The Ideal Number Of Banking Relationships To Feel Safe And Secure

Most people have a bank account where they securely receive, withdraw, and manage their cash. But is having just one banking relationship enough today when established banks are at risk to close down overnight? I don't think so.

After the collapse of SVB and Signature Bank, I decided to review our existing banking relationships and see if we are well positioned to weather another potential bank run. I also wanted to share with you the ideal number of banking relationships to have to feel safe and sound.

When I first started Financial Samurai in 2009, I recommended having three banking relationships.

  • One for operations / working capital
  • One for borrowing
  • One for investing

Back in 2009, we were in the middle of the global financial crisis. Lehman, Bear Sterns, Washington Mutual, and a number of other financial institutions were failing. Spreading out your deposits if you had more than the FDIC-insured $250,000 per bank and ownership was a rational move.

At the time, having three banking relationships was more than enough to protect my cash. The main reason why I wanted three banking relationships was for optimization purposes.

Today, I still feel three banking relationships is the ideal number to have for those who have more than $250,000 in cash, investments, or loans. For those with less than $250,000 in assets or liabilities, I'd go with at least two banking relationships and work your way up to three.

Three Banking Relationships For The Best Terms

The main reason why I decided to go with three banks was to get the best terms.

My “operational bank” provided the most conveniences. My “borrowing bank” had the lowest mortgage rates. Finally, my “investing bank” had the lowest trading fees and the best user interface.

The downsides of having three banking relationships are more financial accounts to keep track of and more tax forms each year.

Let me explain a little more.

1) The Operations Bank – Convenience And Low Fees

The first banking relationship I opened was with Citibank back in 1999 in New York City. Citibank had branches everywhere, which made it easy for me to withdraw cash at ATM machines without a fee. I pay all my capital calls with my operations bank too.

As someone who worked in international equities, I also had to travel to Asia a lot for business. As a global bank, Citibank had branches everywhere to withdraw local currency without a fee. Its foreign exchange rates were also more favorable at the time.

Then in 2002, something scary happened. I arrived in Beijing at about 8 pm after a long 12-hour flight from San Francisco. Given I was wide awake, I decided to roam the streets for some food and scenery close by. I studied abroad in Beijing in 1997 and spoke Mandarin, so I was comfortable wandering around by myself at night.

After going into a bar, I ended up being held captive! The captors threatened harm if I didn't give them cash. I finally gave them the pin to my Citibank ATM card and they let me go thankfully. Once I returned to the hotel, I called Citibank's toll-free number to explain what happened.

Within 48 hours, Citibank credited my checking account with $2,000, the amount the kidnappers withdrew. It was then that I learned two things. One, I had a $2,000 withdrawal limit! I thought my limit was only $200. And two, having a relationship with a global bank was important.

There is one more thing I learned. Never risk your life for money! Freely give the thieves everything they ask for, especially if your funds are backed by a large financial institution. After this incident, I pledged my loyalty to Citibank.

2) The Bank For Borrowing – Save money on interest rates and fees

Banks are always looking to accumulate more deposits. Deposits are what's necessary for banks to make loans and invest to earn a profit. Ideally, deposits continue to steadily grow. If there is a bank run, the bank would be forced to sell their investments and/or somehow recall their loans to pay for withdrawals.

Wells Fargo is a bank that has gotten in trouble multiple times over the years for overcharging and opening up new accounts unbeknownst to its customers. In 2018, the U.S. Federal Reserve imposed a $1.95 trillion asset cap as punishment. CEOs John Stumpf and Tim Sloan stepped down and Wells Fargo had to pay fines.

When I called up my Citigroup mortgage banker to refinance my primary residence, he said he had moved over to Wells Fargo. Given I was loyal to the guy and the bank seemed to have turned the corner, I decided to refinance with him and get relationship pricing.

Wells Fargo had experienced an outflow of deposits due to its various malpractices, therefore, it was hungry to win back business with more competitive savings rates, CD rates, and mortgage rates. At the time, Wells Fargo offered me a 7/1 ARM at 2.625% with “no fees,” which was 0.25% lower than Citigroup offered.

3) The Bank For Investing – Better User Interface And Lower Fees

In addition to using Citibank as my operations bank to receive my paystubs, rent checks, and pay bills, I also joined Citigroup Private Client. There is actually no fee to be designated as a private client. You just needed to have over $1 million in investments.

As private clients, my wife and I were designated a financial advisor. He helped us find a bunch of structured notes to give us downside protection. This was important from 2012-2014 because I was still fearful of an economic relapse and didn't have a job, but wanted to invest. It was also nice to talk to Jeff to hear what other clients were doing.

Unfortunately, the online trading platform at Citigroup is bad. But given I'm a long-term investor who doesn't day trade, it didn't bug me too much. What did bother me was having to pay a trading fee for individual stocks when competing brokerages had lowered their commissions or cut their commissions to $0 in 4Q2019.

Given my old company's 401(k) and rollover IRA were at Fidelity, I decided to continue using Fidelity when I opened up my Solo 401(k), SEP IRA, two 529 plans, two custodial Roth IRA accounts, and two custodial taxable investment accounts.

Fidelity charges $0 per trade, has an excellent app and user interface, and is one of the largest online brokerage firms. What's more, Fidelity automatically sweeps any cash lying around into a money market account that pays a competitive rate.

Banking With Three Financial Institutions Is Good Enough

By banking with three FDIC-insured financial institutions, I personally had $750,000 of FDIC-insured accounts. When you add on my wife, then we have $1,500,000 of FDIC insurance. But in reality, I have even more FDIC insured coverage due to sweep account programs that spread your excess cash to multiple banks.

$1,500,000+ of FDIC insurance is more than enough to cover our personal and business cash balances. We have no employees and we don't like to leave any more than three months' worth of personal or business expenses in our respective accounts. We're fake retirees after all!

The FDIC insurance really is just a bonus for us, as I suspect it is for most Americans. Most Americans don't have more than $250,000 in cash or CDs sitting in one bank. Therefore, $250,000 in insurance at one bank is enough for the majority of the population.

However, banks are always competing to attract new deposits and customers. Hence, it's a good idea to take advantage of deals when they arise. Once banks have you as a client, unless you're continuously bringing in new assets, your benefits will wane. It's the same idea with job hopping.

You can't take advantage of the best terms if you stay with just one bank. Therefore, even if you don't have a lot of assets or loans, it's worth having at least two banking relationships. As you grow wealthier, having three banking relationships is ideal due to convenience, security, and getting the best terms.

And to clarify, for your online brokerage, the SIPC protects against the loss of cash and securities – such as stocks and bonds – held by customers at a financially-troubled SIPC-member brokerage firm. The limit of SIPC protection is $500,000, which includes a $250,000 limit for cash.

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The Business Bank – To Separate Personal And Business

Although I just said banking with three financial institutions should be good enough to protect your personal and/or business assets, I actually bank with a fourth.

When I left my job in 2012, I finally decided to incorporate Financial Samurai and treat it as a business. There was a Chase branch close to where we lived. So we sat down with a banker one day and opened up an account and received some promotions.

I didn't go with Citibank, my operations bank, because I wanted to keep my personal and business accounts separate. Co-mingling of funds is a no-no. Separation also makes accounting and taxes easier.

Finally, if I were to ever sell Financial Samurai, having clearer books helps.

The Downside Of Having A Business Bank – Lower Interest Rates

Where banking with Chase has cost us is in its low business checking and savings interest rates. Even after the Fed aggressively raised rates and competing banks were offering 4%+ money market rates, our Chase business accounts wouldn't offer more than 0.1%.

Therefore, we were always incentivized to move money out of Chase as quickly as possible. Keeping only enough cash to fund operations is a wise business practice, especially if the business gets attacked.

But sometimes, retained earnings grow rapidly when times are good. Further, it's not wise to spend money just to spend money. Therefore, we finally opened up a short-term CD yielding 4%, which is also 0.5% to 1% lower than competing banks.

Given we don't plan to open up another business banking relationship, the 4%-yielding CD was the best we could do.

Bank With The Largest, Most Financially Sound Banks

If you want to feel the most safe, bank with the largest banks by assets. The largest four banks are JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America, Citigroup, and Wells Fargo. It just so happens we bank with three out of the four largest financial institutions.

As of 2024, the top four banks have total assets ranging between $1.69 trillion and $3.5 trillion. If any of these banks get in trouble, the federal government will protect deposits over the insured amount. These banks are simply too big to fail for the stability of our economy.

Once you move to the 5th to 10th largest banks, the total asset amounts fall significantly in comparison. That said, it's hard to see the federal government not protecting the mid-tier banks as well in case of a bank run.

Here's a detailed table of the largest banks in America by total assets.

RankBank NameTotal Assets
1JPMorgan Chase$3.50 trillion
2Bank of America$2.55 trillion
3Wells Fargo$1.74 trillion
4Citibank$1.69 trillion
5US Bancorp$669 billion
6PNC Financial Services$562 billion
7Goldman Sachs$549 billion
8Trust Bank$527 billion
9Capital One$479 billion
10TD Group US Holdings$370 billion
11Bank of NY Mellon$357 billion
12State Street$334 billion
13BMO Financial Corp$265 billion
14Citizens Financial$220 billion
15First Citizens$218 billion
Sources: Federal Reserve Bank, March 2024;

By backstopping all depositors of Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank, the federal government proved it would protect regional bank depositors.

Why Bank With A Smaller Regional Bank Or Credit Union?

Regional banks and credit unions tend to build better relationships with their customers. And in banking, strong relationships create stickier customers who open more accounts and bring in more customers from their network. It's nice to have a personal banker respond to your inquiries in a short time period.

In addition to building better relationships, the reason why regional banks like First Republic grew rapidly was that they made banking easier for non-traditional workers.

If you're a startup founder who is worth $30 million, but the money is illiquid given your company is private, it's hard to get a mortgage to buy a house. Traditional banks simply don't want to take the risk.

Some regional banks and credit unions are willing to take more risks in order to grow with you and your network. As you grow wealthier, you may open more accounts, become a private wealth client who pays a fee, and open up accounts for your children.

As a result, there may be far greater customer loyalty and lower churn at regional banks and credit unions.

Worth Having One Relationship With A Regional Bank Or Credit Union

No doubt larger financial institutions try to develop better relationships as well. But oftentimes, larger bank employees are constrained by stricter lending policies.

Hence, out of your three financial institutions, you may want to have a banking relationship with a regional bank or credit union. You can keep up to the FDIC limit and strategically try to get more competitively-priced loans from a regional bank.

If a regional bank or credit union goes under, you're not sweating it if you've got a big mortgage with them and have less than the FDIC-insured limit in cash.

I temporarily had a banking relationship with First Republic Bank. However, at the time I was looking to refinance a mortgage, it wasn't as competitive as Wells Fargo. Further, the bank wanted to charge me $25 if I didn't have more than $3,000 in my checking account.

Ah, one of the negatives of not having a lot of money.

Balance Out Your Assets Across Multiple Banks

Two weeks before SVB went under, I initiated the transfer of my rollover IRA from Citigroup to Fidelity. Citigroup's online investment interface didn't give me the capability of buying Treasury bonds on the secondary market and Fidelity did.

Ultimately, the online transfer failed because I needed to call Citigroup to give my authorization. What a PITA. But then the run on SVB happened the next week.

By not transferring the rollover IRA funds, I reduced my asset concentration risk at Fidelity, where my account only has a $500,000 SPIC guarantee. As a result, I felt calmer during the bank run.

After all, Charles Schwab, an online brokerage similar to Fidelity was getting hammered. Although Fidelity is larger than Charles Schwab, it is a private company that does not face a similar level of volatility.

Although nothing will likely happened to Fidelity, it's always nice to feel more at peace with your money. As you get wealthier, work to balance out your assets across your financial institutions.

The Benefits Of Concentrating Assets At One Financial Institution

If you don't want to have three banking relationships, you can also concentrate your assets at one financial institution to try and get the best terms.

Bankers are incentivized to open up as many financial accounts as possible for you to earn more money. Examples include:

  • Checking
  • Saving
  • CD
  • Brokerage
  • Personal loan
  • Mortgage
  • Insurance
  • Business checking and saving

The more financial accounts you open with one bank, the better they will treat you. You'll get discounts on loans, waived fees (e.g. wire transfer), and higher deposit rates. Your banker will also be more responsive to your inquiries.

Therefore, if you want to keep your finances simple and bank with one financial institution, then I'd choose the largest bank that has a neighborhood branch. This way, whenever you have an issue, you can go into the branch and talk to somebody.

Reach The Top Deposit Or Liability Threshold For The Best Terms

Alternatively, to get the best banking terms, have enough assets or a large enough loan to qualify as a top-tier client. That asset threshold to be classified in the top tier is usually $1 million or more.

For example, you can have over $1 million in your brokerage account or have a mortgage larger than $1 million and you'll qualify. Just make sure if you go the asset route, you're aware of the FDIC and SPIC insurance limits.

I like the idea of being rich enough so that you're a top-tier client at three banks. This way, you'll always have a solution to your banking needs. You can feel confident about always getting the lowest loan rates and the highest savings rate.

If you want to have a net worth target goal, then shoot for $3 million. Once you cross the “real millionaire” threshold, you can maximize your relationships with three banking institutions.

Finally, if you have mega-millions, then your ultimate banking relationship should be with the U.S. Treasury Department. Instead of leaving millions in cash in financial institutions, buy Treasury bills to stay liquid and safe.

Diversify Your Retirement Investments Into Real Estate 

Investing in stocks and bonds in your 401(k) or IRA are classic staples for retirement investing. However, I also suggest diversifying into real estate—an investment that combines the income stability of bonds with greater upside potential.

Consider Fundrise, a platform that allows you to 100% passively invest in residential and industrial real estate. With around $3 billion in private real estate assets under management, Fundrise focuses on properties in the Sunbelt region, where valuations are lower, and yields tend to be higher. 

There is a multi-decade demographic shift towards lower-cost areas of the country thanks to remote work. Technology has enabled more people to work from home or anywhere in the world. Post-pandemic, this trend has only accelerated. 

Financial Samurai Fundrise investment amount and dashboard

I’ve personally invested over $300,000 with Fundrise (see my dashboard above), and they’ve been a trusted partner and long-time sponsor of Financial Samurai. With a $10 investment minimum, diversifying your portfolio has never been easier.

Subscribe To Financial Samurai

For more nuanced personal finance content, join 60,000+ others and sign up for the free Financial Samurai newsletter and posts via e-mail. Financial Samurai is one of the largest independently-owned personal finance sites that started in 2009. 

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David Mills Jr
David Mills Jr
2 years ago

Hello Financial Samurai,
Great Blog! I have a question, if Charles Schwab were to exist no longer, what would you recommend for an alternative to include a checking account with no atm fees and with investment accounts? I was looking to open accounts at Citi and Chase.

2 years ago

I’ve always felt like Schwab is the best for checking. They refund any ATM fees you have from any bank, don’t charge international fees and give a small amount of interest on checking.

2 years ago

Hi Sam – this post is very relevant and thanks for sharing your thoughts to help other plan accordingly. I find it interesting that the banks I use have not sent any customer communications regarding to express any kind of confidence. Surely some regional banks must have made better decisions than SVB?

Feline Citizenship
Feline Citizenship
2 years ago

Wells Fargo mortgage, Chase operating, and Ally for cash parking (CDs, Savings) and investing/trading. Ally’s rates on CDs and savings accounts are materially more favorable than big banks.

2 years ago

I have nine different banks we use. I buy warehouses and dealerships in various markets throughout the southeast.
It’s been my experience that the small, regional banks always beat the big banks on terms and rates for buildings in their region.
In fact, some of the communities only have 10,000 people so many of the customers of the bank may work at the warehouse I’m buying.
Also, I own timberland, and very few banks, loan on that
It’s also great asset to have to call half a dozen bankers and throw ideas off them
Certainly not necessary for most people, but it’s worked for me

2 years ago

I’ve always felt like Schwab is the best for checking. They refund any ATM fees you have from any bank, don’t charge international fees and give a small amount of interest on checking.

Dunning freaking kruger
Dunning freaking kruger
2 years ago

Four banks for us:

Schwab for 529s, custodial Roth x 2, Roth x 2, brokerage

WF – direct deposit, checking

Marcus – Hysa emergency fund

Credit union – separate savings and for separate income stream

2 years ago

Long time reader. Commenting for the first time. For people who cannot access structured notes do you think buffered etf ( example: are a good alternative?

2 years ago

Chase also has a decent brokerage platform. It’s possible to park money in a money market mutual fund if you want more yield over their savings account.

2 years ago

Yeah, they offer Vanguard funds commission free. Kinda feels like cheating. Haha.

2 years ago

I have a question. Let’s say I have a brokerage account at Morgan Stanley (Schwab or Fidelity) with investments in several Vanguard ETF’s totalling $1 million. Should that intitution fail, are you saying that I would only have my investments covered up to the $500,000 SIPC limit?

2 years ago
Reply to  Chopper

I just came across “excess SIPC insurance protection for securities and cash” which helps alot in deciding to do nothing other than to call Schwab and confirm I am covered above $500k. Many other Brokerages also have similar excess coverages.

Does Schwab have any additional protections for client securities beyond those provided by SIPC?
Yes, in addition to SIPC, Schwab clients receive an extra level of coverage through “excess SIPC” insurance protection for securities and cash. This helps ensure claims will be covered in the event of a brokerage firm failure and funds covered by SIPC protections are exhausted. The combined total of our SIPC coverage and our “excess SIPC” coverage means Schwab provides protection up to a combined return of $149.5 million per customer, up to $1.15 million of which may be in cash. The Excess SIPC program has a $600M aggregate (meaning the most the program will pay for the Excess SIPC portion of the losses). Commodity interests and cash in futures accounts are not protected by SIPC.

2 years ago

The recent banking issues over the past week are totally overblown and fueled by online fear and lemming behavior. The major banks and regional banks are doing fine financially. Its so ridiculous people are comfortable wiring their money to some crypto scam website run by 3 guys in the Bahamas, but are worried bout their money at BofA or Wells Fargo?? Get a grip… I agree with 2-3 banks just to derive benefit of multiple ways withdraw funds, ability to shop around for best rates, and occasional bonuses from transferring funds between institutions.

But, there was nothing really wrong with Silicon Valley Bank, they were short primarily due to whiplash FED policy changes, but a loan or sale of equity would have easily covered the deficit. No ones funds were really at risk, except because of rabid twitter users and a freakout of the account holders and depositors themselves actually created a real problem by withdrawing $42B in one day for no good reason. SVB should have just halted withdrawals for the day or trigger some circuitbreaker.. then explain the situation and solution.. people probably would have still freaked out for a bit but then eventually transfer their money back.. and would have been business as usual. Instead now a great bank that provided really key services for the best tech companies in the world just disintegrated.. and funds now doing to larger banks that don’t care. Really detrimental to tech industry.. and I wonder if there were bad actors trying to fuel this downfall.. either through social media or other means… hopefully something they will look into..

Overall though just evidence of idiot lemming behavior by depositors and account holders.. behavior which was primed by crypto scams.. The vast majority of crypto funds are used for 2 things: Scams and Illicit transfers. The FED and governments just need to shut all crypto down. Its a horrible scourge which was allowed to fester.. and now is starting to cause real problems because it is nothing but a house of cards..

2 years ago

Glad you had good luck with getting Wells Fargo to give you a refinance. I’ve financed my current and 2 before houses with Wells Fargo and been happy initially. However, they seemed quite unwilling to do a refinance. I’m now on the last days of year 7 of my 5/1 and ready to watch my interest go from 3% to 5% . But maybe it’s also my fault for not looking seriously at refinancing 2 years ago because I had a hard time paying closing costs to lock in an interest at 3% when I had 2.675% that year.

2 years ago

4 total for now.
Ally for primary checking and HYSA
Chase- we keep a small savings here, no interest but gives us the ability to use local branches when needed.
Vanguard brokerage-have had it for 20 years
Fidelity- brokerage and retirement accounts also have had fore more than 20 years

For now this feels like the right amount for mid 7 figure assets.

2 years ago

What’s your thought about credit Suisse and defaulting. I have some bonds with them

2 years ago

I would like to know how to separate into different banks if it is a trust for safety. Trust had many people on it for sipic, but now only one. Please advise

2 years ago

I started out with one bank and one trading account. I think it was Citibank and Ameritrade. Later, I added a second bank and then switched trading platforms. Now I have three banks and one brokerage. Out of the three banks, I use one of them 75% of the time. Sure I could simplify and go down to just one bank. But I like having some diversification especially in these crazy times. I’m almost too scared to watch the news.

2 years ago

No mention of credit unions?