! A little amateur psychology on my part. :)

I am very careful about what influences me and even more careful what influences my spending habits. After all, I have to deal with the consequences and that is never fun. I have a great life and money has very little to do with it. I know, easy for me to say since I achieved the nest egg which gives me that comfort.

12 years ago

It is very hard to change from a lifetime of saving to suddenly change. I expect I must change a little as I enter retirement, but that is 5 years away.

20's Finances
12 years ago


I agree with Joe. The work hard / play hard connection to spending a lot of money is foolish. You don’t need to spend a lot of money to have fun. I think saving 70% is pretty impressive. I’m shooting for 50% for 2013.

Jessica @ Budget for Health
Jessica @ Budget for Health
12 years ago

I just got back from a 9-day vacation in Ireland and BOY do they have different spending habits. Most people I met live paycheck to paycheck and the only thing they save for is the pubs. My brother in law had to plan his own bachelor party & pay for the guys’ suits. No one could chip in a few bucks but they can drop 100 euro at the bar in one night.

Jessica @ Budget For Health
Jessica @ Budget For Health
12 years ago

I just saw your response back! You can read about how our spending went and see 300+ pictures!

12 years ago

Funny post!
I get this all the time because I choose to go out, and rather hang out at home and have fun. It’s not cheap eating dinner out every night, when I can make an equally good steak (two usually) at home every night for the price of one at the restaurant. I pick and choose my what activities I do, and don’t do. For example, physical fitness, organized sports, and golf are good “mind rests” and perfect for me to recharge. So, I adequate most of my “fun” income towards there.

Fun is a very broad term, and usually is only a temporary feeling of excitement. Much like buying a new car, it feels awesome the first month, and then afterwards it’s like any other car on the road…..unless you drive a Porsche 911 GT4, and can afford to rip it open on the track every weekend.

12 years ago

Why do some “super savers” feel the need to villify those that do not save > 50% of their after-tax income? Perhaps because deep down they realize that there is a risk they may never get to spend this saved money and all those years of saving were for not?

“There is a story behind every critic.” So true, regardless of who is doing the critiquing.

12 years ago

I hope I’m not the only one that googled “picayune”.

Mysterious Guy
Mysterious Guy
12 years ago

Fun is such a relative word.

I know generalizing here, but spending money for ‘fun’ usually tends to be finite sum. ‘Cheap’ fun or ‘spend no money’ fun tends to last longer (spending time with friends versus buying the latest thing).

I’m definitely no expert on this subject, but there’s a definite lure to buying things. It becomes more of a habit as you get less and less happiness from one object, it’s time to buy something else to compensate. Before long this ends up being your spending habit, as you try to keep up with your happiness. I’ve been there several times where I noticed an upward of spending only to catch myself thinking ‘do I really need this?’ and ‘does this really improve my life in anyway?’

Jeff @ Sustainable Life Blog

Great strategy sam – i’ve been working on getting out of debt, so lately that’s where the bulk of my earnings have gone, but that should be over in the next 6-12 months, and I’ve gotten a huge income boost by getting married, and my spouse and I should be easily able to save 50% of our income or more!
I think even with that savings level, there’s still room for fun, you just have to figure out what “fun” is. Some people may not find hiking or fossil hunting fun, but I like them and they are mostly free.

Jeff @ Sustainable Life Blog

Well maybe we can go out early morning sometime at fincon! Could be a bit of a drive, but it’ll be worth it

12 years ago

I’m saving 50% of my gross income, as sole wage earner of a married couple. We still golf all we want and enjoy our kids and grandkids. Every now and then, we dip into savings for a fun trip or cruise. That’s what our savings is for. But in a regular month, 50 percent of gross goes to savings.