If you want to make any money, you can't produce nothing. You've got to produce a whole lot of something!
Every time I walk into a coffee shop, I see guys fiendishly coding on their laptops. Although the chances are slim to ever make it big as an entrepreneur, thousands of predominantly 20-something year old men try their luck anyway. Huge respect for anybody who tries.
100% of the non-family tenant applicants for my previous house were males in tech, internet, finance, or consulting. No wonder why fellas complain that San Francisco is turning into a sausage town. At the same time, women also complain there are no good men in San Francisco either. Such a conundrum!
The title of this post may seem obvious, but I don't think it's obvious for the folks who 1) complain on the bus why their life sucks, 2) complain on message boards why what someone else wrote is terrible, or 3) complain on here why it's too hard to save money or spend less. There has to be action, otherwise you're just wasting everyone's time.
Every single company we know of today started with someone who had a vision and a determination to produce something new. If you're working 40 hours a week or less and wondering why you aren't getting ahead, you might as well move to Europe where life is good and everybody makes roughly the same. A 40 hour work-week is an arbitrary amount to work given we have 168 hours a week.
Don't Produce Nothing, Be More Productive
Device Elimination
Do you own a iPad or a tablet? Congratulations. You are a consumer. You produce nothing, which makes it difficult to make any money.
Do you own a laptop that you lug everywhere you go? Congratulations. You are likely a producer.
I've typed 1,500 word posts on my iPhone before, but those are rare occasions when I'm bored out of my mind on a 10+ hour flight. I love my smartphone, but it's really a communications device meant for fun (and approving all your comments on FS). Let's classify a smartphone as a necessity that can be used for both consumption and production.
If you want to make more money by becoming a producer, the first thing you should do is get rid of your tablet or never consider buying one in the first place. Not only will you save time, you'll save money as well.
Besides the internet, the biggest culprit of time waste is watching TV. Just look at the correlation between the amount of television watched and income (chart below). 20% of people who make under $20,000 a year watch 5+ hours of TV a day. More than 50% of people who make under $40,000 a year watch more than 3 hours of TV a day. Sitting on the sofa for 3-5 hours can't be too healthy. We sure as heck know it's not productive.
I'm guilty of watching too much TV during major sporting events like the World Cup, the NBA playoffs, and whenever the 49ers play. Spending three hours watching a football game is an eternity, which is why I have a DVR to skip through all commercials, half-time and usually the first half to compress the game into one hour. I get in as many sets of sit-ups and pushups as possible to at least feel a little productive. You should check out my one-pack!

Time Hacking
Every hour you consume is one less hour you can produce. Remember this basic tenet. If you add up the hours of consumption over a course of a year, you will be at a massive disadvantage compared to the person who produces during the same time. Imagine what you can create in 365 hours, 730 hours, or 1,095 hours. Absolute magic I tell you.
Bunching of tasks is huge when it comes to being more efficient with your time. I have a habit of always checking my spam folder every hour to release legitimate comments on this site because I feel bad when readers leave a thoughtful comment that doesn't come through. However, if I would just check once in the morning, once in the afternoon, and once in the evening I'd probably save at least 200 key strokes and an hour of time given there is so much spam I've got to wade through.
Try bunching your e-mail checking to no more than three times a day. It's going to be hard at first, but you will be less stressed and save a lot of time in the process. You'll probably also lower your chances of getting into a car accident because you won't be using your phone while driving as much. I saw a woman mow over a 12 year old boy because she was on her phone driving last year. It was a tragic site.
If you can hack your time by getting up a couple hours before everybody else, go to lunch an hour before or after everybody else, and leave work an hour before or after everybody else, I am absolutely positive you are going to be much more productive, and much happier too. There is nobody to distract you from work at 5:30am. The are no coffee lines at Starbucks at 6am. Traffic doesn't start before 7am or after 8pm. Why make yourself miserable by following the herd who don't have the willpower to change?
If you can alter your time just even an hour differently than the majority of people, you will get so much farther. Make it a game. If you are on the West Coast, try waking up before your East Coast colleagues and friends and stay up after them.
Job Role
Are you on the front end or on the back end? Front end jobs are generally client facing. These jobs are vital for organizations to grow their revenue and profits. This is why star sales people are often the most well paid. I knew several sales people who made much more than their non-producing managers.
If you are still in college, or you are looking to change careers, search for jobs that are on the front end if you want to make more money. Front end jobs include: consulting, big law, medicine, banking, financial advisory, consulting, entrepreneurship, and sales. These are six-figure jobs that may one day make you a top 1% income.
Back end jobs are critical to any organization as well. Someone has to do the accounting, make sure all operations are running smoothly, manage the workforce, and so on. The only problem with back end jobs is that it's harder to get rich because your work is supporting the organization and doesn't involve bringing in more business. Back end jobs are considered cost centers that are first to be cut during slower periods.
Back end jobs can turn into front end jobs if you want. For example, you can move from a cushy in-house lawyer job with a set salary to working at a big law firm like Sullivan & Cromwell with a variable compensation structure . You'll be paid on the business you bring in and the cases you win. Another example is going from IT support to joining or opening up your own IT consulting practice. The idea is to search for jobs where you have the ability to bring in business.
If you produce nothing, you will not get paid or promoted.
Desirability Rating
You can produce a thousand balls of crumpled paper, but you won't get rich unless you make it a desirable piece of art. The time you spend producing should ideally be spent on something that's in high demand, like a service or product. If you are an aspiring entrepreneur, it's a good idea to brainstorm for hours or days before starting your production routine. Ask as many people as possible what they think about your idea, and test out your prototype on your friends. Be open to criticism so you can get better.
Alternatively, you can see what is already working and try and build a better mouse trap. I've been a big fan of personal finance and lifestyle blogs for the past seven years until I finally decided to launch one of my own in 2009. I thought I could lend a different perspective as someone who went to business school and worked in finance for 13 years. Writing was a passion. I knew I had the tenacity to keep on writing no matter how busy or slow things got. I didn't invent the personal finance blog, but I've found my own small slice of success with ~800,000 visitors a month.
Whatever you produce something, keep on producing so long as there's strong demand. When things start to fade, or if nothing is happening, then it's imperative to change what you produce. We call this “pivoting.” Always be testing as an entrepreneur.
As an employee, it's important to envision a desirability ladder and be honest about which rung you're currently on. If a fluffy panda bear knocked you out of commission tomorrow, would your department or company function absolutely fine without you? If so, then you are on the bottom rung of the desirability ladder.
Very few companies allow for the “Superstar” model anymore given the lack of loyalty employees show to corporates nowadays (for good reason). But everyone knows some individuals are more vital to an organization than others. Position yourself with a skill-set or project that makes you imperative.
What Are YOU Planning On Producing Today?
If producing is the key way to making money, lazy people who blame the world for their problems will never make money unless they get extremely lucky. Nobody is going to do anything for you for very long because everybody has their own goals to achieve. If you produce nothing, nothing is likely to happen.
The parallels to spending (consuming) and saving (producing) are very close. Are you going to spend time working on your finances? Nobody is just going to hand you great riches. I took action on my finances back in 2012 by signing up with Personal Capital to track my cash flow, run my investment portfolios for excessive fees, and stay on top of my net worth in order to optimize my finances. Well what do you know. My finances have never been in better shape thanks to some effort and a bull market.
Or are you going to just hope everything will just turn out OK in the end? Depending on your one and only income stream (job) isn't that great now due to hyper competition and globalization. It's way better to develop multiple income streams and leverage the internet to build your brand ASAP before something happens.
Building wealth takes action. Produce something of value if you actually want to get rich and achieve financial freedom sooner! Make money the right way.
Recommendation For Leaving A Job
If you want to leave a job you no longer enjoy, I negotiating a severance instead of quitting. If you negotiate a severance like I did back in 2012, you not only get a severance check, but potentially subsidized healthcare, deferred compensation, and worker training.
When you get laid off, you're also eligible for up to roughly 27 weeks of unemployment benefits. Having a financial runway is huge during your transition period.
Conversely, if you quit your job you get nothing. Check out How To Engineer Your Layoff: Make A Small Fortune By Saying Goodbye. The date has been expanded five times with the latest strategies and information.
It's the only book that teaches you how to negotiate a severance. Mak money by leaving your jobs is one of the best things ever!
Thank you for directing me to this post, FS. I think having a creators mindset as opposed to a complete consumer mindset is massively important. You really should be asking yourself “Am I comfortable waiting around for my future to happen? Do I feel good about putting my faith in the system, expecting that after hard work for decades I will find myself in the position I want to be in? Or do I instead set out on my own path and make my own destiny?”
Too much work, focus on marrying a Norweigien….
[…] We become lazy because we no longer remember what it was like to struggle. Maybe we never knew. […]
[…] OK, let’s forget about conspiracies. Let’s just say that America’s education system just sucks. PF bloggers are just a weird minority who love writing about money related issues instead of doing other “normal” things like eating lots of cheeseburgers, going to baseball games, binge drinking watery beer, and watching lots and lots of TV. […]
[…] to work on her team. People are naturally biased towards people who look, talk, and act like them. Even if you produce nothing and just delegate work, if your image fits what management is looking for, you’ll go much […]
[…] brand. By spending a weekend creating a dynamic website with the above four or five categories, you’re taking initiative. Once you own your brand, you’ll be able to stand out far above the crowd. More opportunities […]
i just found this post. i have a night job that produces my living wage. im also a stay at home dad during the day so my time to be devoted to producing “work” other than my kids is hard. the one way i can “produce” and create valuable skills is on odesk or elance. i have been a real estate and business assistant and made my profile better and charging a higher rate.
[…] I’ve NEVER had someone question my work ethic, especially if they knew I came from banking, because everybody knows that people in banking often work 70 hour+ weeks and get their face kicked in all the time. The pressure to produce is immense. If you don’t produce, you get shown the door, hence my mindset for writing, If You Produce Nothing How Do You Expect To Make Any Money? […]
[…] good thing about technology is that it has enabled us to do more with less. The real question is: will you actually take action to improve your financial […]
[…] a small company, you must know your stuff and produce. Small companies generally have tighter budgets, less people by some definition, and a time limit […]
It’s hard being a producer in addition to a day job (as you well know). I’m certainly trying to make a long-term plan for 2015 and forward, but most people definitely just want to decompress after a long day.
Ah, but you can be a producer at your day job by moving to the front end to win clients and bring in revenue, if more money and heading up the corporate ladder is what you want to do.
Very informative and motivating post. I’m a living example of that TV chart as a poor student I watched a lot of TV but now as a full time doc with a blog on the side, I hardly have time for TV at all. It really is amazing how much of a LIFE suck TV is.
Wow, really interesting to see the salary to tv consumption chart! I’ve no idea how someone can watch that much tv in a day, especially american tv! Your shows are great.. but the advert breaks every 7 minutes would drive me nuts.. and all your commercials are so loud and in your face with ultra fast talking.
At a certain point, like some other people have mentioned, being more productive does not necessarily mean that you personally need to spend more time on things. I think that’s the real secret.
In fact, if you want to have any hope of scaling anything up, you will need to leverage others. It’s a lesson I’ve learned just with managing my own properties vs. using a management company.
I’m actually now spending much less time and getting better returns just by letting go of the direct control of things. I get more of my time back and, most importantly, there’s fewer constraints on the size I can get to.
The thing I’m running into now, though, is what to do with this time. I get restless, but taking on a serious business/moneymaking task doesn’t seem like the right thing. I think the trick is to find something that you enjoy, most importantly, but that doesn’t seem like “busy work”.
It’s so much easier to complain about how there isn’t enough time in a day than it is to actually make the best use of your time. Producers barely spend any time complaining.
Great book by Theodore Dalrymple, “Life At The Bottom” about the underclass in the UK. He is/was a medical and mental health professional who would visit homes of low/no-income households. He noted that “the telly was always on. Always. I would make a point to turn it off, so that the call would be more efficient and less distracted, and somehow within minutes, it was back on.”
Another tidbit, part of India’s national birth-control strategy is to increase widespread television use and ownership.
I haven’t had a television since 1992, and my life is better for it. I do love television, watch a few shows on DVD (and then again with the commentary) but the thing I do notice when I have it on in hotels or airports, etc. is that it increases my stress. Especially with the news channels, nothing new is reported all day yet the same stories are repeated with disturbing images and commentary. Planes missing, shot down, terrorists shooting missiles, missing children, carjacking, wildfires, angry political hearings that accomplish nothing but facetime for those trying to get re-elected, some sports figure DUI or wifebeating…ugh. None of it improves my life, but when it is on I just keep watching, clicking, flipping. No good. Any info I want/need I can get.
There is also a recently released study that “watching TV after work makes you feel like a loser” (google it). Not exactly sure that correlation equals causation.:-)
Good point about stress and the repetition of tradgedy.
I’m in the middle of my house move and haven’t watched TV in 1 month.
For the India comment. You saying people copulate less of they watch TV?
“My wife and I prefer doggy-style. That way we can BOTH watch Letterman.” – Rick Reynolds
re: India and anywhere else, yes, that is one result of watching a lot of television.
This reminds me of the Zero Product Theorem in math…it basically says 0 multiplied by any number is zero. To apply to this article to me means no matter how much potential and opportunities are in front of you…your product will only be multiplied by your effort. Zero effort….zero produce….even if the generous opportunities are in front of you.
This isn’t to say everyone’s opportunities are equal…some people legitimately have to work harder or search deeper to find the opportunities….but there ARE opportunities and resources…and if you multiply that by some effort…you’ll generate something
So many informations I don’t know what to comment on!!! I like thinking of making myself useful to someone else. Wealthy people get that way usually because they have helped others. So you help people and get money in turn. Pretty sweet this capitalism stuff.
Great article. I agree with your thesis (and don’t own a tablet or watch tv). On the other hand, I recently changed career directions from a big law firm to a cushy in-house job, so I guess that means I’m on the back end, which isn’t great from a career perspective within the organization, but on the other hand, I’m learning a lot about a business I enjoy and now have time to pursue things that are good for my soul and focus on my own investments, so hopefully that wasn’t a bad decision. I’ve yet to regret it. Still, nobody wants to be in a dead-end job! I guess you have to look at it as a learning experience.
It’s good to change sometime and learn something new and prevent burnout. Doesn’t mean you can’t change again.
Perhaps use the extra time to work on something you like that might turn into something more!
I used to work quite a bit, getting my rentals going. Now that they are all set, i have cut back to half days. 12 hours is certainly enough.
Great article Sam! I wrote articles on my iPhone as well! Usually when I am watching tv or the kids are watching a movie I will write out an article. Almost all of my articles are started and most are 70% done on my iPhone.
To be an entrepreneur you have to plan and focus intently on your end goals. That usually gives you the steps and day to day tasks you need to do to reach those goals. Like you mentioned you any work 30 hours a week in the beginning and hope to succeed. It usually takes hard work in the beginning to build a business and then you can hire people to take the work load off. Hiring people also allows expansion more quickly and usually makes more money in the long run.
What you have seen is a “pitiful sight.” The place where it happened is the site.
Hey! I use my iPad to blog :-) it’s a lot more discrete to take to work to use for that purpose.
But I DO really agree with your note about shifting schedules around to avoid lines and traffic. At our last jobs, my husband and I could work basically whenever we wanted (and sometimes from home). We moved for the hub’s career, he asked in the interview about flex time and they said “oh yes, we do that”. He got here and the same person who said that tells him his hours are 8-5. No exceptions. This has been a huge shift for us – we never took lunch breaks before so we’d get off early and have more time to pursue our lives. Now we get up, get ready, head out on our long commute, work, come home, eat, clean up, and go to bed. Flexible work schedules (and short commutes) are necessities for über successful side hustles. Otherwise, you’ll just be burnt out in 3 months.
You’ll have to show me how you do it! Being discreet at work, does that mean you aren’t working in work at work? :)
Breastfeeding mom, so I pump three times a day… Since work doesn’t provide me a laptop, I guess I get to decide what I do during that time ;-)
Hmmmm, maybe deep meditation on the meaning of life and fun new things to do? Brainstorming produces a lot of cool new ideas. Let me know how it goes!
So work a ton of hours to make a lot of money that you don’t use for consumption.
In other words, do all that you can to avoid actually loving life. Sure, you win the dick measuring contest of having a big bank account. I’ll stick with being unproductive time hanging out with my kids, enjoying being able to leave work at 4, and pour myself a fine whiskey when I sit down to enjoy a good movie. Have fun not having fun
Who says people who work hard and produce can’t love life?
The government does make it tempting to just kick back and drink some single malt whiskey and smoke a Cohiba though. So I agree with you.
In the survey, I wonder if they included online video as “TV”?
I think there are people that might respond that they watch “little TV” because they are literally referring to a television device. Perhaps they aren’t considering time spent watching Netflix, YouTube, etc. on their non-TV devices, like phones, laptops, & tablets.
They don’t, which means the situation is even worse.